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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Pocket duty for Elderberry, brought along a giant bag of peanut M&M's I got at Costco last night.

    I heard back from the building department in my city. They asked if I wanted to submit a complaint about possible work without a permit being done. No guarantee nor do I have proof other than the extreme noise and apartment shaking that makes me suspicious as well as my neighbour having seen a plumbing truck. I was clear I have no real proof, just the info on what it sounds like and the shady company and the hearsay about a plumbing truck. I would like to see if they send someone out to check the building as well as what the result was.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I slept again all afternoon! My happy place. I'm realizing that my mouth issues aren't from the chemo at all. It's from my medical marijuana vaping pen. I have vape mouth. The inhalation is irritating my tongue. It really is upsetting me because it helps me with so much. Anxiety. Pain. Aches. I'm so annoyed with cancer. So I am going to have to try to find another means of relief. I'm going to have to take a long break for my mouth to recover. I kept wondering why it wasn't making any difference. I'm very bothered by this. It's always something. To take away that actually helps me.

    I hope you're all doing good. Each day for me anymore seems like a challenge. Every day gets closer To Christmas and I see a pile of packages that need my attention. I need to update my list to see what I have to get. What the hell do you get men ? They don't use much wear the same things. Eye Yeei yey I don't know what where when to start. You ladies almost done. ?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Mara~ I’d still like to do some shin damage.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Micmel, we don’t celebrate Christmas but our anniversary is on Christmas Eve, I’m easy, I love everything, I’m happy with a cool sticker, lol. DH is tough, so years ago we pretty much decided to buy ourselves whatever treat or gadget we wanted. We have dinner and a date but no gift exchange, we simply show the other what we got “look what you got me!” Lol

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Reporting for pocket duty Elderberry with twirl bites and cherries. Good vibes coming your way for good results. I saw my oncologist yesterday, my tumor markers are dropping and my bloodwork is all good, I hope this continues, chemo this afternoon, bingo tonight and a walk along the beach tomorrow, it's been a while since I felt strong enough, I'm really looking forward to it 😀.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Thanks to all of you: I'll go with anything that isn't coconut :-)

    What can it be that radiologists, my MO are puzzled by?

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Elderberry, I’m in for pocket duty too. I hope your arm issue can get figured out.

    I’m up for my quarterly MRI next week on Weds. I haven’t been feeling any different but anything could be happening, as we all know.

    I had a call from my son (32) a couple days ago and he and his long time gf are getting married. I’ve been hoping they would eventually, but haven’t wanted to say much. He said they want something small and don’t think it’ll be a long engagement. Feeling happy, already love my DIL to be

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    congrats kitty ! Good markers and blood work!

    Congrats Rosie on the wedding soon. That's wonderful for your family.

    Mae~. I point out what I want. Lol. But he's difficult. He doesn't really need anything but if he does he gets it. So it doesn't leave any room for gift givers ! I think your way sounds fine to me ! I love food lol. I’ll take a yummy seafood meal anyway. Yum

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Monkey, queen of her cat castle.


    Her dad is being transferred from the hospital to a neuro rehab hospital this week. Improvement has been very good lately, hopefully they’ll be reunited soon.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kittykat- great news ! Now win at bingo and enjoy the beach walk

    Mae- now that is one big obstacle course. I'm sure your friend misses the cat. Glad to hear he is doing so well.

    Mel- there must be other forms of your medical Marijuana, maybe try some of Runors gummies!

    I finished the lights outside and got the tree up for Christmas. I have to be very explicit if I need something specific from my DH because last year I showed him a picture of warm slippers I liked and I ended up with a pair of sandals Winking

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387

    Micmel, I am flattered that you mentioned me..

    I am really doing fine, especially with the weariness of having liver mets for 5 years.

    In the late summer, I had Y90 radioembolization in left/right liver lobes 6 weeks apart while remaining on Taxol. This has now caused problems with ascites. The last MRI showed no active tumors, but my liver is not happy right now. The good thing is my liver enzymes and total bilirubin are okay. I am still going into the hyperbaric oxygen chamber to heal from earlier SBRT radiation damage.

