Stage IV MBC Fitness



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    I am lacking in motivation to do a long walk so doing a bunch of short walks. I am basically doing a song and going at a walking pace of 3.3 mph which is faster than my normal 2.5 mph. Even 2.5 gets my heart rate up but these spurts of 3.0 or more are good for maintaining my energy.

    I have also decided that when I actually start trying for the 10000 steps a day I will take a picture of my step counter and upload here. I am not online with any groups but figure that is a good way to stay honest as more of an inspiration for myself

  • lizo1
    lizo1 Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2019

    It's been a while since I've posted but Liz is doing well and did a 1km walk at the Run for the Cure in Toronto a couple of weeks ago. She is still swimming, doing pilates and finally got out for a late season paddle with the great help of a friend who brought an extra kayak (I had some difficulty getting her own kayak out of storage...)


  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited October 2019

    hey lizo! Looking good out there!!! That looks so fun and beautiful!

    mara I love your plan of action with short walks. Moving is moving, and it all adds up to the same thing at the end of the day! Did you say you are singing a song when you walk?

    Momchichi and Mae thank you for the info - I’ll check it out.

    I am headed to the gala tonight! They are going to show my video and asked me to speak afterwards. Eek!! 😬😬😬 trying to not get nervous! Trying to figure out what to wear! I’ll post pics. I’ve gained a lot of weight recently (I believe it’s the combo of the meds - lexapro, Lupron - and I’m feeling a little plump! Trying not to feel self conscious or even care and remember to be happy I am alive!!! I am normally 125 and now I’m 143. It’s not a lot but I can see it. Ahhhhh our bodies!

    I’m sore from pickleball yesterday!!! Ouch! And sorry to whine but I have a headache and also a painful mouth sore right on my left tonsil 😭 I could curl into bed...but gala here I come..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    Love from Philly, I do sometimes find myself singing to my music. I feel so bad for anybody passing by my door. I have a terrible voice and cannot hear myself when earbuds are in. I find it enjoyable myself though. I will say I do try to just lip sync to myself but it does not always work, ha ha. So excited for you and getting to speak at the gala. Will be in your gala. You will be energized when you go.

    Lizo, that kayak looks very refreshing. Today was a nice day all around.

  • dghoff
    dghoff Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2019

    I finally got in some major hiking after a bit of a lull. My son had two days off from school so our family took a long weekend up at a friend’s cabin up by Lake Superior. I had 17000 steps on Thursday, 22,000 on Friday and 23,000 on Saturday! Lots of hiking in the woods and admiring the fall colors.

    Good to see you all out and moving. Andi- so glad to hear you get to have your port out. I had mine taken out a year ago even though I’m still getting infusions every three weeks, but it was so worth it

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited October 2019

    I abandoned the house renovation project for a few hours this weekend to go hiking. It was sunny and beautiful and I walked 3+ miles. Love the kayak photo Liz!

    DG- your hikes sound wonderful!

    Philly-Did you love the gala???


  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited October 2019
    good morning everyone!

    I am at my monthly onco appt. My mother is with me. She's incredibly chipper in the morning and I am not! Lol. She is super amped up here sitting next to me. I keep putting my hand on her shoulder to try and zen her out hahaha. So far it's not working. She's just a serious extrovert and is at her best in the a.m. she gets incredibly chatty with my MO and I have to kinda control the appt by making sure they don't get too distracted chatting it up while I'm sitting there wondering about ME!!! Trying to embrace the joys of it all and see it as cute and funny and endearing :)

    the gala was fantastic! It was at an absolutely beautiful museum and they were trying to raise over $40K in the evening from the donors and philanthropists in the room, for this site. I was truly honored to be a part of it and try and be a part of the fundraising.

    I uploaded the not so great video of my speech to YouTube if anyone would like to hear/see it. I was a little nervous up there but it was an honor!

    I have gotten to meet so many of the people who work for and they are ALL so lovely and smart and kind and caring!! I also have gotten to meet the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Weiss, who started this organization! She's a survivor and a breast cancer oncology doctor! She's amazing!! I feel very very lucky!! If I ever switch oncologists, I will def start going to her!!

    prob no exercise for me today because getting shots and they make me loooopy!
  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    Philly, I would love to be more amped up in the morning. I'm pretty dopey.

    The gala sounds like a wonderful time for a good cause. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

    I am sitting on the couch recovering from a walk to the grocery store. I only got a couple of things but they were heavy. I did use a knapsack so it wasn't as difficult as usual. Got 7500 steps between the trip to the grocery store and home. I always feel better after so I do try to push myself more. It is more difficult to walk outside than on a treadmill but I am committed to at least getting out a couple times a week. Running an errand is an easy way for me to get some steps in.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    So, I am feeling clever with myself. I have no problem with walking to the grocery store but struggle bringing the milk. Going to save the milk carton and fill with water. Going to put it in my knapsack and train on the treadmill so that it will not be such a struggle to get it home.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited October 2019

    Mara very clever!! I love that plan. A gallon of anything is insanely heavy!! I’m impressed!

    hows everybody doing?

