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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    pocket duty for anyone who needs tomorrow! Today was slow…. It took forever to get through. I’ll tell you it’s been gloomy here. Foggy and damp and raining all day all week long. I dont like it. My son moves out this weekend wahhhh I am still adjusting to the thought.

    I hope everyone had an ok day. Gn ladies !

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth I’m sending you hugs and I’m in on the miracle prayer Booboo is making.


  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    moth, so sorry about your progression and thinking of you tonight. Hoping the next treatment can beat it back.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Happy New Year to all my beautiful Mel's living room friends, may we all have a more peaceful 2022, love from Cathie xxx.image

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420


  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!image

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Kitty,

    What is the last picture of? I can’t tell…

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    it's our local fireworks display, I know, I've never seen one like it either.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Thinking about you Moth. Hang in there.
    Hogmanay for us today….but all public celebrations have been covid cancelled…..sigh…

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    I think the last fireworks looks like a flower ready to bloom. Alot of the new year's eve celebrations have been canceled here too. No wild party at my house! Just the two of us . We'll enjoy a movie, munchies and a drink. I like watching Anderson Cooper on New Yorks countdown. He is great and I love his laugh.

    Have put away most of the Christmas decorations in the house. Our tree stays up for a couple of days after the new year. I like to get decorations up early and down early.

    Moth you are in our thoughts and prayers

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Kittykat, it looks a little like a covid cell. Happy Happy New Year!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Well, this is the song that never ends. Water shut off for the second time without notice. Went and asked the guys working what was happening this time, the claim again there was an accident again which is bull doody. I am documenting what was said and the dates. My brother is checking on building permits as well as I told him one of the guys working said they are also doing electrical. They claim the owner has permits for this work but if they do, give us 24 hours notice of a water shutoff and just renovate the right way instead of cheating. Irritated but nothing to be done, I did buy a case of water for a previous water shut off, keep water bottles filled as well so in no danger of shutting down.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I'm really impressed by your assertiveness. I am such a big chicken when there is confrontation involved. I would likely not do anything and then later be mad at myself. I wonder if the folks in your apartment complex know how hard you are fighting for them too. And your DB also gets a shoutout for his efforts.

    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mara- I wish you could get away from there. You don't need all that headache.

    Kittykat- Thanks for posting the pics.

    I am not doing anything special to ring in the New Year. Still isolating due to Covid. My sister's church is having a service--- preaching, songs, food-- but I will not go. Of course, no masks. I will probably be asleep way before midnight. Our town doesn't do fireworks or any big celebration--- small town. But, I am sure people will be gathering with their friends and family with food and drinks.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Good afternoon ladies

    the New Year fireworks are cool to see from Kitty down under.

    My daughter who resides with me probably has covid bc her ex husband visited the kids, who live with us and called to say he tested positive for Covid Wednesday. He left here Saturday. My daughter has a fever chills body aches cough etc. She didn't feel up to going to get a test yet, but she'll need one for work. she was vaccinated. My husband and I have three shots and are kind of waiting to see if we feel anything or what we feel and staying away from her which I think if any spreading was done the kids and all of us have already been exposed.

    No masks mandates here in regular businesses. I think the county buildings have to have masks as of Wednesday. The kids are scheduled to go back to school Monday. Still no mask mandate for schools either. We won't send them to school of course but just to think how all of this is brewing and no mask mandates for public schools. I've been in businesses this week grocery store, UPS drug store and no mask mandates. The employees and customers didn't have masks on; so I think Florida's going for the omicron record this time.

    I had a MRI scheduled for Monday and canceled bc I think I'm supposed to isolate myself for 5 days? Whatever the new rule is this week.

    Take care everyone and best wishes for a loving, kind, caring purposeful New Year.


