My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060

    I would like to sit in the creek ! Sounds peaceful and relaxing. Wonderful photos!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Posts: 906

    Mara In your pocket for Herceptin today🌺Hope it's a smooth day!

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060

    Mara~be safe as you venture out today. Hugs!!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Posts: 906

    mara Sheesh what a pia, hope you get a call soon!

    mkestrel Wow, what a beautiful view you have! Seems like such a peaceful place to relax and thanks for sharing pics.

    sfcakes Love, love ,love John Legend! He has an amazing voice and I'm so glad you got to enjoy a fabulous concert.

    Shana Glad today was a bit better. I feel like sometimes it's hard to decipher what's going on between SE's and just a cold, virus etc. Hope you continue to feel better each day.

    Wishing all a restful night.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Posts: 618

    Hi all and thank you everyone for your caring about us. You gals warm my heart. I wish no one was alone in this life. I'm so very sorry for you gals that lost your sweethearts.

    Dh's fever broke. Hurray for that. Mel I did the every 6 hours alternating between tylenol and advil. He's still coughing and somewhat hoarse, but ate my chicken and rice. Unfortunately now our Son-in-law, who lives with us has COVID. His O2 is down to 89 and fever around 100. I hope he's able to quit smoking during this illness. DGD, who's 10, was vomiting last night. No fever. We are a mess around here and we've been extra careful to stay away, scrub with disinfectant, all the protocols to no avail.

    The pics are so beautiful. I hadn't realized how bad the fires are till this evening's news. The people and the animals, oh my heart hurts so much for them.

    I've been increasingly concerned about this L1 fracture as it's painful. Televisit with MO next Thursday, so if I can hold on, I'll see what he recommends. So far no loss of bowel or bladder, or weakness in legs, etc. Just painful back and burning in groin area. Shanagirl, I'm glad you had a good nap and it helped a wee bit. As both you and Mel said, the pain in the bones is pretty much unrelenting and best you can do is rest. Thanks you for the breath whispers, too Mara, I admire your fortitude. I think you should consider writing a cookbook for delicious but easy foods to make. Cookie and Intothelight, thank you again for your love and concerns. I think I'm almost over Covid, just congestion right now. Rough summer, huh girls??? In pockets for scans and all of your needs.

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060

    it has been a rough year already for basically everyone I know. We’ve gotten Covid and I’m scared to get it again. You just get so sick. The bone pain. Hmmmmm, that’s a really painful thing to deal with. It never really does stop. But then again cancer is relentless. I’ve been thinking about Shannen Doherty and how quickly she all of a sudden died. There must have been unexpected or unreleased information on why. I didn’t expect her to go that quickly. Not to mention the only other people figure that has what we have. No one else to show what it’s like to put out there how much help we need dealing with this awful stage and disease. Olivia newton John same thing. Seemed well then bam we get the news she’s gone too after seemingly doing well. That’s pretty scary and shows you. How fast it can really move.
    intolight< I hope your family feels better.

    Come home Booty!!!!come home!
    agree about Mara’s cook book of short meals! Gailmary loved your flowers.
    mae how’s everyone feeling in your world!?
    love to all.
    Shana~sorry about your dreaded fatigue. It just comes with the territory . It suck’s outloud! I’m up late again! Ugh. Theo had to go outside at 324 am. Hooray ! For me!!!!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,642
    edited July 2024

    OK, the door issue is half solved by my DB, he removed the door plate and it seems to work again so as far as I know, I can safely go out with a locked door and not be locked out. I will find out tonight. Got an email back saying they never received any messages but I left four and gave the number the site shows for emergency, told them to provide the right number and to send someone to my apartment to fully fix it, they wanted me to walk around the building to find workers but that is not my job, that is where that sits right now. Not impressed with property management and would move if I could afford the rent.

    I am doing some housework this morning before my appointment with the new coordinator who is looking into more services. Did a quick vacuum and mop with the Vileda spray mop, suddenly the floor was slipperywith bare feet, put on sock mops and have been walking around the floor to dry it. Still have the movie tonight which makes me happy.

    Not sure what I will do for food today, possibly beans and rice with KD cheese sauce and taco seasoning. Nothing too fancy.

