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  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,392

    I love those emojis Candy.

    I thought I posted and if already done and I missed it, sorry. 2 loads laundry, one bucket, other washer done same time, both drying. Got extra money for some english muffins as a credit for paying my phone bills on a credit card. Phone and internet together are 150 so does not take long. Also realized when I pay the bill everymonth, make an extra dollar on my main grocery account too, adds up pretty quick. I cannot make much but still pretty good at stacking or saving a dollar.

    Going to take the day off today and work on my surveys etc, there are some things I want to get and if I can spend less, it is all good.

    Breakfast was an egg fried with the bean/bran mixture, bit of beefless ground, once the egg was done, plated uncooked bean/bran, cooked egg and shredded cheese. Microwaved for 60 seconds, added small amount of melted mild garlic and a small amount of mayo, added salt and steak seasoning, it was pretty good. The beans/bran mix does look like dry ground beef, similar to the beefless meats so to get a picture of the meal, think ground beef, cheese melted in with seasoning, garlic and mayo mixed in. Yum.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,392

    For those with stable scans and doing well, I am happy. For those struggling, please know I think of us all whether struggling with friends, families, progression and whatever else. I have trouble keeping up with more than a couple people when commenting but everyone here lives in my heart. I do think people discount online relationships we can develop and have emotions from those. Helps me a lot as a person who spends time mostly alone other than different online communities. This site is the only one I consider family though.

    Mel still in your pockets and thinking of you. Mae, hope you are doing alright in the heat. Our turn will be coming once the humidity cranks up.

    I did see on youtube news about the submersible, I will keep my eyes on the news channels there.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,693

    Good morning. DH’s little deer gang, so cute, I had to share.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528

    love the dear gang!

    Candy some people are just rude. I’m sorry you had to hear that.

    Kitty I hope you’re getting things sorted out today.

    Grandson popped in for a visit. Enjoying the positive kind energy.

    Mara I’m going to make blueberry pancakes with almond flour and flax seeds.

    Grateful for the living room.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 711

    Love the deer.

    A few years back when living in Ohio, a young fawn took up residence in our cul-de-sac. We first met him around late June. It became obvious that no mom was around. He made the rounds in our neighborhood and seemed to seek out our home. He would come visit and I would hand feed him fruits and vegetables and dried corn. We had woods at the end of our backyard and he would come running out and up to us. Our visits lasted for about 16 months and then he disappeared. It was an absolutely amazing experience. Here are some pics -

    Bambi (that’s what we named him) came on our front porch so I turned him into Rudolph for our Christmas card.

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 254

    Love the deer pictures!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    @illimae and @goldensrbest — ahhhh

    Those photos are so warm and fuzzy

    Just what we all need… thanks for posting

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,026
    edited June 2023

    Goldens. Omg. So damn precious thanks for sharing. Adorable!!!!!
    mara~ I consider us a family also. I found my Best friend from these boards. I totally think the support and relationships that are formed are priceless. Tanya ~ gs visists are the best. waving to Candy! Mae~ love the deer gang.

    I watched this show on HBO max. Love & death. It was awesome. I binged it in three days. Loved it. Riveting !

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419
    edited June 2023

    @illimae and @goldensrbest

    Those lovely pics of all those sweet little Bambi deer were just what I needed to see after this long day in the hospital and that horrible MRI. I came out of there So adrenaline feeling agitated from the noise of that machine and those hospital techs. so your pictures were a blessing to look at on the way home.💗

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 563

    Hi everyone. I sure enjoyed those pictures, too. True story, I have a niece named Bambi. She is the sweetest, most loving dear (pun intended).

    Shanagirl, Valium is the only way I'll climb into an MRI machine. And even then, I get very anxious. I'm sorry you had to go thru that trauma.

    Today I decided to stop babying myself so much and climb into that darn pool. It's been 3 1/2 months since I become so ill and was diagnosed stage 4. I was hospitalized a total of 10 days with pneumonia, thorascentisis, biopsy and pleurex catheter placement. Cath was removed 12 days ago. Man I really am weaker than a kitten. It was impossible to swim, too much pain, so I did some minor exercises in the shallow end and enjoyed the heated jet.

    I'm surprised how much my chest hurts, feels like lymphadema clear across my mastectomy scars bilaterally. Haven't felt like this since original surgery 4 years ago. I'm trying to use a compression garment and exercise for relief. How long did you find it took you to try and resume some normal activity? I find I'm in my chair most of the day. . Still shock or depression or feeling crappy, well maybe all of the above are limiting me.

    MO appt. tomorrow, and DH's biopsy Friday morning to see if he needs to start treatment for CLL. Fortunately DD is taking him since I haven't driven in 3 years. I worry that my driving abilities are not the best due to MS.

    Here for pocket duty. Thank you all for your friendship and comforting support.


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Goldens, thanks for posting those delightful photos. Interaction with a wild creature is so special, you all look so relaxed.

    My thoughts are with everyone who have or are about to have tests , scans and results.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 807

    Morning everyone, here for pocket duty for scans, treatment and struggles. Absolutely loved those deer pics, how adorable! I am also grateful for this community definitely a big warm loving family we have here❤️

    irish Glad to hear you got back in the pool, small victory's . Fingers crossed for DH hoping no treatment is needed at this time

    Thinking of Sadie and Kitty, sending hugs

    Shanagirl Glad you the MR is behind you.

