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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sunshine~you made me laugh now! Hope you ladies have a good weekend. (Not real meat lol)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Sunshine and Mel, good morning. I was dealing with internet issues yesterday but back today. As usual, my love is going everyone and pocket duty for all who need it.

    I am planning to start acclimating myself to the warmer weather, it will be hot soon and I just need to be able to tolerate walks up to /2 hour so that is today's main activity. Laundry already done. I did buy some bath and bodyworks soap. Some of the minty scented stuff and Japanese Cherry Blossom. I can usually stretch by adding some of my own soap, not water and make the soap last longer.

    Breakfast will be an egg meal, only one, a hashbrown and some beans. Pulled ground beef out of freezer for tomorrow, gradually working through everything. Probably will use the sandwich maker to put all ingredients together. Might include a small bit of pancake mix to hold it as well, we will see.

    Agein, have a good day or weekend everyone.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Adding to prev post, decided to purchase a hotdog and bun toaster. I like hotdogs but not fond of them boiled or microwaved, got from Amazon for 50.00 which is not bad. Will just give me something extra to eat as well. Walking plans are changed now, going to the mall instead. Walk first, get some hotdog buns and some hotdog or chicken weiners, we will see.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Good morning Mara~ it was warm for sure yesterday humid also. That’s what gets me. I love grilled hotdogs. DH is the grill master. I love everything from the grill. Okay now you’ve made me hungry again. Lol have a nice walk my friend. Hugs to you. And pocket duty for whoever may need it.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I posted this on another thread, but thought some of you might appreciate it:

    Here's a "funny" that some of you might appreciate. My DH and I were having dinner with a couple of friends recently who were visiting from northern California. He's an oncologist and she's a family practice MD. She's had breast cancer and is now on AIs.

    Her husband was talking about the future of AI at dinner and, of course, I'm thinking "Aromatase Inhibitors." He was talking about Artificial Intelligence. Boy, did we get a laugh out of that! It's all about your perspective, right?

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Sunshine, that is really funny. I think of it as AI and the drugs you mentioned as I have heard the term a lot, that is great.

    Decided that I really think I need to put some effort into losing weight. I don't look bad but I overheated to the point I had to sit twice before walking into the store. Needed hotdog buns, going to have a hotdog at dinner. The temp was only 73 and I was dressed for it but it was ridiculous. I took an UBER home, so disappointed. I can only blame the weight gain as the main culprit because even during cancer, I could walk in warmer weather when I weighed less, think I will add walks on the treadmill first after meals to get metabolism moving. Stick to buses until it is not such an issue.

    I realize that I need to be more firm with myself and try to find a positive. Though I started feeling overheated and tired about 10 mins from the store, I did not wobble or almost fall over so the cane and PT are having some effect. I sat on the bus shelter bench by the store first and then when I got in the store. Took UBER home. More mallwalking as well and enough walking outside, 15 mins or so and build up. It is frustrating because other than the weight gain, I feel pretty good most of the time. Oh well, kick my own butt now. Treadmill at home also has a fan on the top that blows in my face too. Hell, could just walk around my block repeatedly so that if I get warm, I would be close to home. Need to get more acclimated to the heat.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I feel the same way when I walk in the heat. I don’t like wearing shorty shorts. So I really wear like pants that come up to my shins. I have lymphadeama (spelling) so I have one of those compression sleeves on 24–7. So that makes me extra hot right away. I dis like being hot. I’d rather wear a coat than sweat. Hat and a coat and I am fine. Just be careful on those walks. Please.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Happy Mothers Day to all. Hope your day is filled with love and flowers and yummy treats. If you’re not a mother. Treat yourself to something you deserve it! Hugs to all

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Ditto on the Happy Mothers Day. Even for those who have no children, you might have nurtured a pet. And if that doesn’t describe you, then you undoubtedly have touched someone’s life in a caring and giving way. Enjoy the day!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Thank you Goldens, did not realize it was mother's day. I suppose my cats are my fur kids. Love them to bits.

