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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Shingles?!   I had not considered shingles.  Yuck - I hope not!   I'll have to look and see if there are any visible marks on my skin. Thanks all, I'm off to do internet research with Dr. Google - we all know how that can go! (as we read enough bad stuff to seriously freak ourselves right out).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldens, sorry the results weren’t more positive but they seem mostly questionable and hopefully easy to manage.

    Runor, I haven’t had Covid yet either (knock on wood) but I never heard of that symptom. I have had skin issues during my initial chemo where my skin hurt, it’s sucks! Sorry.

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 786

    I stopped by to say Hello to all the wonderful Ladies in Mel's room. I am sorry I haven't followed much but I came to bring a lily for some cheer.

    Do You Know Your Lily Varieties? - White Flower Farm's blog

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I'm trying to help mom get a mammogram set up, but I am getting the avoidance dance from her. She would rather pretend it's not happening.

    I read a few minutes ago that Nightbirde passed away. She's the singer from America's Got Talent. This makes me so sad. I was never clear on her cancer type, cancer sucks no matter.

    I'm really hoping to keep up this time here, but I cannot promise lol.

    Thanks for letting me jump in.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mel - sorry to hear you're feeling especially blue. Some days are just harder than others. I'm glad the therapy is helping.

    Goldens - I hope all the questionable stuff in your scan reports is explained away at your MO appt.

    Runor - Ugg. I hope is not shingles and that you feel better soon.Our weather is a roller coaster again - hot yesterday and snow or ""wintery mix" tomorrow. At least I don't have to go anywhere. I hope the roads will be clear by Friday so my daughter can come up on schedule. She's definitely coming up this weekend, because we have her dog.image

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Runor, I'm with the others, it really does sound like shingles, Goldens I hope your MO gives you promising news when you see him.

    I had the urge for something sweet that didn't call for a lot of effort on my part , so I whipped up a batch of choc chip chocolate muffins. I'll be bringing them along for pocket duty at Golden's MO appointment or anyone else that has any scans or results due.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    good morning ladies

    Runor~I haven't had shingles but know from others it bites with pain. But usually has a rash. Or blisters. I'm thinking of you.

    I am off for bloodwork so much fun ya'll want to come along? It's kinda rainy and damp here today so yuck.

    Sending everyone my love and hugs thanks SeeQ!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mel, hoping your bloodwork is in the normal range. Hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Mel, in your pocket for the bloodwork and anything else you may need.

    Goldens, I am so sorry about your results that you just got,

    Runor, definitely sounds like shingles to me as well.

    I am not doing too much, chores, surveys and will put cleats on for an outdoor walk. Did have to order from instacart so I ordered stuff from Costco on the app. Bought 30 eggs, big amount of peanut butter and 4 pks english muffins. Also got some sausage rounds so I can easily make a sausage muffin with a couple of eggs and the sausage. So much cheaper than from the restaurant. Not a huge amount of food but given food prices, would have paid a lot more for the food from the grocery store. Did not go crazy with the order as my fridge is really small. May go out later for some garlic bread, we will see.

    I was able to play tetris in the freezer with some Amazon boxes and I am getting rid of bottles of water that I did not drink and will keep those in a container in the crisper are. Everything first though feels tiring to do all the work. Will simply empty and recycle the bottles as there are vinegar bottles to go to recycling as well.

    Edited to add that I am irritated with neighbours who have dogs and they leave bags of dog poop outside the back door. Though the owners are not cleaning the building, leaving dog poop is ignorant, when I take out garbage before my walk, I will put gloves on and put it in the garbage. How would they like it if I left a bag of cat feces and urine either on every floor etc. Don't have an animal if you are too lazy to care for it properly. Geez. Rant done.

    Edited to add, I had a really good breakfast of two eggs, a spoonful of light mayo and queso and blended up in my chopper, cooked for 90 seconds in the microwave, just a really fluffy egg comes out. I also cooked up one of the sausage patties as well, very good. They taste good. Will have these at least 3 to 5 times per week I think though I enjoy having them. I will also get into my soups again and am thinking I could chop up a cooked hasbrown patty, cut it in two and add to soup or beans or both things. I like trying different ways of eating now. Have to finish up my refried beans at lunch I think as well.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    I enjoyed everyone’s pocket treats. So MO is not concerned about shoulder. She feels infection was so significant that of course there is lots of inflammation getting picked up by bone scan. She did order a right hip MRI (soonest I can get in is 3/23🙄). If there is something there, first step would be to see radiation oncologist. She assured me there are other options as well. Again, I’m not going to flip out until we know more. She feels that everything else is stable and to continue on Ibrance/anastrozole. Also got Xgeva injection. Apparently my calcium level is so high I don’t need calcium supplement. That Wisconsin 🧀🧀 has lots of benefits😉😉😉.