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara sorry to hear about the water debacle. If you weren't there standing up to those people they'd be doing more than they already are doing. You are always prepared which is great with water and a back up DB taking them to task!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Darn it Tanya, I’m sorry you’re all dealing with sickness and scheduling interruptions. I hope the effects are minimal and short lived.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    thanks everyone for your kind comments. I'm still processing. Then this morning my oncologist called & said she's hitting snags with getting me Trodelvy. It's possible they won't approve it because I had the one met which tested faintly ER+. She's trying but it's not simple... And I still wish my regular oncologist was here because I don't know this new one & don't know how aggressively she'll push on my behalf kwim? I know my old MO was like a terrier about getting me into trials and then getting me compassionate access for tecentriq etc. Right since 2017 it feels like my case has been not simple - they brought it up at the tumor board then several times as there wasn't agreement about how to treat me & now we're back to the same issues.... So anyway, everything feels up in the air & there isn't anything for me to do other than be frustrated & wait to see what they say.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Karen - the Daily Fail makes it sound like half of Scotland decamped down here cause of "Evil Nicola" :P

    Moth - I was saddened to see your progression news, especially after you posted that lovely photo of your family at Christmas (and skiing! I was so hoping to get to Sweden to ski this winter but... guess not. Very jealous!). Bureaucracy and treatment bun-fights dont help either. I hope you can find some peace in the next few days and they get this sorted soon.

    Not doing much for New Years here - we just made Moqueca (Brazilian Fish Stew - recipe is from the blog Feasting At Home - its super easy and delish!) for dinner over some rice. We have a bottle of champagne it the fridge but *shrug* I dunno, we just have never been New Years people, and its really hard when its just the two of us and nightclubs/restaurants are a no go and friends are isolating or out of town. And I don't want to tempt fate - last year we stayed up and shot the cork into the yard and celebrated the back of 2020 but 2021 wasn't any better! Better just to go to sleep early and enjoy a glass in the morning when setting up the new calendars I got for Christmas.

    Let's hope 2022 is better for us all.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Moth- just when you think a plan is going into effect then bam another setback. Hopefully they all get their act together and things will finally get settled.

    Tanya- just what you needed especially when you had to cancel your MRI. I don't understand people not wearing a mask in public feeling their rights are being taken away. The kids here aren't going back to school until January 10th because of the rise in covid.

    Sondra- it won't be long before it is midnight there. Enjoy a quiet evening together.

    May all Mel's living room friends find a caring, safe, peaceful and healing 2022.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Moth, I'm so sorry, I hope they sort this out for you quickly, Tanya I hope you test negative, I really don't understand why it's so hard for people to wear a mask to protect themselves and others. Mara, I echo what the others have said, good on you for standing up for your rights.

    I didn't join in the local carnival, I watched the fireworks from my back gate with my neighbours, I really hope this year is better for all of us.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Moth, I’m adding my best wishes that your next plan is made soon and proves to be a good one. It stinks to get bad news on our treatments. Waiting is definitely hard. I have really appreciated your posts giving us your medical knowledge and wise words. In your pocket while you wait.

    Mara, The water being shut off has to be so aggravating, especially that it’s been done twice in a short time with no notice. I hope some other tenants get mad enough to complain along with you.

    So I’ve been on vacation in the Caribbean with about 750 strangers, yes, a cruise. The line that we’re on, Viking, has Covid protocols that have made us feel very secure. All passengers have to prove vaccination, be tested each morning with a PCR saliva test, and wear masks in all common areas of the ship and on excursions. People are very aware and conscientious. Most of our meals have been outside. We haven’t heard how many positive tests there have been, except that it’s been a “very small” number. One couple tested positive on the first day and wrote a long FB post about being in quarantine in a hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico. They were disappointed but understood it had to be done. I was very nervous about going at all but eventually realized I have no idea how many chances I have ahead and that this was actually a great time, just before I’m supposed to start Verzenio which is known to cause the big D as a side effect. I had my first Fulvestrant shots before we left and the next ones are on Tuesday, just after we get home. Liver biopsy on Thursday. I’ve already figured that January at home will be mostly in hibernation. Ohio is in a very bad place with Covid, just like a lot of the country.

    All of your photos have been so nice to see!! Thanks for sharing!

    I wish everyone a Happy 2022. Healthy and/or stable would be great. 👍

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Hope everyone has a great safe New Year's Eve. We are staying home. We had steak and huge scallops. It was a very nice dinner and for snack after some Costco delicious Cookies and mini pies.

