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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    shanagirl~ your post touched my heart and I’m sorry you found the beast after 13 years of not worrying about cancer. We are all in the same boat in some way or another. My DH is the sweet caring man and he makes me want to fight. My kids are my other driving force, we have three wonderful kids. I welcome. You here with us to see sometimes you can get another 13 years once you get on a treatment. I’m sitting at 7.4 years battling stage four denovo diagnosis. Hang on to us and know you’re not slone

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299
    edited April 2023


    I sympathize with your pain. I have lots of arthritis and had the same bone on bone in my right hip. I had a replacement in 2019 - 3 months before my initial cancer DX. Even though the hip feels great now, I take Celebrex for other arthritis pain. It really helps and doesn't make me feel groggy. It also became generic a few years ago, so now costs less than $5 a month instead of $450!

    That might help you until you can have surgery. I noticed that you mentioned having muscles cut. That only happens with the old posterior approach. I had the anterior procedure, where muscles are retracted but never cut. There was still pain after surgery, but it was mostly angry muscles. I was able to walk (with a walker) immediately after surgery and was taught to go up and down stairs about 4 hours after surgery.

    I have just a 3 inch scar on the front of my thigh.

    There's a site called that has lots of info on hip and knee replacement. You might want to check it.

    Please let me know if you have questions. I hope there is a way to get rid of your hip pain.


  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299
    edited April 2023


    I sympathize with your pain. I have lots of arthritis and had the same bone on bone in my right hip. I had a replacement in 2019 - 3 months before my initial cancer DX. Even though the hip feels great now, I take Celebrex for other arthritis pain. It really helps and doesn't make me feel groggy. It also became generic a few years ago, so now costs less than $5 a month instead of $450!

    That might help you until you can have surgery. I noticed that you mentioned having muscles cut. That only happens with the old posterior approach. I had the anterior procedure, where muscles are retracted but never cut. There was still pain after surgery, but it was mostly angry muscles. I was able to walk (with a walker) immediately after surgery and was taught to go up and down stairs about 4 hours after surgery.

    I have just a 3 inch scar on the front of my thigh.

    There's a site called that has lots of info on hip and knee replacement. You might want to check it.

    Please let me know if you have questions. I hope there is a way to get rid of your hip pain.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167
    edited April 2023

    Thanks eleanora. I cannot take Celebrex because I am on a blood thinner. They interact. I did not realize that there is a newer approach that does not cut the muscle. I have not talked with the ortho surgeon yet to see how they would do the surgery on me. I just saw that information when Googling hip replacements.

    I am so angry I could spit nails. I have a 'texting buddy' I have mentioned here before. He is a local friend. And we text,,, a lot. He has been down with a Spring cold this week. Boo freaking hoo. He called off work for 3 days. He texted me he felt soooo weak. Runny nose, stopped up nose, cough. He mentioned to me he may not go to church tomorrow-- he is the song leader and would need to get a replacement for tomorrow. But..... yet.... when I mention that I feel too nauseous, tired, etc from the Lynparza and I am going to watch the service online (I was not going to church in-person during the Pandemic, as you all know on here with my posts over the last 3 years,,, but I have been going back to church some now) he gets quiet and I think he is thinking I should be in church. That I am not being the good Christian I should be sitting at home on Sunday mornings. He has whined about how he has felt over the last week. It is a cold. Get over it. In a few days he will be back to his old self. He is my age, works full time, and has loads of energy. I have been on cancer treatment for 5+ years. I am so tired of being minimized. He is the worst about it. But other friends and family minimize it too. I am tired of it. I would like to line them all up and smack all of them. "Quit texting me about your piddly cold", is what I would like to say.

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299
    edited April 2023

    Oh Candy I sure hear you! My husband minimizes anything that doesn't impact his body directly.

    I have be become much more openly demanding, and let the chips fall where they may!

    I really hope you check out Bonesmart. Lots of good info.

    Good luck.


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421
    edited April 2023

    Hello everyone, I am hoping we will be able to meet up in Mels sitting room on Tuesday after BCO have revamped the site. I appreciate all the posts here ; good, bad, happy or sad. The support and understanding shown here is invaluable. Best wishes x

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2023

    Shanagirl- I am sorry you find yourself taking on the cancer beast again after 13 years. I was 20 years in when it raised its ugly head. Your husband and all of us here will be here to support and listen to you.

    Mae- love the picture of you and a beer in the Texas mountains!

    We finally got our rescue dog 🐕!! She is getting use to her new home and surroundings but she is doing great. She slept with me on the bed last night. Wanted nothing to do with the soft beautiful bed we bought for her. Will send a picture tomorrow.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688
    edited April 2023

    Shanagirl - Welcome to the group. I didn't get as long between my initial dx and the cancer coming back but I can certainly understand the disappointment. I thought I had beat it too. This is my favorite thread. You will find a lot of support here and people who understand in a way that those who don't have cancer can't.

    Mae - that looks like an amazing day! It's warming up here too and I am all in for it! Bring on the sun!

