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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    In pockets this week with my Dove dark chocolate

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Jumping in pockets this week as well for everyone!

    Nothing much going on here, I think there is more than one resident moving out. Seeing old mattresses out back at the garbage. I am wondering but would not dream to ask whether some of the resident's upstairs got together and decided to find an apartment they could share to help absorb the increased rent prices. I am not hearing the dog upstairs nor any activity. If they did this, that is very good for them. I am not sure how many of us are left at the moment, I believe right now the older guy next to me is staying and the lady and her daughter on my floor also want to stay. I have not heard a peep from the new property owners in a long time so will just keep living here as long as possible, it could be that with 9 of 12 apartments available to rent higher, maybe they will leave us alone until myself and the old guy die. Who knows.

    I made another fried egg and bean recipe throwing in a sausage round. I did find that I did not enjoy cooking the sausage round in the frypan so I will stick to the Breville oven instead. I am also losing my taste for the extra queso and mayo as well. I find buttery eggs and beans fried up in olive oil are enough flavour with the seasoning. I have also lost my taste for soup as well, going to look into taking the solid ingredients out and adding to beans and eggs or just beans. I use my bigger chopper as a blender and make smoothies with 1 percent chocolate milk and a couple of tablespoons of the peanut butter powder, delicious.

    Also have to reorder a meat thermometer as mine gave up the ghost which is fine, order off amazon for that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Putin needs to go.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Agreed Micmel but I don’t think he will change anything unless there’s a way to negotiate to back off and still save face. I believe his ego is such that doing the right thing must appear to be his idea and one that will get him credit and accolades. I do hope this is resolved quickly before escalating further.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi to all! Thanks LivingLife for asking. I just needed to take a break from BCO. I become afraid to see how people are doing. I worry. Then I keep wondering how people are doing so here I am.

    I went back to my last post and read everyone's subsequent posts. I should have taken notes on paper as to who said what.

    Mel, Candy: I was sorry to hear about you both being in the dumps. Cancer, Covid - lives upturned, futures unknown. I don't know what I would do without Mel's living room and Candy's pocket duty list. You two are wonderful.

    I can't recall who bought the Dutch oven. I love mine. I got it from my sister when she couldn't lift the weight anymore with her arthritic hands. I love cooking and I worry about myself when I am not interested in making great meals. I like making savoury dishes; braised meats, hearty soups, roasted vegetables. I am not a baker, although I do make bread on occasion and use a bread maker to do the grunt work then finish it off in the oven.

    runor: was the pain from shingles? Do you have the rash? I had my Shingrix vaccines and hope it does the job. I hope you are feeling better. Shingles is truly awful

    Tarot cards: I used to do a little reading. I collected various cards but I only connected with Rider-Waite. My favourite spread was a four card spread: What do I (you) want? .What do I (you) need? What can I (you) live with? What can I (you) live without? The results were always interesting but I don't know how much store I would put it in.

    mara: Your housing issues are beyond horrible. I would be totally crazy and stressed. Finding affordable places in Vancouver is beyond a lot of peoples' reach. I imagine London isn't much better. Checking on your old posts I didn't see how your cat was with its limping. Everything okay?

    mae: your place is going to be so great when it is all done. I look forward to your pictures.

    Goldens: your dog photos always make me smile.

    Yay to good scans, stability, NEAD (yay yay on that one!)

    I'll come back soon, not in a month. I missed you ladies.

    Edited: Rosie I want to wish you well and a speedy recovery.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I so agree on the pride comment. But how long can that poor country battle alone. ? Crazy crazy.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Mel: Have Putin and Trump drunk from the same Kool-Aid jar? Maybe the Russian oligarchs will take care of Vlad. He is cutting off them from their international stashed monies. I would like to think that even as an old lady I would take up arms. I have relatives who were in the French Resistance. Some of them did not survive. I don't know if I have that level of bravery. I have not been tested.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    I am watching the things in Ukraine closely and now that the threat of nuclear action seems a little more real I just can't imagine. I didn't think much about this world could surprise me any more but it seems every day is a little weirder. My heart breaks for the Ukrainian people.

