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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    will be there for pocket duty for the dentist'. I am sooo with you. I can't hack it. But you have a good mantra. Glad when it's over !

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I am not loving the redo of the website as of yet, felt like I had a hard time finding my favourite topics but finally made it here once the site began working for me. I am sure I will get used to it and the first to admit I do not like change as well.

    I had an extremely depressive day today. Woke up feeling that way, nothing really happened. Spent the day emptying the litter box as the cat litter was really dusty, purchased a dust free one, hoping that helps, took out two very heavy bags of garbage and just lost my strength. I called SIL to beg off of shopping. Mostly because they would want to fix my depression which there is no fix for and also did not want to bring them down. Partly because I have a host of grocery items to work through in my refrigerator and freezer that adding more would not work for me. Hopefully tomorrow is better and I may have to force exercise to the beginning of the day to get into a better frame of mind. I know that there are people here and in the world going through far more serious issues.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    mara, I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. It doesn't matter what others are going through - your pain and emotional distress are just as valid as anyone else's. Hope tomorrow is better 🤗

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Also getting used to the new format.

    Mara- I do hope your depression will ease. These feelings are at times hard to shake off but I know how resilient and strong you are. Hugs

    Had blood work today and will talk to MO tomorrow. I'm hoping to start my Ibrance on Friday but with me feeling like crap lately who knows. Also spent afternoon out with my special son doing some shopping so that lifted my spirits.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Yeah I too am trying to get used to the new format---- not liking it. But... what can you do.

    MARA- I get it about depression. I am fighting it too. There really is not much to do about it, in my opinion. Yes, family/friends can try to help, but there is no fixing our situation and sometimes it just gets us down.

    Had words with my sister on the phone last night. Our dysfunctional family dynamics. Kind of thinking if Putin blows us all up it may be for the best. The world is getting harder and harder.

    Didn't mean to sound so depressive today. Sunny and in the 60's here today, so will open windows and let in fresh air. Do laundry. Pocket duty here with goodies and good wishes.

    Edited to say--- I usually bold print names so the reader can see their name easily and read my response to them. With the new format, the Bold doesn't really show up so I will also capitalize the name. Another change I do not like.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Candy, I do not want Putin to blow anyone up with nukes. I stay up to date but only once a day when the news is on. Enough stress about that scenario and the suffering of the Ukraines.

    I know the solution or at least relief to an extent of the depression will be different for everyone, for me it will entail getting back to walking starting with a treadmill walk of 20 to 30 minutes and we will go from there. I did not go shopping or see family as usual yesterday and that is not right at all. I will reorganize my days to include all the stuff I do and the stuff I need more of. Sitting on the couch for me is super bad. I don't have major issues preventing walking like some of you guys deal with that make it difficult. I am not really that worried whether it is sunny or not, soon enough, I will not need cleats to walk outside and that will encourage more movement. That is what helps my mind most.

    I hope for us, Mel, Candy and any of us struggling through depression that we all at least get some lighter moments more often and find what will work for us to lighten the mood. I am not keen on drugs for myself due to taking tegretol which would cause major drowsiness but I know there are some drugs out there that effectively treat depression and are quite valuable as well.

    I did a quick 15 min brisk walk on the treadmill just now, feeling a bit better. Will try walking again after meals maybe. Outdoor walking can wait til spring and no snow or ice unless I have to visit hospital for appointments. Groceries can be delivered as well unless I shop with brother.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I DO NOT like this new format. It takes forever to get to My Favorites and then it takes FOREVER to load the individual threads. GRRRRR!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I do not like it either, if the pages loaded faster, that would be a little better.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mara - I think you face the same - or more - challenges as the rest of us. You just don't allow it to stop you and you still do what it takes to get out there.

    The new format is challenging. I think the mods must be struggling with it, too, and have the added pressure of trying to get it working right. Change is always hard.

    I cleared the cache on my Chrome app. After that, the first time loading a page was still slow, but subsequent loads of the same page were faster. I think dumping the old "history" helped.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Once thing I just did as well was call SIL and ask if we could go shopping. She knew that I was lying about the groceries being the reason I did not go. I told her I was super depressed and did not want to be a burden or inflict my mood on them. She told me to check with older DB, I let him know as well.

    I realize I have to just be honest about what I am feeling and need to ask for more supports for talk therapy to make me feel better in the head. The walking is great and all but I also need more supports. I have you guys and my friend who I talk to everyday but a therapeutic person would be good too as well. Since everything is open now, am even thinking of starting some mall walking with the walking poles just to be around people again. Found an organization as well with different classes that is reopening in person stuff April 5th and I will look into the online stuff they have for now as well.

    Edited to add that I signed up for some online stuff though the organization until they open in person and did contact older DB and they will take me out tonight instead. Feeling better.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    I wasn’t depressed yesterday but took my medication a half hour after I was supposed to, 30 minutes after a meal. I did it in an hour because I forgot. Won’t do that again. My normal nausea wasn’t so normal yesterday, was a little worse. I took three separate naps. Feeling better today. Just the normal nausea I’m used to.

    Mara, I hope you get to go out today with your brother and SIL.

    Candy-678, I’m sorry you’re still feeling depressed. Sending hugs.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    I'm sorry for those of us feeling down lately, It comes around for all of us sometimes. I hope for some little shines for everyone.

