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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    I’m sorry Moth, I know it’s stressful, especially when all we can do is wait. I wish you DH a quick and full recovery. In your pocket too.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Moth~ thinking of you and your DH. I know it’s stressful. One breath at time. Sending thoughts of love And hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Mel, I am sorry about dark days, they are tough to deal with along with cancer. Sending love out to you.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Moth, I'm sorry to hear about dh, hopefully they can get on top of it quickly,.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    December holidays, I'll post the decorations when the sun goes down, it's our Xmas parade today image

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Moth - at least he went to the doctor and is now in the right place to be monitored. I hope this clears up soon for the positive!

    Kittykat - that beach looks wonderful. I would kill to be back on a beach of some sort and fully intend to go to A beach somewhere (probably Spain or Portugal) by March. Gotta have goals in life! :)

    Made it home in one piece from the hospital yesterday - gotta love London black cabs for easy loading and unloading of just about anything. Tall enough you can partially stand up inside, low to the ground, a load of hand holds, and no seat belt necessarily required, not to mention lots of internal floor space and wide doors. We passed another one on the road where someone had loaded a jogger baby carriage right into the cab with the kid still strapped in and then fit in two adults and a toddler. Not cheap but worth it in certain instances!

    Who is following SABCS this year? Looks like quite a bit on endocrine-resistance ,at least from a first glance.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420


    Santa and Mrs Claus drive a dune buggy down at rhe Beach, I was going to take pics of the Aussie Xmas trees but I ran out of steam and had to get myself home, I'll drive down tomorrow night and take some, they are lovely when lit. Silly me sat down on the grass to wait for the parade then couldn't get up, I had to ask for help, I just didn't have the strength in my legs.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    dutchiris, in your pocket.

    Runor, I would say if you will keep thinking about it, I would get it tested. If it’s negative, you can take a big sigh of relief.

    Mel, sorry about your mouth. I’m glad you figured out what it was.

    Mara, I’m sorry you’ve been down.

    Moth, I hope they get your husband regulated.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    So sorry to read this, Moth. I hope he gets some prompt attention (as prompt as things can be) and a good treatment plan. Waiting is so hard.

    Mel, Sending you a hug. I want you to feel the happiness you deserve.

    Mara, Your landlord troubles sure have caused you grief. It sure would be fitting if the inspectors dropped in on the construction work and found it shady just like the new owner. I still admire you for your walking. It’s hard to get yourself going (me included) but the fresh air does usually have a good effect.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mara- Thinking of you with your apartment issues and the depressed feelings.

    Mel- Hope your mouth can heal and you can find another route for your MM use except vaping. Are you back on Ibrance, now that you know it is not the issue? Sorry you are feeling down too. I wish you could find a hobby or something to give you happiness. I too need something, but I love to read books so there is that. I rarely nap during the day. I may doze off in a chair for 30-45 minutes (especially with a book in hand), but I do not actually nap in bed under the covers during the day. Maybe you should try to stay out of bed during the day. Just putter around the house just to stay awake and moving.

    Moth- Hoping they can get your DH AFib under control. Scary. Always something, right?

    Kitty- Good pics. I have never been to a beach or seen the ocean. My house in in farmland. Wide open spaces of crops-- hay fields, corn fields, soybeans, milo-- except now with winter and harvest done the ground is bare.

    Sondra- I am not following SABCS, but I would like to hear a synopsis of the findings later.

    I did watch a free 1-hour webinar yesterday about "Collateral Damage of Treatment", the side effects our meds cause. It was with an oncologist (I forget where from) and our very own Bestbird (Anne Loeser, author of The Insider's Guide to MBC). It was really good.

    Not much today. Or this weekend. Or anytime. Just putter and read. The Covid saga continues with the new variant, and I don't want to catch that, so I isolate. Not that I want to isolate, but it is what it is.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    They kept him overnight & I haven't heard from him this morning yet. Last I chatted with him they'd tried bringing his heart rate down with iv drugs 3 times and it came down a bit but not enough to send him home

    I guess he's sleeping cause he's not answering my texts yet

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Moth, I am so sorry to read this for you and your husband. Hoping his heart gets settled down for sure. Sending strength and my fond thoughts out to you both.

    I have decided that I have to get over myself now. It's been a couple of weeks since the property people wanted us out. Nothing is immediately changing, done everything I can do for now as has my older DB. It will work out as supposed to.

    For now, will just walk and do my surveys. I have 3 windows up on my laptop, each one doing a different thing that makes a wee amount of money. I will sink myself into those and just keep my mind from wandering or going back on the hamster wheel. If I can shift it to the back of my mind where I banish my cancer worries, life will be a bit better for me.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mel, I'm sorry. I get it. There are good days, days when I just don't care and days when I just want to be done with everything. Somedays everything does, indeed, feel very dark.

    moth, I'm sorry to hear about your DH. I hope they can figure it out and fix it. Has he had this before? Did they do that procedure (I forget what it's called) to get his heart back into normal rhythm? (Wat a stupid spelling for a word. Had to look it up. Sheesh!)