    In a twist of irony my mom and I both had brain MRIs last week. She has had a lot of dizziness and it turns out she has a small tumor called a meningioma that is displacing her inner ear mechanism. The good news is it's solid and it sounds like it is removable and she should be fine. Still, it's always scary to hear the word tumor in an MRI report. She hopefully will get a call to schedule with a neurosurgeon soon. So we are waiting on that. She's handling it well and doesn't seem too concerned. She has good doctors so that makes me feel better.

    I thought I had a head cold but it has dragged on for more than a week. I don't know if it's allergies? The weird thing is I don't feel all that sick. I have some congestion and allergy type symptoms but mostly my energy is just through the floor lately. If I didn't have things I had to get up and get done I swear, I'd lay on the couch with a blanket all day and be perfectly content. I am functioning on caffeine and decongestants. I have not been this tired since I was on IV chemo. It's that kind of weight-of-the-world fatigue. I see my MO on the 8th and have labs too so I'm hoping maybe he will have some ideas for me.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- so good to hear from you.

    Emac-I was sorry to hear of your mom. It sounds like she is in good hands. I know what you mean with the fatigue 😩. It brings you so down where you feel like you can't put one foot in front of the other. If your MO comes up with some solution let me know!

    As for Putin, in the old USSR he was a top KGB and after the Cold War when countries broke off independently he has never forgot. Now he wants those countries back. Any country that isn't with NATO he has now threatened with war. We are talking a mad man as a Stalin or Musselini or even Hitler. He accepts no negotiation. At this point unfortunately only China could derail his tactics. Diplomacy is out the door.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Not much surprises me after 9/11 and while a scenario where Americans would have to take up arms in our country against an enemy feels nearly impossible, I am ultimately a believer that those willing, would benefit from having arms and knowing how to use them. I hate that gun crime has tainted the subject but I’ve never been comfortable with relying on others for my safety. I fully respect the Ukrainians fight but it’s especially terrible to think of what the average citizen is feeling faced with actual face to face, weapon to weapon confrontation, I can’t even imagine.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    mothers with babies. And small children . Men between 19-60 aren’t allowed to leave the Ukraine They need them to battle against Russia. It’s just jaw dropping that he doesn’t seem to care. Just like those other dictators mentioned. It’s just unreal. The whole world just watches while this loon threatens people and nuclear war?? Ugh.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    I’m in for pocket duty with peanut butter and chocolate mint girlscouts cookies.


  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Ugh I just caught up on Ukraine news from this morning, it just gets worse and worse. I feel so bad for Ukraine and also all the Russians who don’t want this. what a freaking unnecessary mess. I agree the only explanation is this guy has gone absolutely bonkers and it’s very scary

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Well, since the last MO was a no-show for our first appt, I have an appt tomorrow morning with the MO my new PCM recommended. Hopefully, it will go more smoothly, and at least the doc will show up.

    The Ukraine situation is pure madness.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    The Ukraine invasion is horrible and I hope it is short lived.

    My portable washer broke, I think these last about a year with light use but the spin dryer side works so will agitate with a wash wand and just spin them out, follow same cycles as the washer did and I am sure clothes and such will come out as well as when it agitated. Not going to replace again. Not even upset. I do have clip on bucket washers but no need to pull those out at this point. Hopefully will walk today, been lazy last couple of days.

    As far as my housing issues, it is still radio silent for me from the new owners. Will stay since would be dumb to move when things are cheaper here.

    Edited to add, for some reason, my washer is working again, no idea why, maybe agitating made it not stick. Second time it has seemingly come back to life but I will take it.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- Good to hear from you !!!! Missed you. I saw a commercial for an elderberry extract to help the immune system, and I thought of you, and wondered why you have not checked in lately. Funny, how a commercial made me think of you.

    Emac-- Take care. Sorry you are under the weather.

    I went and got my hair cut this morning. My hairdresser does my hair first thing, before anyone else is in the building (she shares a building with other hairdressers). Not to get too political here, but we talked about seeing a newscast that showed Trump calling Putin a "genus" and that we should do that with our Southern Border. Just reminding everyone that Trump said this and remember that when electing our officials. Putin is a mad man.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Candy, I agree with Trump being a fool for thinking Putin is a genius. He does not realize Putin would use him into allowing Russia to invade the country. I am sad for the people of Ukraine, not sure what would stop things and do not doubt Putin would consider using nukes to make his point too. I feel like all countries should have gotten rid of nukes long ago. Putin is a monster and unless someone takes him out, he will continue this. Who is to say that there will not be a covert mission to take him out much like other missions carried out in the past. He is more dangerous than Bin Laden was and others of that ilk since he has nukes at the ready. Little comfort that the Russian public are not actually supportive of the invasion. If he is successful in taking over Ukraine, he may actually turn his attention to more and more countries nearby. I do try to limit my exposure to this news, last thing I need is to pile something else to worry about into my brain. Watch news once a day, that is all.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    The world has gone mad. Stop the ride, I want to get off.

