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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good morning ladies

    I had some Challenges getting on. I didn’t set it up with my diagnosis/treatment yet. Reading along. One of the days all of the posts from this sight went to my email.
    today I’m doing the prep for colonoscopy tomorrow. Miralax ducolax cocktail 🍹

    Have a good day all.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Tanya~Goldens~ good to see you both. Good luck for a quick procedure Tanya. I had trouble with my info also. Goldens glad you’re not too sore, working with that machine should help the stiffness. Glad you’re both doing good. Cancer knows no certain playing field. It’s a shit show for sure. (Sorry Tanya) not literally LOL.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Thanks for all the good wishes ladies.

    @candy-678 I was thinking of PatgMc yesterday and I saw from a search of a posting you made that she passed last October. I think we lost a lot of ladies over the various site changes (thinking of Alabama Dee too). Pat was always so positive about living long with MBC and always kept at her art and what made her happy.

    Glad to see you went and did what makes you happy too (within reason with the masking and precautions).

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Can’t post from my cell phone so trying from a different mobile device

    will add pertinent notes in a bit

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    that seems to work from newer mobile device

    Tough week to have been “away” from Micmel’s living room.

    Fell earlier this week and hit my head so had to be scanned for brain bleed. No bleed!!! Came home from hospital. Followed by 2nd fall the very next day.

    After 20 hours in ER, I was admitted. UTI was discovered. CT scan showed 2 small kidney stones. Diarrhea followed me. Ugggg

    Due to UTI, my next chemo has been postponed. That’s a first for me.

    Hyper worried about falling now. Both falls resulted in calling the fire department to pick me up

    Feeling worn out and like it’s time to think of what’s next. The chemo I am on is working. Tumors are getting smaller but the treatment is very toxic.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Dodgersgirl that must have been so frightening I hope they can get you back on track quickly we all don't like hospital but sometimes it's the best place for us. Candy my results are the same, I have to wait 7 days so my oncologist can read them first

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    dodgers~omg. Thank goodness it wasn’t anything more serious. I think we’ve had 3 ladies fall in two weeks. I’m so glad you’re ok. Uti infections can be brutal not to mention throwing in kidney stones!!! You poor thing I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I hope you healing is quickly. It is good to see you.

    Haven’t seen a few other ladies yet. Hoping they check in soon so we know everyone is ok ! Hugs to all. Have we seen cookie?

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    is it normal to have chemo postponed due to a UTI?

    Thanks for the well wishes. Appreciate it!!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Hey Mel I'm here, thanks for asking! I did post since update but I feel like we're kinda walking around in the living room with one eye shut lol. Like everyone I'm surfing around getting acquainted with the format. The notification bell does help me find my favorite's easier. I am soooo missing the automatic bottom of page feature.. I feel like Dory in Finding Nemo ..Just keep scrolling , just keep scrolling ….😁 I'm sure it will get better!

    Another dreary day here, looks like we have to wait until Friday to see some sun. Had labs today and treatment tomorrow other than that all is well.

    Dodgersgirl Ugh I'm sorry you are dealing with UtI's and stones like you don't have enough to deal with already! Sending healing wishes for this to pass quickly. Happy to hear your treatment is working hope side effects settle down soon.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    @Dodgers ---. Oh my. So sorry to hear of your struggles.

    @Kitty---- waiting can be so hard. I will be waiting to hear how your scans come out.

    I am posting from my phone. I would rather be on my computer. This finger typing is for the birds. I like"normal" typing on a computer keyboard

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544

    @candy-678, I found a website that gives some recommendations on how to make it easier to type on smartphones (it gives suggestions for both iPhones and Androids). It's pretty clear about the steps. Some were pretty interesting. In case you're interested in testing any of them out, might improve your overall experience when it comes to anything that requires you to type with the phone keyboard:

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi! Still figuring out to find what I want to find. But - it is an improvement from the previous so-called improvement/update.

    Will post more when I have a bit more time.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165

    Dodgersgirl - is awful that you fell and hit your head so hard. I'm glad there wasn't serious injury there. The UTI and kidney stones are awful, but one more thing that can be treated. I hope you can get right back to your chemo - that's working!

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299


    So sorry you're hitting multiple problems at the same time. Falling and hitting your head is scary as well as painful. UTI and kidney stones more in the category of inconveniences but more difficult when added on to the head injury. Very gentle hugs and positive thoughts coming your way.