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    just chatted with him and he's still in the er, and still in afib. Sunshine, they tried meds last night to lower it but 3 doses of iv metoprolol only brought it down a bit. They're considering electro cardioversion but they prefer if pt is on anti coagulation for a few weeks before procedure...

    he's never had it before. Looks like he has pneumonia too. They started him on abx.

    Covid neg 2nd time so at least that's off the table

    I think Goldens' dh had this problem a while ago.

    I wonder if we stress our guys...

    Thank you everyone for sending good wishes

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth sorry to hear about your husband. Hopefully he’ll heal quickly.


  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Moth, sorry to hear about your husband. I hope they get it straightened out soon.

    I had a similar experience in 2016. Had just finished my 4th round of IV chemo and on Thanksgiving day went to the ER after feeling lousy all day and running a fever. Had pneumonia and AFIB. Spent a few days in the hospital, but eventually heart rhythm went back to normal. I've been on metoprolol ever since and no recurrences of AFIB.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Micmel - sorry you are down in the dumps. Those days seem to last longer than regular days. Happy days zip by quickly and down days are 40 hours long, it feels. Hugs to you. 

    Sondra - good that you are home from the hospital. I hope walking into your own familiar place was a warm rush of relief. Home is best!

    Moth - I hope they get Hub sorted out. My brother had something similar and they had to re-boot his heart. Seems to have done the trick. This is worry for you at a time you don't need it! 

    KBL - I think I can afford to sit on this uterus thing for a while before I have to make a decision. If something goes wrong, if my uterus tries to kill me again then I will have to take steps. For now I am surprisingly not overly worried. Which may turn out to be a mistake ... if only we had crystal balls. But if any of us at 20 knew what was in our future, would we have carried on? Good question. 

    Mara - what is the rental market like in your area? Here, things are bad! People are desperate for places to live and there is nothing. The real estate market is berserk. People list a house and a bidding war starts and houses go for an average of $50,000 - $100,000 OVER list price. Where is this money coming from?! Our local kids will never be able to live here. 

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    moth: Years ago I was in ER with AFib. They dosed me what seemed like every half hour with meds and finally gave me a cardioconversion. I did not like the effects of the ketamine. Do people really do that recreationally? I hope it gets sorted. Keep us posted

    To All: Thanks for all the pocket duty. Now the wait that seems forever. And then what? I am gone for one day and there's dozens of posts from so many of you with things I want to address individually. I wish you all the best with tests, with spouses, with housing, with whatever is putting a weight on you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Apartments are going for about 200 more than I make on disability. That does not include groceries or internet and cell phone. I do not currently pay electric either which most apartments charge separately so moving will be a no go. I suppose that I should try to get a job but am not sure what I can do. I do have a small amount of money left over from my house sale but I would run out quickly if I must pay 200 or more above what I get. My surveys pay anwhere 100 to 200 though that is boosted since it is US dollars so we will see what happens.

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Moth - I’m so sorry. I hope they can bring down his heart rate. And it sounds like they need to move him somewhere more comfortable, especially with the pneumonia.

    Elderberry - I think the waiting is the worst part. Here in your pocket while you’re waiting. Just picked up a holiday mix of chocolate and peanut butter cups.

    Mara - I hope you can brighten your mood. It’s so hard to be so stressed for so long. Maybe some more walks and a peanut butter cup can bring a smile! 😊

    Mel - I’m sorry you’re having some dark days. Just know that we are here with you and can help you carry the burden.

    Well I have more visitors at my house. They’ve been here for only a few hours and I’m already stressed and a little annoyed. I just have to take some deep breaths. Maybe eat some chocolate or something. I’m just tired of people touching my stuff haha..

  • watersong
    watersong Member Posts: 6

    Mara, thanks for posting the article about bee venom. Apparently it's been used as a medicine since biblical times and popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In reading more, Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) or Apitherapy shows real promise using certain breeds of bees, combined with a detoxified venom delivery system, is effective against certain types of cancers, and certain types of cancer cells. There's lots of published data outlining the genes and cells best suited for BVT. To know if BVT would be effective for us individually, it seems to me (with no formal science training) you'd have to know the mutated gene responsible for the sarcoma. I'm unsure how you get that information. Take care

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Runor, that sounds very reasonable. I’m glad you’re more calm about it.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Hi Sondra, thank you for the checkin! We luckily missed the storm chaos but I have friends who have been without power for days in -3 temp….and they want us to switch from gas to electric/ renewables? I think they should be getting the infrastructure right first!

    Glad to see you are back home and recovering.

    Hugs to everyone else….can’t keep up. Been very tired and suffering from what I call the ‘ poor me’s’, but I’m sure I’ll bounce back!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I think I suffer from that too Karen so you’re not alone. Not at all.

    Thank you ladies for your kind words. I really appreciate the support and caring. I wish we lived near Candy. We have the same boredom blues somedays. I wish this living room was real. I don’t mind people touching my stuff. Lmao.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I'm pleasantly surprised. My scans results state no significant change in osseous metastic disease and no new lesions. Thank you for all the support

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    dutchiris, yay for stable! 🎉

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    that’s great chiris. Whoop whoop 🙌 for you!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    welcome watersong. Nice to see you

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Kitty ~ loved the parade !!!! Took me to back to when I was kid. Thanks !

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Dutchris great news
