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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Booboo - I was diagnosed in 2010 as 2B and wondered if they missed either a stage 3 or stage 4 diagnosis. I remember my surgeon telling me that she had the lab test my lymphnodes twice when she was doing the mastectomy because they felt really spongy but the lymph nodes came back negative and they just gave me chest wall radiation and I was never scanned. I did tamoxifen and then aromatase inhibitors for five years. I use the diagnosis date of my met to the bone as the date I became Stage 4 and I know I had it prior but I think the diagnosis date is what you use.

    Here is some information about staging from

    The updated AJCC breast cancer staging guidelines have made determining the stage of a cancer a more complicated but accurate process. So, the characteristics of each stage below are somewhat generalized.

    A note about staging: The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) both say that a cancer's stage doesn't change after a diagnosis. So, a person who was diagnosed in 2010 with stage II breast cancer and then had the cancer come back in the bones in 2015 technically is considered to have stage II breast cancer with metastatic recurrence to bone.

    Still, this is not how most people — and even most oncologists — talk and think about cancer. If someone has breast cancer come back in a part of the body away from the breast, the person and doctors usually consider that cancer to be stage IV/metastatic.

    The reason the ACS and NCI say that a cancer's stage doesn't change is so they can follow people over time and keep track of how many people diagnosed with a particular stage of cancer have a recurrence, as well as the type of recurrence. This allows the organizations to compile statistics on cancer outcomes.

    "It's confusing, to be sure," says Brian Wojciechowski, M.D., medical adviser. "But for the purpose of individual patients and their personal journey and how we make treatment decisions, it doesn't matter whether you have stage II with metastatic recurrence to bone or stage IV disease. In practice, the terms 'metastatic' and 'stage IV' are used interchangeably."

    At, we talk about breast cancer the way most doctors do. So, we do as the American Society of Clinical Oncology does and use the terms "stage IV" and "metastatic" interchangeably. We also consider a person who has a metastatic recurrence to have stage IV cancer.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Mel - Glad that mama bear got to see her two cubs!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Ok, thanks all. I appreciate your response to the question. It is a bit confusing, that’s for sure.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Shetland, my mom made stockings for each of us in 1956, 1958 and 1960. She made one for my husband when we were married in 1988. I guess you could say they're vintage. They're very precious to me!

    mel, it was lovely to see the photos of you and your "kids".

    mara, I'm glad you had a good day with your brother.

    booboo, interesting question. I was Stage II at my first diagnosis, but am now Stage IV. I never thought of it as Stage II with mets.

    To all of you, happy Monday!


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    To All: thank you to those who posted pictures of their Christmas trees. I so enjoyed them. Our living room is long and narrow with a fireplace, door and bookcase along one end and the front door and French panels on each side . One wall is all CDs, records, DVDs, TV and the other side is the couch with doors on both sides. No place to put a tree-. I usually decorate the mantle with greenery but just couldn't get up the energy this year. I made sure there were lots of candles and tea lights everywhere and put up Christmas cards along the wainscoting. Half of the kitchen stuff is packed into the living room as well as kitchen reno gets finished. It is bitterly cold here for the coast and I hope our old house and uninsulated pipes survive. I keep the tap dripping and pray.

    booboo: you posed an interesting question. Too bad all BC DX's don't get a scan ahead of treatments.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Laurie, thank you for saying that. I hope 2022 is good for you too as well. I would not mind a job, got a few things to clear away that I have procrastinated on like getting an Ontario ID card ( just a replacement for a passport or drivers license) as my main ID, keep working away at surveys and stuff to make the 10 to 20 dollars per day which would add 300 to 600 to my budget which would be helpful and getting more exercise. Still sort of lazy right now but that will pick up I think. The job would come after the ID and hopefully just a little weekend job. Do not need more than that.

    Surveys and stuff on the agenda today. Did get an email back from the property managers asking for patience while they sort out cleaning services and snow removal services. If I wind up falling down the stairs due to ice etc, I will sue them. I will just keep my level of the apartments clean. Too bad I can't get a job cleaning the building, I totally would if it meant some extra money off rent. I am still polishing off the treats that my older DB gave me, diet and exercise are on the agenda for next year. Getting booster shot Jan 2 as well. Might get flu shot a couple of weeks after, we will see.

    Hope everyone is recovered from the holidays and had a good time, in anyone's pocket who needs it as well.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hello friends, here is my little crew on xmas eve . Olive would not cooperate for pictures lol. I went for a tiny spin on the xcountry skis on boxing day. Relaxing and enjoying ourselves.




