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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Thank you all for all the input with this sinus issue (or whatever the heck it is) I'm having. I do not want to wait another day. I want this ONE AND DONE! Is that to much to ask????

    LisabeKind and Bevmomduck, I'm an Asheville girl! So we are not far from each other either.

    DCISinAZ, I'm 51 and have 5 (almost 6) grandchildren. I still can't believe it! I wanted 6 kids and my husband said no way! We had 2 girls who swore they were never having children. Looks like I'm getting my 6 after all ;o).

    Lamamama, welcome to the group. I haven't had surgery it is coming in 9 days. (About to get real!) So many of the ladies in this group are a highway of information. They make it so easy to understand and at least one of them can personally relate to whatever you might need. I love these girls and they have accepted every whine ounce of me!

    Starting to flurry here if I'm going to the weekend clinic I had better get going.Hug

  • DaniCalifornia
    DaniCalifornia Member Posts: 45

    Lisabekind, I had a lumpectomy on the 24th and took my pain meds for two days after. I'm still getting bouts of dizziness. I think it's just the anesthesia and drugs leaving our body.

    Welcome Lamamama!


  • PickleJar
    PickleJar Member Posts: 1

    hi everyone :)

    Just found this community board! First post. I can see this being more addictive than Facebook.😬

    Had my bilateral mastectomy on Thursday January 19th (which was also Theophany for those in the Russian Orthodox Church! Anyone, anyone?☺️)

    Chose No reconstruction, and healing is going well. Still have the drains now 10 days later, follow up appt tomorrow to possibly remove them and also will find out pathology report details :) All I know so far is that margins were clean and there were 3 nodes positive on the right.

    I see many people have had chemo before surgery, I wonder why my Dr did not do this as he did say the tumor was quite large.

    I am a relatively new mother, my baby is just 4 months old yesterday. At diagnosis was advised tocold-turkey stop breastfeeding - I think that pain was worse than mastectomy recovery!!

  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    pyrrh; the shit fairy is the one who comes in the night to mess with your head. The poop 💩 fairy is one who takes her sweet time to visit after surgery and opiates. We all celebrate her arrival when she comes. I have been taking notes and although I am very familiar with the shit fairy, I hope the 💩fairy will be kind to me!

    lisabekind; last year I had lumpectomies at Matthews CMC but for BMX I will go to Presby Main. I feel very comfortable with my cancer surgeon(old friends by now) and ps in Charlotte. There are great resources if you decided to go to the Research Triangle for a 2nd opinion.

    For a while I was working under the assumption (planted by my oncologist) that after BMX I would BE FINISHED for good. After hearing everyone's stories playing out in real time, I now know that the real answer comes from the path, which means more waiting, which is supposed to make us stronger, right ?

    I keep coming back to that quote, and I've got to scroll back to find out which one of you posted it.

    "It's ok to be scared. It means you are about to do something very, very brave"

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    It took about 5 days to get the medicines out of my system and that by far was the worst part of the whole surgery.

    I joined a gym today. Too cold to get out and walk and my exercise has always been working my horses which I am not allowed to do for another month. I feel better if I get out and walk. I did1.4 miles on the treadmill. Not too back for a week and a half out from surgery.

  • Elem: arm raising after mastectomy has a lot to with the kind of flap they create during surgery and surgeon preference. I actually had no restrictions post surgery, but still can't raise my arm up much past 90 degrees. I think once I get this last drain out I might do better - I think it's coiled in my armpit!!!! I'm not supposed to go until Friday, but I'm down to under 30cc q24 hours, and I hope I can get it pulled early. He actually may start taking some staples out Friday which would be nice. I still have a lot of numbness and underarm pain, which was the part I wasn't prepared for. I know everyone is different, but I was surprised at how this hung on. Best advice is just listen to your body!

  • lisabekind
    lisabekind Member Posts: 55

    ajbclan, I raised mine the day after surgery. I was not told not too. I'm having soreness around my shoulders. The Dr did emphasize shoulder stiffness, so I've been moving them around. I'm a little sore middle of back, left side. That may be due to the hospital stay. I was getting on and off of the bed myself to go to the bathroom, I'd call the nurses, but no show.

    All in all not that bad. Not having strength in my arms, stinks. That should come in time.

