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  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025

    Yay stable Candy! That is great. I hope lowering the dose will help you. I am in the same boat. Lowering ibrance. Good thoughts your way. Always. Hugs to you

  • weninwi
    weninwi Member Posts: 776


    Thanks of sharing the tip on using liquid colace for ear wax removal. Never heard this before.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,319

    sondraf, so sorry you are going through such a rough time. I will be praying a drug change makes a great difference and can bring you respite from all this mess. You deserve better.

    Candy, yeah on stable… always good to hear this news. And yes, we do care here!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,390

    Sondra, in your pocket for the dex to ease the pain and bring your appetite back.

    Candy, glad to hear about you being stable and having an onc who is letting you lower without an issue too.

    Sunshine, thank you for the idea about the Colace for ear wax removal, makes sense for what it does though.

    I am presently baking up a beef pie which is larger, from Swiss Chalet, I can probably get a few meals from it. I could also add rice or Also purchased beef soup which I will strain out the broth from the can and save that as a seasoning for stuff for a couple of days, I like to fry up the soup vegetables with eggs as well. Not feeling lettuce so much as it browns and wilts, if I do buy it next time, will take the time to put in freezer in small handfuls and pull out on the daily. Love parmesan cheese, I buy the grated variety.

    Part of me really wants to go out without an UBER but resisting the urge. Ground is wet and slippery I imagine, not sure boots would work. Going to just be patient and wait for construction to end.

    Now I don't know how it works out but I have to wellness checkers since my other one came back after 6 weeks and my other guy calls in. I also have a regular nurse that calls me on Mondays, I don't do checkup right now as nothing to report healthwise

    Have a good day all and in pockets including my own to get everything done that I need to. Pocket duty will be appreciated for Oct 26th, that is when I get MRI results to find out if brain is the issue for feeling less coordinated. We will see.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,464

    Sending you All strength and gentle hugs. @sondraf , it really DOES suck. 😔💙

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,390

    Just wanted to add that the pot pie was delicious and will go with several meals, plan to use it over the next 4 or four days. Pretty cheap meal.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Just popping in to wish everyone a happy Saturday! No changes here really. I am doing better on the biweekly Taxol treatments. The extra time in between infusions has given me some taste sensation back and a little more energy to do things. I still wear out quickly but can live pretty normally if I take frequent rest breaks. My next scan is November 1st as a follow up to the SRS.

    Mkestrel - I have a northern flicker that likes to visit the mulberry tree in my back yard. I have a woodpecker feeder for them as I have the flicker, a downy woodpecker and on occasion the redheaded woodpeckers that visit. Beautiful photos!

    SondraF - I really hope you can get relief from your pain. Dexamethasone helped me in the past.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528

    Hello all

    pocket duty for Mara on the 26th. I know that’s the day you get mri results. What are exploding beans?

    mel happy to hear you can lower your ibrance to 75.

    Candy congratulations on stable and upcoming dose reduction. I’m glad you got all your questions answered.

    mkestrel I love the pictures of birds foliage and deer.

    I had covid and flu vaccine yesterday. I’m glad I got it over with-actually not too bad this time.

    waving hello to emac sunshine Goldens shanagirl sondraf into light weininwi Mae KBL Runor and many more.

    much love


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy-Really glad to hear that you are stable and got the dose reduction you wanted. I don't think you should apologize for "taking charge" of your appointment with questions. If your new MO had more to say, he could have said it. Now he knows that you are a proactive, informed patient which I hope will lead to a good working relationship.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy-I was going to ask yesterday how your appointment went and if you liked your new oncologist but I didn't b/c I felt it would be "nosy." Let me know if you like people inquiring after your appointment-it sounds like you might. I certainly care about how you are doing and wondered how your scans turned out, etc. For myself, I sometimes need to time to process things alone, so I might not appreciate an inquiry.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Thanks all.

    Chicagoan- I do like to hear from you all. I thought about posting my stability after I saw the scans on the portal, but then I thought I would wait and report off on the doctor appointment too. I have always, and will always, post an update on here. So anyone wondering how "candy" is doing can read my progress.

    Looking back and reviewing the appointment, I just thought I should have let the doctor take the lead. He was logging onto his computer to get into my chart, and I told him I had questions (with my notecard in my hand where he could see it). He said "go ahead", so, boy, I did. I should have let him start the conversation when he had my chart pulled up.