  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    moth~ I love your pictures. Thank you for sharing

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Moth, beautiful pictures indeed. Love them!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Moth, what a handsome crew. You also look great! I hope you all enjoy your time together.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Great pics of many families🥰

    Our photo from brunch with Santa and Mrs. Claus on the 19th.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Great pics moth and Goldens.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Moth and Goldens, wonderful family memories, beautiful families!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Moth and Goldens- beautiful family pictures

    Moth- it looks like the tree you picked out was perfect

    Goldens- where are those beautiful Goldens ?

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    A belated Merry Christmas to everyone! I had quite a bit of catching up to do. I really enjoyed the photos. This group is so great for sharing our lives outside of cancer as well as the struggles with it.

    Kikomoon - I caught your struggles with the big D and wanted to pitch in as I struggle with the same issues. I am on Verzenio which is famous for the same thing. I can't seem to find the exact post to reference but if you browse the Verzenio page there is a lot of us who find Metamucil very helpful. I'm trying to remember the member who said this but they are a retired pharmacist and explained that the Metamucil actually has a dual function. It sounds counterintuitive but it will help diarrhea by bulking up the stool in addition to being an agent to aid bowel regularity. Fiber Con is also something mentioned as a helpful tool. I just wanted to add that as something else to try. Those of us on the Verzenio thread are very unabashedly open and honest about our bowel struggles with lots of suggestions. LOL. Hope that is of some use to you.

    We got a white Christmas here. It's not unusual for surrounding areas and higher elevations but we've had consistent snow on the valley floor which is less common. I am enjoying it but will also admit I'm enjoying watching it fall from indoors with my cozy blankets.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    thank you Moth, Goldens, and Mel for posting photos! So great to see you happy with your families!

    Emac, thank you! I actually started the Metamucil two days ago, so we’ll see.

    We finally got our kitchen sink fixed today so I can live in this century again!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Deb -

    One of our traditions has been to take our goldens to visit Santa for a picture. Unfortunately this year with my shoulder problem there was no way to do it. I had a friend take a photo of our girls at our daughter’s house:

    Mariah, 3; Gamble, 9; Bella, 11. Gamble is Mariah’s biological Grandmother and will be a great-grandma sometime in January

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Goldens, I absolutely love that pic! Thanks for sharing. Such sweet looking girls 💗

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Goldens, your girls are beautiful. Love Mariah's big smile!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    my heart just melted. Love love that picture and those beautiful Goldens. Ohhhh I want a doggie so bad! Thanks for sharing. Big smile here 😃. ♥️

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Great pics from everyone!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Thanks for all of the beautiful family photos.

    I’m in for bloodwork and shots this morning. Nothing like a needle to wake you up!


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    This is our newby Murphy. He had a long day on Christmas Day

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Here’s both Teddi (7 yrs.) and Murphy (5 yrs). They like to fight over who sits on the top of my chair!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Thank you Goldens and Booboo for sharing those pictures of your doggie family. What a joy these great companions are to a family.

    I too was in for blood work today. I have a call with the MO tomorrow.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Booboo, they’re adorable. Like Micmel, I’m itching for a dog (or two) as well. Once the cabin is finished, DH and I plan to adopt locally, preferably a bonded pair.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    Loving all of the pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    Hope all bloodwork comes out great

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    BooBoo~ precious babies !!! Give them hugs from me. I am so wanting a dog. I am also going to adopt when the time comes. I miss that companionship living mentioned. Nothing like eyes that always love you. No matter what you’re going through. Best friends. Cats too of course. I’ve seen some pretty cool cats.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Boo and Goldens- Love the pics. I am a cat person, but really an over all animal person.

    Today I went and got my hair cut. Just me and the hairdresser in the building. I double masked and she had on a mask also. I love a fresh hair cut. Cold and rainy here. Just inside for the rest of the day. Reading and may nap. Did not sleep well last night-- tummy trouble. The Lynparza really messes with the GI system.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    To All You Dog Parents: Love the pics. I adore Yorkies. No one has told them they are small dogs. I would like a dog but walkies in bad weather and having to bend down to pick up poop isn't for me at my age. My Dh says he could bend down but would not be able to get back up! Litter boxes are so much easier and you don't have to go outside or open a door so they can pee.

    moth: I always say I would enjoy skiing if it wasn't for the snow. Can you ski on sand dunes?

    LivingIVlife: Hope the bloodwork turns out well and you are "good to go"

    Tanya: same to you. Good blood work results.