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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,387

    Goldens, checking in post surgery hoping that you are doing well, I know it will be a while, in pocket for your speedy recovery.

    Irishlove, sending healing thoughts and in your pocket for your eye exam and brain MRI Friday. Hoping no brain involvement for you. I can help with questions if you find out there is any brain involvement.

    Nothing happening here, laundry first, break down the cat food boxes from Amazon, get it ready for recycling Monday night. May also take a walk as well.

    I have to say, not enjoying the cottage cheese stuff so will skip it and dispose of it. Stick with meat pies, battered cod, beans, beefless ground and shredded cheese, I just do not enjoy the weird stuff. I am not keto so making bread out of cottage cheese is not something I need to do. Got to stop jumping on youtube bandwagon all the time.

    Today am doing some budget boosting with running videos on my TV and a tablet to get paid with ads, not much but pretty good since it can shrink the cost on Walmart or Amazon.

    Planning to make up some Kraft dinner to serve as a side on things like beans, beefless ground etc, it would probably be good, keep in a container. This morning, will eat up last of the pizza I got a couple of days ago, just reheat and go to town as well.

    I do hope everyone has a good day and will be in everyone's pocket who needs me, including myself to get some household stuff done today and possibly a walk outside.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 599
    edited August 21

    As I read about surgeries - knee, heart! - I am amazed at what medicine/science can do for us. Including my own spine surgery back in January, when they cut my back open and put screws and rods in my spine, and here I am now, skipping around at landscape supply stores! It's amazing, really.

    It also sucks that any of us need these surgeries, of course...

    Thinking of Goldens, hope you are feeling okay today. Intolight, in your pocket for your MRI, and you too Irish, for your MRI Friday.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,559

    Sondra - I did proton radiation after my mastectomy back in 2019, and yes it is very targeted. There should be some old threads on this site that were devoted to discussions of proton therapy. I'm sure you can find them in the search. The regular radiation was recommended to me, but I wondered about protons, so was told by the regular radiologist to go have a conversation with the proton radiologist, so that I could make "an informed choice". I did have the consultation, decided to go ahead with protons, and I have no regrets. My understanding is that they can target so narrowly that they can get something like a tiny tumor at the back of an eye or on a spine, etc. They can widen or narrow their beam depending on the need. It isn't for everyone though, or every condition that radiation might help, but it is really worth the talk with them about what they might be able to do given your situation. Hope this helps!

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 544

    @goldensrbest, congratulations on your anniversary and I hope all went well with your surgery. @mara51506, I am keto and I cannot deal with that cottage cheese bread - I think it is the mouth feel for me, it just doesn't feel right. But then I am allergic to dairy so have a really good excuse for saying I don't do that. @irishlove, I hope the MRI is a good result. In everybody's pockets for support.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 805

    goldens Glad you are home and all went well. Hope with each day your pain decreases and you are on the way to healing .

    Shanagirl Sheesh sounds like the virus hit you hard. Sounds like your DH is so caring, I love to hear that. Hope you had a better day and it’s outta here quickly!

    Intolight Glad to hear you feel somewhat relieved with the results. Hope your MO calls soon so you can put this scan behind you and breathe a little.

    Rhonda welcome to this warm group with fabulous support. Pull up a chair and stay awhile.
    Sounds like you had quite the fun road trip !

    Thinking of all who are struggling and prayers for all appointments this week.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,387

    Got my telephone appointment with my MO. Kind of nice that I need not get dressed for it if I am honest.

    The visit last night with DB was nice for the walking portion of it, I did wind up being late to bed due to stimulation, that is OK, I conked out a bit on the couch and then went to bed after, was broken up but still effective. Boosting budget watching ads, some are cooking videos, others are short video game videos. Playing a mobile app to earn enough for more cat food or other stuff I may want, free is always good. Doing the usual laundry, once I have completed the first load, going to wash a towel the same way as blankets were done before, tiny cycles, feeding in a little bit at a time and spinning in larger spin dryer. May even pull out the wand washer instead of tasking the motor to get stuff clean whilst feeding it in. Perhaps can wash blankets at the laundromat if I purchase a laundry bag and wash every couple of weeks, I will see how much it is and maybe do it every couple of weeks. I will see. Easy enough to schedule Paratransit to take me there. If I can do here without bother, I will do it here first and if too much of a pain, do it at a laundromat. Just pick a day of the week and get it done every couple of weeks

    Not sure what lies ahead for breakfast, thinking of using my egg steamer, cracking an egg, steaming till firm. Next step would be taking the egg and putting into chopper with some beans, beefless ground, cheese with croutons chopped in. This gives everything the ground beef texture I like, can take all to a frypan on the stove and heat through with some cheese and taco seasoning. So 1 egg, 1/4 cup of beans included with handful of shredded cheese, beefless ground and the. Not hungry yet, but that is what I am thinking. Later, may prepare a tortilla sandwich with some of the broccoli and cabbage slaw mix, use as a sandwich with some beefless ground or another egg to go along with. Still have milk to get through, thinking of premaking Kraft Dinner, letting it cool and using as a side dish with other stuff. Probably going to wait until after the call to eat anyway.

    Have a great day, in pockets for tests and whatever else is needed, my own pocket to earn what I would like and to find out what is up with the phone appointment. I also am thinking that the MRI back in July has to be fine as no one has called with changes reported in the internal head bleed or more mets.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 599

    Sunshine/Carol, I'm sending you hugs. Makes total sense that you broke down and cried. Hoping that xeloda will work well for you, a couple of my local support group women have been on it for 2+ years. So glad your DH was with you for the palliative care appt, and that you actually like her, that makes a huge difference.