    Every 2 weeks I go for ascitis drainage plus had to take a break from Taxol.. So I am off all treatment until I heal from side effects. Scarey.

    But since I don't know my future, I continue like I have plenty of living to do. I follow all of you..from my "group" 5-6 years ago to the new folks.

    I am fortunate that we share with each other..results from scans, the fears, good news, labs, our fun trips, our families, photos..our lives.

    Thank you Mel for bringing us together for so long. You are a very special woman on these boards.


  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    To all who want a ride along lending hope for good outcomes, quick and painless procedures, I am there. 

    Micmel, is there any chance you have thrush? I've had it a few times and it is miserable!  Docs often miss it because thrush is not common in adults (babies much more prone to it). By the time my first case was diagnosed, when I suggested as much to the doc, I was utterly frantic and desperate. My lips would glue themselves to my teeth every night and I literally had to peel my lips and teeth apart with my hands, or try to dribble water into my unmoving mouth to add moisture where there was none. I have had thrush 4 times. Doc said I should be investigated for an autoimmune disorder (never was). My first symptom was a weird tingling on my tongue for a few days and then a slow descent into mouth hell. If it is thrush it's a simple fix with some Nystatin.

    Had talk with gyno. It was mostly unproductive. She said that since I have been brought to her attention and the cut off for ignoring uteruses (uteri?) is 12mm and I am 15 mm, she cannot suggest that we ignore me. So. What do I want? In office biopsy or in hospital biopsy and D&C? And I said, how about neither. I asked, how likely is it that a clean bill of uterine health (aside from a polyp but all other pathology was 100% good) from 6 months ago would blossom into a case of uterine cancer? She said, I am not qualified to comment on the rate nor likelihood of uterine cancer. Wow, she sidestepped that one! She asked me if I was having any symptoms or problems at all. No. None. She asked, who ordered this ultrasound because she would not have requested one without a reason to do so. THAT was a telling bit of info there. I think she was saying, tactfully, that unless I had problems, I should have left this alone, but I didn't, I asked for an ultrasound 'just to see how things were; and now we have a decision to make that we could have avoided until something obvious was going wrong. The good thing is that I am not panicked like I was this spring. I was falling apart this spring. I frankly don't know what to think or do. There is a 95% chance I am fine. A 5% chance I am not. Her closing words, if this is cancer and you do nothing, how will you feel? Well shit. 

    Mamm coming up Monday and hope to god I do not hear 'we need a closer look' because that makes all the blood drop to my feet. Hugs to all!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    if anyone on Instagram and wants to add to my post about gift suggestions for a metastatic ca pt, pls do so

    Dd and I are still doing our hallmark marathon. I only just sort of recently realized we've committed ourselves to blogging every day till xmas lol. We've posted reviews for 20 movies so far, holy cow

    I have immunotherapy tomorrow. Dh is going to the dr. He tested neg for covid but has a bad chest cold which won't go away.

    I'm tired today after waking early for the bone scan and the driving back and forth.

    Mel, can you switch to cannabis oils? I occasionally use oil sublingually. Your poor mouth :(

    Waving hi to everyone

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Ugh, I get scans results today. I don't want to go :( but I must. I am really worried this time. There's a lot of pocket duty openings out there. Maybe I'll hide in someone's pocket.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    dutchiris fingers crossed hard for you!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Dutchiris, I’m here in your pocket!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Dutchiris- In your pocket from here.

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Elderberry - In your pocket today with some peanut butter bars!

    Kittykat - That's great news! Have a great time at bingo :)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Dutchiris, in your pocket as well. I am also in anybody else's pocket that needs it.

    Elderberry, have not left your pocket and still got the M&M's, chocolate peanut

    Having a dull day today, weather is gray, I feel gray which is not unusual but I am plodding along with my day. Just going to brush teeth and take a half hour walk. I don't expect to feel happy but it should keep my mood more stable. I have been munching on a few Peanut M&Ms and a 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter. They taste very nice and enjoying the small amounts. Thinking of cooking one of my frozen hamburgers and grinding it up as something different to add to my beans mix.

