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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sfcakes ~ that’s beautiful and I agree loved and lost. good too see you Candy. I’m making my rounds. Too much loss makes me want those I care for around me. Here too

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Well,the universe seems to be conspiring against me, my ejection fraction score on my heart is only 43% and needs to be between 55 and 78, so I'm off to see a heart specialist on Tuesday to find out what can be done so I can start chemo, I'm also having genomic testing done to see if there's something else we can try. So it's back to the waiting game again. Waving hi to everyone.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    kitty ~ in your pocket during this process. You’re an important part of this thread. Please keep us posted. Hugs sweet woman

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Kittykat, I sorry to hear about your heart troubles, I am in your pocket sending support for the testing and whatever follows for your heart.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    kitty - so sorry for another roadblock. Prayers that cardiologist can improve your ticker

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Kitty- Wow, you have had it rough. Thinking of you as you now get your heart checked on. Keep us informed.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thanks everyone, I'm not going to let it get me down, what will be will be, besides its my birthday on Monday, who wants to be sad on their birthday weekend, I'm gonna ask Beck if Finn can spend the weekend with me and spend some time at the beach and a trip to the ice cream parlour.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Kitty, my EF dropped to 45% a couple years ago and I was put on low dose Carvidilol for heart protection. No issues with the med and I’ve been steadily in the 60% range for some time now. I’m sure the cardiologist can get you back in the right direction.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165

    In your pocket, Kitty. I love this thread. It seems like whatever the problem is, someone has experienced it, or known someone who has, and can offer some insight, advice, or just hope.

    The big news here is that our well and well house are finished, the required new plumbing is in place, and we should be running off our own well by Monday. Hurray! Our little town has Mardi Gras this weekend, and my daughter is coming up for a visit (and to get her dog), so it should be a fun weekend.

    I'm in for packet duty, with Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt Caramel (from Valentine's Day)

    Waving to everyone!

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    kittykat have fun while you can without treatment, I know its hard but ,I know what it feels like to wait 8 weeks while doctors and insurance company decide what is best!! Then treatment side effects start again. I hope you get that celebratory birthday ice cream , with Finn at the beach. If I could join you I would choose a wafer with coffee icecream. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday. x

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kittykat- I admire your attitude. One thing after another for you. Enjoy your time with Finn at the beach ⛱️ Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thanks for that information Mae, hopefully that's all I will need. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Pocket duty for anyone needing it. Still reeling from Pots. She emailed me in the morning on the same day as she died. Feeling so bummed. My favourite brother-in-law (age 87) recovered brilliantly from surgery a few months ago and now has congestive heart failure, My sister sent me an email an hour ago saying she was taking things to the hospital for him where she hopes he'll only be a few days. He is coughing and having trouble breathing. She is frightened. I am scared for the both of them

    My cat's regular blood test for his kidney issues came back with elevated calcium levels so he has cancer. He is doing okay right now but we are monitoring him for his QOL We want to do the right thing for him but don't want to rush his journey over the Rainbow Bridge.

    Happy to hear good news from folks.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Wow elderberry you are really going through it right now. Always seems to go that when it rains it pours, especially with grief events. Take care of yourself and I hope your kitty is comfortable.

    Kitty - I hope you have a wonderful birthday despite this most recent set back!

    Welp, I got a head cold which isnt surprising after listening to what seemed like everyone recently coughing away (this includes neighbors upstairs!). Not covid, its just a stuffy head and a bit of a cough, more irritating than anything else. Right leg continues to be a (literal) pain and I think it may be one of the PT exercises causing a different spot to flare up. Its frustrating and Im over it. I also cant sleep again, work continues to be dumb, and I seem to have bought three vintage sewing machines on eBay in a fit of boredom. I WILL sew a piece of clothing this year!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    kittykat, I'm sorry your EF is decreased, who needs something else to deal with! I wanted to give you some hope for your birthday so below is a study about Entresto that helps with EF.

