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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Micmel, I am happy you had a shower. I picture you singing away....I'm singing in the rain, ow, damn, got soap in my eye...singing in the rain!  I have not checked in on the thread in a few days and WAAAYYY too much goes on for me to keep up. So I sing joy for all good news and offer sad hugs for bad. In pocket for all who need friends in those places. 

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Glad you enjoyed your shower Mel.

    Got in a little trouble with my SIL due to not calling them to report my brain MRI results. I did not even think about calling when I posted on my Facebook page. That is where my updates on scans go to keep friends and family abreast of what is happening. I will need to be more thoughtful later.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, you need to be more thoughtful??? You SIL is the one who needs to be more thoughtful! Sheesh, it's not your job to make her feel included in getting the results of your scans, etc. I know that family stuff can be touchy, but REALLY! Your post ticked me off (not you, but rather your SIL). You don't need family drama added to your own stuff!

    Just my two cents...

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Sunshine, I agree with you.

    Well, got my subpoena to be a witness in the murder trial. I found bloody clothes in my backyard back 2019 and the trial got delayed by covid until October. I was hoping the defendant would plead guilty but no such luck.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044


    I agree with Sunshine. I SIL wants to hear your results personally, she can pick up the phone.

    Sorry you will have to go through the trial but I pray that there will be justice for the victim. Your testimony may be part of bringing justice.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Mara~I’m sorry but she should be the one calling you! You’re already exhausted from your own worries. people have balls that’s for sure. You’re the sweetest person, I hope she gets a hangnail. (She is family)

    Murder trial back again huh? Wow. That’s like out of a movie, finding bloody clothes. Ain’t that some shit? I’m sorry you have to get involved. You’re amazing Mara.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, wow, mara, I had forgotten about the murder trial. I hope that's not a long, drawn out affair. Hopefully you can give your testimony and then get out of there. Do you get compensated for your time and travel?

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Mara, I can be happy for you that at least your SIL gives a shit. Perhaps she handled it wrong. Maybe she could have called you and asked gently if you had any news yet? But people never know when it's right to call and ask. I have friends who come right out and say, I don't care how you feel about this question, I am worried about you and I want you to bloody well tell me everything that is going on! I love those friends. No pussyfooting around. They just want me to spill the beans and get on with it. We all need people like that in our lives.

    This is a thought related to nothing but it occurs to me that I don't know where else to talk about it.

    You know how when you wear your bra for a few days of raking and mowing and splitting and stacking firewood, it gets all sweaty and can develop a serious funky odour, especially around the underwire? I have noticed that I only get a stinky bra on my good boob side. My cancer boob side never gets stinky. This leads me to wonder if radiation did not damage pores / sweat glands? Do we have sweat glands? Whatever. It's been 4 years since radiation and there is still no hair growing in that part of my armpit that was in the nuke zone. And it seems to not sweat either. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? Now you're all going to spend the next week smelling your bras to test my theory. But I think it's an interesting question and I would like to know the answer.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341

    Don't know about the sweat, but I haven't grown any hair on the radiated side since radiation in 2004. The radiation oncologist casually mentioned it when I had my radiation

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I don't sweat on my radiated side - I can really tell when working out - and my hair never grew back in that armpit in the time I was off chemo. I think it can damage the layers of the skin with sweat glands and hair follicles.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara sending you a big hug 🤗. I’m glad you found evidence from the murderer hopefully it will help the family and your community to be a safer place with him behind bars.

    Runor yes I too have no hair or sweat on radiated armpit. It’s also numb. Maybe if some other ladies had radiation in other places it’s the same I do t know.

    Raining here for 3 days which hopefully will keep people inside. 2 funerals in my community today-delta variant. A friend of mine who did not get vaccinated and her husband are also hospitalized delta can’t breathe thing. I do still feel bad for them. Sigh. They’re elederly and figured they don’t go out much and wouldn’t get it..


  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063

    Ya, just to add some TMI, after whole breast radiation with boost, not only no hair or sweat on part of armpit, but no nipple sweat/oil stain in the bra cup on that side either. And now with hardly any sex hormones happening, I could go days without a wash, a shave, or fresh antiperspirant, and not notice anything.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, I've just been staying quiet at home, been so tired and had a lot of bone pain after chemo yesterday but hey I can't complain too much, it's doing its thing.