    Ugh, stupid sneaky cancer that changes and mutates, and we try to catch it. Hate all this for you, for everyone here.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,559

    Sunshine - So very sorry to hear about what's going on right now. Hey, I have broken down in these medical places a number of times. Sometimes it's all you can do!❤️ I sincerely hope you are able to get some kind of a handle on all of this, and there is something out there that will help you feel and get much better. Hugs and good wishes!

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 494

    Welcome Rhonda

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 494
    edited August 22

    So first mammogramlast week was inconclusive. Second one this morning followed but ultrasound showed lumps behind nipple highly suspicious for cancer. Biopsy tomorrow. Then wait for results 1 to 3 days. If positive wait again for type etc. Can first hope it's negative for cancer. Second that it's the same cancer. I'm good thanks to antianxiety meds.

    Never heard of a recurrence in breast after matestisize elsewhere.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528

    sunshine99 sending hugs and support. I’m grateful your husband went with you. I would’ve been crying with you. That’s the reaction to “it getting real” for sure. Everyone else has shared support and helpful knowledge about treatments. Take it easy.


  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419

    HI everyone 🩵🥰 I am much better today , but still a residual cough that’s turning into a cold.

    @rlschaller Welcome Rhonda! Glad you stopped in. You’ve found a wonderful loving group here. I look forward to seeing you again.

    @sunshine99 oh my girl gentle (((hugs))) to you.I broke down once year ago in my breast surgeons office following my mastectomy.I thought Ihad been through th worst already and was so strong thru it all. Then he told me the sentinel node they removed showed cancer cell and he wanted to go back in and remove more nodes. I just broke down. DH was with me. I know he was hurting too. So they reschedule me for a dissection surgery and then removed 18 nodes 2 of which were also positive fo cancer cells. This disease never gives up. (((((((💗))))))) More Gentle hugs

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,387

    Gailmary, in your pocket for benign lumps but also that if it is cancerous, is the same cancer you already have, same HR, HER status I mean. I am sorry that came up for you.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 805

    sunshine Wrapping you in a giant hug of love and support. I would have definitely broke down also, how much could you possibly take? You have been so strong. I have been on Xeloda for 2 years and holding me pretty steady . I am wishing the same success for you and then some. Will ramp up the prayers for your strength ❌⭕️

    Shanagirl So glad you’re feeling better today! Just the weather alone is a wonderful healer. It’s been gorgeous in New Jersey.

    Gailmary In your pocket for biopsy, sending strength.

    Irish Glad there are some positive points to your mri tomorrow. Thank God for Tony may he get it on the first try🤞🏻

    Mara glad you had a nice outing with DB. Agree on MRI, no news is good news.

    Goldens Thinking of you and hope your recovery is going smoothly.

    Hi to all here today hope everyone is having a pleasant day.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,025

    sunshine ~holding your hand. I would have cried. Am tearing up now actually, Xeloda has been pretty successful for some. I’m hoping it is for you too with little side effects….. hugs for you sweetheart.

    Gailmary ~hoping for benign little buggers. You’re in my thoughts of positivity .

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,664

    @sunshine99 oh what a coincidence, I also broke down wailing yesterday in a treatment room! No seriously, its ok to be human and raw in front of these folks, they need a barometer of how this is affecting our mental and physical health and our concerns. Dont worry about Afinitor not working - I swear to god Ive yet to see that drug actually work for a long time for anyone and feel like at this point its a 'check box' drug - gotta hit that mTor option before moving on to newer stuff. Im not sure the company that makes it ever really got a good use case study for the drug for breast anyway. So give that Xeloda a try that seems to work for plenty of women, enjoy not getting your butt stabbed, and try and keep the chin up. Also, a thought about intake (as Im having same issues) - we ordered Thai food last night and I saw coconut rice on the menu and thought huh and looked up some recipes and its easy to make (not sticky dessert rice version). Cook some rice in coconut milk and itll bump up the calories a bit and you can put sweet (mango or other fruit) or savory toppings on it too. Every calorie counts at this point am i right? Big hugs and one foot in front of the other!

    @cookie54 I forgot to mention congrats in my last post for your daughters engagement! I hope you have a fabulous time planning and enjoying the wedding :)

    Having a rough time here being patient waiting for the Enhertu to cook and possibly see some (small) improvement in two weeks. I was in for blood review as I wasnt feeling well and apparently got a lower UTI (my first!) at some point. Great, more drugs to take. I had mentioned occasional pain around my heart (picc hasnt been returning blood easily either) and the locum oncologist (who had the awareness of a cardboard cut out) asked for an ECG to be done. I got upset because that meant the nurses would see this door knocker tumor on my chest. He just stood in the corner while I got super upset, but my favorite nurse came in and gave me a long hug and I just cried on her shoulder about how embarrassed I was by it and my fears. Then the favorite male nurse came in and got a hug from him and hand hold that I can always unload on them and they understand - he made me a cup of tea lol. Anyway, I felt better but I still hate this mass and Im afraid of Enhertu not working at all and getting stuck in a wheelchair. Pain has been up the last few days but I really need a lymph drainage massage to beat back the swelling so contacted someone who can hopefully make a home visit.

    Thinking of getting a chaise lounge for the bedroom to rest on that would be better than this chair which is more of an accent and has too shallow a sitting space for my long femurs. Time to get out the measuring tape!

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend - its a long Bank Holiday here which means it will rain. Thats ok, time to get some of these lingering house chores done.