    Proud of self cause I made it to gym yesterday and today! Feeling some soreness in my back. Trying to use foam roller and other tools to roll out tight muscles.

    I made it to cardio kickboxing and also tai fit and abs today.

    I have this weird thing happen when I try to do crunches:..been happening as long as I can remember...something twists muscularily in my left rib cage/diaphragm area and it is soooo painfull. Like an insane Charlie horse. I have to basically roll around of the mat and go into cobra pose to get it to stop spasming. I have no idea why this happens to me and it’s not cancer-related as I said it’s been happening for a long long time.

    My CT scan shows some sort of herniation of my stomach, and I wonder if this has anything to do with it

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    Love from Philly, I get the same spasms in the same place. It is painful. If I am bent over, it starts. I find standing helpful. The cause of mine was my mastectomy. If I cant stand, I try expanding the muscles. Big breath in and push the belly out. May take a minute but will stop it.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited October 2019

    Hi Mara,

    Oh really? you get the same thing?? I really have no idea why I do!

    The only other possibility other than the herniated stomach (which is new according to CT scans and I blame Ibrance?!!) is that when I was about 12 years old, I was in gymnastics and I was showing off in gym class at elementary school. I attempted a back-hand-spring and landed on my head and completely knocked the wind out of me. It was incredibly frightening and I never told anyone about it - I probably should have gone to see a doctor. No one seemed terribly concerned. In my brain, I have always connected these two things. But who the heck knows! I haven't had any breast surgeries.

    Thank you for the breathe work tip! I will try it next time and report back! I am always sore in the area (like today) after it goes into cramping/spasm. It is as if the tissue is not strong in this area and completely freaks out with the smallest encouragement.

    One other thing that I found interesting - I read recently that if one has GERD or acid reflux or a stomach hiatal hernia (which I do, based on my CT scans and also I can feel it at times) and believe it is due to Ibrance or who knows maybe its been there longer, it says to avoid crunches/sit-ups as these can worsen the symptoms and irritate the upper GI tract. Hence, I do a few sit-ups and side-push/pull type ab work and mostly forearm planks to work on my core. Another great reason to avoid the spasm! I just got too excited yesterday and thought I could manage a crunch or two...but I was sadly proven wrong :(

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    Philly, no problem. I spasm other places too. Under my forearm which painfully contracts my hand. I am used to now. I get plenty of magnesium so I know it isn't that. I figure it is simply aging now. Being tired exacerbates it too. Water is what helps me. Exercise too.

    Some walking today for my bus. Having Herceptin today.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    Philly, I don't even crunch. Still hold muscles in. My mom drilled that into me growing up, Suck in your gut!

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited October 2019

    hahahahaha Mara!

    I walked to the cookie store today and got myself a chocolate chip tahini cookie! Yum! Rewards!!! 🍪 :)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    That sounds really good. Glad you enjoyed it.

  • Andi67
    Andi67 Member Posts: 314
    edited October 2019

    Philly- I loved your presentation! You looked beautiful - not plump at all! And a power poster....I didn't know there was such a thing! Thank you for representing all of us on so well and for being our voice! You nailed it!

    As usual, last weekend I did yoga, ran 5 miles and hiked 8.... and nothing all week. I just cannot motivate myself after working all day. I need to try lunchtime walks.

    And... guess what.... was scheduled to get my port out on Tuesday for the second time, freaked out AGAIN and just blew the appointment off. I was up all night worrying about it and then could NOT go. I am somehow convinced that if I get this port out, my cancer is going to come running back. Had scans yesterday and all clear. I am going to try again - we are going to Hawaii for Thanksgiving and I would love to be port free and not self conscious as I usually am...….. it's like the safely blanket that I need to let go of. Strange, because I have never felt this way about anything. My mom used to say that I sat of on a block of ice when I was little because I had no blanket, binky, thumb, doll, etc... and announced at age 3 that I was ready for my own apartment.... I am on husband number two, and yet I cannot part with this piece of plastic in my arm.

    Thanks for listening! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Loved the pictures, by the way! Kayaking looked wonderful, as did the fall colors.



  • Momchichi
    Momchichi Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2019

    Great job at your gala, Philly! Thanks for sharing your speech. And my mom is the SAME at my appointments, just chatting it up with everyone so much that I have to interrupt and remind them I’m still there, lol.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited October 2019

    So today I am doing 3 to 5 minute walks on the treadmill at a very brisk pace. Taking one to two minutes off in between. Feel like this is the best way to get to my step goal. Not feeling like doing long walks. Did 20 minutes for the first walk and that felt like an eternity. Also doing a 2lb hand weight to work arms here and there as well. I am notorious for not getting arms done so figure if I am holding one hand to the treadmill, I can get it done. I have to hold on when on a treadmill as my balance was always bad and cancer treatment has not improved it any. I may also ride my bike, though admit it is kept as a memento of a kindness from my mother's best friend when my old bike died.

