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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    hi AB ,

    These Boobs are literally annoying aren’t they? I gotta say hell to the NO on the new nodule, but hopefully , if it is anything , it is b9 and harmless in all aspects . Maybe a little scar tissue is all . You are truly missed and even tho you aren't on FB , we always come here when word is out that you have posted . Sorry you have to go down the path a second time , but prayers are definitely going up for a clean bill of health . Look forward to hearing nothing but good news.


    Elem ( elle)

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    biopsy update - its grade 2 cancer with 1mm invasion. sample too small to know what it really is. im leaning towards bilateral mastectomy this time. any thoughts from those of you who have done that appreciated. implants or stay flat? on the bright side, im relieved to have biopsy results and ready to plunge head first into treatment. not as scary this time around...


  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    Totally agree that knowing is so much better than the unknown, but dang - hate that you are having to interrupt your ‘schedule’ for treatment again! That said, same happened to me and I’ll share my thoughts on your questions. First, agreed that bilateral will give you knowledge of the health of both breasts. My other one did have some cancer which wouldn’t have been known for who knows how long. Some peace of mind with that.

    Second, my thoughts on implants. Even though some ppl have issues, and mine are not paragons of classic beauty, I just wanted wearing clothes to feel more normal since there were enough changes happening already. But lots of flatties seem to be very happy so there’s that.

    AB, you are dearly loved and such a valuable part of this group no matter what platform ❤️. As Elem said, we always head here when we get word of you posting.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Not what I was hoping to hear! I'm thankful you have answers and that you are not scared this go around. We are your village! No matter how often you come here someone (probably me) will see it and let everyone else know. As far as reconstruction Bevmomduck nailed it. When I was first diagnosed and wasnt sure what was going to happen my husband firmly said he didn't want me to have implants....not how I felt!!! So go with what you feel... what meets your needs! So much love for you!!!

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Oh no, AB. Not what I was hoping to hear. But you got this girl. You know now how strong you are. I agree with you, if I get a recurrence, they both would be gone. We are here for you. I’ll be checking back more often to make sure you are doing okay. If you want more support, you are always welcome on the Facebook page.

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Glad to hear you are ready to eradicate this new small nodule and found it so early . I am also happy to hear that you feel less apprehensive this time around . I think fear sometimes is our own enemy when dealing with this stuff . Your are loved and supported always and even though it is great to hear from you , wish it wasn’t always to discuss new bc , but then again , its the glue that brought us all together in the first place, for that , I am forever grateful . You ladies ,each and everyone , are so much a part of my life forever . Cabana Girls ! Love and Hugs and smooth sailing going forward ❤️💗

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    AB!  Think of you so often, and am so sorry to hear the news... but so glad you have the info you need to move forward.  And so glad it sounds manageable.  I initially had three lumps removed from my left breast in Dec 2016.  Margins were not clear, and because I had lobular cancer—sneaky bastard that’s is very hard to find—I opted for BMX in Jan 2017 and met all of you!  I opted for implants.  Every once in a blue moon I wonder if I should have kept the right breast.  But mostly I am so relieved.  The implants are fine, not the hard coconut shells I imagined.  And bonus:  if I like I can go braless! 

    Love you girl.  Be in touch if I can help in any way.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Not what I was hoping to hear! I'm thankful you have answers and that you are not scared this go around. We are your village! No matter how often you come here someone (probably me) will see it and let everyone else know. As far as reconstruction Bevmomduck nailed it. When I was first diagnosed and wasnt sure what was going to happen my husband firmly said he didn't want me to have implants....not how I felt!!! So go with what you feel... what meets your needs! So much love for you!!!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    goodness AB!! So sorry to hear you are going through this all again...the waiting game on top of it all is the worst. Will be keeping you n my thoughts and ready to meet at the cabana if needed. Lots of love my friend!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    thank you ladies! I’m going to do bilateral mastectomy with implants and sentinel nodes on March 19. If you can remember way back to 2017 and have any tips or tricks, I’m open for suggestions! You girls will always be my tribe. Love to all and thank you for your kind words of support

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Oh AB, I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through this again! I had a double mastectomy back in 2017 and there are a few tips I can give you:

    I found it easier to sleep in a recliner for about two weeks after the surgery. Mine is an electric one and I still use it to this day. Well worth the investment.

