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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    I am also interested in finding out what this means. My latest blood worn had this indicated as well.

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    I just looked at my labs in the portal. I haven't had Metamyelocytes checked since 2017 when I first had chemo. The level measured at 0 before chemo and 6 at the end of chemo. So probably has to do with the chemo.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    That my the answer. Since xeloda is chemo in pill form, that would make sense for me. Thanks

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: doing the Happy Dance for you! Such great news.

    runor: what is happening with your fire troubles. I am waiting for the smoke haze from the coastal fires to reach us, and maybe smoke drifting down from the Interior. We haven't had a drop of rain but it is so much cooler. I am a happy happy lady in that department.

    Hi to everyone else!

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mara I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

    Candy oh my gosh. It seems ethically wrong to delay care for preauthorizations, especially to established docs! I agree with Chicagoan, what a shmuck thing for your employer not to just carry you for 6 months to Medicare. I know that doesn't happen a lot any more but that's horrible.

    I'm holding my own here. I had a scare at work and was unknowingly exposed to Covid for an extended period. I am vaccinated but still have been pretty sick. Got a test yesterday and it was Covid negative. I am relieved I dodged that bullet but am still feeling off.

    Runor I feel the fear for you. I'm wondering if some of our smoke in Oregon isn't blowing your way too complicating things. I'm a good 100 miles or so from the Bootleg fire but it's the worst we've had here since the early 1900s. This after the Almeda fire tore through our area last year everyone is really on edge.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    emac- Are they sure the negative result was correct since you were sick? Take care.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717


    Nan checked in on bone mets. She hasn’t been on BCO in a year or two, so obviously we were concerned but she’s fine. Happy day 😁.

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    Sunshine99, I have had many different "ocytes" show up on my lab results. I asked about it and, if I remember correctly, was told that these are noted if they are

    present in the sample. Mine were graded as slight or moderate instead of a percentage. My Onc has never mentioned them. Another one I have had is "burr cells.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Hi Candy -- there is always the disclaimer that the test could be a false negative which is why they have had me stay home and self quarantine for 10 days from the day my symptoms started. I can rejoin the world of the living on the 29th. I'm feeling better. I had two or three days that felt like a really bad head cold. I never got a fever or serious breathing issues except for a dry cough which could be from the smoky air. I also take Tylenol daily to cope with some of my pain so that may have blunted any fever. In any case, I'm on the mend and feel better.

    I tried to re-caulk my bathtub yesterday and did a terrible job. That will have to be redone but the primary goal was met. It is watertight, just ugly. I want to wait until I can go to Home Depot and get one of the smaller tubes of caulk with a fine point. All I had here is a big one for use with a calking gun and that was just a globby, uneven mess. I'm sore today from working on it so I am taking it easier. I wanted to work in the yard but the smoke is heavier today so I am staying inside until the winds shift and it's not so hot. I'm sitting like a lump and surfing the internet instead.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Hi all, I'm having a great time playing pool, listening to music (60's to 90's) and enjoying cocktails for our houseguests birthday.

    The topic of cancer came up and I reminded everyone that they must check on DH after I die as he'll likely become sad, angry and bitter but he can't join me early, he must take care of himself. After that talk, we resumed having a good time. Currently listening to the Beatles, Beach boys and Rolling Stones.

    (Waiting for my turn in this pic)


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    sounds like a lot of fun to me !! Hope you win your pool game! Good to see you having so much fun. I thought food pics. But so glad because I’m already hungry and that would have done me in. Good looking play list. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Micmel, did you see my post about nan? She checked in and is doing well. I literally cried when I saw her post. Love it!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    Reading along. Just not commenting too much. Dealing with some family stuff right now + all the cancer stuff. Just feeling overwhelmed.

    Here is my "pocket duty" list for this week---

    Me (Candy)- Maybe appointment with RO and liver surgeon Tuesday if insurance goes thru on Monday.

    Mara- Brain MRI with results Thursday.

    Thereishope4us (Ibrance Thread)- Scan Saturday

    Thinking of all that are struggling on here.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Candy, I am sorry that you are dealing with family and cancer issues. Take care of your sweet self.

    You could add me to the pocket duty, I have my regular brain MRI and will get results this coming Thursday.

    Had a nice walk this morning. Only weird thing for me was my best childhood friend who I am facebook friends with supposedly wanted a video chat at 2:00 am. I immediately commented on her page that I was suspicious of this message and thought she may have been hacked. Though we interact through mutual facebook posts, we have never tried to message or video chat and I just did not trust it. I also immediately changed my facebook password just to be on the safe side. I told her she might want to change her own password as well. I change my password regularly using a strong random password generator, usually go for 20 or more different characters too. I don't trust much online.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Omfg how did I miss that??? Wow that's wonderful. 🥲 love that woman. Ty for letting me know you saw her. That's the best news I've heard all day.

    Hope everyone else is doing good. Been a sleepy bear.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    It's awfully quiet in here. Maybe someone will show up if I crinkle the cookie bag really loud. Or if I just bump the thread up to the top of the list.

    I'm bummed. I have to say goodbye to my breast surgeon on Wednesday. She's moving out of state.

    She was my rock all through active treatment. When the reconstructive surgeons wanted to write me off because they thought I had a lousy diagnosis, and didn't want to do DIEP flap surgery, she went to bat for me. Basically bullied them into doing it. And she's the reason I have purple hair. I will miss her.

    Gotta get up and go for my walk before it starts raining. But it's so cozy in my bed. Oh, well. If Mara can do get up and walk every day, then so can I. Thanks, Mara. You're my inspiration.