    Livingivlife - I'm glad your new dog is settling in. I'm excited for you.

    Not much going on today, it's gorgeous and sunny though. I have been so starved of sunlight and warm weather I spent most of today outside pulling weeds and making a plan for the garden beds. I got the bird baths scrubbed and filled and need to do some more work on the grass border but ran out of energy and started getting my fatigue tremors so I had to quit. It feels so good just to be outside and in the sun! I've been 20 years here in the PNW but the winters still get me and I go a little crazy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923
    edited April 2023

    DD and I went to see the tulip fields. It was beautiful! We went super early and found easy parking and only a few others there. When we left, it was crowded and much less fun. I've lived here for years and had never gone.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Emac.~sounds like you were a very busy woman. I can understand completely when you know your body has had it. Gardening is so helpful with stress. I may pick it back up this spring. Perfect time to do it

    Wren~ I would Love to see the tulip fields. Sounds wonderful. I love flowers. Glad you had the place quiet for you guys. DH and I went to a sunflower field a few years before I got sick. It was lovely. I miss those days. I want to see the ocean again.

    I hope you'll all come back to the living room after the changes happen. Don't want to loose the second family!! Have a good nights rest my friends.

  • AKJ
    AKJ Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2023

    Candy, I second the vote for the anterior approach to hip replacement. My partner had both hips done. The first was the old posterior way and the second was anterior. There was such a difference between the two. The second was day surgery and she walked out of the hospital the same day. Recovery was fast and much easier. Make sure that the orthopedic doctor does that kind. They don’t all do it

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167
    edited April 2023

    If I decide to go ahead with the hip replacement I need to do more research. I talked with a local orthopedist, but not the one that would do the surgery, and she said I would have to go to a rehab center for 2 weeks after surgery (because I live alone), then Home Health and no driving for another 2-3 weeks after that. So it sure doesn't sound like akj's partner's experience with day surgery and walking out of the hospital same day. So maybe our local ortho docs don't do the new approach.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827
    edited April 2023

    Good Morning all, just popping in to say hi and wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.

    Gardening, tulip fields, mountain air and new pups all sound wonderful! Glad to hear as usual we are pushing through the discomforts of this disease and trying to find happy moments when we can. Quiet weekend here just enjoying the nice weather with some walks and outside cleanup. Don't really enjoy weeding but keeps me busy. Hope to plant some flowers and veggies next month.

    Daisy turned 9 yesterday, she enjoyed a nice birthday beef bone.

    Also welcome to Shanagirl sorry to hear you are dealing with this crappy cancer again. Thoughts going out to all who are struggling with mental and physical pain.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Candy, I can see your considerations you are taking into account with your surgery more clearly now. I understand and hope some relieves things soon. I can also understand the frustration of someone complaining of regular, minor illnesses when we all deal with so much. I am a whiner too but complain to people who don't deal with major disease.

    Shanagirl, I am sorry about the recurrence. Definitely a blow after so long without. As Mel has said there are quite a few long term Stage IV here. I never had a break, I went right from an initial dx of Stage 3 into Stage IV after it spread to my brain. I was originally dx with IBC 8 years ago, my oncologist says I must have had some cancer cells that were too small to detect since my treatments have made me no evidence of disease from the neck down for more than 7 years of scanning. You will do the same as you did for the first dx, day by day, cry and be angry if need be, if your body is in shape, exercise etc. You don't need to do it all at once. Try to put this in your mind as well as it can help with going through treatment. You are not dying of cancer as this puts too much of a drain for getting through scans and appointments and other treatment. Instead you are living with cancer which does make it easier to deal with. We are all in your pocket, sending you support anytime.

    I am planning on a good walk after laundry put in and breakfast. I do plan to walk up to the grocery store for more eggs. I am thinking breakfast looks like a couple of eggs with broken up hash browns that are pre heated and chopped added in and perhap some cheese. I want to put all of this together with the eggs and make them with my sandwich maker. Later, I want to try to make chocolate pancakes by adding chocolate milk to the pancake mix instead of water. I usually only make enough for one pancake so we will see how it tastes and supper will include beans I think. I do think the eggs will taste good with all the ingredients added in. I also have to put my cool ranch chips into the spice grinder, should have done that right away, I love ranch seasoning but could not find it. I was going to do the nacho cheese doritos this way but wound up eating them so putting all chips in the mix for the cool ranch.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    mara, you often remind me of things I have stashed in my freezer. Our kids are here for the weekend and we're going to have breakfast when DH and DS get back from surfing. DIL is swimming somewhere. I bought some eggs and we'll have those along with the hashbrown patties I forgot about (thank you, mara). We have a ton of ripe avocados and a loaf of bread I baked on Friday. We love having them here.

    We sat on our front porch last night for about three hours and just talked. Various neighbors walked by and we talked with them. The "kids" next door were out visiting with a friend. They're a super sweet couple. He's in the military - does stuff with submarine rescues and she works in finance. He told us she is pregnant with a little girl. She four months along and the baby is due around the end of August. Of course, I immediately started planning the soft, pink baby blanket I'm going to make for them. The yarn is called, "Feels Like Butta" and not only is it super soft, but it's machine washable. Just what a new mom needs, right?