    "The data are limited but seem to confirm the encouraging results of prior studies, paving the way to foster the use of S/V in cardio-oncology patients and hopefully, to design ad hoc prospective studies in this highly vulnerable population."

    Just wanted to let you know yes there are ways out there to help your heart. Hope I didn't get to technical on you but that's just me:) My husband had a major heart attack at 55 nine months ago and his EF is 25%. He is not a cancer patient so I know its obviously not the same and of course there is limited study as usual with cancer patients. However I feel like it's hopeful. Have a fabulous birthday , the beach and ice-cream sounds perfect!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Kitty, they can definitely help get your EF back up for sure with meds if necessary which would allow you to start chemo, enjoy Finn.

    Sondra, sorry about the head cold, when they first come on they are miserable.

    In pockets wherever needed.

    Laundry done, breakfast was good. Bought beef tortellinis to add a different texture and use my spice grinder to use up dry chicken broth, it was a bit lumpy. Put little bit of everything bagel in as well. Put precooked 1/4 cup of tortellini, 1/4 cup beans, 1/4 cup beefless ground and sprinkled with little bit of shredded cheese. Put little bit of butter in, I am liking the flavour. Kept in frying pan until cheese melted. Plated, added wheat bran, little bit of steak seasoning and salt. Used mayo to bind it all. It was very good and filling and not huge calories as the mayo is less calories than if I used a creamy sauce.

    Planning a couple of walks, wearing one of my warm shirts as even though there was minor rain, the pavement looks quite dry. Enjoyed an hour of mall walking with older DB, SIL and niece last night as well, cane makes me feel less tired as well whilst walking. DB going to florida next week but I don't think I should need anything, I have plenty of food.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I couldn't sleep last night (again) and one of the random thoughts that popped up in my head was about health insurance. DH's bank was recently acquired by another bank, so in January of this year our health insurance changed from Anthem Blue Cross to United Health Care. Now I'm in the process of applying for Medicare. I'm worried about brain mets and I feel like I'm out on a boat in the middle of the ocean. There is a big storm raging and I now need to get on another boat. SERIOUSLY??? I just got on this one and now I have to jump ship and hope I land on the deck of the new boat? They had better have hot coffee waiting for me! Actually, I am beyond thankful to have health insurance and good care. But I still HATE cancer.

    It really struck me that pots was sending emails out the morning of her death. I think we all wonder what it will be like for us. (I know there is another thread to talk about death and dying...) Since I STILL couldn't fall asleep, I picked up my Kindle and started re-reading, "That Good Night" by Sunita Puri. She is a palliative care physician. I highly recommend her book.

    DS is driving down tonight. Can't wait to see him. We made our Costco run in preparation, and I asked DH to stop at Smart and Final to pick up more stuff. BTW, Costco on a Thursday night was practically empty. Short lines, in and out in record time with our requisite four bags of avocados, bananas, muffins and other stuff DS likes.

    Hope everyone has a decent Friday. Scans are the last week of February. CT and NM scans on Monday, the 27th, pulmonologist on Wednesday, MRI of brain on Friday, them appointment with MO on Monday the 6th of March.

    Love to all,


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Sunshine, in your pocket for scans. Had trouble last night, partly out with DB mall walking and had a pop. I also have this stupid almost itching sensation on mastectomy which is in the body. I am glad you heard from pots and it was very kind of her to send emails out the day she died. She was so close to a lot of people here.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    I've been reading but not commenting for a while. I'm so sorry for all of the loss there has been.

    Kitty, I hope your heart issues get taken care of quickly so you can get on with your treatment. Happy birthday. Have fun with your grandson.

    I had posted a separate thread about a survey. I’m posting the link here. They still need 14 people. Unfortunately for some, this is only for US residents. I will let anyone know if they ever need others.

    Here is the link with the requirements. If you fit this survey, please private message me and I'll give you the info on who to contact. It pays $175 for a 60-minute interview, and a computer will be needed.