    Another dreary day here like most are experiencing on the east coast. Missing my outside walks, always plenty to do inside. Wishing a good day to all!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,026

    Irish~loving the pool action. I wish you less pain. They say swimming is the best exercise for US. Non weight barring. Feel better sweet friend.

    Cookie ~good to see you too. It is cloudy here too and won’t be too warm either. Which is ok with me. I hate hot hot weather.
    Hello Denny ~ hope you’re good.
    here for pocket duty. And hugs !

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Love the deer pics.

    A few years ago, I was coming home from work about dusk, and I heard a rustling behind me near the tree line. I looked over and there were 5 deer just standing there staring at me while I unlocked my door. It was cool. I live in town limits, but the edge of town. I have neighbors just across the street from me and cars go by regularly. But, I do see deer coming thru my yard traveling to a wooded area a couple of blocks away.

  • keris113
    keris113 Member Posts: 45

    Good morning everyone! I am new to MBC and this forum but am looking for help. I am not sure if this is the right place for this. I am 37 and was diagnosed with IDC with mets to my liver in March. I did a few rounds of AC before they found it was in my liver. I am now on Kisqali, anastrozole, and lupron. Side effects so far have been minimal, fingers crossed. I have been struggling A LOT with anxiety and depression and don't know what else to do. I know that this is common but it has been affecting every area of my life and making it hard to get through some days. I am on medication for both anxiety and depression and am trying to find a therapist. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,392

    Mae, the deer gang is adorable.

    Kitty I also hope things are looking better today.

    Tanya, those sound absolutely delicious.

    Goldens, I love your deer as well.

    Mel, sounds like that show might be up my alley. Will have to check it out.

    Irishlove, will be in your pocket for all appointments and good for you for getting into the pool. Small steps count, never forget and glad the heated jet felt good.

    Candy, glad you get the deer as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,392

    Well, decided to wait and see if DB texts about going out, not bothered whether I go out or not, decided to walk the treadmill once or twice and probably do my Paul Eugene as well. Laundry done, doing some survey/mobile games to make more money which is great, I do love being frugal and using survey site money to buy groceries too. I have money to buy groceries but enjoy keeping money in the bank and using survey earnings.

    I had the bean/wheat bran, 1/4 cup, bit of beefless ground, a generous sprinkling of shredded cheese. Seasoned with some taco seasoning, tiny bit of chicken and a bit of salt. Was pretty good.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,323

    keris113, I didn't want to leave your post unanswered. Welcome to our forum. It is a good place to ask questions, vent, just anything. We care about you and your journey. I was diagnosed Stage IV seven years ago and am still alive and enjoying life so please know that there is hope for you. Let us know how we can help.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Keris— Sorry that you find yourself in this "club". But I think you can find a lot of help here. I will try to attach a link to the Liver Mets Thread (others with liver mets, but in all levels of progression and treatment plans). Also, you may search if there is an active Kisqali Thread (I do not know, since I have not been on that med).

    Anxiety and depression are to be expected, esp in the newness of the diagnosis. I was 46 at diagnosis, you are 9 years younger than that. I too did a couple of rounds of AC before they found it had went to the liver and bones. Then we switched me to Ibrance (Kisqali's sister drug), Letrozole (similar to anastrozole), and Lupron. I am now 6 years into this sh!* show, and have moved from Ibrance/Letrozole to Lynparza, but I am still doing pretty good overall. Fatigue is my constant companion now. I had to quit work. And I still have bouts of anxiety/depression at how life turned out. But… I am still alive. And not on IV chemo yet.

    I hope to see you continue to post on here. Come to "Mel's Living Room" as we call it. Sit on the couch. And vent all you need to. We care. And we understand.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    I don't know how to send a link to the Liver Mets Thread.

    Can anyone help Keris? Mods?

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Keris, I must have missed your original post, but welcome to “Mel’s Livingroom!” I’m sorry you’re here, too, but I’m glad you found us. Any stage of cancer sucks. Come hang out with us. We have really good snacks and lots of the Ultra-soft Kleenex.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I was able to get an “Urgent” referral to GI today. Yesterday and the day before really sucked. On Monday after taking my Ibrance and Arimidex and having a sip of coffee, my esophagus started spasming so badly that I was choking on my saliva and started vomiting. It lasted a couple of hours. DH was about to take me to the ER.

    Then yesterday, I thought that I’d skip the coffee and just take the Ibrance and Arimidex. Did that about 7:15 am and then at 7:40 we left for my EEG appointment at 8:15. Started spasming on the ride up there and started vomiting again. Fortunately, my stomach was mostly empty, but there was lots of mucus. Sorry for the TMI.

    I arrived at the clinic, walked in, and then walked right back out to the Urgent Care Check-in to ask for a barf bag. They gave me one and I went upstairs to the EEG check-in and ended up cancelling my appointment. Vomiting during an EEG isn’t a good thing.