    Get blouses, pijamas, etc that button in the front. You won’t be able to pull anything over your head. Also start looking for bras that zip or snap in the front as well.

    Search on Amazon for a Drain pouch that you can tie around your waist to hold the multiple drains you will no doubt have. Also look for some wipes to freshen yourself up because you won’t be able to bathe for a while. I got some on amazon as well.

    Make sure you have a pillow to pad your chest from the seatbelt on the way home from the hospital and also for follow up appointments.

    Lastly, accept all the help that family and friends offer you. Are you by any chance going to be in South Florida? If you are anywhere close to me I would love to offer my help to you! Please keep us posted my dear sister! :)

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    AB- I posted yesterday and it's gone🤔 sorry you are going through this again! I wish I were closer I would add you to the care list and put you in my rounds!!! I had a lumpectomy but I do have a few things to share. I always wear a camisole. I bought 5 in a larger size so I could step in them and pull them up. I also thought I had all my bases covered but I didnt. I forgot about my hair! I have medium length hair and could pull it up in a pony tail but not with one hand..DH was no help in the hair department. I have never really worn head bands so I didnt have any. So my hair was a greasy mess for a week! My first outing was to the salon for a blow out! Handbands would have made the week a little easier. Will you require chemo this go round? Please keep us posted! Good vibes! Big hugs and much love to you! And All my sisters!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    This a an amazing website! Check out their supplies. I can wear a few of their bras. I also follow them on Instagram.

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Annoyingboob, I went through this same thing in January 2017. They actually sent me home in a camisole that had pockets for the drains . I didn’t have to buy anything special. I went home on a Thursday and I was allowed to shower by Saturday. I’m not going to pretend this is easy. It was not. I ended up having to wait for expanders 8 months later. I made myself look and it quite frankly was awful. But I was brave and I didn’t cry. I got to work doing what needed to be done. You will do the same. I now have 2 breasts that look great and have Vinnie Myers nipples!
    I was lucky, we had just bought an electric bed that elevates before this. A recliner is a must for quite a while. Make sure to do the wall exercises for your arms. And also, it’s not anywhere near as physically painful as I feared . Seriously , no idea why but it’s not painful. At least it wasn’t for me.
    You are strong , you are woman, and you have us. thinking of you on March 19 and love you.
    Please give us your address again so we can send you something fun . 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    thanks 3 bears!

    Luckily I work from home, so I don’t need to look cute or impress anyone. Jammies everyday is the norm🤣🤣🤣. A bit sad that my plan to play tennis everyday has been put on hold, but other than that it’s good to be back in USA and I have a good team of doctors. family is nearby, although I hope the stress doesn’t kill my parents! I’ll be in hospital 1 night, at my parents house for 2 more, and then I’ll go to my house I live alone so I’m stocking up the pantry now I have a recliner chair, but I’m hoping I can stack the bed with tons of pillows I better start doing sit-ups now to strengthen my tummy!

    I’m still kind of undecided about implants, but I’ll get the tissue expanders and figure out that part later. Baby steps. Why did yours take 8 months? I’m off to see my rad onc now. But thank you all for your support. ❤️❤️❤️


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    AB, so good to hear your parents are nearby and you can stay with them a few days! Def some good tips have been mentioned already. I will add that for my recent explant surgery I used a U shaped pregnancy pillow on top of my wedge pillow so I could sleep in my bed, elevated, reclined and bolstered in nice and comfy here's the link to the preg pillow. Here is the wedge pillow. Even though my surgery was back in Nov, I still use these pillows. They are soooo comfy!! My other half and I sleep in separate rooms due to his horrible snoring. He jokes that the U pillow is my substitute for him LOL!! It does take up some room but boy is it nice!! I highly recommend this setup!!

    Another suggestion is to get one of those reacher/grabber thingies. I used mine to transfer laundry from the washer to the dryer among other things.

    Keeping you close in my heart...


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    ahhh - that’s a great idea thank you!!! My washer is huge and you have to practically climb in to retrieve clothes!! I’ll look for a grabber on amazon!!