    What's shame for Betty White. She was something else. Rip Betty!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Moth - it's bad enough dealing with progression, but then on top of that to hear that your MO is having problems getting your meds approved is enough to make one want to punch a hole in the wall. Sure hope that any hoops will be jumped through quickly and you can start new treatment!

    Mara - sorry the frustration continues - I think you already know that is going to be a regular thing.

    Happy New Year to all! My wish is that all the things we hold in our hearts bring us peace in 2022.

    Our poor 11 year old golden had her first experience with neighborhood fireworks last night and was just freaking out. She eventually settled behind our master bathroom toilet and later in my husbands closet. Our first golden was like that and it's so hard not being able to console them.

    Finally got my PICC line removed yesterday - now on oral antibiotics. I will see my new internist on Monday and hope to address issues of macrocytic anemia, low hemoglobin and sheer exhaustion

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Well, it is now 2022-- 8am here. I went to bed at 9:30pm and dozed till 12:15am-- woke and looked at the clock and said, "well it is a New Year". No fireworks or gun shots (Yes some shoot off guns). But it was raining so I guess the reason for no fireworks. I hate to be a Debbie Downer. I know you probably think I look at things the wrong way, but I just do not celebrate a New Year. What will it bring? Last year 2021 my sister died. We did not expect that. She did not expect that. My Dad is 95 years old and in bad health. Me with MBC. Who will we lose this year? What will I have to face?

    Sorry for the depressing post. Just not "woohooing" the new year.

    Tanya- Sorry you had to cancel your MRI. Stupid Covid. When will it end?

    Moth- Good grief. If your MO wants you to have the treatment, the insurance should just accept it. Crazy that our docs have to fight for the treatments we need. They should have the final say on acceptance.

    Rosie- Wow, a cruise. Glad you enjoyed yourself but hope you don't get sick. Hope you have minimal D with the Verzenio. And pocket duty for the liver biopsy.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Goldens~ poor puppy dog. Mine used to do the same thing. But underneath me! They didn’t like thunder either. Hope you got some sleep.

    Moth~thinking of you!
    Candy~ you’re allowed to feel how you feel. going through another year of unknowns sucks. I’m with you

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Good morning every.

    Watching 2022 with cautious optimism and a little suspicion, lol


  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625

    Goldens - You might try getting your dog a Thunder shirt. They are available a lot of places, including Amazon and I think some of the big pet stores carry them too. I know people who use them and they work very well. I didn't have that problem. My labs were never afraid of any loud noises and our last lab was absolutely in love with fireworks! We would have to walk around where fireworks were being fired off so that he could enjoy the whole thing. He passed away 2 1/2 years ago just before my cancer came back. I have cried on the 4th of July ever since.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Happy New Year to all. I always feel bad for not mentioning each person's issues like so many of you do, but know that I do read them and care. Goldens, I did get a chuckle out of your post when you said you were going to see your new internist. I mis-read it and thought you wrote "interest". I thought you meant a new love-interest - haha

    Regarding the fireworks, our Airedale Terriers hated them. We used to have the Sea World fireworks go off each night during the summer. The Thundershirts didn't help at all, nor did the so-called "calming" drops. We just turned on some music and cranked the volume up.

    Here's hoping 2022 is uneventful for all of us.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Happy New Year to all, sorry for any scared puppers from fireworks as well.

    2022 will hopefully change some things for me, less chocolate, more walking. Starting on the treadmill, still nervous about the outdoor walking so starting there, half an hour after meals at least. Will help clear my head. As far as the apartment situation, will just write down anything done incorrectly and the date and email to the building department, keep checking on permits but beyond that, let it go far outside my head. Worry about moving when told by tenant board to move. Even if my place got renovated, I would fight to stay for the area is close to the hospital.

    Biggest thing is to let life happen, worry a bit when something does and not worry so much about what COULD happen in the future. I have done that with my cancer overall, I will learn the same with my real life issues to. Will take time but I have met other challenges, this one should be no different.