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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mara, I'd be with you on deciding to assume I'm fine unless told otherwise, its good that you have radiation to use as a tool again if the need arises, hopefully it will be able to be left in the toolbelt for a good long time. I'm on the 4th treatment since being diagnosed in Oct 2017 so I'm hoping this one keeps working and the side effects don't get too bad for me to continue with it, but for now I'm going to celebrate.

    Booboo, happy belated birthday, thanks,yes this year has had its challenges, I'm just happy it's been worth it.

    Mel, glad your toe is on the mend.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    mara, I think your attitude is great. Put it aside for 3 months since it's nothing specific.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Chicagoan, exactly. If I allow myself to worry, that is all I will think about and that is no good for me. I'll worry about what is in front of me. I can still walk many kms if I choose, even in stinking hot weather like today so I know I am strong. If I start being unable to do things, I will worry more.

    Since today is the 5th anniversary of my 10 cm brain met being found, I did go ahead and order mcdonalds as a treat to make it happy that I am still here. The actual cancer was first found in Feb of 2015 and it has been a long road to get here.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    So glad the toe nail removal is over. Don’t know why, but I cringe thinking about it. That kind of pain is no fun. But it’s over, and you are on the mend. Good for you, dear friend

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    mel, I hope the toenail pain is eased now and that it all grows back fine!

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Mara-Congrats on your anniversary. Glad you treated yourself to celebrate.

    Mel-Hope that your toe heals up quickly and that it isn't too painful.

    Moth-I totally relate to your cleaning comment. I haven't had indoor company since the pandemic-I need that pressure to make things really clean and sparkle. It's not terrible here but it's also not company ready since I haven't had any!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Wow, I missed so many posts.

    Kitty, big congrats on NEAD 🎉, considering the recent hospital visits and stuff, I’m guessing this feels amazing. Yay!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Went to urgent care yesterday am, have worst case of viral bronchitis ever. Fever of 102.9, down to 101 after some meds. Pulse ox of 89-90. Came home and didn’t get out of bed except for potty breaks, slept 24 hours, aches were horrible. Started Monday with slight cough and then progressed. Blaming our SIL - he thought he was having allergies - come to find out it was more. We spent the weekend with them. He even took 2 sick days which means he felt he was on deaths door. Gonna be another lay low day.

    Kitty - happy dance for your good news!

    Mel - glad your toe surgery is over.

    Happy Friday

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Goldens I hope you're on the mend and feeling better now. It feels wonderful Mae after the rocky start to the year.

    I hope you all have a great weekend whatever you have planned even if it's just relaxing at home.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Oh Goldens, sorry to hear you were so sick! I hope the meds and a lot of rest get rid of the bronchitis.

    Kitty, celebrating your great news!

    Mel, Your toenail removal must have been rough. Is it still painful?

    Candy, I’m thinking of you too. I hope you’re doing ok.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    oh goldens, sorry you're sick. Bronchitis sucks. Rest and I hope you recover quickly!

    I'm in the clinic having my immunotherapy.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Goldens, hope you recover soon. So sorry you are sick.

    Mel, hope the toe is feeling better as well.

    Kitty, still glad to hear about your NED.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Had a total meltdown today over trying to find travel insurance. Some of the more specialist insurers for whatever reason aren't writing policies right now, I can't get covered under "normal" ones (although clearly anyone on AIs for 10 years can't either!) and I don't want to be having to arrange single policies every time we go somewhere in the next 12 months. The last time we traveled I was in so much pain and so tired and this trip next Friday is essentially a repeat of the itinerary - maybe its PTSD or something bubbling up. A lot of anxiety over the testing requirements, border requirements, and jesus, even the CAT SITTER arrangement is new.

    I know it will all come together by Wednesday, but I really miss the old carefree days of not having to worry about all these moving parts and did I read the fine print correctly? (actually i didn't in regards to a different flight arrangement and then I felt dumb and it threw me back to feeling dumb about missing my cancer).

    I did find insurance in the end, I know what tests to order and when, I have a checklist of papers to print out and bring, the flight thing should be possible to iron out with a few phone calls, and the potential sitter is coming to meet the cats tomorrow, but still, I guess I wasn't expecting such feelings to come out. Such a hassle just to get out of town!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Sondra, oh it sounds overwhelming just to think about! I hope it all comes together for you soon so you don't have to worry about it and it's all smooth.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Goldens hope your bronchitis heals quickly. it sometimes lingers ugh. Feel better and rest up. My grandson is sneezing up a storm and we're all hoping it's just allergies.

    Sondra sorry you're having so many problems trying to travel. I wasn't able to get travel insurance in May. They said that it was probably due tot he hit the travel industry had during the pandemic. I'm happy you were able to get it. It's one less thing to worry about when we travel. Yay the cat sitter is coming to meet them. Sounds like things are coming together. I hope you enjoy your vacation.

