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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Yeah, I think it is good too. Feeling different muscles as well. I am assuming these targeted muscles are supposed to aid if I fall in allowing me to get up, we will see. Have not done them yet as I am wiped out from lack of sleep. Going to make supper with pasta and my morning meal which I could not finish, figure pasta will give me some energy. My first thought was to order out but don't want the caffeine hit of pop that would come with the meal. I will make sure they get done before 8pm as well.

    Even though I am still dead tired, I am doing each exercise once today. Taking rests in between though and don't have many left.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    I hope that you ladies taking physical therapy see a difference! I think it’s great you’re doing it. Even if you have to start at the beginning ….

    I’m happy I won’t need surgery and this will ease up if I watch my diet. Not going to have a lot of fried goods and high fat foods. Grilled chicken and soup for my near future after this bland diet has been. Going to limit cheese and dairy also.

    Hope Everyone is good today. As good as we can be. Today wasn’t bad for me. Took a nice nap and watched some Netflix. How to get away with murder. The series is great. DH went golfing. It was 85 here today. Told him to go ahead. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so he needs his golf time. Hope you all have a good night. Hugs to all of you.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707
    edited April 2023

    Micmel, I liked that shoe too but got distracted by something else in season two and never caught up. Temps will be 70-74 degrees for the next 7 days, perfect for me! Gonna have a few drinks on the deck with a neighbor this weekend, then some general yard work.

    DH and I did a rocky 1/2 mile walk wed-fri but we’re taking a couple days off, next week we’ll add another lap around the property.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Mae~ it has six seasons I think. I enjoy it. I'm almost done it. Then I'll have to find something else. Besafe on your walks. I'm so uncoordinated when I'm walking anymore. Sounds like a nice place to be. Enjoy your drinks on the deck. Or In the bar!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Mel, I enjoyed how to get away with murder as well, I forgot watching the show around season three. I do enjoy mystery shows in general, not because I can solve them but because they are enjoyable. I got the Acorn streaming channel as it has a lot of mystery shows there. British as well which is good. Another show I like on that streaming channel is My Life is Murder.

    Nice day here. Almost done with the super warm weather. Planning various walks outside, including in the warm weather. Will save mall walking til after the weekend. Only thing with the warmth is when the sweat gets in my eyes from my head so under the wigs, will apply sunscreen but use one of my many staves bought to use as sweatbands.. I will also either put vaseline or deordorant above my eyes to discourage sweat and make it go down instead of in my eyes. We will see, I sweat even if it is cool, this is a way to make it less inconvenient. Next week we go down to cooler temps and I do not mind a bit, was not ready for summer yet.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721
    edited April 2023

    Bone scan results are stable but whole spine is now degenerative (plus the usual suspects🙄).

    Granddaughter turns 6 today. We along with her family, other grandparents, aunt, cousin and a princessfriend are going to see the Broadway production of Frozen. I hear it is truly magical. Do plan on wearing a mask. We bought her a new bike and I made her this……I love doing papercrafting and am always working on one kind of project or another


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Goldens, the papercraft is beautiful, I have loved the name layla since hearing from Eric Clapton. Enjoy the show, I am sure you will all have a great day.

    Started shopping for some summer attire, Going to be loose, flowy shirts with sleeves, I already have bike shorts that are black and just above the knee, bought leggings that are capris as well. As far as head gear for the heat and to keep any sweat out of my eyes, I put a line of deodorant just above my eyebrows and put an existing scarf on as a headband under the wig as well. My hips are large which is why leggings work best. Once I pay the clothes off, will look for jeggings. I figure flowy loose shirts will be the most comfortable. I also bought a pair of white capri leggings as well, then went and bought white undergarments too and white bike shorts which come up just above my knees as well. I figure that I might as well dress for summer, try to collect or prevent sweat all over my face which is the only place I really sweat and look nice. I won't like the cost but it is OK. I can also fold up other leggings to make them shorter as well.

    Foodwise, I need to finish my ground beef cooked up a few days ago, add some beans, form up into a burger shape and put it in the sandwich maker, possibly on english muffin as well as I am unsure what I did with my hamburger buns, just spread a mix of mayo, ketchup and mustard on whatever bread I choose to use. Staying in with stepping in place, two rounds of each PT exercise, going through cycles and giving rest breaks as needed. I went to bed early and slept very well so that helps me feel good, surveys and games for cash which I consider a job will be the main focus otherwise as I await my orders. can also fold up other leggings to make them shorter as well.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707
    edited April 2023

    Goldens, yay for stable 🎉

    Mara, I enjoy the mysteries too. I watch on Acorn and Britbox and my life is murder is definitely a fun show.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608
    edited April 2023

    Mel, hurrah for stable scans! Hoping you won't need the gallbladder surgery, but don't want you to have more of those attacks, they sound dreadful.