    Thank you all for the great tips and advice - I’m so lucky to have you in my tribe!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Get the pods to! No lifting the heavy detergent bottles. You probably donr do 4.loads of laundry a day...that's the average around here so I always have been big container. I got pods for after surgery.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    our lives are so different, varga - i could prolly go a month without having to do laundry, lol. but the pods are a great idea. i went to costco today and stocked up - everyone was in a corona virus frenzy, stocking up like the world was about to end. i just want to get this over with - 2 more weeks of waiting is torture!!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    AB- my DH is driving me crazy with the Corona virus! Our girl is one of the high risk people. She has a suppressed immune system and also has diseased airway. (Which is basically due to years of medication that are life saving) he wants to quarantine us already!!! Please not yet! I am one of the crazies stocking up so I dont have to mingle at the big box stores or grocery stores when the shit hits the fan! We only have one confirmed case in NC and its 4 hours away. Theres a big basket ball conference in Asheville this weekend and who knows what that will bring🤦. I was just thinking a few nights ago about how I have never lived alone. I wonder if I would enjoy it? You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Sending good vibes to AZ from NC! Dont forget to wash your hands😁

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    AB, I've been thinking of you. How are you holding up? These are such trying times, my heart is really with you. Think of your upcoming surgery as a new beginning. We are all here for you offering love and support so if you have any questions ask away! The date March 19 happens to be my oldest granddaughter's birthday btw. She turns 11 and I just can't believe it. I couldn't believe it when she turned 10 lol!! I'm gifting her the boxed set of The Chronicles of Narnia. Plenty of reading material to get her through the months ahead.....

    Hug Heather

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    thanks for thinking of me, shore girl! I had delayed surgery til March 19 bc I had a big family reunion this weekend, but with all the coronavirus nonsense, that was cancelled. I could have been practically recovered by now!! 🤣🤣 but isn’t that just how things go. So I’m super eager to get this done with. And I hit Costco prior to all the long lines, so the house is stocked. I’m actually looking forward to a few weeks laying low and recovering. Makes social distancing easy!!!

    I hope all you girls are hanging in there with this virus. Don’t touch people. Stay safe. Hunker down. Blessings to you all ❤️

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Ah good you are all prepared. I have no problem hunkering down as I am a very content homebody. But my other half has ADHD and is a social butterfly so its been tough keeping him in. He owns a business building docks out on the water though so we get out to go look at prospective jobs. My mother is another one I worry about. She has this big beautiful waterfront home and hates to be in it lol! She is on the go every day to various thrift stores and tropical fish stores or just running the roads. But I really wish she would not be so cavalier about it all as she and my stepfather are in their upper 70's.

    I hope all our sisters are staying well and practicing safe social distancing!! Prayers for good health to all! <3

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    AB- sending you love and a virtual hug today! Is everything still a go for tomorrow?

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    its on for tomorrow - please send all your best thoughts my way - noon pst. thank you!!!


  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Best wishes to you today Dear AB , .prayers going out for You .sending lots of positive vibes for a full and swift recovery. 💗😍

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Heal well and rest dear AB!! 💜💐xoxoxo

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    total respect to all you girls who had bmx - that surgery was no joke and recovery much harder than w reduction. But I’m postop day 2 and on Tylenol. Hope to get some range of motion in my arms soon. Still so sore moving around. Haven’t peaked at bandages, but still swollen and ripply with fluid draining like gangbusters.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    AB- I have thought about you so many times! Hope everything went well and you are on the mend. I'll let the girls know you posted! When you her all the results from the BMX let us know. Wishing you the best! Stay safe!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Good to hear from you AB!! You're right, bmx is a huge surgery! Take it super easy. Don't worry about rom too soon. You will get it back. There is a saying on one of the other threads here "just because you can doesn't mean you should". In other words, take it easy and give yourself lots of time to recover.

    There is a lot of healing going on inside and you really need to focus on rest and nourishment. I made the mistake of planting 5 rose bushes 2 weeks after getting implants swapped out. Set my recovery back another week. So even though you may feel great, please follow your doc's advice on restrictions. It is impressive that you are just on Tylenol at this point! I had to spend 4 nights in the hospital after bmx because they couldn't get my pain under control. I honestly think it was due to the tissue expanders though.

    I hope you continue to improve day by day and above all stay healthy and safe snuggled up at home. Please keep us posted and check back in when you are feeling up to it.

    Heart Shoregirl