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  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386
    edited August 16

    I decided on something more simple, took Great Value frozen Penne, alfredo and chicken, added two eggs and broke in open package, put a cpouple dollops of garlic spread and bit of sour cream, put lix back down, cooked 4 mins and 30 secs and it was pretty darn good. Needed something quick that would not require a lot of dishes.

    Echo was fine but when I got home, I was starving and craving something quick and almost called for a McD delivery but decided I will have a couple of beef pot pies, beef and add some taco and cheese sauce with salt, that will satisfy some of the tastes I am craving.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,664

    Thanks @snow-drop !

    @mkestral definitely let your team know about the cough as I thought I was getting over a cold too at the time.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,558

    Shana - So glad that all was OK with your recent scans/tests! Maybe that long drive was worth it after all? So good that you don't have to go back for a year.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 418

    I just came upstairs . I cooked breaded chicken cutlets and made a nice a white wine sauce by adding some wine to deglaze the pan drippings and a little butter & chicken broth. Poured it over rice. It. DH & DS loved it. So did I! 😊

    @sf-cakes OH Yes! I love going through different rocks to decorate the rock garden, and especially for the aquarium we have. Diffent shapes. And colora and. Kinds of Rocks really get me going while i creatively envision what I want to do with them and where to place them…. So soothing and satisfying🩵.

    @threetree The long drive was worth it to get that good news. Since I was diagnosed with LCIS in 2021, and always felt uneasy about having it and wondering if it could progress into cancer. I was so expecting them to want to do another fine needle biopsy which they were going to do if needed. Now I have more questions about it because I don’t know if it just goes away. I’ll have to find out next time I see my onc.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 493

    @sf-cakes , I'd have skipped with you. Checking out the rocks sounds like fun.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386

    Shana, happy to hear your good news. The breaded chicken cutlets sound delicious.

    sf cakes, looking at rocks is my idea of fun but more for just a rock collection I think. Glad you had a good time.

    Today is about chores. Decided to use the robot vacuum again, will take it to each part of the house. Tigger is more curious about it, Ava is like nope, I'm out. still need a good sweep to get the background stuff and vacuum of the litter mat but I really should use this more than I do.

    Getting some stuff I ordered from Amazon, blue bags for the paper shredder, some Tide because I am actually running out of detergent, the drama and litter spray.

    I am also out of pot pies so will sub in beefless ground in meals. Also going to try a youtube recipe using eggs, cottage cheese and other cheeses, bake it all up on a greased pan, see how it turns out, supposed to be a flat bread. I will see, failing that, make some cheese crisp snacks out of the shredded cheese as well.

    I do hope every has a great day, pocket duty for all as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386

    Well, cravings overtook me so I did purchase a mcdouble cheeseburger and a junior chicken, no fries or drink. Not feeling too bad about it.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528

    @cookie54 congratulations on your daughters engagement. Such a beautiful time for you and your family.


  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 418

    GoodMorning, Happy Sunday to all 👋

    @cookie54 So happy. To hear your daughter’s engagement. That’s such happy news. When my youngest daughter got engaged, they were living together 10 years and both families were very glad when he gave her that engagement ring. We all celebrated and heir wedding was beautiful. Love that she’s a Jersey Shore girl😊

    @mara51506 Nothing like McDonald’s to satisfy a craving. Especially their French fries 🍟 As far as chores go, i can plan a day for that but just never seem to follow thru since I started treatment.🤷‍♀️

    @sf-cakes I love that you skipped. Pure joy you must have felt😂

    @mkestrel I had a cough that would not go away and bother me in the middle of the night with asthma. Then my GP switched my loratadine to singularity tablet once a day at night, and my cough has gon away, and the constant. Runny nose and allergies have disappeared.. I didn’t realize until now just how bad my allergies 🤧 were.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386

    Shana, glad about the good scans, glad you had a nice chicken cutlet dinner.

    Cookie, congrats on dd engagement, you will definitely have a lot to do to prepare for the wedding, should be fun.

    I am working on chores, trying very hard to finish ones that I start instead of having to do them again, laundry and dishes usually fare the worst, dishes in leaving them soak overnight or same with laundry. Will do it today.

    Going to take an egg and some cottage cheese to make a tortilla, seen recipes that inspire me but I want to go smaller as a whole baking pan would be too much I think, if it works can do it anytime. I will see how it goes. Other than that, usual milk and chocolate boost, love the nutrition. I am out of mini pot pies so will have to rely on rice and beans with cheese, who knows could bake them with shred cheese. I will decide later.

    I hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for everyone who needs me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386
    edited August 19

    Goldens, I missed your good news as well, congrats on the stable news and I am glad to hear it as well.

    I am doing some laundry, couple shirts and pair of pj bottoms, almost fills the washer and too big for the salad spinner washer. I did use my tide, boy it smells good, says 90 washes but I am thinking mine will go further than that I think as it takes very little soap to do such a small load. 15 min wash, leave to soak for about 30 mins then a rinse cycle with the vinegar and bit of fabric softener mix, stops static cling.