    I'll be thinking of you Tuesday

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    pickle jar- bmx with a 4 mo old!!! Wow - amazing! There is another new girl here dyell who has a 9 week old and a 2yo, so maybe the two of you can swap tips on how to juggle everything!! Good luck girls!!

    I just told my family about everything that's been going on. They were a little sad I didn't let them in from the getgo, but once I explained how it's just stressful waiting, I think they were ok with just getting the condensed version. I even showed my dad my boob, lol. That's how little I care now! Pick a number, stand in line and I'll show you my boobs!!

    So big sigh of relief from my end, but I still hope they don't worry about me and get themselves sick.

    Enjoy the last few hours of your weekend, ladies, and see you at the cabanas soon! I'll be drinking margaritas all this week.


  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    ajbclan: So glad you're finally cleared to go! After my BMX, I couldn't put my arms straight up above my head for 3 weeks. I have pre-pectoral tissue expanders, not sure what the norm is if your TEs/implants are going to be under the pectoral muscle.

    I had a "normal" day yesterday. We had a couple of couples over, one of the gals is a 10 year BC survivor. This is in no way normal, but we compared BC scars & reconstruction. It was encouraging to see how much her scars had faded over 10 years...very very faint at this point. Lots of laughs & an overall good time. It was refreshing to get out of my own head for a while! going to go to work for a few hours tomorrow afternoon so we'll see how that goes.

    I also showed hubby the foobs for the first time yesterday, believe it or not. I guess I was feeling courageous after showing my girlfriend. My reluctance to do so before then was my issue, like 3 bears has said, I think, feeling like I was a misfit toy or something. I certainly wasn't worried about his reaction or anything, I know he loves me but maybe it was just another step I had to take to make it more real. He was wonderful & so supportive, and I'm relieved now that that's over with.

    A-Boob: You must be relieved now that your parents know. Save me a margarita! Now I don't care who sees my foobs either. Better get a grip on that before I go to work tomorrow afternoon LOL!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    DCISinAZ, just learned to play Mexican train dominoes with my mother in law last spring! So fun! She lives in FL and my hubby isn't a huge game person unless my family begs him so hoping to get to FL this spring for dominoes! We send to do game nights a lot here in AZ with my mom and sister and all the kiddos but haven't had one in a long time...I should plan one of those after my radiation tx.

    Welcome lamamama! You found the right place for lots of love and support and some of us may be looking for you to share on chemo. So sorry to hear about the infection and hope those antibiotics work quick for you.

    Sounds like many have the yucky cold bug going around! Mine started last Sunday but as of last night I think it's almost over. I still don't shave my voice back entirely but that is better too. Dose up on your weapon choice!

    I just got home from spending the afternoon with my mom and it was so nice. The weather here is just gorgeous today and it felt good to be outside.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of Sunday

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    oh and save a margarita for me too!! Did I sense we may be seeing real boob pics here soon? 😂 Just kidding but I know I whipped mine out for my mom to see how well it's healing!!

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Lisabekind--I needed narcotics for 12 days. The only reason I got off them then is because I wanted normal bowl function. The real question isn't how long until you're allowed to put your hands above your head but how long until you're able. I had bmx Jan 10. My right arm can go up pretty good but I need to do my stretches and exercises. My left where they took 14 nodes, it's going to be quite a lot of stretching and work to get that to do what my right arm can do. I can't even put a coat on without help yet. It all just takes time patience and determination I think. As for dizziness, that was only in the hospital really, like the first 30 hrs after surgery.

    Abjclan-- thinking and praying for you tomoro

  • jinmo
    jinmo Member Posts: 55

    All right, vicwytch, goingon75 and Shelly, you are next. Just do your best, try to be as calm as you can.

    And we have new people, sorry but glad to see you here. LamaMama, you look awesome in your avatar. PickleJar, I have BMX no recon too, glad you are healing well and hurray for drains coming out soon!

    On the arm thing that you guys were discussing, they told me to start stretching mine up right away (the walk your fingers up the wall exercise) however far I could, but I was forbidden to do any weight bearing above 90 degrees even with the tiny 1 lb weights until after the first week. I have no recon though so may be different for each of us. Right now my non node arm can walk up the wall to about 160 degrees, maybe more depending on the angle I'm standing to the wall, and the node biopsy arm a bit less. Definitely not holding them straight up overhead yet.

    Things going well here, I finally really truly looked at myself in the mirror today, and it's not so bad. I can handle it. At least, I can handle it once we get all the nasty tape goobers off me.