    Thanks to all for your support. That’s why I so love Mel’s living room🤗

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Runor, please get to see a Doctor as soon as possible. I had shingles 10 months ago and felt so bad ; worse than cancer, childbirth or bone aching flu. If it is shingles there are anti virals that will help you heal. I never got to the doctor in time {my main rash was on my back] they have to be given near onset of symptoms and I am still taking pregabalin to help with ongoing skin/ nerve pain.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Moth, I'm so glad you got to enjoy pizza. Yay for higher neutrophils. Runor, oh my gosh that sounds miserable. I have not heard of the skin sensitivity issue with Covid. I just know when I'm really sick it seems like every little nerve ending is more sensitive than it should be. Gonchies may be my new favorite word. Goldens, please keep us updated. Definitely in your pocket for the MO appointment. Hugs to you Mel. I'm sorry you are not feeling well.

    My MRI was completely normal. That was a relief! I have a follow up with the MO on the 8th. My biopsy got rescheduled for the 14th. I have been down for the count with a head cold. Had I not just gotten Covid swabbed for the biopsy I would worry that it was Covid but apparently this is just a standard annoying cold virus. The fatigue is what's getting me. I'm in a fog and am so tired I can hardly function. Went home early from work yesterday, landed on the couch when I got home and didn't move until late that evening. I'm up and getting a few things done today but still dragging.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Emac and Goldens- congratulations on great results 👏 👍

    I have been feeling major fatigue and nauseous. Headaches too. Went to a rapid tests clinic that wasn't too rapid. Cars were lined up with not one moving. I left so my daughter is sending me some UPS. I haven't been out lately but just want to be on the safe side.

    Mel- thinking of you. In your pocket for good blood work results.

    Saying hello to everyone!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Mel, in your pocket for tests as well.

    Living, hope you are feeling better today.

    I did not sleep at all last night, had this stupid pain in the middle of my back. Gonna walk 5 min at a time to hold up energy for the day and hopefully not depress myself to death. I had been super short on sleep Tuesday and with last night being the same, was going to get really upset. Got up at 330. It was not an intense pain, almost like a cramp in my mid back area that shows up which is enough to keep me from relaxing, unsure what caused it. Figure the short walk through the day will help on the treadmill. Don't trust outdoor walking on ice on super short sleep. Hopefully the treadmill walks will make me less stiff or whatever is the issue. I am also taking advil and stretching, not sure what else to do. I cannot even rest due to this cramp sort of feeling. Hopefully goes away soon but I know I have to try to forget about it since I am obsessive about stuff.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Goldens- Happy for a so so good report from your MO (awaiting the hip thing though). I reviewed your previous post and I guess the collapse of the inferior vena cava was ok?? Crazy that the reports show things that turn out as nothing. Keeps us on our toes !!!

    Emac- Woohoo for a good MRI !!! Sorry for the cold though. Rest as much as you can.

    Mara- Hope your back feels better today.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    bloodwork came back exceptional. Tumor markers lowest ever. In the teens. I’m thrilled. The scan should follow suit. I hope.

    In for pocket duty. Because it really helped me.knowing you’re all here. You sweet ladies.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- YAY CONGRATULATIONS for wonderful blood work results ThumbsUp😀😀

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- Scans are next week, right?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    March 4th.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mel, that’s so awesome In your pocket for your scan.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    Great results Micmel! So happy for you and hope that the scans also show you are remaining NEAD.

    If the scans confirm that your cancer is really quiet, consider asking your MO about physical therapy to rebuild your strength and endurance. I remember you posting a while back about all the things you missed doing. Perhaps you can get back to some of them with the help of physical therapy. Your body may have gotten weak just due to be sedentary over these two years of Covid-it would be great if you could get back to doing some traveling, going out with DH for dinners and fun, day trips, etc. I understand that your back causes a lot of problems, but if the lesion has been healed, it may be that physical therapy could be the key to getting your back healthier so that you can fully enjoy life.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mel- Hooray for good lab results! Surely the scan will follow suit.

    Chicagoan- I never, ever would have thought about a MO prescribing physical therapy, but what a great idea. I could be a lot less sedentary if I would just motivate myself. "Maybe tomorrow" seems to be my mantra

    Hey Candy - I hope things are going along all right for you.