    So glad to have finally found you! I have been searching for the "living room" since the change over and was worried I wouldn't get here. I don't post often, as I am relatively new here and rarely think I have something helpful to add, but this thread has been my salvation during many scary , sleepless middle of the night hours. I would come here and read page after page, following people's stories and marveling at the courage and camaraderie. Thank you for creating it.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Elenora~I’m so glad you found us. What a kind thing to say. We are all a big family and there is always a place for you on the couch. I hope you’re doing well.
    Elderberry.~ good to see you as well. I’m still learning the site as well.
    hope others can also find us. Hugs to you both.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    dodgersgirl - what a frightening experience. Now that you have a dx, fingers crossed that the treatment will have a fast impact. And all our sisters who met the floor have more to worry about. Be safe dear friends, be safe.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    celebrating sleeping in my own home. Way more comfortable than the hospital bed.

    Thanks again to each of you sending kind thoughts and hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    @dodgersgirl I am so sorry to read about the two falls. Nothing knocks the wind out but a fall for sure. I am glad there is no brain bleed. In your pocket kicking out the UTI and sending my thoughts toward what treatment would not give such bad SE for you.

    @Eleonora Welcome to the living room as well. You will find all sorts of talk throughout the day. Mine tends to be lending support but also chores, what I am doing a particular day, laundry, food combos that are good and other things. Glad to see you even and glad this is supportive reading. I also tend to yap a lot as well.

    I have Herceptin at 12 so laundry on the go, some cloths and some actual clothes which are done with the wand washer and I will dry the clothes on the rack. I have a portable washer without a lint filter so besides a mesh bag attached to the drain I have small floating lint catches that wear out. Decided to strengthen them with zip ties so they don't fall apart. Liking it so far. They pick up a lot of lint. Walking to the appointment I think and it will be starting to warm up.

    Tomorrow my PT person comes in the afternoon so she can judge progress. I did miss some days but tried to stay consistent, not always my strong suit. I can see how I fall by times I have stumbled a bit, sometimes not paying attention to what I am doing and other times not watching feet, that is improved with the cane when walking outdoors along with the short, higher step I take outside. You can't tell it is a march but it feels like one, keeps me safe from the sidewalk pavers. Come winter, will email prop managers to provide the salt and shovels before it gets bad and make sure I can get around safely. Lumpy sidewalks are the bane of my existence. My SIL is not sure the exercises I have been given help me get up from falling down but my thought process goes toward the PT stuff strengthen different muscles to avoid falls first. We will see what happens.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    @mara. You are our energizer bunny for sure. Reading your update notes always prompts me to keep going, too.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I agree Mara is so very supportive. Another reason to love her!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Good to see everybody making their way back to Mel's living room..

    We have had some hard falls lately including myself. Dodgersgirl besides the falls you are dealing with a lot. If you have an infection yes the doctors would old off on chemotherapy.

    Candy- happy to hear you went to church.. hopefully with the nice weather you will be able to get out more to the things you enjoy

    Sondra- sorry to read of your latest scans. I'm sure with new options available as treatment, one will do it's job! Are you leaving the city for the Coronation this weekend or partaking in the festivities?

    After my falling down it took awhile for me to move my neck and whole body. Did get out on Sunday walking around because it was such a beautiful day. Husband did take Belle though. All week we have had rain and much cooler weather. I just want to start getting my hands dirty planting the garden. I do have indoor plants to be put in bigger containers so that's my next project.

    Hello to Mel,Mara,Goldens,Seeq, Kitty,Elderberry, Eleanora,Cookies54,Mae and every one I have missed.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    @livingivlife— falls are not fun. Hope you feel better quickly

    If I fall and end on the ground, I can’t get up on my own so local fire fighters had to be called for both falls. Argggg. So embarrassing

    @sondra- sorry to read about your latest scan results. Hoping next treatment kicks butt (not your butt)

    also looking over my release notes from hospital, I see my hemoglobin fell from 9.0 (when tested 3 weeks ago) to 7.5 this week. So even without an infection, chemo couldn’t happen this week due to low hemoglobin number

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299

    @Mel, @mara

    Thanks for the warm welcome back. Mara, I love to read your posts as they remind me that, even in times of anguish, the normal parts of life such as meals and laundry still go on.

    Sondra, hope the next treatment is effective and tolerable.

    Elderberry, good to see you. Hope things are well.