    But, yeah, he now can see I am a proactive, informed patient. Hopefully he doesn't think "too informed".

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 562

    @sondraf I am so sorry you are struggling so. May they figure out your treatment plan and get your appetite back quickly. Being sick and dr. visits is just so overwhelming. You need a break. Thoughts and prayers for you.

    @candy-678 Hurray for good scans and being proactive. I usually go in with a card with questions or notes. Last MO seemed happy with answering questions. Let's see what happens with new MO, who starts end of Oct.

    @micmel Oh that Theo is a quick learners. I'm so happy you have him in your life. Did you read the story of the senior lady who went to her doctor appt., and left with a prescription for a cat?? She adopted a cat and is so very happy now. Love this story.

    @chicagoan Hi gal. This is the place of unconditional love and support. I know I appreciate all the wonderful storied and the support and suggestions.

    Waving hello to Mara, Emac, Wenwei, Tanya, and all that I don't mean to miss. Hope everyone is having a good evening. Looks like Phillies are ahead, knock on wood.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025

    It makes me feel better knowing how you are all doing. Sondra~ I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. You’re in my thoughts. Havent seen Mae. Hope she’s good . Hello to you sweet ladies hugs to you. Hello Tanya. Hello!

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 600

    Sondraf, I'm sorry that things are so hard right now. Really really hoping you can get some relief. Sending you love.

    Mara, definitely in your pocket for the 26th. Let us know how that goes.

    Candy, hurrah for stable! And I love how you approached your first appt with your new doc, with all your questions at the ready. And if any doc thinks anyone is "too informed", that kind of seems like that's more their own issue (ie, ego) than anything else!

    My MO has a series of questions that she asks me every time (re: pain, headaches, etc) but we always have plenty of time for my questions. I keep a notebook that I write things down in, that occur to me in between our appts. I can email her in the meantime, too, and she's very responsive. I hope she doesn't leave! But will approach it the same way Candy did with a new doc if it comes to that.

    Had dinner with lovely friends tonight at their apartment, they have a 4-year old who is into dinosaurs and we both drew rather hilarious dinosaurs together - mine looked like a cross between a doberman and a cow, with wings, lol! Realized on the drive home that I didn't think once about cancer while with them. Wonderful to have a respite from it!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 711

    Candy 🎉🎉 for stable! I would never apologize to anyone for questioning about my health care. Fortunately it sounds like your MO was ready and willing to answer you.
    Sondra - so sorry things are so crappy for you. Praying that the meds will help you turn the corner quickly.
    I’ve had a sort of life changing experience. I’ve been treating with a podiatrist since June for my feet. Lots of pain, degenerative disease in feet picked up on bone scans. Like the rest of my bones, my feet had essentially collapsed from severe arthritis so the doc started creating orthotics for me (comparable to the stuff you can buy OTC but then he modifies them). First few visits I was getting some pain relief and support but this last month was like a huge backslide. I saw him on Tuesday and asked about cortisone injections which he agreed would be worth trying. Had the injections bilaterally in the mid foot area and all I can say is that it was some sort of miracle! I can actually walk without pain and my back pain is even less! That something so simple could help so much.
    Happy Sunday to all - hope your teams did or do well🏈⚾️🏒

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Also, I feel like I took the lead in the office visit because as my new MO was answering my questions he was jotting things down on his notepad. At the end of the visit, his nurse was in the room too, and he was telling her "order this and this… etc" and then he turned to me and said "did we get it all?". He was great, but afterword I felt like I was directing the visit and not the doctor. I just don't want to give him the wrong first impression of me. But, boy, he knows I am going to be my own advocate!!!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 806

    Candy Great to hear happy news, congrats on stable! I'm a huge advocate with the question list also like many of us do. There is nothing wrong with your approach as the MO understands you are learning each others personalities.

    sondra Thinking of you, hoping relief is on the way.

    emac Glad to hear you are feeling half decent considering all you have been dealing with. Fingers crossed for improvement in Nov. scan.

    Hey Tanya nice to see ya ,glad your doing well.

    goldens Wow so glad you found relief with the injection, life changing. I feel like when my feet hurt and back hurt it cramps my style lol

    Mara Your beef pie sounds perfect for being easy and long lasting. I like to make chicken-pot-pie especially in the cool weather. Also I'm a huge fan of the crockpot, large portions and set it and forget it!