    Hugs to all!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Sunshine: Pots emailed me that morning asking me to visit her. I kept waiting for her reply to my reply. Nothing. Nothing for a few days. In my guts I knew. Then I called and her DH picked up. Only a few days before that she had been at a retreat at Callinish and was having a good time. So fast. I guess that was a blessing. But it reminds me that we are all dancing on the razer's edge.

    Happy birthday, Kitty!

    sondraf: the misery of the common cold. How does such a small cavity as our sinus hold so much crap?

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    MRI results finally showed up in my portal late yesterday. Good news is there is no evidence of bone Mets. Problem is the whole shoulder joint is a hot mess with severe bone loss and lots of other issues to rotator cuff and tendon’s. Plus there is no evidence of the fractures healing. Have not spoken with the Ortho onc yet - he originally said he would do a biopsy after the MRI but I will question if that is even necessary. My husband blames this on my having ovaries removed at 35, along w/5 yrs of tamoxifen. And of course anastrozole since MBC dx in 2019. I just hope there is some way to fix things and help w/pain.

    Sending happy thoughts for a good weekend. After getting 5” of snow on Thursday, temps are supposed to be low 40s w/sun

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Happy Birthday, Kittykat.

    Goldens- So sorry. You do have a lot of orthopedic issues. Bless you.

    I consulted with a general surgeon locally yesterday. About the removal of the Port. Surgery scheduled for March 8. He said he wanted to do it in the OR versus the office due to me being on blood thinners. He wanted "extra hands" in case I "oozed", he said. I am to be off the blood thinner for 3 days prior. And he will give a dose of IV antibiotics during surgery due to my low white count. He is going to use "twilight sleep" sedation. I just want it out. I am tired of it. And he agreed that it is best to remove it if I am not using it for chemo. We can put in another when that time comes. He said, over time, they can grow into the vein and are harder to remove. I hope I did not wait too long.

    Saying HI to all. I continue to read your posts and I am sorry I am not commenting on each post.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Goldens, I am glad there are no mets, we were all in your pocket chasing them away. I hope the pain can be managed and a strategy for your shoulder developed.

    In your pocket for removing the port as well, bringing whatever you want to have.

    Kitty, Today is a mix of things, taking a break from the surveys. Already looked after basic chores, wand washed my clothes in portable washer, no damage that way and they are in a portable dryer. Drying rack with tent over it, takes way less time to get them dry than conventional laundry rack, really not hard to do. It also does not cause damage to the clothes. Basically, a hairdryer in a tent. Cloths can be done later the regular way.

    It is sunny here so I will go for a walk after breakfast and clothes done since set up in front of my door. Not sure what I am having for breakfast but including the beef tortellini for sure, it was yummy with the chopped canned beans, beefless ground but will include spinach and use tomato sauce to bind it better with some garlic seasoning.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Happy Birthday Kitty!!! May your next trip around the sun bring you joy on the journey

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Goldens: I am SO HAPPY to read some good news, but sorry about the chronic pain.

    Candy: my port will be with me forever. You will be glad to be rid of it.

    Hi to all

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Ah - thats great news goldens!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Elderberry- I guess I think of the Port as kind of like losing my hair---- I lost my hair in 2017 with the first go round of chemo. It grew back and since then I have been on oral cancer treatment meds that do not include hair loss. But..... I know someday I will go back on a treatment that has hair loss as a side effect and I will be bald again. Same with the Port, I had it for the first go round of chemo (just 2 treatments before switching to Ibrance/Letrozole). I don't need it now, so get rid of it. When I go back on IV treatment, we can put one back in. Why have it now, just to get it routinely flushed? More chances of infection, or clots, or just plain irritation. Good riddance, even if for a short time.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Goldens- great news about your MRI results. I know how it feels when your body seems it is falling apart!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Had dinner at a neighbors tonight and met this hand boy named Jr, he just finished chemo and isn’t eating too well but I told him it’ll get better, I hope he believed me.


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421