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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Mel, Congratulations for stable scans. WOOHOO! I am doing the happy dance again, this time for you.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    thank you so very much! I’m so happy…

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel--- Woohoo !!! Are you still on Ibrance and Arimidex? You had the mouth issues and paused the Ibrance a while back. Ibrance is a good drug. I was on it 4 years myself. And you do not scan very often do you?

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- Yay on stable !! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief.!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Candy ~ yes been on ibrance 5 years and anastrazole. I only scan once a year now. I see onc on Thursday. Hope to stay the same course

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    ty living!!!!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    yay congrats Mel!!! what a relief!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Great news Mel.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Wonderful news, Mel!

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    That's great news Mel, I'm so happy for you.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Awesome news Mel - doing the happy dance for you! First Candy, now you - fingers crossed that this ball keeps rolling……. We all know the angst in waiting and waiting for results.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Seems with the hiccups on the site over hall, people are not posting as much. On this Thread and others. I miss hearing from you all. I admit I was addicted on BCO. I checked it several times a day. My life is pretty boring. But, I miss hearing from everyone. Makes it seem more lonely when I log on in the mornings and there are only 2-3 posts in the hours I have been off site.

    Hope all are doing ok and come back to Mel's Living Room

    And I hope the Mods get this fixed soon. I do not see any changes so far.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    hopefully they will work them out !! thank you everyone. It means so much.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mel congratulations on stable!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I am still posting. The site is loading faster now so hopefully other people check back instead of moving off this platform. As much as site updates suck for us, the issues are usually solved within a couple of weeks. I know there was talk of joining or gathering on another site but I hope people will just keep giving this site a chance or load in a different browser. Chrome is working today and load times are shorter.

    Well, had another delicious breakfast. Baked a frozen burrito that had refried beans in it. Cut it in thirds as will use with multiple meals, added a mix of Stagg southwest chili that I mixed with some pinto beans that still had the bean juice. I keep extras in the fridge. I took a third of the burrito, cut it up, took 1/2 cup of the chili/bean mix, a handful of wheat bran for extra fiber. I also fried up two hashbrowns and two sausage patties yesterday and had chopped them up in my chopper. Added a spoonful of that as well. Seasoned with maple and bacon seasoning and italian seasoning as well. Did not need to add mayo or queso. Might stop buying those for a bit, save the calories. Better to just combine beans and soup. I will continue to save the liquid from the canned beans unless combining with soup. Eggs and english muffins or garlic bread are another staple. Have so much more variety foodwise and my grocery bill is modest. I spend more for food and litter for the cats than myself.

    I have my Herceptin a bit later and will probably be shopping tonight. If I remember, I think I want to get some ketchup, I can use for eggs or else put on top of a peanut butter english muffin. I used to love peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches. Lots of walking for those two things which is nice.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    I still don't like the layout of the new site, but I will hang on. I think it is loading faster.

    Mara, I love reading your posts about your food prep and mixtures. Most of it sounds pretty good. ...... until the part about putting ketchup on peanut butter english muffins. LOL

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I'm getting used to the new site. Have had posts time out and then the message that the site is down. Hopefully this will go through. I miss seeing all of the post, too.

    Congrats to those with good news, hoping for good news for those who have upcoming scans.


  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Runor - oh my gosh your post made me laugh out loud! Yes, this was not an "upgrade" by any stretch of the imagination. It's far worse. I share the sentiments here that I hope we don't lose our great group to this tragedy. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Moth - Like you I am popping in when the pages load but I am having a hard time. I don't do FB as much and I have an instagram that I never post to but I do follow your instagram reels. Those are great! I've thought about TikTok but I am just a little shy and wary of social media I guess.

    Candy and Mel - Yay for stable. Candy, you and I had the same long day. I saw my MO, got labs, Xgeva and Faslodex yesterday. My cancer center is local so it's not as long as it could be.

    I'm finding it a little easier to read through if I highlight the lines with my cursor. I don't want to beat the issue to death but this upgrade sucks. I know they are working on it, but seriously. I have been a little sad about it. I didn't realize how much I leaned on this group as a way to connect to people who share some of the same struggles until I stepped back. I have not felt well for the last few weeks either. It's harder to bounce off the lows when that happens. I am still stable. My ANC and white cells took a hit this last month, which may be part of my feeling off. My MO isn't changing doses or anything like that, we are just watching it.

    Hugs to all of you. I will continue to pop in and try to keep up.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mel- yay for stable!!

    Mara - while I'm not too sure about peanut butter and ketchup, it's not a far jump from peanut butter and tomato sandwiches, which are very good. For all the naysayers, think similar texture to PB&J, but not too sweet.

    The pages are definitely loading faster - not quite to where they should be, but I'm hopeful.

    Slow day here - I just put some chicken marinating for the grill tonight. Now to figure out what I want to make to go with it. Lately, I'd be happy to have just the chicken. That's probably just laziness. :-o

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    SeeQ, I am not so much a tomato lover but definitely the similarity between pb and tomato sandwiches. I also used to eat peanut butter and crushed up chip sandwiches for a good crunch. My metabolism is not as fast though so am trying to whittle down some of my calories consumed. Not a diet but just keeping myself aware of what goes in.