    I hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for those who need pocket duty.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Posts: 906

    sunshine So glad you had a nice visit with your kids a new GD. Babies bring so much joy to the family and I hope they get to visit frequently. I think a second opinion is a great idea, your more than worth it! Love that your MO is open with her feelings and of course want s the best for you! Hoping you get some promising options.

    mara Glad to hear the door is fixed. Sounds like you had a good visit with the healthcare worker. Hope they can offer you some helpful services.

    gailmary Love the beautiful wildflowers, so pretty. Trying to keep my perennial's alive, it's been such a hot summer. They're barely hanging on.

    Irish I hope it doesn't run through the entire household.Glad the fever broke , hope he had a better day today. Hoping the back pain doesn't get any worse and your able to rest.

    Hi to all and wishing all a restful night. Looking forward to low humidity tomorrow and the weekend!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Posts: 906

    mara happy to hear you loved the movie. anymore I feel like they are so far and few between. how did you make out carrying your snacks? Did someone help you?

    Tanya Hoping you get some relief with your mouth soon. Were you able to try the mix that Mel uses since she finally had better success with that? Hate to hearof you ladies suffering with mouth sores, they are awful.

    Glorious morning I am finally sitting outside on my back porch, drinking my coffee without humidity and a perfect 70° degrees! Thankful for small things.

    Sending healing vibes to all who are struggling 💕

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060
    edited July 2024

    my son went to see that movie last night and he enjoyed it very much! He said it was very funny.
    Tanya I can relate to the mouth pain. Boy can I ever. I finally got demexthesone ( sp). From my palliative care doc. It really does make a difference. You should definitely be like. Snap snap now please!!!

  • irishlove
    irishlove Posts: 618

    Morning all. The more I read about CRISPR the more impressed I am with the outcomes. I do believe it's the future treatment for many diseases. This last article touched my heart as it related to treating prolegia, the aging disease of youngsters. They've had great success with those darn mice again. Here's hoping it's fast tracked for many diseases.

    Oh Mel, thanks for thinking of Miss Booty. I look everyday on different sites. Then I get so sad and upset. Still have some symptoms of Covid, but better. DH is not better, so he's heading down to the the free care clinic that his Dr.'s practice runs a few hours on a Sat.

    Last night I became very painful, burning, numbing from waste down to femurs. Including bottom and genital area. My legs were so weak and so I finally said let's go to the hospital. It takes a lot for me to give in and I was just inhouse for bowel impact, so not looking forward to this trip. But I recall reading about cauda equina (sp?) and didn't want to take the chance. The pain level was 9 to 10. SO they did an MRI and spit out scoliosis, yada, but no cancer causing the problem and no spinal compression. THis guy didn't even find a problem with the L1. I think that's the area that was radiated 3 months ago. So one of these days I'm going to purchase good insurance like a PPO, and go see specialists that will give me answers. Otherwise I have to go thru my GP and wait forever for referral and then HUmana says NO too often. DH and I are talking about selling the house and using the equity for medical treatment plans, and then renting. I love to decorate, but I don't love the worry, especially hurricane season. We'll see.

    IN pockets for all and especially pain free days.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,642
    edited July 2024

    Irish, hoping you feel better very soon and perhaps the PPO would be a good idea for more thorough answers. I am sorry about all the pain you had. I am in your pocket always.

    I am putting together a grocery order for myself with Walmart, decided to sign up for the delivery service as it is cheaper than the amount I pay now at 12.97. Also going to drop netflix as I can finish cobra kai before the end of the month, dropping Disney as well as I have forgotten what I signed up for. Grocery order has quite a few pasta, need more lentils as well and finally a pizza, figure I can precook pizza, slice up and do different topping like cheese and eggs for example. Sticking as close to the 35 minimum for delivery as I can and no pot pies, still have plenty in my freezer. The delivery allows for a second trip in the month as needed. Figure since DB is getting tired from working a lot, need to have food to go a few weeks without shopping. I did sign up for the 9.97 a month plan, only cost 5.00 for express 2 hr delivery which is just fine

    I am also in two of the portable washers trying to keep up on laundry since tomorrow is blanket day again. I really did enjoy the sheets this past week. I do like the little washer but it was really a silly purchase on my part, no need for that at all. I do need to watch my impulse buys and try to save money instead since there are not many channels I want or need to keep.