    Goldens, hurrah for stable scans! My lower back is apparently "very" degenerative and yet that's not where my back hurts when it hurts. I hope you had a wonderful time at Frozen, the previews looked amazing when it was showing here.

    Mara, good to hear the PT is going well so far, please be careful getting up on ladders, too. I had to get a smaller, 3-step ladder for things around the house, had a much harder time lugging the big 8-step ladder around, oof.

    My "mild" compression fracture at T9 is giving me all kinds of pain, waiting to hear from the Interventional Radiology Dept about when they can get me in for a vertebroplasty procedure. Started on a low dose of tramadol, and felt sooooooo sedated initially, but that's gotten better. Only taking 1 or 2 a day, they do help, much better than tylenol, which I was popping like candy there for a while. I think tylenol is good for fever, but not for this kind of pain.

    I watched the whole series of the show Lucifer, which was entertaining and the ending felt quite unexpectedly moving. Also watched A Man Called Otto with Tom Hanks, based on the great book that I'd read a while back, and I liked it, he makes a good grouch. Trying not to do too much physically so I don't hurt my back any further, but there are a few weeds in the driveway that I am yanking out later!

    Love to everyone ❤️

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Goldens ~yay for stable scans. 💐 good news welcomed any time!

    Sf~I don't want another attack either. That's why I am starting to think it isdiverticulitis. That is what the latest scan showed. A scan 9 days before mentioned my gallbladder, but not this one. So I'm confused. The general surgeon did say he'd was. %70 sure it was my gallbladder but couldn't say 100%. It's eased up as I watch what I eat. I believe that's what I'll need to do regardless. I'm sure at some point I'll know. Just was glad my cancer is still stable!! 7.5 years in June. I'm sorry your back is giving you pain. That is hard to deal with. My s3 gives me trouble. I'm feeling you when you say it's bothering you. You just can't outrun it.

    Hello to everyone else on this stormy/cloudy day. Hope your day is a good one. Hugs to all

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707
    edited April 2023

    sfcakes, I really enjoy Lucifer but I haven’t seen the latest season, I’ll probably binge it all or pick up a few episodes before that, so I remember where is was.

    Speaking of books and mysteries and forgive me if I’ve already mentioned it but The Thursday Murder Club is just brilliant. I prefer listening to it on Audible and I’m starting the 3rd book next week. The 4th is finished but not out yet. It’s about 4 residents of an English retirement community who get together to solve a murder mystery. The characters are so delightful and I love the humor even though some of it is lost on me with its references to people and places not well known outside of the UK.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2023

    Mel and Goldens- both yay for stable!

    Mae- I love the British murder mysteries on Brit Box. Amazon Prime also has great ones.

    We have been away for a few days down to Halifax. Weather was wonderful so enjoyed eating outside at the restaurants. Excellent Italian cuisine and also a fish restaurant. Lots of walking which is good but Halifax is like a small version of San Francisco. If you are down at the water front and need to get up to where we were staying it is straight up a huge huge hill. We were both huffing and puffing! Hubby went to the casino and within an hour he was back. His $30.00 was gone. 😆

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    living. ~ sounds like a nice time. I love places with lots of food choices and I am a grazer. I like all different things to try. I don’t know if I would have made it up that hill. Love to hear of all the different things you all do. Like Tanya traveling to PA with her mother. I live in pa. What part were you in Tanya. ? Mae and her making her bar and cabin what she wants. Walks with DH. Our thing is television. We watch jeopardy every week night. And then always finding something new to watch. I finished how to get away with murder. Today. It was so good. It took me a long time to get through it. But I did really enjoy the cast and I’ll Miss watching it and always having it In my back pocket to watch. I need something new. I am on a search.

    Hope everyone sleeps. Hugs !

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 576
    edited April 2023

    Good evening ladies. Hurray for stable scans and having wonderful springtime outings. I just want to say that I have a MS brain (she are no good at times) and struggle with recall. But I don't want to miss out on this wonderful companionship, so forgive me if I misspeak names or events.

    I think it was Wren that talked about vertigo. Now there's a subject I have knowledge of. Here's a few tricks I learned from 22 years of MS and intermittent vertigo.

    1. Raise up and lower yourself slowly.

    2. Find a focal point to focus on as you walk. Please make sure rugs and are not in your way. I usually take them up during distinct attacks.