  • Andi67
    Andi67 Member Posts: 314
    edited November 2019

    This thread is so quiet again! Where is everybody? Mara - I have balance issues on the treadmill, too. I have neuropathy from chemo and I really notice it on the treadmill and when I am trying to do balance poses in Yoga. I am sure everyone in yoga wonders why I constantly fall over! That is why I really prefer running and walking outside.... I can't run on the treadmill without grabbing on to the railings every few seconds, and I feel very unsteady and nervous!

    I was in California last weekend and enjoyed a nice 5 mile run on the beach and an 8 mile hike on Sunday. It was wonderful - sunny and beautiful and warm. On Monday I could barely move.... I still have a hard time recovering from "that much" exercise. I have been better about my steps this week - I think today is the only day I didn't get 10K in. I'm going to run tomorrow and yoga Sunday! That's my plan, anyway.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,745
    edited November 2019

    Hi all, I’ve been traveling and busy with appointments, so not gym this week but I am doing the MD Anderson boot walk as part of the Stage IV team tomorrow. It’s only 1.2 miles but should be a nice walk around the medical center part of town.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2019

    I am still here Andi. Just posting on other threads. I still am walking to songs as this is what I prefer.

    I did have a good workout setting up a portable dryer in my apartment. It is a cute panda 2.6 cu. ft portable dryer with a vent as well. It was a struggle getting it out of all the packaging and set up. Once that was done, I gave myself 2 days to get the packaging out to the garbage. Still have my closet to go through but not in a hurry for that. So happy to have fluffy towels again. Good exercise all around.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2019

    Hello my friends!

    Andi - thanks for bringing this thread back to life :)

    I have been slacking off since Sunday - when I did a high octane Zumba class. Here is my instructor Jose on the left...

    Give it a try and see how you do!! It kicks my A@S!!! 60 minutes of dancing then I feel like I am good the rest of the week LOL JK! But seriously, work has been really busy this week and it is physically intensive on my I feel like that counts for something? Last week I did so well at my cardiokickboxing and taifit and abs classes. It is like week to week I am either going strong or not at all. Hard to stay in rhythm! I am hoping that next week I am able to bring myself back on track.

    I am working tomorrow and so I will hopefully make it to Zumba again on Sunday (one week later) and get back into gear for the week ahead with my other workouts/classes. I am all over the place!

    Go everyone with their workouts! Mae a 1.2 mile walk is awesome!!! As is singing on the treadmill Mara! And Andi - you are reminding me that I need to get to yoga again. My body IS killing me very honestly. I am always sore and always in pain. It is like the only that keeps me going is getting my booty up out of my bed and to a class at the gym. This last Sunday at Zumba my brain was mush about halfway through and for the remaining 30 minutes I was barely flopping around on the floor like a dying fish out of water. It was not a pretty site. The energy and the fatigue are real.

    You folks are TRULY in my head when I make it to some type of workout. I think of you. You help inspire me to keep going! Thank you and please continue to share!!!!

    love and hugs,


  • Momchichi
    Momchichi Member Posts: 98
    edited November 2019

    hello fitness friends,

    Walked 5 miles this a.m. with my walk/run club which has dwindled significantly due to the cold weather. I was bundled up too much and felt like the little boy in the Christmas story movie who can’t put his arms down, lol! Couldn’t get a good pace going with all those layers on. Great Zumba video, philly - my kids burned plenty of calories laughing at me attempting just the first few minutes of it

    I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2019

    I have not had the courage to go walking in the snow here yet. It will be just housework and walking today I think. Still doing my first thing in the morning couch potato bit and then I will get moving. Might throw in a chair workout to loosen arms a bit. I like Paul Eugene on youtube. Although I walk just fine, I used to do this with my mother when she was still with us. We both enjoyed him and it really does loosen arms and back quite a bit. That's about it for me.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,745
    edited November 2019

    Boot walk pics 😁


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2019

    Great job Mae.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2019

    yay Mae!! Cheering for you for so many reasons! I tried to post before but my phone was being glitchy. Congrats on your happy scan news! Whew! Another break from worrying and anxiety! Hooray!!!

    Hope everyone’s doing well?

    I have been swamped with work and life activities so much to the point that I totally missed exercising last week. I have to allow myself time to exercise because it helps soooo much! Also, I think I’m putting on lots of weight from the hormonal meds and it’s kinda depressing me 😢 but hey things could be worse, right??

    I made it to the gym today and it felt really good. Now I feel like I need a nap 😂 one of my besties came with me and secretly filmed me during my cardio kickboxing class...gonna try and insert the vid! (Okay had to upload to YouTube so I could share...).

    hope everyone is feeling as well as can be! The days are getting shorter and the light is less...makes me a little sleepy and slow...xoxox

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555
    edited November 2019

    what weight you talking about , Love?!

    Don't be ridiculous ! Heart

  • dghoff
    dghoff Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2019

    I go in spurts with exercise. I got a three mile walk in on Saturday and an hour of power yoga on Sunday.. it’s soooo cold here already that I’m having trouble getting the will to go out in the evening for walks, but I’m at least making sure to start every morning with 10 minutes of yoga. Better than nothing, right