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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    welcome back Belle~hope all is quiet in your world. Giving hugs.

    We are all going to miss emac. I keep thinking of her beautiful hair and smile in that rodeo photo. We had fun. That day. All the lovely photos shared. Rest easy sweet friend !

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Can someone give me the date that emac posted that pic of her rodeo? I cannot remember it, maybe I missed it, and I don't know how to find it with all our posts on here.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I’ll take a look and see what I can find Candy. Not sure with this new format if I’ll be able to find it.

  • tougholdcrow
    tougholdcrow Member Posts: 159

    emac very much resembled my sister at that age. My sister also rode Western although we did not have rodeos in our part of the world. When emac posted that photo, I connected to her as if she were my sister.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456
    edited June 18

    Yes, we will all miss Emac, it is never easy when someone goes. I am glad she no longer has to suffer and she fought with more strength than I could have summoned, I am glad there are no more sickness and hospital trips for her and peace after a hard fought battle. If I could be in her pocket I would be.

    Well, our heatwave is crazy, it was even feeling into the 90's over night and they say our humidity will be sticking around. Got several fans in the living room and a big one blowing air from the bedroom with AC. I am keeping at 75 so the AC does not have to stay on all day since keeping it too cold caused the leaks before. Still plan to get a professional to clean out the AC when it is time to do so. It is filthy in the parts I cannot reach. I will stay in today, have to trim my head, hate doing that as the wig does not feel natural but need to ensure the cradle cap does not return.

    I ran the robot vacuum this morning, Tigger was swatting at it, Ava left the room but they are better adjusted. If I am being totally honest, a regular vacuum, broom and sock mops do just as well, planning to spray the floor once I make up a vinegar and enzyme spray. May also use the broom with attached sock mop and go behind with the sock mops I put on my feet, I do think they are more valuable than I think. Under the couch got done so that was good, need to use the telescopic duster as well. Fans certainly keep the tumbleweeds of fur going.

    Edited, decided to try hashbrowns done up in the minipans figuring the heat from top and bottom get them done sooner, I was correct, did up two hashbrowns and will microwave the eggs and ground turkey to eat with the precooked hashbrowns, going to season with salt, add mayo and ketchup as well, will all be good. At supper will chop up beans and cheese and add something else, not sure what at this point.

    I am hoping everyone has a good day, stay cool if you are hot where you are, in pockets including my own to keep up the chores, small place but low energy so need to do a bit at a time so it continues looking good to me.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sleep well, emac!

    I have my PET scan tomorrow and got an appointment with a dermatologist on Thursday for the SEs of the Truqap. The itching is becoming unbearable.

    MO appointment and Faslodex shots are next week.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    sunshine~ in your pocket !

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Good luck with your scan, Sunshine!

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    Hi all you lovelies! I’ve been lazy and I have been giving into my tiredness and recent minor surgical procedure by my pain management neurologist done on Friday. Will have a follow up with him tomorrow. The procedure is a pain block on my C7, T1. It always works well for my pain and hands 🖐️ and fingers, wrists loss of ability to hold things without dropping them all the time. The excruciating neck shoulder and arm pain are gone too. What a difference ‼️ My neurological doctor wants to discuss a new procedure for my next visit to the Surgical Center. He feels it will help resolve the pain for a year instead of having to come every time I’m in agony each 4 to 6 month intervals.

    @candy-678 It’s ok for pity parties. I hate being told by those who don’t know what we suffer here to “stay positive “ you’ll be ok”🤬

    I’m just now learning about @emac877 . I am so very sorry and my prayers and condolences go out to her family and those close to her😢. I hate this disease. I hate when we lose another sister or brother here on this forum. Godspeed @emac877 and Rest in Peace.

    @seeq I too loved the Rodeo Queen Post by @emac877

    @micmel @cookie54 @mara51506 @tanya_djamila @threetree @tina2 @tougholdcrow @weninwi @illimae @intolight @irishlove @chicagoan @sf-cakes @sondraf @bellelove70 @malleemiss251 @moderators @mavericksmom @mkestrel @goldensrbest and any of you other wonderful peeps I have not mentioned…..I love you all. 🩵. I am going to sign off right now. I can’t stop crying 😢 for the loss of @emac877 . I will check in tomorrow after my appointment with my pain management neurologist.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679
    edited June 18

    Yo, this dose of Abraxane Monday put me on my ass today, goodness. It was a fight to wake up, get up, sit up, do anything. I gave in to it and accepted it was going to be a tired day, but I'm feeling a little better tonight. Drank a ton of water and actually having my leg up all day was probably for the best. I did get up and make a good solid breakfast of scrambled eggs, slice of bacon and half a piece of toast for me and hubs at least, and he's doing this bean and shrimp thing for dinner. Protein is the name of the game in this house!

