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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara~My MO would not like weight loss. He tells me you’ll need that one day. I’m not overally huge but I never would say no to some loss.

    Thanks for the pocket duty ladies. Hope to see results soon. Bad bing about scanning Fridays.

    Mae ~ nice view.

    Candy~ we feel the exact same way daily sweet girl. To a T hugs my fri

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    My oncologist also tells me not to lose weight because I might need it one day. Here for pocket duty forcall who need it pthis week.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    My oncologist also tells me not to lose weight because I might need it one day. Here for pocket duty for all who need it this week.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Mel, totally agree. My MO doesn't nag about the weight either. Most I would like to do is continue the indoor walking and strength training at home. when better weather comes, take the walking poles to a mall or park and practice speed walking.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Been away for a few days and it took so long just to find my way to this page and then a ton of time longer for it to load / open that I apologize everyone, I have not done all the reading I need to catch up. I hope all of you are doing as well as can be expected with this extra dose of misery our planet is inflicting on itself. Good god in heaven, enough already!

    I am finally on the mend from covid, I'd say it's been a solid 2 weeks of not having my energy but in the last two days I have felt more like myself. Still waiting to smell coffee again. I can sort of smell and sort of taste, but I have to have my nose IN whatever I hope to smell. Crazy.

    As for the changes..... I think anyone who says they 'struggle' or are 'adjusting' are putting a silk dress on a pig. I'm going to just say this 'new look' website was a shit the bed move. Visually it is not as clear and easy to follow, my list of favorites is NOT intuitively placed. This is  step backwards from a site that worked great and I wonder what in god's name was the motivating factor here?  Whatever, it was a bad move.

    Hugs to all and in pockets where pockets need friends. 

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Just to let everyone know that about 2/3 am CST the site started loading a lot faster than before. And the pictures are reappearing. So I think the mods are getting there with the site, but they really REALLY need to fix this font size and black/white thing otherwise. Im hoping they were just putting in more resources to support the backend first and will fix the frontend UX now. The prior site was looking dated, and there is always some level of adjustment, but wow this was not a great migration at all.

    Final breast rads this morning and then restart systemic treatment next Monday. Will be thankful to get back to monthly hospital visits instead of daily/weekly!

    50s - so glad to see you!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Glad your rads are almost done.

    I find Chrome browser has a lot of trouble loading pages. Firefox loads quicker I have found. I know new pages take time but it sure is difficult now.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Here for pocket duty.

    I’m fighting some sort of bug - thinking it’s covid but not sure. Started with mild sore throat last week now have had runny nose and cough since then. No fever, no loss of taste or smell. No extra fatigue- just normal MBC fatigue. Hubs thinks it’s just a cold. May go for testing today to be sure. But this right hip lesion that showed up on recent scan has started to rear it’s ugly head. Like clockwork, at 2 am I have started to wake up with severe pain in right hip. And it’s a kind of pain I have not felt before. Very scary. I take some Motrin - trying to avoid hard core drugs yet - and it takes at least 30 minutes for pain to calm down. Thankfully I have no pain like that during the day. Some soreness but I’ve also been working in the basement going thru boxes from move. May see if I can get MRI moved up from 23rd

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Goldens, best to get tested to be sure even if mild so you can quarantine. I agree mild symptoms are quite similar to a cold. I also thought there was an oral treatment for covid for you in the US though I could be wrong. Hope it is just a cold. As far as the hip pain goes, I find Bob and Brad on youtube, physical therapist have a ton of good treatments and exercises to help with hip pain. I don't blame you for not wanting hardcore drugs. Pocket duty til you find everything out.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hello friends, oh dear the site is still barely functional for me :( I had an ok weekend, it was my post chemo weekend & this cycle was better than the previous cycle so I'm pleased. I'm bummed about the site though as nothing is really loading for me & I think I will go spend my time somewhere else for a bit. Miss you all but it's impossible to post or have a conversation without things hanging & disappearing ... If we need a backup, I guess there's fb or discord or whatsapp or telegram ... I'm already thinking of the worst lol & bco just tanking... happy to give my screen names for all those to anyone who wants to connect in other ways. PM me if interested (I think PMs still work...)

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    it does make posting tedious for sure.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I wish this would be fixed too. I do find firefox the best browser for having the fastest loading if on windows or android. Chrome is definitely not the browser for this site, does not matter if on computer or a phone browser which is too bad.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I hope that this is fixed as well. I don’t want to loose our little family because no one has an hour to wait for a page to load.

    Still no results. See onc on Thursday so won’t be a mystery for that much longer. Still drives a patient mad waiting. Ugh! Hope all is well.

    Mods I seriously hope this isn’t all for the site fixes. No color. Just plain ugly. Cannot move fluently from threads

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Went to urgent care - abnormal chest X-ray - possible pneumonia so being treated w/antibiotics. Got results this evening that negative for covid and flu.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    May the antibiotics kill the pneumonia if you have it and glad you are negative for covid and flu.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldens, I’m so sorry about the pneumonia, it really sucks! I had it once many years ago and was out of work an entire week. I was given antibiotics too and reading up on them, they’re usually prescribed for the plague, crazy but they worked.