    Turns out I did not have shingles, just skin that hurt, some weird covid effect. This will be day  10 of unconfirmed cvd. I might take a test, if I can find one. Just for my own interest. Still dragging my ass. Got all fired up to do some spring cleaning, I was going to force myself, even if it killed me, damnit! I staggered and wheezed and flailed around with an extension pole trying to mop the ceiling for about 15 minutes before I declared this a Very Stupid Idea and called it quits. I have no stamina. I am physically weak. It's really pissing me off. 

    Micmel - awesome blood work news! You had to feel pretty good about that. Now fingers crossed for a passing grade on scans and then you can Picasso your way into spring!

    Elderberry - having not much energy to do much else I have been cruising through these tarot cards. I realize they are an exercise in creative writing and I have to admit that many of the card meanings the guidebook provided struck me as .... bad writing. So over the last several days I have more or less re-written the guidebook. I worked the deck with how I thought I could apply a card to my daughter's life, since she is the one I will be reading for. So now every card says ; STOP DOING STUPID THINGS!  I'm pretty sure it won't take long before she no longer asks to have her cards read, ha ha ha! (picking on her is the only thing that gives my life meaning). 

    Hi to all and prayers for terrified people who just want to get on with their lives.  Hugs. (now I"m going to go stare at the extension mop and see if the ceiling magically cleans itself. Not. )

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Runor, I have overestimated my stamina on many occasions, you are definitely not alone.

    Mel, in pocket for scans and glad bloodwork is good as well.

    Doing something a little different, I find that I am not fond of soup that I have many cans of so took one of the cans of soup, added a can of black beans that I will store in the fridge. Took 1/2 cup of this stuff and fried it for a minute or two in the pan with some olive oil. Trying this concoction for lunch. Hoping it will be good. Just don't like to eat soup out of a bowl so this may work for me to use up stuff and stretch groceries further. Once fried up, put on plate, added generous amount of taco seasoning, italian seasoning and lightly salted it. Added a tablespoon of queso as well, mixed together and it was an enjoyable eat. I will add more soups and such to my repertoire, todays was just a boring chicken with rice kind but I have potato soup with bacon, chili, all sorts of things to add to the pan. We will see what happens.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Runor~ you always bring a smile to my face. Your humor is truly enjoyable. I hope you feel better soon and I am Glad it was not shingles.

    Mara~ glad your appliance sprang back to life. Spring is coming. More walking! Glad the stoopid landlords have been quiet idiots!

    Elderberry ~ nice to see you.

    Emac~ feel better.
    I am counting down tillScan day Friday. Drinking that nasty chalk shit. Gag ugh ! No coffee. That is a danger in itself. Who knows who might show up for the scan me or the monster in me when I don't have my coffee.

    My dhhas to return to two days in the office again. Which means travel for him. Sucks badly. We hate it. He gets more work done here than in the dumb office. Grrrrr nothing makes sense anymore. Those poor people in Ukraine are in my thoughts. How terrible for one man to have this happen. He's gotta go

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I'm so very tired. Trodelvy sucks. It just makes me fall asleep all the time. It's ridiculous. I'm actually "better" right now than last cycle but it's still a very hard couple days. I'm trying to manage the fatigue with more fluids and food and that has worked a bit but still..... blood work tomorrow and if neutrophils are high enough, next dose on Wednesday. So long as it's working I will dig deep to be ok on this but crapola, it's hard

    On a funnier note, my silly no eyebrows reel has become the most popular reel I've ever made. Almost 30k views - normally I'm lucky to hit 3-5k. Cracks me up every time I get a notification about it so there's that

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Moth~ I think that is pretty cool. Good for you laughter is the best medicine. I am sorry that this tx is a tough one. We have enough fatigue without that making it worse. I hope as you are on it. Your body adjusts some and takes it better each time. Damn cancer. Leave us all alone

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Moth that is funny. I did not lose my eyebrows totally, some thinning but initially lost hair like that and my eyelashes too.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Moth - that is funny. Have not lost eyebrows completely but they are so thin. Same with hair. I sometime feel like I’m a man doing a comb over🤪 but still lots of scalp shows thru. I stopped coloring my hair with dx of MBC and covid didn’t help. So all grey. Sometimes ithink I should go blond and that would help hide scalp but my hair is so dry and I hate to stress it with chemicals. Low maintenance is so much easier.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Runor, I’m also glad it wasn’t shingles. I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs.