    Cannot wait for Thursday and that lymph appointment, something better happen or I will be raging angry. At least its first thung and hubs is coming qith, having gotten out of a boring work commitment. Tomorrow apparently I have a call with the dieticians....would be nice if they out who they were on my chart alongside new patient video call as I had to call and find out! But as a just in case of needing Fortisips or something I have to talk to them first I guess.

    Well done @illimae for cancer free brain and good luck to everyone facing a scan or results this week.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Wasn't Emac still just in her forties?

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    @shanagirl Hey there, glad to hear you have relief through pain management! I hope he has something even better for you to try next time.

    Mae Congrats on stable again…keep it rollin!

    sondraf Yikes sorry you got your butt kicked with Abraxane this round. Hope the next one is a bit easier.

    Can't stop thinking of emac and all the beautiful souls we lose here. Sometimes I feel like one by one cancer treatments will fail us eventually. It's just a tough reminder I think that I do have a terminal disease. Especially now with possible progression to my spine it makes it even more real. I have been sailing along pretty well for months and I am grateful . I always have told myself that I may defy the odds and live longer than I think. Gotta get back on the positive train and push ahead, that's all we can do.

    Hi to all here…hey Irish hope you're feeling ok . Have a peaceful evening❤️

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580

    Good evening all. My heart is broken for emac's family. My gosh she is so young and beautiful inside and out. She was a blessing and will be terribly missed by so many.

    I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile. Scan was stable, but showed severe inflammatory bowel disease. On Thursday I started with another severe diverticulitis attack. Fortunately nurse and PA came to the house and was able to confirm diagnosis from the scan. They started me on Augmentin for 10 days. Spoke to oncologist yesterday, he said stay off Ibrance extra week (last week was my off week) and see what GI doc says. I have appt. tomorrow. It is so very hot here that I thought I'd face plant yesterday. MS and heat do not go together and thrown in dehydration from diarrhea and of course cancer meds, and well I prefer my bed. Onco is now suggesting dropping Ibrance back to 75 mg. I had asked that last attack and he was not in favor of such a move. Now he his and I imagine it's because surgery can be brutal as we all know.

    In the for what it may be worth category, check your insurer to see if you have a home health team that you can make an appt. with. This is the 3rd time I've used the service and I'm really pleased with response time (weekends can be tough) and thoroughness.

    I've tried to catch up reading to some degree. I've missed you and wish nothing but the best in your lives. In your pocket.


  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    irish congrats on stable that’s awesome!

    Ugh now, if we can just get your bowel to calm down! I hope with the extra week of a break it helps along with the Augmentin. Sounds like your team is right on top of things which is wonderful. Stay as cool as possible. I know many states are dealing with extreme heat also,thank God for A/C feel better…

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Glad to hear about stable scans for both Mae and irish, Irish I am sorry about the diverticulitis and in your pocket for healing.

    It is still super hot and humid here, no going out. Waiting on some Glaxal Base, wanted something that is not greasy to put on my head post head wash. I remember how well it kept my skin up during radiation post appointment. Tried out the new cradle cap kit, comes with sponge, brush and comb and I saw quite a bit come out. After drying, I did put the medication prescribed and it is much less itchy today. Still putting aquafor just outside and behind ears so that will be good.

    I am thinking of getting a burger lunch and saving the turkey and bean with rice for tonight. I did toss the tortillas, I do not like them and there really is no point in trying. I also want to get another mini pan, can use all three at once and cook more things at the same time, fry rice, eggs, turkey you name it, use them for anything and they are only 300 watts each while cooking. Also may get some more canned veggies that can be chopped up with croutons and fry those up as well. I will see what comes to mind.

    I am hoping everyone has a good day, stay cool if in a hot zone and in everyone's pockets. I found that my house feels better by not bringing in the outside air when the AC has not clicked on. I set to the energy saving and it only comes on with AC, house feels less humid than it did.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 584

    @irishlove that is great news about the stable scan - not so great about the tummy issues, though. I am hoping it can be helped. In your pocket with support.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    @irishlove Happyto hear your scans stable but geesh! That bowel inflammation is painful an and debilitating… rest rest dear Girl. 🩵try to stay hydrated. Hoping the Augmenten gives you some relief.

    @mara51506 I get hungry ever time i read your meal plan ideas😊

    @illimae Great news scans are good.!👍 lad to hear this.

    My follow up went great today with my neurologist. Pain is gone since the injection. He wants to see me in 3 months and hopefully I can remain pain free till then and if not he’ll do the radio frequency ablation on my neck.

    Now if I could just get rid of the bone met’s pain in the rest of my spine and ribs and lumbar sacral areas I’b e happy.

