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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Dutchiris- thank you for posting. I am glad the pain is under control. These types of decisions can never be easy.

    Tanya- I am right there with you fighting a miserable cold. I don't have a fever and tested negative for covid. Mine is mostly in my chest with cough. No cough medication on shelves anywhere! Plastering myself with Vicks vaporizer and taking Tylenol Cold and Flu.

    Waving hello to all!

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 795

    Good morning, all - I am coming out of lurking...

    DutchIris, thank you for checking in. I remember you well and like Emac said, you along with Candy and DivineMrsM are a few members that were so helpful to me in the first few months of stage IV reality. I remember your avatar from back then was either a dance pose or yoga pose and I also love irises. I am thankful that your pain is being controlled well now and don't have to use up all your energy on appts and scans. I join all in Mel's living room in sending you love, prayers and comfort.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    LivingIVlife - this cold is a whopper, I got it about two weeks ago and its only just now subsiding, though I think it gave me a secondary sinus infection. I was holding out on the anti-biotics for a few days and then woke up this morning feeling worse so finally said screw this and took some this evening. Ill have to call it in tomorrow and hold lynparza for a few days but whatever, I dont want to waste any more time trying to get over this thing!

    Dutchiris - thank you for taking the time to check in and let us all know how you are doing. Im sorry that you have advanced to hospice, but if its controlling your pain and you are able to have some life quality, then that matters a lot too. Take care of yourself and keep in touch if you have the time and mental space to do so.

    Cold February day here today, though I went to crochet class and that was nice to meet new people and maybe join a weekly stitch n bitch in a few weeks. And I did five minutes on the bike yesterday with my cranky leg so Im hoping this mess is starting to turn a corner. Vegetables are hard to find and now supposedly coffee is going to be the next scarcity. Im sorry, didn't realize we'd gone back to the war!

    Late winter is always tough times, so I hope everyone minds their mental health, especially given some of the recent news on here.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Well, my lazy day just got interesting. There’s are fire several miles away, mostly obscured by a dust storm due to very high winds. Fortunately, winds are blowing away from us, which explains why I didn’t smell it (I’ve got a nose for fire). Some red is fire and some are emergency vehicles. DH is trying to tune in to the emergency radio chat, I’ll be checking the view periodically.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Damn! Stay safe please. Very cool view though

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Mae, yes, stay safe.

    Tanya and others who aren’t feeling well, I hope you kick your colds soon.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    We’ll be safe. I’ve lived near much closer fires in Southern California and I did not enjoy it at all. Rough night for the firefighters though, the winds are making it difficult. I’ll update tomorrow.

    Goodnight friends

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    feel better ladies. Snuggle up with your favorite blanket and know you’re being thought of.

    Candy~ 💝 love seeing your name more often. Love to you sister. Mara~ 💐

    Whoever mentioned Divine mrs M. She was also one of the names I remember as being comforting. thank goodness she seems to be doing well.
    Lita was the bulldog filled with information. Zarkova~ strong and never gave up. Researched anything she could. Precious patty who wouldn’t hurt a fly. So many lost.

    You’re all important and I hope you know that.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good late night ladies

    I rested all day. I feel a lot better but still not good. Actually I feel weak. I got covid and flu tests both were negative. I went to PC bc I had a fever. I’m on an extra 3 days off from my Ibrance. I’ll get counts checked before I resume meds.

    Mae that fire looks close but I know you know how to determine where it is. Stay safe.

    Thanks for all the get wells. It’s nice to see everyone

    For everyone sick and going through something I am thankful we’re able to drop it here in the living room where we have all the problems of all the ordinary folks and this disease.


  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Good Morning ladies, Been reading along and was thinking let's start the week with some happy thoughts. Here is a pic of where we spend lots of time in the summer. It's a beautiful peaceful spot on the Elk River in Maryland. We rent it for the summer and keep our boat at the marina in the picture. My goal each year is to get back for the next season. Happy to be close to my goal this season!

    Always thinking and praying for everyone here. I wish everyone good health and safety for the week. Hugs to all.


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    good morning

    Cookie that view is stunning thanks for sharing.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    cookie~ that’s lovely. I love being around water. It’s calming. I could handle waking up to that. It would be my wake up place my coffee ☕️ oasis. I’d spend alot if time peaceful. Which we all need.

    Tanya~ keep feeling better please. Maybe it’s the damn flu. Keep hydrated please.

    Mae~ wow again and the fire. Update please?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    According to the fire department Facebook page, crews are still working on it this morning but I can only see a little smoke out there now. It might burn some of a local ranch but it’s not close to a populated area.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Good morning from the west coast!

    Mae - I cringe when I see fire. We've been hit hard in southern Oregon the last several years. I'm in a valley and even when the fires aren't super close the smoke gets stuck here. Locals call it "smoke season" and we all get nervous. I'm glad the winds are moving away from you.

    Cookie - that is a beautiful place! I agree with Mel, I'd make that my morning coffee routine.

    SondraF- I heard about the shortages there! That's scary! You're right, very war era like. I hope that resolves soon. We are still fighting high egg prices here but I haven't noticed any shortages outside of maybe a brand or two. Groceries just seem to cost a lot across the board.

    Hope all is well and those of you fighting illness recover soon. Knock on wood I have escaped the cold bugs thus far. We're having a mild winter for the most part. Missed all the California snow and Portland snow entirely. This week is supposed to be darker and colder so I picked up some partial shifts at work to stay inside and warm. I have labs coming up on the 9th and scans on the 16th. Crossing my fingers. I've had some surprise weight loss and more noticeable fatigue but nothing else that makes me overly suspicious.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Hi All,

    I’ve been quiet on the thread as I seem to have had multiple appointments. I was sad to hear about Laurie. I didn’t know her well but the loss of any of our members is so hard to bear.