    I did not know until just a couple of days ago that the Dermabond the surgeon used is kind of purple. My husband mentioned it by chance when we were talking about the incisions. He didn't realize that I didn't know, and I never thought to ask. In all my cringing, scared little glances that I was doing before then, I thought that purple stuff across my chest was bruising or scarring or stitching or I don't know what. So knowing that color was not part of the incisions is part of what gave me the courage to stand up in front of the mirror and look.

    The other thing I asked him for was to look at my underarms while I was doing the wall walking (gotta love that, right, a man who will come and stare at your armpits upon request), because I was afraid that I might be doing something bad to the end of my incisions. But he said that no, the incision was not pulling or opening at all. So anyway, TMI, maybe, but my point is that if you have a willing loved one or friend, have them look, really look at what you're doing if you're scaring yourself while stretching. You may be able to get some reassurance that you're not breaking stuff that shouldn't be broken, to give you strength to try for just a little further up the wall.

    Take care of yourselves and only cancer-butt-kicking fairies for your sleep tonight.

  • jinmo
    jinmo Member Posts: 55

    Arg, I forgot abjclan! Good luck to you too!

  • beachbabyk
    beachbabyk Member Posts: 148

    Count me in on the Mexican train game! Can we play online? Margaritas come with the game, right?

    Aboob- Always a good thing when you are able to share some of your burden with your loved ones! It just sucks having to so the actual sharing! Worst part of the entire diagnosis for me was telling me kids!

    Cowboy-up and all of you ladies that have been exercising...Good for you!I need to get back on that horse. I really stopped being active during chemo (which I do not recommend) but there was a lot of unknowns and anxious hesitations. Also once I lost my hair I didn't much feel like going out in public very often. For those of you ladies that have to go through continued treatment, keep moving as much as you are able!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    welcome pickleJar!

    Pugsmama, so glad you got to have a fun normal day.

    Best of luck to our Jan30 ladies! Enjoy your cabana time and look forward to hearing from you when you are up to it. We will be thinking of you!

    I can't believe we are at the end of January. All the brave ladies I've come to adore are almost on the other side of one giant step in this process. We will continue to cheer on the February warriors and walk with eachother through the next steps. I was telling my mom all about you ladies today. I know we all say it a lot truly I don't know how I would have gotten through this last month without you all. Just thank you to each and every woman who has shared so open and honestly even having poop prayers for one another!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    pyrrh, please do let us know about catheter placement..I know there are a few of us coming up on that so if you get a chance to share, that would be wonderful. Best of luck.

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    For sure, lady. 8:15 (central) is the time, with two treatments scheduled at 9:30 and later at 3:30.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks for the arm feedback! I agree with Beachbaby- my back was trying to go out yesterday- I know it's from no core muscles! I tried to get out during chemo, but could have done better, then the blood clot swollen arm I had knocked me out for a couple of weeks. So I'm going into surgery with flab lol. Maybe the PS will want to use some.

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    Warm breezes, cool cabanas, and hot cabana boys to all of you tomorrow!

    Hoping all your surgeries are "textbook" as my husband would say. I have never been so thankful that my husband is a doctor until I have had to go through all of this. It is priceless to have him be able to navigate all the mumbo jumbo and sift through the studies to help me figure out what the best treatment path for me is. Almost makes the 25+ years of barely seeing him and icky, yucky christmases/holidays with him on call worth it! Plus, I can say "hey, can you look at this and tell me if it's normal". Nice for an anxiety-prone person like me!

    I didn't really get a lot of direction on how much I'm allowed to move my arm post mx/snl biopsy. I have appointments tomorrow with both my ps and bs (woo hoo - such an exciting life), so hoping I get some more info on recovery stuff. I have been pretty lucky so far about my armpit where my node biopsy was. The only thing I seem to have trouble with is my implants feel like every so often they're like those compression things they put on your legs durIng/after surgery. Like they're being pumped up and then release half hour later. Assuming that's just pec muscle spasms but I will definitely be asking about that! So weird. At my last appt (first post op follow up) I really was only thinking about when I would get my path so I could care less about how the boobs looked! Now I am a little more curious about some of that stuff.

    Online games sound fun! Wonder if there is a site we can play them as a group whoever is available at the time. I love to play games!

