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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Well, I am having a moment where I put my pancake mix somewhere and not able to find it. It could have been left in DB's van.

    Back from the store, realizing that walking even for half an hour outside in weather that is not hot for me is out. I still overheat. I am going to try again tomorrow when I have slept better, not sure if that was the issue but I really do get hot. Treadmill mostly and bus wherever I go is in order. Indoor only. Most bus stops are 10 mins away which is good. Days that involve hospital, bus as well and perhaps leave earlier to get some walking in the non busy hallways could work. Not sure if overheating will go away but I need to be conscious of it. Anyway, still a nice day and may go out for shorter walk this after noon. Going to try the small amount of pancake mix and water, want a thin almost tortilla thickness, use that for a peanut butter sandwich. Make it in the sandwich maker. Also putting the mix where I can find it as well.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    mel , the coronation was spectacular, despite the London rain. If it is available in the USA and you need a distraction it's well worth a watch. I used to love seeing Diana in her 'posh' outfits. I am with you about the new King.

    It will probably take me ages to finish the paint by numbers .

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Mara, please take it easy when you go outside. Have you got and insulated bottle/cup that you could put an iced drink in? Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Take care.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Denny~I’m not a big Camilla fan by any means. I didn’t like seeing her in Diana’s crown. It must have crossed everyone’s mind at one point or another. Especially the sons. William and Harry. I got to see some of it but when I got up the actual coronation had been over. I’m sure I could you tube it.
    Just do it a number at a time. It goes alot faster than you think. it starts to come together. I love doing it. It takes up my time.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Denny, I will take care, thank you for saying that. I know my limitations and do take the bus. If I want to walk thousands of steps, that will be indoors in the summer. Grocery store shopping can be done early morning and bus will still be taken for that. Meantime, outdoor walks will be long enough to get me to the bus stops nearby.

    So apparently the city where I live is the least happy place to live in Ontario. They took into account incomes, crimes and I think more factors. I've never lived in a bad area of town. I must say I disagree, all cities have good and bad points. Rant over.

    Laundry, surveys, PT and bit of housework happening. Waiting for cat food from Amazon. Walking on the treadmill and marching inside due to rain. Foodwise, looking at something with eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. The thin pancake I was going to try to use as toast failed and sat heavy, no more.

    Hope everyone has a good day as well, pocket duty and love to all too.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    Mara, all your words of wisdom about physical therapy encouraged me to ask my MO about exercises that I either should be doing or should not be doing with this compression fracture in my back. I just watched a great PT video about avoiding "flexion" movements, which are basically not bending over or doing things like sit-ups that curve the spine forward. Not that I do sit-ups anymore, lol, but I have a tendency to bend over to pick something up. I'm now working on leg strength and keeping my back straight at all times. I wouldn't have even asked about this if it wasn't for you, THANK YOU!

    I've been watching the dog agility championship at Westminster, and it makes me so happy! Those border collies haul butt through the course. Also cleaning the house a bit, as my Mum is coming to stay with me while I'm recovering from the vertebroplasty procedure next week. Will be lovely to have her here. Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement, I think I'll try to just think about dogs running the agility course and leaping off the dock into the water to reduce anxiety.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    My appointment with my PCP on Friday was a little concerning. She ordered some X-Rays and an "ASAP" consult with the neurosurgeon. I put that in quotation marks because even if she ordered it as ASAP it will likely still take weeks. I am going to get the X-Rays first thing tomorrow morning. Her concern is that the existing compression fracture may have gotten worse or I have a new one. I can't really anticipate what I'm going to do until I have more information. I can't lay down without pain. If I'm up I'm generally okay unless I move or swing my arm wrong or reach wrong and then I get a severe stabbing pain. Otherwise when I'm upright it's just a tolerable dull ache. So we shall see.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi. I should have made notes so I could address each of you. Scans. X-rays. Progressions. Falls. Oh my!!! I am glad we can now save a draft. That is one improvement.

    I enjoyed the coronation but then I like the long line of royal continuity even if Cromwell blew it up for a bit. I love the horses with decorated braids, uniforms from centuries ago, that ridiculous golden coach that is supposedly like sitting on a bag of rocks. I still can't get over hearing "King Charles" and not imagining a man with long black ringlets and a spaniel on his lap. Charles has loved Camilla since university. Diana was essentially a holdover of arranged marriages. It was not a happy time for either of them. "His mistress is now the Queen" sounded like something from the 16th century.