    Emac and runor, rest up and feel better

    Mara - I hope you work out the kink in your back and that it's only the result of sleeping wrong or a similarly simple explanation. I hate that every time I have a weird little pain, my mind automatically worries, "What if?" when , of course, it isn't.

    Is another very cold day (by my recent standards), and I'm so ready for a warmup that sticks. Since I lived in NW Florida for 18 years, it's been a long time since I did winter, and I can't say I missed it one bit. There were always people that said they missed snow, or the (more noticeable) changing of the seasons - not me. I could have done without 90-95 degrees with 95% humidity for months, but that still beats freezing your tail off. Oh well, by next winter I will have acclimated better. So...looking forward to the greening of the trees and warm days and cool nights of spring. There are always good things about anywhere we choose to live.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    SeeQ- My Palliative Care doc said she could prescribe PT for me. I have had PT many times before for chronic back issues, ordered by ortho docs I have seen. But she said she could order PT anytime I wanted for QOL pain issues. Not everyone has Palliative Care, but you could ask your MO if they would be willing to order PT.

    Mel- You have Palliative Care, don't you? Ask them to order PT to get your strength/stamina up,,, especially if your scans are stable. Get some QOL back.

    SeeQ- I am going to see a new rheumatologist soon--- for another opinion about the status of my autoimmune issues. My next scan for the cancer is March 7. Struggle with mild nausea and the fatigue.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Candy - I don't have anything keeping me from being more active except lack of motivation. One of the things I love about this site is seeing different perspectives and experiences - some of which we can put in our pockets for future use, or for the benefit of others. I hope the new rheumatologist has some alternative solutions that will improve your QOL.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, that’s great news on the labs, now you can hopefully relax a bit and enjoy the weekend.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Thank you Mae..

    Candy ~ good idea to speak to palliative care.

    Chicagoan~that’s a great point to make thank you.. it may be something that could help me.

    You ladies are great

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mel - great news on blood work! I agree about pt. The place I’m going to for my shoulder is really great in terms of COVID strategy - work stations are very far apart and of course masks are required.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Micmel, glad you are stable, that is great. I am in agreement that when you feel like doing so, getting some help with PT or whatever that would help you through the fatigue to get some activity would go a long way for both you and your family. I remember you saying how active you were and perhaps you can get some of that back and just feel generally better mentally but also physically. Fingers crossed.

    I did a lot of work this morning. Since I have no storage anywhere, I was storing the cat food and a few other things on top of a cutting board on the actual stove in my apartment. Decided I did not want to tie up the Breville oven for an hour and decided to make the wash soda in the oven vs the Breville oven. I can use the electric in the kitchen an living room and use the stove separate and actual make use of the burners sometimes. I moved all stuff into my bedroom temporarily and will move back once stuff cools down. A tiny apartment is sort of a game of Jenga and hidden storage. Plenty of storage ottomans on the go, storage under the couch and risers for the bed to keep under there as well and storage behind the couch with shelves acting as a sofa table along the back. When I am made to move, I will get a bigger place that has a bigger area to put in storage closets etc and a kitchen that would fit my microwave and a linen closet to fit my wee little washer. Still love doing laundry but it is just me so that is probably why. Walking later today once I get breakfast and freshened up, going to employ the cleats to walk more securely, got a bit of snow and it is a crapshoot whether there is quite a bit of ice under there. No chances being taken here.

    See Q, my back is recovering well, was able to sleep well last night.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    my Bloodwork looked good. I still have to scan. But thanks. To all of you. I am thinking of all of you ladies.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    In your pocket for scanning, I may have jumped the gun on stable, thanks for the update Mel.

    Well, just took a pan and added olive oil, 1/2 cup pinto beans as well with two eggs. Just basically fried everything up whilst moving everything around. All I added was italian seasoning and salt when plated. It was delicious and simple, did not require anything extra to make it good. One of my oven burners is not working but another was so that is good, not such a big deal to move storage off the stove and into bedroom as needed. I may decide to do this on the daily as the texture of the eggs and the beans were appealing to me. All took just a few days, once I have cleaned the big pan, I will simply put it back into the oven as it is rather large.

    Trying to limit a white bread option to once a day since the beans add carbs anyway and don't always need to make it high glycemic with the bread. I detest whole wheat bread so white is the way for me. Thinking I will have chili and combine with the rest of my soup, add bran and put a small piece of garlic bread on the side. We will see.