    Moth, I’m sorry you’re so tired. I’m sending you hugs as well

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    KBL I just wanted to let you know that the study you recommended me to be in is complete and I received an email that the check is in the mail. You should also get something for recommending me so hopefully you'll see it soon. Thank you for sharing. I tried to send you a private message but everything was different and it wouldn't let me send you anything. Take care.


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Hi All, hope everyone is finding their way to their usual threads. Took me a little bit to get here today, but it should be ok now.

    My recovery is coming along, I think. Energy level and stamina are lowwww. We had a couple of our (adult) kids here for a few days but they stayed in a hotel rather than at our house to make things easier on us. We also have a pretty small house with only one extra bed. It was great to see them and they understood when I went to stretch out on my bed or even take a nap. They definitely brightened the days for DH.
    I’m looking forward to getting my sutures out tomorrow, then see MO on Friday to discuss plans. My next step is local radiation to “clean up” after the surgery for the spinal lesion, then finally starting on chemo. I have wondered if I can even come back to stable after this long delay in getting on a working treatment. It has crossed my mind whether I’m already in “decline” phase. I found out yesterday the trial is out because I no longer qualify—pathology on the spinal lesion was ER+, the trial arm was for TNBC and no chemo yet. So my liver flipped to ER-, spine was still ER+. MO said he had the pathology re-examined and both are correct. Hmmph. I think I’m going to continue with this new MO even without the trial and even with the extra driving because he seems very dedicated and has had a lot of contact with me over this past month. He made things happen pretty fast once the spinal lesion was finally seen on scans. He mentioned Gem/Carbo as a likely first chemo, if anyone has been on that. I’m reading a lot less about treatments for now because my mind needs a break from my worries if that’s possible.

    Just wondering if anyone has any nighttime meds/solutions that work to ease pain and take the edge off when you want to drift off. I was prescribed oxycodone and use it most nights but wonder if I could transition to something else. A nurse mentioned cbd gummies but I need a lot more to go on

    Mel, 🤞🤞for Friday!

    Moth, Sorry about the Trodelvy side effects. That may be in my future too.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Runor: you will learn to read the cards with your sense of intuition. The Hanged Man and Death are not always terrifying. Try seeing the Hanged Man as looking at the world from a different angle, or that Death is just the ending of something, not life. Read up on archetypes, not necessarily Tarot books, even though there are some very good ones. I still will sometimes refer to those.

    moth: my eyelashes went along with the eyebrows and (horrors!) my "short and curlies". That one creeped me out. I was never one for Brazilian wax jobs or anything like that. I got quite good at drawing on eyebrows without looking like Groucho Marx. I hope you start to get some energy back.

    Rosie: I am sorry you can't take part in the trial. I hope a treatment plan is found that works. I would recommend CBD for relaxation and sleep but I don't find it helpful for major pain.

    Hello to all!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Tanya, I’m so glad it worked out for you. They did let me know there was a little stipend for referral, but if I never receive it, that’s okay too. I found the experience I had with the group very favorable, and I’m glad you were able to participate.

    Rosie24, I hope you find better relief for pain and sleep. I do periodically take CBD and a pinch of medical marijuana. Not every day, but sometimes. I do find in the morning after that I start out with minimal pain after I take it. I just don’t like how it makes me feel, so I don’t take it during the day.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Rosie, sorry about the trial. Hoping you can get something soon. Just wanted to say DH has a lot of sleeping problems and believes CBD gummies and tincture help him. I take Remeron for low appetite and MO says it helps sleep, and I do sleep like a bag of rocks. But I’ve always been pretty good at sleeping.

    Psyching myself up for my dental appointment tomorrow. I’ve resorted to “hey at least I’m not being brutally tortured to give up information” to keep me calm. Will see how that works