    I wish I could shake this mood I am in. I've felt this way since the housing thing started, on the edge of crying constantly but I also know that sitting around doing that will not be of any help. You guys are going through actual issues too and doing it well, least I can do for myself is soak up some of that from you and just keep going.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Dutchiris- on pocket duty also for great scan results

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    ditchiris - in your pocket thinking really positive thoughts

    Kittykat- yay for doing TMs!

    Sandibeach- is good to hear from you. It's no wonder you're tired with the burden of the ascites and the radiation recall both weighing on. I hope things resolve soon and you can get back on treatment.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- the way this guy has treated you in turning your life upside down with this housing shit would make anyone feel down. You do not need this along with all the other crap cancer has bestowed on you. Yes a small walk should clear the mind. I also think this time of year with colder weather and dark evenings alters mood. Christmas time is hard for many people too whether you live alone or are with family. I know I am so glad when the day is done. Thinking of you

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Dutchiris, in your pocket! 🤞

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Just popping in to say hi. Too many unread posts (my fault) to respond to each one., but know that I did read them, and I do care. Too much going on with all of us.

    My mom died 4 years ago today. I miss her...

    Not a whole lot going on with me. I'll see my MO next Wednesday and have my scans the Wednesday after that. Had a root canal on Wednesday - went well with no problems, thankfully.

    I'm still waiting to talk to my MO about by PIK3 CA mutation test. Got the results, but can't make heads or tails about what it says. Still waiting on the $9K bill for that one. It will all work out - the MO's nurse sounded hopeful that we'll get it paid for one way or another.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Thank you LivingIVLife. I appreciate it. I will keep working to stabilize my mood and try to put the current stress on the back burner. My first walk was helpful, may try for another this afternoon.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mel edibles, or capsules, lots of oral options. They also have a patch available and an inhaler? Would actual flower do the same damage as vaping? I hope you heal quickly and at least its not anything to do with Ibrance so you can keep going on tx.

    Kitty congratulations your numbers dropped. Enjoy your beach walking, sounds amazing. I can hear it taste the sea water spray and smell the ocean already.

    Rosie great heartwarming news about the upcoming nuptials.

    Sandibeach nice to be reminded of what this group does and for how long it's been doing it. Thanks Mel for starting this.

    Mae Monkey is living the life! He has a cat apartment in your house.

    Dutchris in your pocket waiting for results with you.

    Runor the ambiguity of the uterus. Doctor won't take a stand like that of course not. ugh.

    Mara I hope your mood improves from the nice walk and of course the peanut M&M's.

    I watched a show on Netflix the mind explained. There was a man who was a cancer patient expecting to die. He participated in an experiment to reduce the anxiety he had between scans, where each outcome could mean death. He took psilocybin or mushrooms one time and it got completely rid of his anxiety for 6 months to a year. They used it on other patients with similar results. It's not offered at my cancer center but I will investigate further.

    My anxiety producing scan is Tuesday. I usually have the Pet every 6 months It's the first time we waited for 8 months. Deep sigh.

    Moth Livingivlife, seeQ, Booboo, Candy its good to see you all.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Tanya, in your pocket for your scan! I hope my mood improves too, I am happy with the walk I did and the M&Ms and 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter was delicious.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Echoing Tanya... Gummies? Transdermal creams? Lots of kinds of relief.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I’ll have to figure out something. It’s so annoying. Having cancer is annoying. I hate it. Rolled into my life and messed it all up. I was happy before cancer. Now I struggle daily to find purpose. If it wasn’t for my DH don’t know what I would do. Some days are just dark.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    my hubby is in the er with uncontrolled Afib. They're running tests to see if anything else is up. He wasn't feeling well for past few days, had neg covid test and went to dr thinking maybe he had bronchitis or pneumonia. Instead she sent him for an outpatient ecg. The ecg said go to emerg...

    I'm home just waiting. He has his cell and is texting me regularly