    Have sent the mods a PM, as requested, since my treatment isn't showing below my posts, and I find the treatment journeys of others really helpful. Not sure I'll see their response, as I don't know where PMs are anymore. Hope I don't have to re-enter all of that data 😳


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608
    edited May 2023

    I am so sorry to hear about the recent falls, dodgersgirl and livingivlife. Hope you are both feeling a bit better, falls are scary.

    Thinking of you Sondraf, and hoping you and your MO come up with a good plan for your next treatment, and may it be easy on you (and effective, please).

    Tanya, hope your colonoscopy went well, the prep for that is no fun!

    I believe Kittykat is waiting for scans? I may have missed an update, hope you are doing okay. Waiting is just so hard.

    Candy, I've thought of going to church in person, too, I like the early morning service which is smaller but have felt too tired lately to get my butt out of bed.

    Goldens, good to hear your surgery went well!

    I laughed at your "just keep scrolling" comment, Cookie, and I agree! Seems like I'm doing a lot more scrolling here since the update. Upgrade?

    Sending you love, Mel. And love to everyone else, mara, seeq, elderberry, chicagoan, sadiesservant, eleanora, kikomoon... forgive me for missing anyone!

    I have a vertebroplasty procedure scheduled for next week, to help with my "mild" compression fracture in my T9, and I am having more anxiety about it than I thought I would. The idea of needles in my spine is not comforting, obviously, even though I know lots of folks have had good success with it. I feel sort of panicky, which is unusual for me. Argh. I thought watching videos of how the procedure goes would help but I'm going to stop watching them, as I just start crying. Good grief!!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    at cakes I told them I was nervous when I got to hospital for khyphoplasty and they gave me something for anxiety immediately.

    Sorry to hear about the falls. So scary as you sit on the ground trying to assess for pain anywhere.

    Colonoscopy prep is miserable but it’s all done now. Nothing remarkable in the findings one polyp which was biopsied. Results in two weeks.

    Greatful the weather is allowing us to get out.
    I didn’t even try to put my medical information in. I hope they fix any glitches before I try.

    Take care all it’s so nice to read and see you all walking and plugging along.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    @dodgersgirl dont worry, the PT for my non-functioning right glute is literally kicking my ass right now :) Sorry to see you had some hard falls, those are not only painful but so well, they dont help with the mental outlook either. Take care of yourself!

    @livingivlife we are staying in town, tomorrow morning Im going to go check out The Mall and see whats up, and I have to go to hospital for liquid biopsy on Friday and thats near Kensington, although too far to actually want to walk over with this cane yet. For the Queens funeral that area was locked down with police and no traffic which made walking around easy. Sunday is the big street party with something like 150 people attending (though its supposed to rain) and I have to blow up some balloons and decorate the front hedge I guess. I did see a knitted post box topper just this afternoon!

    Ugh, I wanted to write more but the cat is in a mood - ill be back tomorrow!

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    I meant to mention to emac, the surgeon looked at my scans while he was taking to me about the vertebroplasty, and said because the fracture isn't in the back near the spinal cord, he feels confident it will go well. I would encourage you, if you're still in pain, to see if you can have a consult, too. Any pain relief is welcome!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    @sondraf I am glad PT is going well, in your pocket hoping for some easy SE and a long lasting treatment as well.

    @livingivlife I am sorry you took a fall as well, in your pocket for improvement.

    I did manage walking both ways to the hospital. Had one nerveracking part where a paver was removed from the sidewalk along a busy road so no choice but to walk on eneven ground, I tried going quicker to get back to stability but remembered to stay on the other side of the street to avoid it on the way home. Otherwise all went well and I was well fed in the chemo suite. They doubled on the cheese and cookies which was great so lots of energy for the walk home.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sf-cakes---- I guess I am thinking I am going to try to go to church during the summer, with "less" germs. Then in the Fall/Winter, with colds and flu, I will probably stay home and watch online. But, even now, I am being cautious and sitting separate and wearing a mask. And I am taking it a Sunday at a time. If I am tired or nauseous then I won't go.

    Today I did a load of laundry, swung by the library to pick up a book, and went to the pharmacy to get refills. After getting home and putting the laundry away, I sat down to read and fell asleep. Haha. That is how it is anymore

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Candy, I am the same way. It sounds like I do so much but I have to take rest breaks during activities too. I bought a book recently and have fallen asleep as I start to read. I just don't have the energy to complete the whole task either. I am also glad to hear you have been able to go to church and your times to go not only make sense but seem to work for you and your concerns.