    I was not in love with the cottage cheese flatbread. Followed the youtube recipe but it just did not appeal to me, will stick with tortilla from dempsters bread, serve with peanut butter and some chopped beans with croutons to add the ground beef. Edit, decided that I want to blend up 1.4 cup cottage cheese, an egg, cook up dry pasta and add chopped beans with cheese, chopped with croutons so it all has the ground beef texture, put precooked pasta in a bowl and pour in egg and cottage cheese mix along with the beans. That should be quite nutritious. Do stuff with the tortillas later, continuing with white milk and Boost chocolate powder as a good drink. May also get some cheez it crackers to put some shredded cheese to bake on top, give the snack more body I think.

    Edit 2, I did purchase a pizza, Kraft Dinner for the packages of cheese sauce, thinking of mexican type cooking, keeping pasta to use as pasta, more white milk, couple pringles and one box of frozen pot pies. Limiting myself to one meat pie served on the side of something else. Still pricey but I still use the Klaarna to pay every couple of weeks and have earned enough to pay maybe 1/2 price or more, like earning for extra stuff. Got the cats some extra food, using payment plan on that. I've always been good at paying stuff off sooner than needed and gives a break to regular budget too.

    I do hope every has a good day, in pockets for anyone who needs me as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,386

    I have a one track mind so did make one of the mild jamaican beef patties, they are in a sort of pocket and don't take as long to cook. Only had one as they are 350 calories, added sour cream topping with sour cream and onion seasoning, it was delicious. I was very satisfied. Sometime this afternoon will up cook the pizza I did buy, will be able to last three to four days in fridge. Also got canned pizza sauce too to add to tortillas or meals or anything else.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    I know I have asked before,,, but since this is fresh in my mind today I wanted to ask again. See if your experiences are like this……

    Fatigue- Today I was going along at home normally. A load of laundry was going. I was sitting at my desktop computer surfing the Internet. Just a normal day of mine. A friend called me. She is a gabber. A person cannot get a word in edgewise, know the type. But she is a good friend. She lives about an hour away and we only talk on the phone maybe once a month. Then the FATIGUE hit. I was yawning and was trying to do it where she would not hear me over the phone. I was trying to concentrate on the conversation so I could respond appropriately to what the topic of conversation was. I was squirming in my desk chair. It was almost like a pain. I was getting foggier headed by the minute. I kept trying to end the call, "it was good to hear from you today, but my washer is buzzing", etc etc. Finally we said goodbye. I got up out of the chair and went and laid down on my made bed. I did not fall asleep, but just kind of rested. About 45 minutes later I came to and got up and went and took care of the laundry. I felt fine again. The fog was gone. I felt like I got a second wind.

    Does your fatigue sound like that??? I would like to hear if that is what you all mean when you say "fatigue". Sometimes I have trouble explaining my fatigue and how it feels with me.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,317

    Candy, I have never had that specific problem. I do get dizzy a little lately. I associate my fatigue with endurance…I have none. I can do something for about 10 minutes max then I get weak and have to sit down and it takes a few minutes before I can get up again. If I am close to my recliner or my bed I get up after a couple of minutes and change locations. I can walk to the bathroom then back to my recliner fine…usually. I am just too tired to last long at anything. Hope this explanation makes sense.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 544

    @candy-678, when I get fatigue it is more like I am moving though deep mud - every movement is an effort and lots of breaks are required. And it is hard to get motivated to do anything. Luckily I get it very rarely, but I remember what it was like with Epstein-barr and early in my dx, before drugs started. In your pocket with support.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 562

    Hi ladies. Hope you are all tucked in bed and staying cool. It's brutally hot. I had to go for labs today in the middle of the hottest part of the day. 95 and only a faint breeze. We went outside to see the full blue moon. Beautiful. Finally got word that a new MO will start in Oct. As they are building a multi-million dollar cancer centre, it's about time they start thinking about staffing. It should be ready in the spring. I asked about proton radiation. No commitments but I should think they would want to bring that service to the area.

    I'm working with a therapist to try to strengthen my legs. I still have that numb, pain down back, over buttocks, etc. I'm using a walker. Wed. is optometrist appt. Couldn't locate a opthalmologist that takes my insurance. My idea is if he finds areas of concern when he dilates, I'll prompt him to give me a referral to present to GP and Humana. Big day Friday, may 6 month Brain MRI. And the full blown scanxiety is hitting me right between the eyes and in the gut. Trying to stay busy and pray for good results.

    I tried to catch up on everyone's posting and want to say great scans and relieved for shanagirl. Congrats. on a new member of the family here in the near future. Oh I wanted to mention we found the absolute best skin softener that helps with crepey skin. It's meant for diabetic patients. It's called CeraVe. My husband has very thin skin and it looks rough. This creme is making a difference.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,024

    good news.. for all stable scans! Also, congrats on the new baby on the way! I hope one day to see that as well. Happy happy! Beautiful day on top today, wish my old self was around again. I’d go to the gym , and come home and clean. Poor DH is traveling for work. Which I dis like that very much…I feel better when he is with me home. Sending out love to all.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 805

    @goldensrbest Happy belated Anniversary glad to hear you celebrated with a good dinner.

    Sending up special prayers for you today fo a successful smooth surgery. I know they try to get you moving asap we will all be in your pocket pushing you forward💕

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,024

    checking in for Goldens ! Hope surgery went well. Hugs !