    Hmmm Colace in the ear who woulda thought?? Love the tips on here. I swear sometimes I get more info here than anywhere else…love it!

    Mel Thinking of you, glad you have Theo to keep you busy and snuggle with.

    Thinking and praying for all daily.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025
    edited October 2023

    Another thing I’m pretty sick of is Covid. It ruins plans and I have had it. Why don’t they just say flu? It’s basically shitty like the flu, and I am not going to get another vaccine. It makes me feel horrible. My sons co worker tested positive for Covid and now my son isn’t feeling well. We are all supposed to gather for my daughters birthday today and my son is worried he will get people sick. I really wanted him here. It pisses me off. As if having cancer isn’t enough , we have to worry about Covid too. I know candy. You worry about it also. I wish covid would take a hike back to China.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,390

    Tanya, I eat canned beans. I don't like the texture just heating them. I either put them in a food chopper, to make them more like ground beef OR put them on a plate and microwave with a lid on. They heat up and explode so the are a different texture I enjoy more. Usually heat up 90 seconds or so.

    Cookie, it is really easy and I like just spooning it out, I can do many things and use it in many meals. Not bad for 7.99. I checked a delivery service about a mcdonalds burger and fry dinner, by the time cost of the food, service fee, delivery and tip were added in, it would have amounted to close to 30.00. I vote no thank you to that. I will buy frozen pasta, burgers, vegan burgers which are cheaper and can be made healthier. With the meat pie, I can take a fried bean and veggie and egg mix, fry it up with a bit of the beef pie.

    I belong to a page on facebook, Cheap meal ideas and they have wonderful ideas on how to make things last longer. I still make pancake bread and stuff it full of cheese, eggs and beans. Sometimes hashbrowns too.

    I also am trying out a shredded veg type salad, comes with other stuff, use some ranch and a spoonful of the meat pie, eggs will happen after breakfast. Also learned that the best place to store lettuce and such is in the salad spinner with lid so if there is moisture, it goes to the bottom of the spinner instead of wilting the leaves, we will see if this is true.

    I also found some older but still potent catnip so the cats are high as a kite. Kind of funny to watch.

    Not doing much today, mobile games for money, laundry and I am not sure what else, still recovering from my busy week last week. As November draws near I am waiting for the road to get finished so I can use Paratransit more and save on UBER

    I hope everyone has a great day, in pockets as always for all of us who need it, including me. Still working on my anxiety side, worry too much that does not matter so much at the end of the day, not brain related, different life events related. I am still a work in progress as thought processes I have had for 51 years take a while to change and become less of an anxious sort of person. Getting there I think.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025

    Lol at Mara Cats are high as a kite. That even sounds funny. I’m sure it is funny!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Mel, I agree about Covid/flu/whatever. My WBC count at my appointment this week was 2.2, ANC was 1200. I know I need to prevent any illness, no matter what kind, any way I can. I hate being concerned doing things, church, or any crowd really. I had my flu vaccine last week, and I am going to get my Covid vaccine in a couple of weeks. (I wanted to spread them out)

    But if your son is sick, and co-worker tested positive for Covid, you need to protect yourself.

    It is very frustrating.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,690

    Hi all. I’m ok. I’ve been dealing with some virus which caused major GI issues and dehydration, then I had treatment on Thursday, so it knocked me back too. My secondary MO advised me to eat rice with chicken broth and drink lemonade with real lemons and real sugar. So far it’s helping a lot and I’m glad he didn’t just recommend more meds. Still tired but improving.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419

    Hey ladies! Lots of stables here. That’s great to hear..It’s been really chilly today. Can’t warm up. I was going to paint today but no motivation. I am achy and tired today…I’m wondering why the tips of my fingers are pealing like crazy. Not sure if it’s treatment related or hand allergies. I hate the feeling, trying all kinds of creams,…

    @sondraf I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.

    @candy-678 I’m so glad you had a positive visit with your New MO. It’s good to ask the questions and I’m sure he get’s a lot of them. Sounds like he’s looking at a good treatment plan that works best for you..

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,319

    illimae, I am sorry to read you are dealing with this virus but am glad you are on the mend. It was good to also hear a MO recommend a home treatment like that. Good doc!

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 562

    Good afternoon all. I hope you are having a peaceful, pain-free fall day. In pockets for all who are in need. Phillies won last night but don't play again till tomorrow in Philadelphia. I cooked spaghetti today and it was nice to just tell everyone it's on the stove and get it when you want it. Doing a frozen Shepherd's Pie for a lite dinner and pumpkin pie for dessert. Wal-Mart has upped their game with their pumpkin pie compared to last year.