    I'm the same as all of you, no sweat, hair or odour under the radiated arm and it's also numb so it's probably a good thing having no hair because shaving could be tricky.

    Mara, I hope they just let you quickly give your testimony and leave, and not have it be a long drawn out process, I really do hope they can get justice for that poor girl and her family.

    I can't understand why people who can have the vaccine won't, we've had an outbreak here in the eastern states and it's young people getting it and dying now. My son and daughter both live over there along with my 6 grandchildren and I'm so worried, last time I spoke to them they both said they weren't going to have it, I'm just bewildered as to why, because the reasons they both gave were crazy to me, I just hope they don't bring it home to their kids and I can't go and visit now even if I could.

    Bye all, stay safe, get well soon Goldens, I'm thinking of all of you xxx

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Thanks everyone, I hope the testimony will be quick as well since finding the clothes was all that was involved, did not see anyone put them there.

    Chiming in about the whole sweat situation, I don't sweat under my right arm and very little under my left. I have not had to shave pits for years since hair initially fell out, the chemo menopause took all that away. I don't even need to shave legs either which is a bonus. I do shave around my chin as I do get blond hairs that will grow and feel like stubble but that is it.

    I am with you Kittykat regarding the vaccine. There are thousands of the Moderna going to waste because it did not get used up and people also want matching shots ie two Pfizer or two Moderna instead of splitting up. Apparently travelling may require quarantine without matching vaccines given. I read a story where some university professors here in London are wanting a mandatory vaccination put in place on campus to curb community spread of the covid. It will be interesting to see how they handle school this year, students were out of school with online learning from home which would suck for them. We will see if enough were vaccinated to protect them.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Kittykat, I don’t know what reasons you’ve been given from those not wanting the vaccine but although I can’t get due to severe allergy, I’m not sure I’d want to currently, even if I could. DH and I would like more time to see what lasting issues might come from it, like a couple years of evaluation. Honestly, it feels too soon for anything other than voluntary. I do understand the benefits to the community at large though, it’s tough.

    DH and I took a walk this morning, we’re really trying to get mountain ready after so much time on the couch last year. Also, the WebMD story/ad is being finalized, I’ll post a link when it comes out.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mae, if that was my son's reason, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but he seems to think he's too healthy to get it, that's my beef with him not wanting to get it. My daughter, who is never going to have more kids is worried about her fertility, like I said, crazy, I just don't get it. Beck on the other hand, got hers as soon as she was able, she's already had both of the Pfizer and is very happy with her decision. It's to protect people like you that was also a factor in deciding to get vaccinated. My son and daughter know unless the family are vaccinated, even when the borders reopen I can't come and see the kids, I think they are being very selfish and irresponsible.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    kittykat, too healthy? Lol, seems a bit naive. I’m sorry about not seeing the grandkids, perhaps an outdoor park play date could be an option, since you’re vaccinated and children are generally less risky.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mae, unfortunately that wouldn't work, they live 2300 miles away on the other side of the country, I would normally stay 2 weeks, one with my son and the other with my daughter, so unless something changes it's fb messenger for the foreseeable future after the borders reopen.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Kittykat, oh I see, I assumed they lived close. Yeah, that’s hard and I’m sorry.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Finally got discharged from the hospital although my ANC never recovered. Was .5 on Monday, 1.0 on Tuesday, .9 yesterday and .7 this am. Doc felt that since I had not had a fever for over 48 hours and that my lungs were clear, that I could be home on oral meds. I still have a persistent cough and am exhausted but it feels so good to be sitting at home! Wear your masks friends. There are crazy stories out there of vaccinated people getting covid.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Goldens, I'm glad you're back home! I hope you can get some "good" rest now that you're out of the hospital.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    I'm glad you're home Goldens, it's a much less stressful and relaxing way to rest and recover at home if it's possible.

    That's OK Mae, I miss them all but I feel so much safer here in Western Australia as we have been mostly covid free over here compared to the Eastern States.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Though I cannot understand not getting vaccinated myself given the variant and my own preference that should I catch it, I will most likely have a milder case but I also am not in other people's heads who don't want it. My feeling is if a person waits to see what happens, they could wind up on a ventilator like a friend of our family. Only in his 30's as well and he was worried about side effects from the vaccine. He did spen almost a month in hospital and says he wishes he just got the vaccine.