    I found a cute and funny looking dog to adopt, messaged about her on Friday, followed up via voicemail on Saturday but got the call on Monday that she was adopted already and I cried, now I have dog fever ☹️

    Saw a “neighbor” (lives about a mile down the mountain) walking his dog yesterday. He was wearing a cowboy hat, hunting/fishing vest and a KILT! Lol, don’t see that everyday.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    Moth- I hate to see you leave us. Yes, the site is frustrating now. But I hate to see our clan leave.

    Goldens- Hope your pneumonia resolves soon. Take care of yourself.

    Well yesterday was a long one for me. We did scans, blood work, saw MO, and did Xgeva and Lupron shots. I was getting monthly Lupron locally, but my PCP that was ordering it did not want to continue ordering it and wanted me to get it with my MO. I am now getting the 3 month dosing of the Lupron at my cancer center. So a LONG day.

    But, my MRI showed stable for the liver mets. No shrinkage, but no growth. I am continuing the Lynparza and scanning in 3 months again. My MO asked me again if I wanted to do Y90 on the liver mets. I am still hesitant. I am thinking if the pills are doing ok, then why rock the boat with doing a local treatment. What if it makes matters worse? Pain, elevated liver enzymes, and stress on the liver.

    Thanks for the pocket duty. You would think that doing this every 3-4 months for the last 4 years it would get easier. NOT. I was very anxious yesterday. The MRI seemed to take forever. When my MO came in the room, and stopped to wash her hands, she asked "How are you feeling". I said "Why?". I thought she was going to tell me the MRI showed something bad. On the drive home, I was exhausted from the stress, but also relieved for another 3 months.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Great news, Candy! It does seem like it should get easier but it hasn’t for me either. Glad you can breathe easier now.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Candy wow that is a long day; thankfully you got everything done. You must’ve slept well. And when do you get results.

    Moth I attended the live session yesterday and complained about the site. They’re working on it. I wasn’t able to use PM yet. Are you?

    Booboo you should be in are we there yet mode by now! Praying for traveling mercies for you and your DS.

    Goldens good thing you went to urgent care. The medication should put you on your way to recovery I hope speedily.

    Mae and kilt and cowboy hat-going fishing lol. A sight for sore eyes. There’s a lucky puppy out there just waiting to find you.

    Mara I told the mods that you had suggested Firefox for better access. I can’t get on using google on my phone but can use safari. The site works on google on my computer.

    Mel pocket duty for Thursday result visit.

    Take care ladies


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Well sometimes I can get into post and other times not! Maddening!

    Goldens- hope those antibiotics kick in and soon you will be feeling better. I'm not going to say normal because nothing about this disease is normal.

    Mae- I'm sorry the dog was already adopted. I am trying to picture this dog walking down the road with the cowboy hat and kilt. I can't stop smiling at the sight in my mind

    Candy- it must have been a long stressful day for you yesterday but happy to hear of the stable results 😀

    Mel - it sounds like you will hear about the scans on Thursday. Waiting is a bitch. In your pocket for good results-

    I too don't want to lose the women on this post that have become like family. Hopefully the site techs can correct this soon.

    Hugs to everyone 🤗

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Candy - awesome news!

    Mae - that’s some neighbor! Keep looking for that pup - you will find the perfect one for you!

    I can tell how frustrated we all are with this new format by the decrease in posts. I hope things are in the works to make this site better

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Mae, good luck on the dog search. Be persistent. A lucky pup is out there waiting for you. I'm still trying to figure out whether it was your neighbor or his dog dressed in the unusual garb. Either way, must have been quite a funny sight.

    Goldens, hope you feel better soon. Candy, yay! for the good results.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Candy - Yay for Stable Mable! It was a long day, but good news overall.

    Mel - still hanging out in your pocket with Lindor Truffles

    Mae - I love the dog walking visual - people are so funny!

    Giddens - I hope the antibiotics kick butt and you start feeling better soon

    Woohoo! It may be temporary, but these pages are loading about twice as fast - still a little slow, but better!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Lol, it was the man dressed up, not the dog. Entertaining for sure and I like seeing people showing their personality.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, WOOHOO for stable. That is good news, and I am doing the happy dance for you. Goldens, Rest and take care of yourself. I hope the antibiotic starts working quickly so you begin to feel better.
    Mel, I hope you get good news on Thursday. I know how hard it is to wait.

    Mae, You will find the perfect dog soon. It sounds like you are ready for it

    The sun is out here today although it is chilly. I hope everyone has a good day today.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Awhile back Rosie(?)) mentioned Wordle - well, i checked it out and now I'm hooked. I've also discovered Dordle, Quordle, and Octordle (Wordle x 2, 4, 8). I guess it's good brain exercise!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Glad that you are stable Candy!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    yay Candy! Yay’.

    My results came back stable as well. I’m thankful!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    So glad you are stable, Candy. Sorry for the long day.

    Goldens, I hope you feel better soon. Glad it wasn't Covid or the flu.

    Mae, I'm sorry the puppy you wanted was adopted. I can't wait to meet your new addition at our Zoom meeting.

    Mel, that is so wonderful to hear. Congratulations

    50sgirl, yay for sunshine.

    SeeQ, I also love Wordle and got hooked on Quordle as well, actually solved it yesterday on my third day of trying. I had no idea about the others. I'll be checking them out now.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    So happy for you Mel!

    There’s also Hello Wordl that has continuous play if anyone wants more than one puzzle a day. I can definitely tell how sharp my thinking is when I play these.