    Did a huge grocery delivery from Walmart yesterday with some of my own money and walmart gift cards from surveys. Decided that the hotdog toaster thing will be useful, though unsure about hotdogs. Hotdog meat can be seasoned and ground up to go in other things so that is good. Also need to make a lot of egg meals, accidentally ordered 2 dozen so flush with eggs. Also have to start using up my chocolate chips as well, can make small peanut chocolate clusters or even just melt the mint chips for mint chocolate. I also went overboard on peanut butter too. Oh well, better too much that I eat through than not enough stuff.

    As far as complaints about overheating, I am no longer going to walk to the grocery store. Getting overheated and tired to the point of taking an UBER home is unacceptable. Steps only to the bus stops I need and if really hot, take Walmart earnings and shop there with a mall walk as well. Also doing Paul Eugene from youtube. It is called a senior gold workout. I do first 10 mins and do it standing so it counts in the steps, easy to do and 10 mins long, doing it after meals or snacks. Will still do some outdoor walking for 10 to 15 mins at a time but nothing more until the overheating stops.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 512

    Mara, I enjoy reading about the meals you prepare. The groceries gave me a chuckle. All those items go quickly for me and i stock up on them. . the eggs are good for quite a while. I avoid the chocolate and hotdogs are a staple here. I don't eat them but dh eats them like I eat peanut butter; many times weekly.

    I perspire excessively. Ever since hysterectomy at 27 yrs old. Ick. I just deal with it though I should be concerned about overheating as I work in garden. Change clothes several times a day.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    For my actual breakfast, made a couple of eggs, 1/4 cups beans, small amount of cheese, one beef hotdog and wheatbran. Added some chicken broth dry seasoning and steak seasoning. Blended it up together and heated up the Sandwich maker, cooked it up and cut up on my plate. Comes out much like the eggs come out on an actual egg mcmuffin as well. Doing a Paul Eugene sitting workout but standing for it, gives about 1000 steps and I get exercise to both arms as well. Feels good. Still waiting for the sausage/hotdog toaster to come from Amazon so any outdoor excursions will wait until tomorrow or until it arrives. PT still going well, no longer increasing sit to stands, do as many as I can til I tire as long as it is above 10.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Celebrating my last paint by numbers (the pier of my hometown Huntington Beach, CA). I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Ooh, very nice, mae!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    love it Mae! Love that bar too

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- somehow that drink takes center stage but also love your picture

    I am behind on my postings but I find when I don't have the tablet in front of me like my phone was before I tend to let the days past.

    I do wish everyone a happy Mother's day to parents of kids and fur babies. My day was a relaxing one with special son and our new fur doggy. The two of them get along so well I am so glad.

    I also want to send belated Anniversary wishes and yays to all stable scans.

    I have my scans on Wednesday so I am dealing with scananxiety!

    Hello to everyone! Many names to mention but I am thinking of each of you dealing with daily struggles

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi. Really unseasonably hot here for us. 28 C. Scrubbed off the back deck (it has a roof, yay on that!) All the fall/winter grime and grit and little bird poop around the feeders. There was a nice breeze blowing but the back stairs were like a frying pan. We ought not to be putting up our swamp coolers and fans in May.

    I expect we'll soon be getting smoke from all the wild fires in Alberta and here at home in BC. 2021 was a nightmare. We had a Heat Dome and the sun was a weird orange from wildfires. You couldn't breathe for all the suffocating heat and smoke.

    A friend came over to help tackle the deck. It got a bit neglected last year so it was double the work. I think we'll have take-out Japanese food to beat the heat. It is Sunday so I'll also have a martini. Mae, you can hire me to shake up a few. I have been told by many people I make the BEST classic martinis. I just love your bar and wish I could be there. My fave painting is the VW bus. I have happy memories that involved VW buses. Cue Ten Years After and smoke billowing out the windows. Yup - I am THAT old.

    Happy Mother's Day:

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 261

    elderberry, I want a martini!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited May 2023

    we had an unhealthy air advisory and we have had a haze for a few days. Not suppose to hang outside. From the fires. I’m sure they are reaching all around The air is just high in the atmosphere from the fires burning that we are effected also. Of course the closer you are to that part in Canada the worse it gets . I just wish it would be under control. I am thinking of those dealing with the fires.
    i can’t drink but a margarita has always sounded good. !