    Waiting on insurance approval for an MRI of the spine. The burning pain has pushed to a 10 and Gaba100 does little to help. Trying to tap down inflammation with Claritin, 1000 mg of Tylenol morning and 500 mg of Aleve dinner until my appt.

  • mkestrel
    mkestrel Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2023

    Emac I had no idea there were woodpecker feeders! I have seen the cute little downy woodpeckers here too. They were fighting over the peach tree lol.

    COVID shot gave me a big welt, so dramatic on my marshmallow arm. I had chills all night and aches etc. Nice. My counts way low though and I want to hang out with the many nieces and nephews. I did some of that this weekend, the little petri dishes. This week I have treatment bleh.

    I couldn't sleep last night and ended up in the hot tub before Dawn and watch the deer come into my garden. They weren't sure what I was. Then my cat got up and sat beside my head. Then the deer were really curious and came closer, circled downwind, decided we were both lions and went bouncing away.

    Miss Cat aka Tiger says yes she is also a lion.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025

    Beautiful cat! Love the eyes.

    mae, glad to see you. I’m sorry you got a virus. Nice to know the lemonade trick. Thanks for sharing. Rest up and stay feeling better.

    Sondra~thinking of you and hoping for improvement. In your pocket.

    hugs to everyone. Had a nice gathering with Dd , DH and dd boyfriend she opened her presents and we had dinner. It was fun. Before she arrived. I was taking out the recycling and I look over my shoulder and who is trailing behind me loose. But Theo . He started to run toward the street, thank goodness there were nice people who stopped to help me. None of us could get him he was so fast. DH came out finally, and DD arrived and she comes walking up, straight at Theo and stopped him. My heart was in my rear end. It was so upsetting. I don’t know what I would have done alone. Makes me see how helpless I am with my cancer body. It was another wake up call. But everyone was having trouble getting him. He was like a pogo stick and ohhhhhh so quick. It was unreal. the eagles are on soon. Hoping they can take Miami. Miami has been putting up some big points. So we’ll see. Goodnight ladies

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Oh my, Mel, heart in the throat that Theo got loose. It is scary that we are not as quick on our feet anymore and cannot chase after them. I walk with a cane (thanks to arthritic hip) and my cat trots after me. I am afraid he will trip me up sometime. He is an inside-only cat, so I always fear he will lunge for the door and get out. They are our babies.

  • keris113
    keris113 Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2023

    @candy-678 congrats on stable scans and way to advocate for yourself at your appointment. Something I need to do more of.

    @sondraf sorry that you are not feeling well, hope that there is some improvement for you very soon.

    I have never heard of the lemonade trick for a virus either, good to know. Hope you are feeling better @illimae

    Getting a tooth pulled tomorrow which I am really not excited about. Had to be off Kisqali a week prior and a week after. I also can't drink or eat anything 8 hours prior and the appointment isn't until 4:00. I usually don't have much of an appetite but that just seems like a lot to not even be able to drink something.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,390

    Candy, glad you are stable, that is good to hear.

    Mae, glad you are on the mend from your illness, the soup and fluid sound just right to start that process for you.

    I love the beautiful cat as well. My own are still finding more nip and are baked as we speak.

    Irishlove, I hope the insurance decides soon and hope what you are taking will tide you over until you are approved. In your pocket.

    Mel, I know the feeling when a cat dashes out and it scares me, Tigger has tried that a couple of times so I imagine the terror you felt, glad your daughter helped stop him.

    Well, breakfast was plain. Made a plain pancake, 2 tbsp water and 1.75 tbs mix for a thinner consistency. Pulled out sandwich maker and put in a frozen sausage patty at bottom of it and the pancake on top, put little bit of melted butter across top of pancake. It was a sweet version but I was more conscious of using less syrup.

    Not planniing to do much today, likely money making stuff and house chores, garbage going out tonight, making bags lighter for myself, anything else can stay in the rubbermaid tote in bags. Tote never smells but I think it is because I don't tend to throw out food and the cat litter is not smelly thanks to sprays of enzyme spray. I also spray out the container regularly with alcohol and water spray since not looking for disinfection.

    Hope everyone has a good day and in everyone's pockets if you need me or not.