    Grocery order from Walmart arrived in less than an hour. Lots of stuff for not too much money. No black beans so just got extra lentils. 5 of the frozen fettucine alfredo, can add lentils shred cheese and eggs on top, simple and easy meal, pizza, sour cream. Still have a lot of pot pies so did not add those to my purchases, no chips this time, been getting pringles on amazon when I save enough. Overall, the Walmart Delivery pass does afford more deliveries a month if need be but still no more expensive than if I order one per month. Bonus, this delivery was here within an hour and did not make my freezer explode. I also cancelled a couple of streaming channels I had since I already watched what I wanted to. That assists in paying the Walmart Pass.

    Edited, used a fettucine package, opened put an egg in, poked the yolk so no explosion, shredded cheese and some beans, garlic seasoning with sour cream seasoning and salt. Put in microwave for 4 min and 30 seconds. Combined on the plate, did not add any mayo or anything else, it was delicious and filling. Had some M&Ms after. Unsure what to have later. I do like cooking eggs and other things in the packaging so much that I might try eggs again, cleaned out the fettucine and see how it goes later, I will see.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,642

    I chopped off the end of my post wishing everyone a good day and in all pockets where needed.

  • intolight
    intolight Posts: 2,480

    @mara51506 I do Walmart all the time and for a family of four it is easy for me to reach the minimum $35. It has been a game changer for me. My DD doesn't have to run to the store or stop by after work as often. They are a little more limited than some grocery stores here, but they offer everything I need. If I want something different, my DD can go to another store on one of her trips. I buy food for dinner for the four of us plus lunch and breakfast for my DH and I. I can also buy things other than food which is good. With quarterly runs to Sams we are covered! I watch Amazon for price comparisons.

    @irishlove So sorry you are struggling again/more. Sounds like you need a break!

    @cookie54 It is interesting how life's little pleasures like drinking a cup of coffee outside have now become so important.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,642

    Intolight, the items that I buy if DB goes to Costco are milk, eggs and cat litter. Beyond that, the way I eat, Walmart makes a lot of sense. Amazon gift cards earned on survey or game sites purchase cat food and peanut butter at a reduced price.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Posts: 618

    Yes sir, cancer sucks. And so does this pixie haircut I got. DH says I look like woodstock. lol. On the hospital trip, they gave me morphine and pushed it slow as I complained how I reacted to it. That worked. Obviously happy no spinal chord compression or lesion (which I think covers both MS lesion and cancerous lesion). Got home from the hospital after 9 hours and proceeded to vomit. Guess they didn't push the morphine slow enough. Today I'm fair to midlin. Still have symptoms of Covid, but poor DH is really struggling. His trip to Dr. office they gave him "Z" pack. No chest x-ray. That kinda aggravated me. Been down this path before and Covid wound up affecting his heart. SO we have a deal, if he doesn't sound and look better by Monday, he must go to urgent care for chest x-ray. His O2 level seems fine but he is so hoarse and coughs way too much for it being day10. Kids have it, too, but they seem to be recovering. Lots of chick noodle soup that I made and rice and curry from local rest.

    Ah Sondraf, I get the fussing gets old, but how I wish I had my Mommy or Grammies to take care of me. I recall being diagnosed and curling up in a fetal position crying for my Mom. She gave birth to my sister at 17 and me also at 17. Then two brothers came along in the next 3 years. She was a gentle, sweet, soul and also a broken bird. He beat her until she was so battered and was committed to the physchiatric hospital. Grandparents stepped in to care for us. They were our saviors on earth. Mom never truly recovered, but she did remarry and gave birth to 4 more children. I tried to stay as close as possible to her and the kids. Her husband was a heavy drinker, not very nice man. She passed away right after Christmas 1994 and I had no idea how sick she was from metastatic b.c. She was 55. Mel, I truly understand your missing your Mom. All we can do is remember the love they gave us to carry us thru this life.

    In pockets for all your needs.