    Happy Monday everyone. Hope everyone has a lovely day.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Trishyla, you are welcome. I had my MRI for my brain today and it was early morning. I did get up early, eat some breakfast and was out the door at 730. I got probably two thirds of the way there but was really tired at that point so hopped on the bus the rest of the way. Walked about 2500 steps. Once I walked around to the cancer clinic first and after the MRI and walked back home, I am up to 7500 steps. I am debating going out for lunch since restaurants just opened back up. The walk is an hour round trip but the meal will push me home.

    It is quiet here, I hope it is mostly people enjoying the summer and not too much difficulties going on in life.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    So... what kind of cookies?

    Just slow starting here, and Mara has 3/4 of her steps... and her brain MRI!...done already. Sometimes I worry for you Mara, but I'm sure you know your limits.

    Quiet weekend here, which was nice for a change. I got to video call with my daughters and two sisters, so that's always fun. And watched a bit of the Olympics.

    I hope the fires are settling down for everyone affected.

    Waving to everyone

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    hey, you waving cookies around Trish?! I'm here

    I had a quiet weekend. The weekend after my chemo is always a bit of a lazy one as I get fatigue and more bone pain. But I only needed one nap & did still get most of my steps in with walks with Olive. I just puttered online, edited an IG reel, hung out & built lego with my son

    I've been doing a thing in my daytimer called "one line" which doesn't have to be one line, can be more but basically you just write down what you did/how you felt: short & sweet, every day. Not a journal, more like a log, so you can see back and see how all the little things were good.

    I've also been puttering around in the garden. Now that I'm getting my energy back, going back to playing some agility games with Olive this week.

    I'll light a candle for Polly tonight (BLMike)

    hugs everyone

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    I'm of the belief that cookies are one of the things that make life worth living. So you can have any kind of cookies you want, moth and SeeQ. My personal favorite is double chocolate chunk with macadamia nuts, fresh out of the oven, warm and chewy. Mmmm.

    Maybe that's why I'm a bit of a chunk myself. Too addicted to cookies. And chocolate ice cream. And bbq potato chips. Mmmm bbq.

    Can you guys tell I've restarted my diet? Ah, well, my fantasies will have to do for now.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I love love cookies. My favorite thing to eat. Cake works also

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    I’m here, just a little hungover.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    SeeQ, don't worry. When I had arrived home and ate lunch, I promptly dozed off and on. Will go to bed early tonight for sure.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I try to go bed early but it hardly ever works, I sit and think of things and worry about things , people my kids my life my health. You name it. Then I get all worked up. Insomnia is a real evil pain in the ass. Long days cannot equal long nights too. That’s to much.

    Thinking of the fires and hoping for some relief for you all

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Mel, I really hope you get some sleep soon.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    thanks Mara. I don't know if that's happening or not. I have been being bothered by my big toe nail. It's from the Ac chemo over five years ago and it messed up the nail mid growth. So I have a double nail coming in and it's killing be. I think it's starting to get infected. Which means they may have to cut it out. I am not really up for another surgery. But the damn. Thing hurts to have a sheet on it. So I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and see a doctor about it. Because the other big toe the same thing is slowly happening. The dead cells in my toe nail are dormant and not growing. But the. Nail is still growing underneath it. Has any else had this happen?It's quite annoying/painful. It's always something with a cancer body and or side effects from some treatment we had to have. Ugh! Throbbing toe. Makes for no sleep . Sleep for both of us Mara!!

    Hello candy! Hello hung over Mae!

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 786

    Beautiful Ladies, I came to say Hi. I came home from the 75F weather of California to New England weather that changes every minute: rain, hot, cold, sunny, the 50s, 90s, you name it. Today we have a warning of unhealthy air quality because of fires. The sky looked strange like in fiction movies. I don't know if I should send my kid to the outdoor camp tomorrow. She went today, it was in the mid-90s and she could barely breathe.

    Mel, it happened to me. When I was young in my early 20s, I run for several hours, and the toenail got hurt from the sneaker. I didn't even notice until in few days it turned blue and before it fell out, the new one was growing underneath. My Mom told me to leave it until the underneath one is strong enough and it was going to push out the old toenail. It did happen and it took a while for the new toenail to look like the old one. If I was you, I would ask the doctor since we are no longer 21 yr old and running marathons :)

    Hugs from another insomniac :)

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Trish - I'm not much of a baker, but I do love home made chocolate chip cookies - as long as I'm not the one who made them. Lol

    Mel - Ouch! And here I was, grumpy because I lost the nail off my 2nd toe and I can't wear nail polish for the summer (in Florida - with flip flops, slides, naked toes). You probably do need to see someone about it if it hurts to have a sheet on it.

    Mara - I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. I really knew you had it under control.

    Mae - I guess your pool night was a fun as it looked? I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I'm going to palliative care this morning so I'll break out the bad toe. Eeek no sandal action here. I could use paint but it would hurt to take it off. I'm so disappointed, all this time and now it happens. But I'm thankful I kept my nails that would have crashed me along with my hair. I realized I got over my vain portion of myself somewhat , when I lost my hair. But to me I look like a paper doll. Patchwork gone wrong. But I'll take the small victories. Yuck at them cutting it out. I will have to see a podiatrist. Ohhhh hooorrraaayyy another doctor. Yay uh huh ….. ugh!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,955

    I hope you can get a resolution for your toe, Mel. Will be thinking of you.

    I have a question about Letrozole vs Anastrozole. I’ve been on Letrozole since June of 2019. I have a lot of joint pain, which is expected. My doc is thinking of changing to Anastrozole. I’m not sure this will make a huge difference. I’m scared to change anything at this point. Have any of you just changed the AI and stayed stable