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Hi All,

    Just a quick checking as I seem to be suffering a bit more from the steroid induced insomnia these days! As Elderberry said, it’s been unseasonably warm here. Not too bad in the mornings and I walked Sadie last night and it was lovely but afternoon temperatures were definitely getting up there. I love the sun but…. Have resisted the fans but not sure I can go another day.

    I’m doing okay otherwise. The diuretic and puffer combo seems to have helped my breathing quite a bit although I definitely have good days and not so good days. I have to watch because it’s very easy for me to over do it and then I’m toast. I’m irritatingly dealing with a leak, not in the kidney tubes but in my leg! Darn neighbour was fussing about a fence issue, I stepped badly in the garden and scratched my skin on my ankle. That’s all it took and now I have a pin prick that keeps oozing fluid. It was actually quite remarkable how much fluid came out at first. Soaked one side of my slip on runner. It’s all this darn edema in my legs. I need to take care though as it can become a major problem. Thankfully I have a lot of supplies from the nurses so managed to bandage it with gauze and waterproof tegaderm so that I could get through the night puddle free. Just need to avoid damaging the skin any further!

    Other than that, waiting on an urgent CT scan as I have developed a completely numb chin and some numbness and tingling in my arms. Not sure when I will get the call but hope it’s not some horrific time. They are doing scans around the clock these days but, for me with all my issues it’s really tough when I have to go super early or late.

    Waving hello to everyone. Happy dance for those with good scan results. In your pocket for those coming up and sending hugs for others dealing with challenges right now.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited May 2023

    Elderberry, I am so sorry it was so hot, I cannot tolerate more civilized temps but 28 would probably kill me. Glad you got your outdoors cleaned off though, good job on that.

    Sadiesservant, I am glad you are holding your own. I definitely remember steroid insomnia from earlier on. I had to use earbuds and listen to rain or sleep talkdowns to get even a bit of rest. I always got off it as early as possible. In your pocket as well. I am glad you can look after inadvertent cuts and leaks yourself as well. In your pocket as well.

    Mae, the picture is lovely.

    I will be doing a number of things today. I am still organizing storage of food, living room is fine in the shelving, utilizing vertical storage with over the door hangers and bags with zip ties. I have a plethora of Walmart bags from delivery so utilizing those, I use under the couch and bed as well, try to keep stuff off the floor as well. Interestingly, the linen closet is biggest but not storing food in there.

    I also have garbage, laundry already in dryer. PT and some Paul Eugene. Earned another Walmart gift card filling out surveys, and earned 10 for paypal. Some goes to groceries, some to debit for treats or Amazon if I need cat food which is good. I have to watch bus trips, I don't use enough for the lower income monthly bus pass but need to make sure I keep it above 10. I was down to one bus ride. That would have sucked. Sausage/hotdog toaster is great. Skipping hot dog buns in future, not too much of a bread person anyway. Like pasta or rice if I need a carb. Meals today need to feature beans, spinach and eggs, poaching egg where than cooking in the sandwich maker. Looking into bread using pancake mix or whatever as well.

    Hope everyone has a good day, in pockets as needed.

  • rk2020
    rk2020 Member Posts: 697

    sadiesservant- I’ve also recently developed chin numbness on my left side. I first noticed it on May 7. Told my doctor about it at my already scheduled visit that Tuesday. In addition to the chin, I’ve been experiencing periodic muscle spasms in my left arm for months. At first they were very infrequent but by the beginning of May, they were happening 5-10 times a day and were impacting my whole arm. My doctor scheduled a brain MRI which came back with only 2 low intensity skull mets but they have been around awhile and are stable. Although it was not a cervical spine MRI, the scan did capture C1 and C2. The report did indicate stable metastatic disease in C2. Could this issue be cervical spine related? I treated my cervical spine with radiation back in 2021. I’ve also got some degenerative disease in my cervical spine.
    For other reasons, we decided at my appointment to start me on a low dose steroid. A happy effect is that my arm is acting up much less often and when it does act up, it’s not as intense. Unfortunately, the steroid is doing nothing for my chin. As a matter of fact, it is spreading. 😞 It’s now impacting the left side of my lower lip and the lower left side inside my mouth. At first I thought I had food caught between 2 molars but flossing didn’t help and then I realized when I brushed my teeth that the whole lower section of teeth was numb.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning ladies!