    Following up on Covid,I know vaccinated people can get and give it so masking should be in place even as businesses open up. Easiest way to contain a fair bit of virus and protect unvaccinated people.

    Had 2 walks today totalling around 10000. I wore a UV shirt with long sleeves. Not made of cotton so it actually was not hot for me outside, no hotter than I would have been in a Tshirt. It also does dry quicker too since I sweat as normal. The longer walk also involved my UV umbrella. Been a while since I used it but did not want to get more sun.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Goldens: so glad you are back home. Looks like you had a breakthrough infection but the vaccine saved you from a ventilator or worse. Please please, people, wear your masks and get the vaccine.

    Mae: The Salk vaccine for polio was only tested for ONE year. That was 1956. My mother couldn't get me the jab fast enough. I can remember kids in my school with leg braces or who had siblings in hospital in an iron lung. I got my shot and I don't believe that vaccine caused anything years down the road. I didn't develop any weird syndromes . Not my MBC. The mRNA (an already understood platform) vaccine for Covid has been well tested and the sheer number of people who have been vaccinated should give the hesitant reassurance. The short term effects of not being vaccinated is death and the long term is permanent lung damage, neurological damage. At least get your DH to get the shot to protect you. Kids are now showing up in hospital and ICU with the Delta variant. End of lecture :-)

    I have one friend who is vaccine hesitant and she cannot come over to visit unless she sits outside, in a mask, six feet from me. So I have not seen her for since December 2019. Thank you - I don't want to be one of the ones with breakthrough.

    Here in BC, there is no mask mandate anymore but in my neighbourhood, everyone is still masked up going into public spaces, shop-keepers are still masked. Signs on their doors say "For the safety of others, please wear a mask" etc. The government liquor store "Masks are not mandatory but are recommended"

    Kittykat: the invincibility of youth. Didn't we all believe that before reality smacked us in the face? I am glad we have the technology to stay in touch but it is not the same as actually being in their company, being able to hug.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Big article all over the UK press yesterday and today of a super fit 42 yr old guy who died of Covid and his twin sister who was pleading with people to get the shot. He was another "wait and see" and "oh Im really fit so I would only get a mild case". Until either a) doctors figure out who gets it bad and who doesn't or b) an effective preventative or therapeutic comes along, it really doesn't make sense to roll the dice like that.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    I totally agree, I just have to try and talk sense into my otherwise usually sensible son and pray he doesn't learn the hard way. The strange thing is that my daughter in law is fully vaccinated , iguess I should be thankful that one of them is at least being responsible.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Being in shape will not protect the unvaccinated from a bad outcome. The people getting covid now are younger because most older people got the shot, gradually more and more people are fully vaccinated. With a disease like this, the people who will suffer most are the unvaccinated and the people who love them since this variant spreads even faster. Just heard that NYC is implementing mandatory vaccine mandate. The people would have to show they are vaccinated in order to attend indoor events like indoor dining, gym etc. Interesting times we live in, that is for sure.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I ve been hearing stories of vaccinated people getting sick anyway. That would really be horrible. This whole thing is vamping up again. More sick people now this variant. How long can this go on? Hope everyone is feeling better today.

    Pocket duty for tomorrow when needed!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    To be honest Mel, I can see this dragging on and off for years. If we can get more people vaccinated, including kids, at least the disease would be milder. I do think waves will have fewer ICU and deaths because so many people are vaccinated. I can see us getting to the point where we will need boosters. I also don't think it wise to remove masks in public, even if told we are allowed to.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I have also been keeping my mask on whenever I enter a building of some sort. At my BFF sons graduation party, was outside. Only time I went inside was to potty. I sat only close to my DH. Very few hugs very few. All outside. I wish people would just get the vaccine. Unless you can’t of. Course. Allergies. Etc. but geez immunity would be obtainable! But years. Oh my. We were just saying they may have to shut things down again. If this keeps rolling the way it’s starting to again. Eye/yey/yey. My grand mom always said.