    Well good night all. Hope your sleep is restful and pain free.🩵

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580

    Hi all. Mae I'm so glad to hear your scans were stable. I hope the weather does not create havoc for your area of Texas. I need to extend those concerns to the southern states, too. We had our first

    rainfall in 2 months tonight. It didn't last long, but we'll take it.

    Saw gastro, we agreed to see if dose reduction of Ibrance may help. Otherwise he does suggest surgery. The surgeon that is well known and liked in this area is booked way out. So I'll cancel the appt. with the newer surgeon in town (no offense to her) and book with him and talk to him regardless if the 2 weeks off Ibrance and dose reduction seem to help. Just in case they stop helping. Can't keep doing this with other comorbidities.

    Thank you all for caring and please stay in if you can. Heading to humane society to check a cat to see if it's Bootie. Terrible picture but the right age and time she disappeared. Raccoon baby left for new home with wildlife rehabber. He was cute, but it was definetly a good move to get him back to wild.

    In pockets for all your needs.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Irish, in your pocket to having surgery to help you deal with your comorbitities. Hopefully things will improve.

    Shana, sometimes I make myself hungry if I am being honest. I am trying to stay away from the weirder stuff as it can work to turn me off but I can still do a lot with regular foods. I am thinking of lentils, beefless Agrounds and quinoa, add some chia seeds to the mix as well, not sure how to prepare at this point, later need to have eggs as one of my eggs from the last carton floated indicating spoilage. I may also spend some extra at Walmart again, no frozen yet but will check my canned food stockpile. Once freezer is less full, I may try to make some mini meat pies of my own in my muffin tin using pie crust mix and fill it up as I see fit whether it contains eggs, lentils, beans or whatever of canned veggies. For now, going to do at least one or two hashbrowns, couple of eggs and add beefless ground, planning to use my mini pans so everything finishes faster.

    Today, I am unsure if DB will want to take me shopping, think they are afraid I will collapse due to heat even though we would not be walking, even with all the fans and the AC, I am finding it stuffy in here, not impacting sleep but really annoying. Not sure how others without AC are managing but this is quite the heat wave. Last night was a fantastic and intense thunderstorm system. Frequent lightning, could not hear anything as I was watching videos from my bed but goodness. To be expected in the hot and humid. Hoping it cools down soon, getting stir crazy here.

    My head is much improved, just going to wash it this morning and put some Glaxal Base cream on, non greasy but will baby the skin, save the Aquafor for later, barely any urge to scratch yesterday and the baby comb and brush barely brought up any dry skin.

    Decided to order an egg mcmuffin adding in lettuce, tomato and bacon. Missed the hashbrown window but if I wanted one, would have ordered it. Also bought some big mac sauce, be an easy thing to add to rice or beans, quinoa or lentils. We will see, need to use up within 3 to four days.

    Hoping everyone has a good day and in pockets for those who need it, stay out of the heat if you are dealing with it too. I have 3 fans going in the living room as even with AC I can feel the oppression from outside.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,354

    Irish and Mae, happy for the stable news. We all keep plugging away!

    Sunshine, I will hold you up in prayers. Of all our symptoms itching is the most annoying!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    sunshine~ giving you a great big hug. I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this beast. I am nestling into your pocket for the long haul! As you figure out the next line of beast bashing medicine!!!!!!! It is so annoying to think that we’ve all already been through hell. It just sucks out loud. I hate cancer so very much. Love to you sunshine.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    Sunshine-I am sorry to hear your news. I hope your new treatment will knock it out.

    Our heat wave broke. It feels so good to have the cool air. I don't use a/c-it's kind of my hobby to keep my home comfortable without it. I have high ceilings and lots of windows so I experiment with shades up and down, windows shut when sun is beating in, etc. But after several 90+ days, it does get warm so I am really appreciating today's cool breezes. I have everything open to let the cool air in and hot air out.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 584

    @illimae - so glad you got good news with scans. @sunshine99 I am in your pocket with support. I am hoping that the next line of treatment is more successful and less itchy.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    irish Fingers crossed that it's Bootie! Well it can't hurt to have appt in place if needed, hopefully not.

    sunshine Cancer just freakin stinks!!!! Sorry to hear about the PET report we will just keep on praying that next line squashes it back! Big hugs your way❤️

    mara Glad your head is feeling a bit better. Hope you were able to get a little shopping in today.

    Had my PET today and it's a bit mixed. Area seen on CT is inconclusive and now they see something in my rt axilla which was my original cancer side…who knows. I had a lymph node dissection but it appears to be above that…stay tuned…probably a wait and see or more imaging.

    Prayers and strength to all here, have a restful night.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Sunshine - so sorry about the lousy news. I’m here for pocket duty as you take this detour. Praying for a good result with new treatment🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.