    Fightingirl - are you having your radiation on my side of town? Would love to meet up for coffee or something! Maybe the other AZ gal (can't remember who that was) would be interested too. Once I get my driving privileges reinstated (dumb drains!!) maybe we can get something on the calendar. I can come over there, too since I think you said she is from that side, too? I can bring the Mexican train dominoes

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    DCISinAZ, I would love that!! LisbethS is the other Arizonan. I'm getting my catheter implanted at the Virginia g piper center but I'll be all drugged up that day. My actual treatments are closer to home. I'm at lake pleasant and happy valley area? I gre up here so pretty familiar with PV... my step sister went to Shadow Mountain HS.Let's for sure try to get something on the calendar and I'll ask Lisbeth too!

    Yes!! Online games sounds fun. I used to play word games on a app with my sister and niece (kind of like the game boggle) can't remember what the app was called. I'll ask her but it might be ruzzle??? Anyways, I'm sure there are tons more.

    Who else likes games?

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    I love games!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    wanh - so jealous - I wanna come play too!! maybe after all this is done, ill make a road trip to meetup with you ladies - I have some other friends in az ive been promising to visit for ages!! ROADTRIP!! my little puppup loves adventure, and im sure she'd have fun wrestling with fightingirl's boston!! will have to plan it before the summer heat, for sure!

    cheers to you ladies getting a little 'normal' on - dinner parties, games, hockey - whatever it takes - a wee reminder that you are still a vibrant being with life beyond this disease and this forum. its the one benefit of not telling friends - normal conversations that don't revolve around cancer or 'that look' or the meaningful 'how are you's. although, I do love the story of pugsmama showing scars to her friend. cant wait til tomorrow when you tell us you walked into work and flashed everyone your foobs - 'im baaaaack'!!!! hahaha

    there are endless pitchers of ice cold margs at the cabana waiting for everyone. I feel a cold headache coming on from sucking them down too fast!!!!

  • laastra
    laastra Member Posts: 34

    I wanted to share - I've been slacking off my art practice ever since I was diagnosed..been distracted. But I've started to sketch again annd I used your pet pictures for reference! I only did 4 so far but I want to get to more of them this week. I think this is the last week I'm gonna take off so I'll have some time and I'm healing well and feeling more motivated. Although now I have some different pain in my non-surgical arm, which is weird, lol. Going to find out my oncotype results this week hopefully. Thanks for sharing your sweetie pups and kitties everybody.


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    ahhhhhh - how good are those!!! you are so talented laastra!! im in a bunch of frenchie fb groups and people pay a lot of money for portraits like that - you could start a business!!!

  • vicwytch
    vicwytch Member Posts: 18

    Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow, everyone! Can't wait to be on the other side of it.

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    Ok ladies - I took something to help me relax and I'm just going to use my recovery time to go back and read through the posts. Just know how very much I appreciate your support. I seriously do not know how I would have managed without this site. From finding out I have BC on 1/4 to going in form my BMX tomorrow - you all are a light of sunshine in an otherwise very dark time. I am more at ease with you all than my own family.

    Was very tearful tonight as my 12 year old left to stay with her dad. I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 and I didn't want her to have to go through that - or see me scared. I bought her an Alex and Ani daughter bracelet and told her tomorrow I would be with her all day. It was hard but she's a strong girl so I know she will be ok. Called my son at college and yet another tough call for me.

    I was honored at a dinner last evening for my work that I do (in my non BC life) and had a wonderful conversation with a gentleman whose wife has been fighting gastric cancer (don't recall the type). He's very close to the Carters - as in President Carter - and I am a big fan. We discussed my diagnosis and today he let me know that he told President Carter about me and he wanted to relay I'm in his prayers. I don't care what your political affiliation, President Carter is a compassion, generous, and man of grace that I could only be so lucky to know. It really made me feel so good to get that message - so I'm extending his prayers by proxy to all of you.

    On that - I've taken the acid wash, which I will do again tomorrow, packed my bag, got my playlist and knocked back my happy pills. So with that...good evening lovelies. To all the newbies, welcome and I look forward as we tread this path together. None want to be here but if we have to be, the ladies are the absolute best.

    See you at the cabanas

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    don't recall who asked but here's the quote


  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    You are very talented Laastra. Sounds like a great way to keep your mind busy

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Best of luck Shelleybeans tomorrow. We will be thinking about you.