    I would like to say I went to the dentist, cried even though everyone was so nice. The dentist was very funny. He did an exam and said everything looks good. This is a huge deal! I have some cracks to watch that might need crowns in the future but ok right now. This may be first time I've EVER gone to the dentist and had NO cavities!!! I have cut way WAY back on sweets and floss every night no matter how tired I am, just because I hate dental work. They said they could tell. The cleaning took a long time with alot a scraping since I haven't been in awhile, but they numbed my gums pretty good with a gel, offered the shots if I needed them, and I survived and am going back in a month to finish the cleaning, and I won't be crying! YAY! Some very good news for once.

    I'm not a fan of this new format either. I cannot tell what threads have new posts, and I find the posts much harder to read and keep track of both on the computer and the phone.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Kikomoon, glad you made it through the dentist and not needing any major dental work.

    I find it hard to read since the font is smaller than it was before. I know use my reading glasses but that is annoying when watching TV since I cannot see the screen properly with them on.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    not a big fan!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    kikomoon, so happy it went better than you expected.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    kikomoon, I'm so happy your dental appointment was better than you expected. That's a huge deal.

    Ditto on the "not a fan" of the new look for this forum. I've already said it on other threads, but I have no idea which ones.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kikomoon- so glad your dentist appointment went so well. Next time will be so much easier for you.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Kikomoon, I’m so glad to hear your dentist appointment is behind you and went well. Your flossing has been worth it

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I had a great time grocery shopping with older DB and SIL. We went for a drive as we usually do first but they surprised me with some mall walking first, we did poke around stores but also just plain walked quite a bit and then walked around the grocery store. My little pedometer shows 1.72 miles for the mall and the grocery store. Just goes to show how much can get done indoors and outdoors I guess.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Eeek. I know this is a "soft" launch but so far, not a fan. I'm sure it's been said but way too much white space. I'm finding it hard on the eyes and hard to differentiate new threads. Hopefully when the full site launches there will be more color and the threads will move to the last stopping point the way they used to.

    I got so distracted by the site I forgot what I was going to say. Hope you all are having a good day and that better days are ahead for those struggling.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Kikomoon- So glad your dental appointment went so well.

    Now to pocket duty for Mel for Friday.

    Yesterday was a BAD day for me. Long story. But hoping today is better.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    kikomoon - glad you didn’t need dental work. Our prior dental office did cleanings using an ultrasonic tool to clean teeth. No scraping! But I’m a hardcore floss user and they always said my teeth were great because of that. Since moving I’m overdue for a cleaning. Need to find a dental office that does sonic cleaning. Our older daughter has severe dental anxiety and always uses the nitrous gas. She just had a root canal which required 6 injections for numbing and that’s while she used the gas as well. She unfortunately had a bad experience with a dentist when she was about 6.

    I also do not like the new format here - hope there are improvements in the works.

    Mel - pocket duty for your scans tomorrow.

    Sending a ray of sunshine for those of you feeling sad. What a struggle we all have. Damn cancer. Virtual HUGS

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Kikomoon - I'm glad your dentist appt went well. My hygienist recommended an electric toothbrush with a round head. I take my time with it and had very minimal scraping at my last appointment. She said it looked like I'd just had my teeth cleaned. Less time in the chair is good. I still have to find a new dentist that has a good hygienist here.

    Candy - sorry you had an awful day yesterday. Today will have to be better. Hugs.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Candy- I do hope this day brings a little smile after yesterday's black clouds!

    My daughter was the worst person to go to the dentist. She had to have braces with the retainer etc. She swore she would never go back. Today she works in a dental office and tells us what to do and what to expect. Never say never!

    Mel- in your pocket with Reeses Pieces for tomorrow's scan

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mel, in your pocket for your scans.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Mel, in your pocket for scans.

    Candy, I am so sorry your day was so bad.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051
    This format takes effort to even log on at this point. What a shame it has to change. It’s bland. No color. Difficult loading pages swiftly. Ugh!
    Thanks ladies. For the pocket duty’
  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    This site is so frustrating right now.

    Mel, I will be in your pocket for scans tomorrow. Do you know when you will see the results?

    BooBoo, it must be getting close to the time for you drive to PA. Did you ship your belongings or will you pack everything in the car? I can’t wait to hear that you are all settled an comfy in your new apartment.

    Candy, I am sorry that yesterday was such a bad day for you. If it would help to share, we are here for you, but we do respect your privacy.

    Tanya, ThNk you for saying hi to me recently. I know that I don’t post often. I am settling into a new chemo these days. I don’t think anyone else on the boards is on Ixempra. I did post my experience the other day. I thought it might be helpful to others who try it in the future. All the posts that were out there were terrible. Many people said it was the worse treatment they’d ever had. I don’t have to tell you how discouraging it is to read that information. I am hoping my post will help.

    I can’t scroll back without getting an error, so I am sorry I am not commenting on others here.


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Lynne,

    So good to hear from you. I leave this coming Monday (March 7th) to start my trek home. I am having a few things shipped up like my bed. Can’t sleep without that. I’ll bring my clothes and other stuff in the back of the SUV including my tv. I’m not packed yet but will start soon.

    We decided to sell our house here and DH is getting a condo nearby. I was really, really happy with the asking price of our house…almost passed out. Let’s just say that this was a good investment. So that’s one positive thing to point to. I’ll post again when I get there. I’m staying with my sister for a few days until my bed arrives, so I think that will make it an easier transition.

    I couldn’t tell if you have tried the new drug or not but I’d be interested to hear how things go. Some of the newer drugs are so powerful but not very tolerable. It’s too bad, because we need them.

    Love to all,


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mel, in your pocket for tomorrow.

    Booboo, safe travels. How exciting. It's just a little chillier up there right now than Florida. Brrrr.

    50sgirl, I hope the treatment isn't too rough for you.

    Candy-678, I hope you’re doing better. Hugs.