    My DH is not using his walker anymore and can stand in the shower without needing the chair. He is still nervous about stairs, as am I. I am 5' 1" and weigh about 105 lbs. I would not be able to pick him up.

    My dear cat Aelfric is slipping into that area where I will have to make the hard choice. There is a vet who will come over and assess your pet, suggest palliative care etc and will also do a home euthanasia. It costs $$ but I am prepared to do it. I don't want my little pal to suffer fear and stress going to the clinic.

    It has been really cold and rainy here for May. It literally dampens my desire to go out and work in the garden. I have tomatoes that need to go into bigger pots to be put along the southern exposure fence.

    Wishing everyone better days.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Elderberry ~ I enjoyed the coronation as well. It sounds like your DH is coming along well. That’s very good. I used to love home grown tomatoes m, there really isn’t anything like them. Makes me want to make cucumber and tomato salad. Like when the kids were little. That thought made me smile. Thank you. I hope you get to gardening soon.

    Emac~I’m sorry that you’re in pain. I hope your arm starts to feel better and you get those X-rays done and quickly figure out what this pain is. It must be difficult to maneuver around. Can you sleep in a recliner ? If it hurts too much to lay down ? Please feel better soon, sending hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    SF cakes, glad the PT talk is helpful to you. I still have to kick my arse to start getting it done but it gets done. I was given 10 sit to stands originally but have increased by 1 per day, up to 14 now, I can really feel it in my legs and can see why getting up through the day is not enough. Need the harder work. Rest of the PT could spread out I think, newer exercises are harder to avoid leaning over etc but I do my best.

    Emac in your pocket for more information about latest occurrence.

    Elderberry, I am glad to hear your husband is improving, I am so sorry about your cat, sometimes the kindest is to let them go but also hard. My love to you, your cat and family.

    Not sure what I want to do, may walk outdoors later but I must sit for some of my surveys and mobile game stuff for extra money. It is not because I cannot afford the groceries I need, just like to use earning sites to take some of the cost off. Thought I would add that as I don't want people to think I am struggling to get food.

    Breakfast is basic, 1/2, 1/4 cup beans, wheat bran and handful shredded cheese. The bran, beans and cheese go in the chopper. Wheat keeps it more like ground beef. Microwaving, adding steak and chicken seasoning. I like the chicken broth powder. Should be good, working out inside, do some Paul Eugene and Leslie Sansone walking mostly. Planning a short walk, possibly in the mall.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Happy Monday, all. DH and I drove out to see my Dad Friday night and then up to see a couple of college girlfriends so that DH could deliver a piece of art he made for one of them. Back home now. Today is our 35th wedding anniversary. It's always hard to believe. I think we're going to make it. LOL

    Weird stuff going on with me. I'm having this issue with swallowing. It almost feels like food is going to get stuck, but it doesn't. Then, sometimes, I get this super tight feeling in my esophagus after I've swallowed, and I get the hiccups. Last night it was really bad after I took my evening meds. I wake up coughing in the middle of the night. It goes away, but I feel like I'm choking on my saliva. Does this happen to anyone else here? I don't see my MO until the beginning of June with scans at the end of May. One more thing to "worry" about.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Happy Anniversary Sunshine.

    If you have access to the MO via patient portal it would be a good idea to mention it so the scans can be changed if necessary or added.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427


    Hi and happy Monday to you too! Happy 35th wedding anniversary too! We just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary and it’s hard to believe we’re looking at 51 this Sept🙂. Also, l too get issues with my esophagus at times. I guess it’s always something with me.

    So DH and I are flying down to Ft Myers sto visit our sweet granddaughter and meet our first Great Grandchild. He was born in January and we wanted to get down to see them in February, but I had just been newly diagnosed with Bone Mets and began treatment, so we has to put it off a bit. I’m so excited to be going down to see him this week. Can,t wait😊♥️ I feel so blessed to be able to hold my Great Grandson.

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2023

    sunshine, I sometimes have weird swallowing issues. What medications are you on?

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    sunshine and sanagirl happy anniversary!