    Anyway, not much else going on. I'm going to miss the site being down for a couple of days...

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427
    edited April 2023

    Thank you micmel & illimae for you warm welcome, and kind words. Illimae, yes the day was beautiful and watching you enjoy that drink with the beautiful West Texas mountains background, reminded me of all the beautiful things to be happy about as we battle this disease. I love the beautiful Ocean and bay to be next to where I live, and it energizes me to smell that sea breeze coming through my window. Even last night it was so peaceful and soothing as a Thunderstorm went by.🌫️💨🌊and watching the lightening.💙

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544
    edited April 2023

    Hello Everyone!

    A reminder as we are getting ready to launch the new forums:The forums will be going into maintenance mode tomorrow for approximately 24 - 48 hours. This means that the forums will not be accessible while our team works to complete the implementation of the new site.While we regret having to briefly pause the conversation in the forums, this approach is necessary to ensure the best technical experience upon launch for our members.To connect with other members while the site is in maintenance mode, please join us for one of our virtual meetups. The full schedule can be found here.

    And you can always reach our moderators at .When the new site is live and ready for our members, we will email you to let you know. You can also check back at for updates.

    We look forward to welcoming you there soon!

    The BCO Team

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2023

    Well I am trying to post a picture of Belle but when I load the file to insert it keeps throwing me out! It doesn't give me another option. Geez!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    I love dogs. Thanks for sharing!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Shanagirl~just take one day at a time. Don’t look too far ahead and try to enjoy each day as much as you can . I am considered NEAD. No evidence of active disease. Stable. It took a little to get there. Just try to get through whatever treatments they have. Wether oral or not, women are living longer every year with this disease. Just hang onto your circle. Don’t worry about senseless things. Just love your family. That’s what I do, I take nothing for granted. Never will again.

    Candy~ second third opinions. Get them all. There has to be a way. I don’t like knowing you’re in pain. I wish I could help you. Times like that I wish this was a real living room. You’re in my thoughts.

    Living~ I guess the file may be too big? I’ve had issues like that . Tomorrow they are down. So. Hopefully it will only be 48 like they said. I hope it goes smoothly. I’m bummed to loose my private messages. Some are from friends no longer with us. Wish they would roll over.

    Have a good rest of your Sunday evening. Hugs to all

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2023

    Mel, maybe you can take screen shots of your private messages so you don't lose them, I hope to see you all safe and sound on the otherside, talk to you all very soon, love Cathie ❤️

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Kitty~ hope you’re feeling better and doing well. I’ll see if it works! I have like 20 pages worth. I don’t want to loose them. Sending hugs !

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165
    edited April 2023

    Mel - I think you're supposed to get all your private messages except for the last month (approx). Kittykat has a good idea to screen shot those that are most important to you.

    I've been reading along as usual. Not too much going on and not too much to say. I had my Dexa scan last Wednesday. I'm hoping to have results tomorrow. My DD got moved into her new rental house, but I haven't seen it yet. My DS is back stateside, and I'm hoping to see him sometime in the next few weeks.

    Candy, I hope you can find a way to relieve some of your pain. It just so taxing emotionally.

    I hope the site transition is relatively seamless, and people will be happier with the new look and functionality. I'll see some of you in the Zoom call tomorrow; I hope to "see" the rest of you here in the next day, or so.

  • goldbee
    goldbee Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2023

    I love dogs. Thanks for sharing!

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165

    We're back! Hooray!

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    What a relief !

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Well, site is running very weird, things I was used to on the left like favourites, active topics etc which is throwing me off and when I select a topic, it does not take me to the most recent comments so I suppose that this will have to be a work in process as we go on. The site is loading much quicker for me though and that is appreciated and now we have like buttons.

    Not much happened here during the hiatus, most interesting thing I made were pancakes from the mix and chcolate milk in place of water. Weirdly, I do not get a hint of chocolate but they are good nonetheless. I walked some, did some PT and that was about it. I confess that even for the couple of days we were on maintenance, I really missed talking to everyone so it is good see everyone including the newer members here as well.

    I see there are different ways we can react with like, dislike etc. Also noticed GIFS are possible, I will need to be careful as I love GIFs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    It's good that we are back but I hope my dx history comes back too. I also noticed we can like or dislike comments, not sure how I feel about that yet. Also discovered I can do gifs as well it is interesting.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Well, hopefully this finds us all here and functioning, of course nothing goes smoothly for me, I had a fall on Sunday evening and because of the dexamethasone i had no strength in my legs so I had to crawl to the back of my neighbours 😀 car and drag myself up to get back home so my doctor has virtually put me under house arrest, today is my last treatment and I'm going to spend the next few days with Beck letting her look after me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544

    Welcome back! It's good to see you all here! We’re currently still in maintenance mode doing additional testing, but thank you for your feedback! The new site will be announced in an email shortly. Please check back later.

    The Mods