    3. Learned this in karate. Put pressure on your big toe as you take a step. It helps to stabilize your balance.

    4. Keep a walker with you at all times. Hand Bars in bathroom.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    I am loving all of the shows you guys have watched or novels listened too, I am going to check the ones I have not seen out. 24 is my other favourite thing to watch again and again as well. It got more outlandish as time went on but I honestly think the clock ticking was the initial draw and then the story. I did not like the follow up to 24 without Kiefer as much.

    I am expecting Amazon again today. Decided to prepare for summer clothing even as the temps this week take a drop, think tiny bits of snow. The snow won't stick as we have had summer weather for almost a week, planning to walk this morning, at least once outside, might go this afternoon for a shorter one to see the headband under the wig and deodorant over my eyes in action to prevent sweat in the eyes. The clothes are cute. I bought cute bike shorts that are white, I use those as my shorts, got white capris and a nice shirt off Amazon that is long and flowy but with sleeves. Once all the items are paid off, and they were not badly priced, I may check out more of the flowy shirts as I wear T shirts year round, we will see.

    Laundry, breakfast and a walk will happen first, PT will be split morning and night and I need to do some actual surveys and mobile game work. That's about it today.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721
    edited April 2023

    Frozen was spectacular! The talent on stage was superb but even better were all the special effects. If the broadway version is everavailable on tv, I encourage you to watch. And as an even stronger testimonial, I’ve been know to nod off on occasion and I was wide awake through the entire show!

    Wishing you all a restful Sunday.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Breakfast will be normal beans, probably chop up, we will see, little rice, cheese. Will microwave and season as I wish. I want something a little more normal.

    I don't always have good ideas for food. I thought that since I enjoyed putting peanut butter on a hamburger bun, it would be the same being cooked in. The taste was gross and I had to throw it away, no way I could save it so I don't always do good things with meals. I am also going to stick to regular pancakes as well. If I need beans and cheese, those can go on the side. I can make the cutest little pancakes ever in the sandwich maker since it cooks both sides.

    I am also storing shelf stable food in a dresser not being used and hanging pretty bags to store the same shelf stable food in containers. Cans pretty much need the dresser but containers of almonds, rice and almonds work well. Hanging from cupboards would not work but it does remove food from boxes or on the floor. Marching indoors as there are quite a few things I am getting.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Me yapping again, just had a simple breakfast of two eggs, broke yokes though not scrambled, added some two cheese slices broken up and cooked up in sandwich maker. It does come out same format as McDonald egg mcmuffins. I will be getting steps and PT indoors as I am not looking to overheat. Next week will be better for walking outdoors. Not a huge breakfast but it was good and had good protein.

    I also stumbled upon a use for used tea bags. I squeeze them out at the end of the day and leave on the counter to dry out, I open the tea bag into a container to put the tea grounds in. I have found that I can use them in garbage to make it smell better, I have seen online they can be sprinkled in the cats litter box but not convinced I will do that, think garbage is the best place to use them.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited April 2023

    Morning all. Today is my 61st birthday. 🥳 Going to be a very low key day as energy levels are low. Thankfully I did the champagne celebration last year. I’ve lost my taste for wine for some reason but it would be impossible to imbibe with my combination of pain meds and antibiotics regardless. But we’ll have a nice roasted chicken dinner and take it easy.

    I’ve been thinking about Lynne (50sgirl) working away in her garden over the last couple of years. I am normally someone who wants to spend all my time puttering in my garden but have barely set foot in it this year. It’s been so unseasonably cold that it’s hard to get enthusiastic and apparently this cool spring weather is set to continue for some time. Really looking forward to some warmth! Of course, on the positive side this weather has meant things are growing slowly. Once good weather arrives my garden will go nuts!

    Hope you all have a restful Sunday!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707
    edited April 2023


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday Sadiesservant!💐

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    🥳 Happy Birthday. 🎊🎁🎂🎈🎉. Enjoy the chicken dinner

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday Sadiesservant.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2023

    Have a lovely birthday Pat🎂 🍾!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday Sadiesservant 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 Enjoy your dinner!

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,039
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday, Pat! Hope your chicken dinner is delicious!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday, Sadiesservant. I'll have that glass of wine for you!!

    Will respond about everyone else's posts soon!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday Sadie's servant!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923
    edited April 2023

    Happy Birthday Pat! Stretch it out for a whole week.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827
    edited April 2023

    Birthday Quotes : Motivational and Inspirational Birthday Wishes, Video & Messages to say Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Sadiesservant!