    Mel hope you're getting around OK. Heal quickly.

    Waving hello to all.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Sondra - I agree that traveling today is such a pain in the butt. Every time we go thru TSA I curse those damn terrorists that took away the ease of getting on a plane. I hope you can enjoy some part of your travels - but if you need to have a day of rest, don’t hesitate to do so

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Goldens I hope you feel better. Bronchial is not fun. My toe hurts but it’s only for a few days and I’m sure it will be ok. It wasn’t fun by any means. Today hasn’t been fun. But one day at a time.

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    Hello All, I'm trying to catch up with all the postings. Congrats to all with good news, I celebrate with you. Prayers for those with problems, I hope things get better soon.

    I had to go to ER on Mon. morning. Had terrible nausea with dry heaves and pain in my stomach. I was admitted to the hospital and came home Wed. morning. My sodium level was very low as well as all my blood counts. I am now on a fluid restricted diet of 1 liter a day. Had labs done again today and everything is still too low but getting better. I wasn't able to start Ibrance or have Fasoldex injections. Still waiting to hear from my Onc on what the next step will be. I'm still feeling weak but my appetite is coming back and I hope a little weight gain will make me feel stronger; I was down to 93 lbs (normally around 100 or so).

    Have a good weekend, everyone. We have an air pollution alert for Sunday; smoke from Canada is coming in on a strong north wind and will affect even healthy people. Masks are worthless for the small particulates. What a year this has been so far. It has to get better, right?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    it’s like the dark ages. Plagues , wars, ashes . Sounds like we should be chanting. We will all rise up. Goodness gracious enough crap to go through

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    This is also our first time traveling since formal Brexit and while I have a card proving my status, OH did not receive one as he is EU, but he got some sort of a code that Border Force can look up. The same Border Force who are overwhelmed right now checking Covid papers. My Italian hairdresser came back from Spain in May and BF gave him hassle that he should apply for a UK passport rather than just settled status.

    The world was motoring along just fine until about 2015 - WTF happened? It feels like its been straight downhill since and no end in sight!

    Lee - I hope you feel better soon!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better. Bronchitis is nothing to mess with, so I’m glad you were proactive in getting seen by a doctor.


    Praying for safe travels with no issues.


    Hoping you have a good day. Glad the toe thing is behind you. Hugs.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    I just got caught up on your posts.

    Sorry I have not checked in. I do not have a Smart Phone for Internet service, so when I am away from home I cannot get online. Thanks Mel for checking in with me via text message. Heart

    My sister went into the ER Monday with feet swelling. She was admitted. Found her electrolytes were out of wack, heart function is very poor, and.... diagnosed with MBC. Evidently she had a wound on her breast she did not tell anyone about. The biopsied it-- IDC. And the CT found lytic lesions on the spine. She is to see an oncologist next week. I don't think she will last too long. I want her to live with me, but she does not want to. I think she may need a nursing home situation.

    I finally got insurance approval on Thursday for the RO and liver surgeon consults, so I did not make it to the Tuesday appointment. I rescheduled for mid August, but told the scheduler I was having family issues right now. She reminded me that I need to take care of myself. I know, but....

    I am now going to read the other posts on the Threads I follow. Thank you again for all your concern.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    So glad to see you Candy. Thinking of you and your sister.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Oh, Candy. I'm so sorry about your sister. It's good she has you to help her. At least she's not alone in dealing with this.


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, Thank you for taking the time to check in when you have so much going on. I am sorry that your sister has been diagnosed with mbc. You are a very special person to step in as you have. I know it must be difficult for you for so many reasons. Although it is difficult to think of yourself right now, please do take care of yourself and keep up with the planned visits with your RO and liver surgeon. You are important, and we care about you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Candy: I was relieved to see your post. I was wondering what was happening with you. Shocking and devastating news about your sister. I am truly sorry. She is fortunate to have you in her corner. As the others have already stated, please take good care of yourself as well. We all missed you here.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Candy - it is heartbreaking to hear that your sister has MBC. Praying for both of you.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Candy~I am so sorry. We’ve all been there but it sure doesn’t make it any easier to support someone, just because you know how it feels. I’m sad for you both. I am sending thoughts your way. To you and your sister. MBC sucks

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044


    What a shock this must be! Is this the sister who lives with your father or the one who is married? I am very sorry to hear about this but maybe she will respond well to treatment. You never know. Prayers for peace and healing for both of you.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    My thoughts are with you. I am so sorry to hear this about your sister, but you are a good person to help take care of her and to serve as a source of information and comfort.

    Please, as others have said, take care of yourself as well. Now that you've gotten the insurance issue worked out, you need to concentrate, too, on your own illness.