    The schedulers were really nice and got me rescheduled for next week. Next step was to try to move up my September 1st appointment with GI. They said they couldn’t do that without an Urgent or Stat referral. So, finally this morning, I was able to get the stat referral and have an appointment on June 28th. It’s a video visit, but that’s OK because I have a list of all the stuff that’s been happening.

    I can’t believe I’m hoping for a endoscopy, but I really need to get to the bottom of this. I skipped my morning meds because my housekeeper is here today and I don’t want to be barfing in the bathroom while she’s cleaning. I’ll take them after she’s gone.

    I also skipped my Tylenol PM last night hoping that I’d sleep better. I did take some Z-quil which I think helped. I woke up coughing a couple of times, but it was a dry cough and didn’t last too long.

    So far, so good this morning. I’m not looking forward to taking my Ibrance and Arimidex later today, but we shall see. I’ve lost about seven pounds because I’m afraid to eat. Mashed potatoes, soup, and Ensure seem to go down OK and I did manage to enjoy my coffee this morning without any issues.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. I tried to break up my paragraphs to make it easier to read. I’ll probably cross-post in a couple of different threads, so if you see this exact post in another thread, you’re not “seeing double.” LOL

    Happy Thursday!


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,026

    Sunshine~my goodness! I so hope you’re going to get to the bottom of this. I am sending you healing thoughts. Hugs to you.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    @sunshine99 — OMG. So sorry you are having to go through all of this. Sure hope they find an answer very QUICKLY

    Will be thinking of you, hoping for an answer for you

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 807

    Ugh Carol my goodness these esophageal spasms sound relentless! So glad to hear you got in next week with the GI doc. Crossing my fingers that relief is on the way.

    Welcome Keris sorry we are meeting you this way but we all welcome you with open arms. Cancer is a B***h and we all have our highs and lows every day. I hope you find support here and your MO or navigator can help with therapist suggestions in your area. Hugs

    Mara Sounds like you do a good job earning money with your games. Always helps to save a buck or two wherever you can I have used swag bucks here and there . Have you heard of Fetch? It's easy, all you do is take a picture of your receipts (any) and you earn points towards gift cards. I figure I'm shopping anyhow and it's easy enough. Oh you can get points for online shopping also.

    Hey Mel ,yup pretty cool out there was surprised when I went to walk Daisy. I like the heat but absolutely hate humidity😓

    Think I'm doing leftover's for dinner was ambitious yesterday and made homemade pizza. Get tired of chicken this chicken that lol. I have picky eaters over here…..

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Well here is an update on my real-life friend with MBC and has new liver involvement- that I posted about on Sunday the 19th.

    She just called me. She had her doctor's appointment. They are adding Verzenio to her already use of Arimidex. I thought maybe they would change her to Fulvestrant, but maybe they offered that and she declined. Who knows. I could hear her husband's voice in the background, and she seemed hesitant to talk too long. I gave some pieces of advice- that the cancer center can help her sign up for financial assistance since Verzenio is really expensive, and that the med would come per FedEx and not a local pharmacy. She wanted to hang up soon, but I told her I was available if she needed to talk. And that I was wondering about her, but I would not call and "be a pest", but she can call me anytime.

    As Sondra said on here, I think it is going to get real for her, real fast. I hate that for her. I wish I could help her navigate the road ahead, but I don't know if she, or her husband, will let me help.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419

    Hey, checking in this afternoon,.what a damp dreary cold right through ya overcast day. Must be the same for you, right @cookie54?

    @irishlove I know! Right? The Valium or Ativan is the only way to get into that MRI monster. I was so pissed at myself because I forgot to take it even though I brought it with me..

    @keris113 It’s so hard to welcome anyone who comes here, because nobody wants to be on a StageIV or any cancer forum. But I am so glad you found us. This is a very supportive group, and I’ve learned so much about my own diagnosis here. Everyone is knowledgeable and more than willing to help you navigate through your experiences with this disease. You are so very young to be dealing with this. My youngest child, the baby of 5 is your age, born in 1986, the day after Christmas. It would just kill me if she ever had to deal with this. I still have that strong love for her, the baby girl.🥰💗. That’s why i sighed when I saw you were only 37. My heart went out to you immediately, Keris. So far i only learned about my Stage IV Status Bone Mets in January. I’ve under the care of my Oncologist for 13 years, and stable Stage IIIA. But suddenly he saw my tumor markers jump, then sent me in for scans now newly diagnosed with MBS. I, like all here are dealing with the discomfort of side effects, extreme tiredness, all of which has caused huge life changes. It’s a day to day thing, and you will get thru this., The big thing for me is trying to be upbeat for my family, while working through the side effects of treatment meds..So again, Welcome, hon.💙💕

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,026
    edited June 2023

    I was sorry to see that sub did not make it. How terrifying that must have been. They said it happened to fast they didn’t even know. The entire thing is riveting. I hope those families will be ok and feel very sorry for what happened. So creepy , found so close to the titanic ruins. Still after all this time it’s still taking lives with it .

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 254

    @keris113 , this forum has zoom meetings for people with MBC. There’s one for under age 45. I go to one of them (for old ladies) and find it super helpful.