    I had an endoscopy in Jan for that same feeling in throat. She stretched my esophagus and I had some other GI issues nothing major. She said it’s something that happens as we age. I hope you feel better soon.

    Take care all


  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Sunshine99 - That sounds really scary. I do sometimes wake up at night coughing and it feels like I've choked on my own saliva or refluxed in some way. Sometimes I also have to take small sips of water after I swallow fluffy foods like bread, rice or pasta or it feels like it gets stuck right at the bottom of my esophagus. It might be worth getting a swallow evaluation if it gets worse.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Sunshine: I have terrible GERD if I don't take pills. It frequently resulted in sudden projectile vomiting. I have been doing fine now. I have had several endoscopies. A polyp was found once.

    Happy Anniversaries to Sunshine99 and Shanagirl. We have our 50th Wedding Anniversary coming up May 26th. How did that happen? Only old people have 50th's.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you, everyone. Tanya, that sounds very uncomfortable. Did it hurt. I have a very active gag reflex and can’t imagine having a scope put down my throat.

    Emac, it’s really weird and yes, scary. I’m thinking of asking for a swallow eval if this continues. I used to do them with my speech therapy patients as part of a dysphagia eval. I’d accompany them to the hospital as observe the eval. I worked in long term care and had a lot of patients with dysphagia. I haven’t had a stroke or anything like that, so I don’t know why this is happening.

    Elderberry, I’m sorry you have GERD. I did briefly consult with Dr. Google and he mentioned GERD. I’m glad you’re OK, even if you have to take pills to stay that way. I don’t notice burning like I’d expect with GERD, but who knows? Happy soon to be 50th! Wow, it does seem like that should be for old people. DH and I decided to try to stick it out for a few more years – just to make sure we’re happy. We’re pretty sure we’re happy, but you never know. (Just us trying to be funny!)

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 512

    49 yrs this summer for us. That getting old stuff is creeping up. Note I'm not there yet.

    My experience with Gerd and that stuck in the throat feeling was 5 yrs ago. I'd been having gerd and related issues. Had the scope down throat during twilight sleep. Dr didn't think tight enough to stretch now. Maybe if food stuck mire often. Yes, common. No problem since. I also tested positive for H-pylori. Caused lots of the issues I believe. Visit Dr google regarding that. But I also needed my gallbladder out. Afterwards doc said I'd probably need to stay on them pills for life! Nope not me. Not 1 since. A few digestive enzymes as needed. But then I went off Femara. Does thst cause gerd?

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Happy Anniversary to those celebrating. We join your ranks in August with our 45th. We got married at 23, a couple weeks b4 hubs started medical school. I worked as a paralegal to support us. Because we were so careful, his student loan was only $18,000! Speaking of hubs, it’s his turn for a procedure today. He has had long time old man issues of not emptying his bladder completely so he is going to have his prostate tied back. I swear it’s like having a toddler. Poor guy is always going to the bathroom. The procedure is done under twilight sleep so he won’t feel the effects of general anesthesia. I started pt for my surgical shoulder yesterday. This is my 5th time going for pt since the start of 2022. I see the same therapist who is so, so good. She understands all my various issues and we chat away during the exercises.
    My thoughts are with all of you going through pain. It really hampers QOL. And is so fatiguing. I pray you all get some help and relief. My internist feels that my issues with shortness of breath and fatigue are due to the severity of daily pain I have. After being cleared by a cardiologist and pulmonologist I’m starting to think he may be on to something. My back pain worsened after the surgery. Come to find out you are put in all sorts of different positions during the surgery which could explain why things got worse. The Ortho is sending me to see one of their pain management docs for a second opinion. The pm doc I saw last year out of a different hospital system opined that the only thing left for me was a spinal cord stimulator. There is no way with all the issues I have that I will go that route. After doing much research, there are too many bad results with that option. We have started baseball season. Grandsons play on different teams and granddaughter plays t-ball. My hubs has gone to a couple games but I have a rule of at least 60 degrees and no wind. My bones can’t take sitting out in the cold. Won’t be long b4 we complain about the heat -lol. Sending hugs to all my sisters here🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited May 2023

    Happy Anniversary to all celebrating their anniversaries.