    DutchIris, I too remember you from over the years I have been on here. I know hospice will have been a difficult decision but I’m at a similar place. I’ve also “signed up” although it’s probably a bit early as I’m still quite functional. Bit with treatment options exhausted I just want to get things organized so that I’m not trying to deal with this when things get more difficult. I can certainly commiserate when it comes to the amount of energy that appointments take. I find I get exhausted now when I have more than one place to go in a day and being a cancer patient seems to be a full time job at times!

    So, I’m dealing with one more complication. I noticed a smell from my right nephrostomy bag that made me suspect an infection. Nurse couldn’t smell anything but they took a sample last week which came back positive for the bacteria Klebsiella. Darn. Wondering if that’s the reason for some of my aches and pains lately. Hopefully we caught it early. Waiting to hear from my GP with an antibiotic prescription. I have to go in to have the tubes swapped out on Thursday so we’ll see if there are any problems. Always something….

    Wishing everyone a good week and hopes for spring too arrive soon!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sadie~At least you know about the infection and they can get at it. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I agree about only being able to do one appointment per day. I can’t do two things at once. It just plain sucks.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi everyone.

    Fires. Blizzards. Floods. Earthquakes. Droughts. Is there any place on the planet that is doing okay? I used to want to go to Patagonia, mainly because I liked the sound of the name. Then there was a TV special on it. Now I really think I would like to go.

    sondraf: Should we start mailing you stockings and chocolates? Do you need a secret password to buy butter? Is it all the strikes and Brexit causing you all the woes?

    sadiesservant: Hope you get things cleared up and start feeling better

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good evening ladies

    Mel I had negative flu and covid tests for this bug. I feel better today than yesterday I’m grateful for that.

    Sadie sorry to hear about your infection. Whatever they give you I hope it knocks the infection out quickly with few se’s.

    Mae yay for those firemen. Elderberry I know the planet is having a lot of natural events.

    Take care all


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    I think I am beginning to get paranoid about the recent deaths . I noticed mara has not posted for a few days. I did a member search and thankfully found one of her posts that said she was going to take a break from the site. I was so relieved.

    Sending good wishes to you all..

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mara has posted here within a few days. I know she's been hit hard too with all the loss. I hope she knows , she's loved .

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Sadie - you have a very good nose! Here’s hoping the meds start working quickly

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    I have been missing Mara too. I was going to ask about her today, as a matter of fact. Thinking of all of you today.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Funny (or not) I was thinking about mara today too. I know she said she was thinking about taking a break from the forums for a bit. I don't think she said how long. I do miss her posts, though.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Thank you so much for the sweet words on my last post and for allowing me to be here even though I am not stage 4. While you sweet ladies don't know me, I feel like I know you all, and I love this living room very much and the incredible women in it. In light of that......if you have questions about me, please ask! It doesn't seem right/and kind of creepy that I know all about you and you know nothing about me.

    I have been thinking about Mara for days and worried about her. I'm glad to see that she posted elsewhere she was taking a break. While I completely understand that, I so miss her posts. I just love hearing about how she combines/fixes foods and about her days. Her brother sounds just lovely and their relationship so sweet. I hope she is okay and knows how many of us miss her.

    To those struggling with colds/flu/infection/treatment frustrations, know I am praying for you and hope things improve soon for you.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi. I know the feeling of maybe going away from the board for awhile. But then I think "How is___________?" and then I lurk, or post. The losses seem immeasurably more somehow.

    sondraf: I was watching the news today and they showed a UK grocery store with rows of empty boxes and two lonely cucumbers in one box. Rationing WTF?!! . And there I was whining about at least having a cucumber to buy even though at the asking price I figured they must have been picked by menstruating Vestal Virgins under a full moon. Those prices have gone down a bit since. If California continues to have wildfires, droughts and never before heard of blizzards and frost we may run out of food as well.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Waving hi to you all, and I hope Mara is having some nice down time, but it is weird when some stop posting.

    I am on the weekly Zoom meetings and have forged a wonderful online friendship with many of the participants. One of them and I have developed a friendship where we talk often.We live far away from each other, but she came to Florida to visit friends and have a vacation, and we each drove two hours to meet up and have lunch. We had our husbands with us too. We had a wonderful time, and it feels like we’ve known each other forever. If nothing else, this crappy disease has let me meet some wonderful people.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    kbl: I would never have met and then never would have grieved the loss of Pots (Ann) I am happy for you that the two of you actually got to meet in person. Life leads us down some wonderful and sad roads.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    it’s a special gift to have others to turn too. For me it’s waking up reading Maras plans for her day and meals. So when she doesn’t post. It hits me. I hope she’s relaxing. When I don’t see you all I feel Like something is missing. We are walking this road together let’s not loose each other. This place helps me. I get your let it out.

    Palliative care was today, dealing with the mouth. She kindly reminded that we don’t have to take anything I don’t want. Made me think of BooBoo and her decision to stop. What a hard decision that must of been. I was taken back even Though I already know these facts. Just so surreal.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Thank you, Elderberry. I’m grateful to have a friend I never would have met. It’s wonderful and scary all at the same time because of this disease. I know Tanya and BooBoo met, and I wish I could have met them in person, as I was living close by.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mel- Your comment makes me think. I too have Palliative care. I don't know if my doctor has said the words exactly,, but I too have thought "I don't HAVE to continue this treatment, the scans, etc". It is a weird feeling that we, really, are in control of our treatment. Now, I don't think that stopping my treatment NOW would be correct, as I am doing stable. But.... maybe there will be a time when I say "Stop". And that is ok. Our doctors will accept our decision. It just feels weird. Like you said, "taken back.. and surreal".