    The heat sounds unpleasant. It's overcast here, but I prefer that over the heat. We're going to St George, Utah, this week. It's supposed to be in the low 90's (F) while we're there. They have AC.

    Sadiesservant, I'm sorry about the oozing scratch. For me, one of the worst parts is the mess makes. I hope it heals quickly.

    What's with the weird jaw numbness? I continue to have swallowing problems. I took a couple of magnesium capsules last night and my esophagus went into full spasm mode. Then I got the hiccups, burping and a whole bunch of phlegm. Yuck! It subsided, but it was painful and just set me off. Routine scans are set for the end of the month. I'll wait and see if the show anything.

    I hope everyone has a decent day. Mae, I'm looking forward to seeing how your hotdog cooker/roaster thing works. I like hotdogs (when I eat them) that are slightly blistered. Of course, then all the stuff like catsup, mustard, relish, onions, mayo.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    rk2020~sorry to hear you’re having issues with your jaw and numbness. It’s crazy to think how this can happen so subtly and then it’s just there. I hope that it doesn’t continue to be annoying. Welcome to our thread. Good to see you here.
    hello Sadie…..emac….Goldens…….living….sunshine…Tanya…Candy……Mara….Mae….AJ…shanagirl…all hugs to you ladies.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    @sadiesservant Always something isn't it…glad you got out to walk Sadie yesterday. Hope everything is ok with the CT, fingers crossed.

    @rk2020 Sorry to hear you are also dealing with strange chin numbness, hope you get an answer and some relief.

    Beautiful streak of Spring weather is here, now if the pollen can just calm down it would be perfect! Had a nice weekend went out to a delicious dinner Saturday and yummy Gelato for dessert. I think I found my new celebration treat for myself after scans etc. Was really nice to have my my kids together and relax. Potted some flowers yesterday now I just want to get a few veggies planted. Going to try to ride my bike more it's easier some days than walking. Xeloda gifts you with neuropathy and hand/foot syndrome but I won't give in ! I really enjoy exercise as I use it for stress relief.

    Hi to everyone here, hope everyone is finding some bit of peace today.❤️

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Got this message when I clicked on this thread from my notifications and it scared the crap out of me! I thought we’d lost our living room. Fortunately, I was able to get here by scrolling through active topics, whew.

    Anyway, we’re home from Houston and have resumed our short morning hikes but this week will be mostly gardening and relaxing.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    cookie~I also got neuropathy from my chemo. It sucks. It’s really great that you can get out there and ride a bike. I used to love that. So nice to hear that you had all your kids together for Mother’s Day. Mine were all here but my dd was in Bed all day not feeling good. So I spent a lot of time with ds and dh. It was very nice. Glad you had a yummy snack also. I’m very much in a sweet tooth phase. I love sweets 🍭 just try to pace myself with them. Now I’d like one. Everyone sleep well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mae,glad you’re back sAfely. I am glad you found your way back to us. Quirkey message to have gotten. We are very much right here. I hope you continue to enjoy your walks. What kind of temps are you having?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Micmel, wonderful weather here, in the 70’s until a few hours ago when it started to rain, now it’s a chilly 52 degrees. It should warm up tomorrow and the plants will be happy.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, I'm having 2 units of blood because my white blood count is so low, hopefully this will help with my leg weakness, I have been very unsteady on my feet and enable me to resume chemo. Sending good vibes and well wishes to everyone who is struggling right now and of course I'm in everyone's pocket with homemade salted caramel fudge. My whole brain radiation is done I just have to wait and see if it was successful