    I am sorry to hear about the esogphagus and trouble swallowing for people, I occasionally feel that way, never felt like I would vomit from it but familiar with it. Hope it eases up.

    Today I am doing my own PT between other things like laundry, surveys and games for cash. Planning an indoor half hour march on the spot, will go outside later once school is in. Just like the less crowded sidewalk. Am mulling a mall walk sometime this week as well.

    Foodwise I changed my mind and made pancake with 1/3 pancake mix, 1/4 cup water. Whisked that up first. Added handful of shred cheese and 1tsp of the peanut butter I don't like, some maple and bacon seasoning. Precooked a hashbrown in beville oven, added salt after cutting everything up. Only allow syrup once or twice a week. I will also try out chopped beans that look like ground beef with eggs later in the day. Going to head out for a mall walk, pick up extra peanut butter as earned enough to make it practically free. 3/4 of PT done, 14 sit to stands. Been increasing 1 per day, not hurting me and is a good workout. Not sure if going to stop at 50 or 100. I think my legs are generally strong which makes it easier for me.

    Have a good day all and I am in pockets for everyone who needs it.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427

    I have also the same issues. I had an endoscopy but it was done during the time they did my colonoscopy. So I felt nothing. I was out for the whole double procedure. I do have a hiatal Hernia, and I believe this is what causes my reflux and esophageal spasms sometimes.the GI Doctor recommended daily Prilosec and if it gets worse he’ll prescribe something. That was 3 years ago and I am due for my next colonoscopy next year.

    Happy Anniversary to every one who are celebrating.
    Tomorrow we fly down to Florida for five days to be with our Great Grandson… have a beautiful week everyone 💙😊

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427

    Question? I”ve been trying to find out how to insert a picture for my “avatar” . How did you ladies get your picture with your names?

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    shanagirl my picture transferred from before updates. Sorry I don’t know how to put my medical bio either. I did notice that you were NeD for 13 years and then Mets. I was stage 3 in 2003 and then in 2017 Mets.enjoy your travels and great grandson/family.
    mara thanks for daily updates. Certainly encouraging for me.
    I made zucchini bites fro breakfast today with beyond sausage.
    take care ladies


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, ladies! It's so interesting to hear your experiences with the swallowing thing. I'm thinking I'll just monitor the symptoms (and what I've had to eat or drink) and mention it at my next MO visit.

    tanya, tell us more about your zucchini bites. I've made egg bites with chopped veggies in my Instant Pot and I recently made Zuppa Toscana with Beyond Sausage.

    DH and I got sushi and drove to a spot at Point Loma Nazarene University that overlooks the ocean. It was a really pleasant evening.

    Going to get some walking in today by going to the UPS store to drop off my Nespresso pods. Not much else going on. I have an appointment at the DMV to renew my license tomorrow. I have to have a vision check, but I went to my optometrist and got a report from her. I don't wear a lens in my right eye but can see well enough out of my left eye to drive without it. Hopefully, they'll accept that - otherwise I think I'm in trouble. I'm going to actually put on make-up and do my hair for my appointment since they'll be taking a new photo. I detest DMV photos. It's not like a passport photo where you get to choose the best one. Oh well…


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Changed mind about my walk, still want to do surveys and earn money so I am going to flip the script and go out after dinner. That is when DB, SIL and I usually get mall walking in so I am going to do that tonight, just take the bus, want to pick up an extra peanut butter as well. I go through it so quickly. I have to remember that I do not necessarily need to be out in the morning. I also treat bus fare along the lines of groceries as well. Keeps me more on budget.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544

    Hi @shanagirl,

    To add a profile picture, click on the last icon in the top right corner. It will bring up a menu that includes "Account & Privacy Settings" as the first option. Click on that option. When the page reloads, on the right-hand side, you will see new navigational options. Click on the one that says "Change My Picture." Then click on "Upload New Picture" and select a picture you would like to use from your device.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544

    Hi @tanya_djamila,

    Here is a link to the article that explains how to add your diagnosis and treatment to your post signature:

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427


    I keep clicking on "account & privacy settings" but never can find any navigatonal options for chnge or upload a picture. I can't find that link. Still trying tovfind my way around.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,544

    I am going to private messaging you to further troubleshoot, @shanagirl!