    Fastest app't ever for my Herceptin, almost no wait to get in and my drug was ready quickly too. Was only gone a couple of hours. Good walking conditions too. Dry sidewalks which was wonderful.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    I find the loading of the site much faster.

    Mara- peanut butter and ketchup?? Yes I've had pb &j and peanut butter and banana.

    I still can't seem to kick this bug of sore throat and extreme fatigue. Did take a rapid test and it was negative so that's good. Someone had mentioned mind plans and that's exactly what I'm doing. Planning with no action! Tomorrow I get my hair cut so hoping that will help get me going.

    Tonight we are having pasta and spinach salad so I better get the salad ready.

    Waving hello to everyone

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Living, definitely peanut butter and ketchup. Got some ketchup when grocery shopping tonight since eggs are featuring heavily in meals. Just as much as beans and various other things. I also have hashbrowns and have thought of making up fry sauce, 1 pt ketchup to 2 pts mayonnaise as well. I still am using beans a lot, mixing them with various chilis and soups, makes for a more inexpensive diet for sure. Not buying junk food like I was, peanut butter is my treat if I want something, sometimes use chocolate milk as a dessert for myself too. It is my main source of calcium and fortified with vits A and D. I skip the cookies, chocolate and chip aisles for the most part, have no discipline when it comes to junk and will not keep it.

    I definitely enjoyed walking outside today and now that there is not really any snow to speak of, I can finally walk in my sneakers which is great. Looking into some leg strengthening exercises and still practicing getting up off ground if I fall. Figure it would be nice not to have to be assisted by people walking by. Hopefully the lifting of my feet will continue to provide more stable walking. Also want to try my walker for heavier loads of groceries now that there is no snow. Taking the walking poles to the park as well that Chicogoan gave to me. Mostly for balance, I practice the speed at home, walking on the floor and practicing the poles.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    phew. I’m so pleased scanning is done. So now I’m faced with what do I do now. I’m still going to be exhausted I’m still hurting in pain places. I feel beaten up and I can never get rested from fighting my heart out. Now I am in search of peacefulness in my days. I am constantly trying to find a happy medium where I am able to do things to a point , while still getting my rest. My mind races and my body laughs and never catches up. They are never at equal points. I see my onc tomorrow hate going there. Hate the smells, hate why I’m there. You would think tumor markers dropped scan was good. Would think that would make me feel better. Somehow. It just makes me think oh maybe I’ll get another year. So I’m not sure I’d peacefulness is something I will be able to ever find again.

    I have cancer yea I do it not only has me, but has my family too. In its cellular grip holding on tight, makes for a very life of long nights. I sit and I think what have I done to make this have happened, what did i do wrong? Did I not run enough or eat that extra vege? Now I’m faced with disease that I’m left with being so edgy. What I have will never leave , it’s broken my back, and made me bleed. I’ll never be the same this I know. I guess I just have to make the best of things until it’s time for me to go

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hi everyone, it's still about 50/50 whether I can see posts or post myself but fingers crossed for this one ...

    I posted earliers in the breaking news from sources other than BCO thread that the Monaleesa trial (ribociclib) just published some results today & showed that more than 50% of participants had 5 year survival. Really changing the outcomes! & I understand there are more drugs in the pipeline..

    hugs everyone

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- I am sorry you are struggling so. Now that your scan is over, and you are stable, and will not scan again for a year, I wish you could find some peace and happiness. I too understand the struggle. I guess we just have to do small things, small steps forward. I too want peace. I got my scan that said stable and got 3 more months reprieve. Now, I wish for peace. I am going to venture out to a church ladies group meeting next week--- 2 hour meeting, in-person, 8-10 women. I will mask. They will not. I will not participate in the snacks (don't want to remove the mask). But it is something. I have not been to any church function in 2 years. My texting buddy wants to go to a favorite ice cream place this Spring-- it opens April 1. Small steps, Yes. But something. And I pray for peace just living in my house with my cat. Nap when I need to. Read. And be happy I am alive.

    My MO said we could use medical marijuana for the nausea/decreased appetite. Or Ritalin for the fatigue. But, I do not want the side effects. So I will see if I can just deal with those issues on my own. Maybe your Palliative Care doc or your MO will give you suggestions for how to deal with your pain and your issues.

    Let us know how your MO appt goes.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, stop with the hash brown patties already! Just kidding. I love those, but haven't been able to find them in the store that is within walking distance. Poor me.

    mel, I'm sorry. Why is it that "good" scan results can still put us on edge? It's like, "Then why am I still hurting? Why am I so tired? Why do I feel so discouraged???"

    Not going to say too much, since I don't know if the page will get stalled out. I did click on "Accept cookies" but I don't know if that will help. I don't recall seeing that before. Fingers crossed!

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    I haven't had a chance to completely catch up. When I click to the next page, it takes forever for the next one to load, and then sometimes it doesn't, and I get " site is currently down". I think Biden and his administration was in charge of this website update.

    Been busy with dealing with the pleural effusion, and adapting to the pleurex catheter, and coughing, coughing, coughing. Also the rigid schedule of Xeloda. No home health because I am not home-bound, but didn't learn this until now. So I am trying to get an appointment with the surgeon's office to look at the dressing. The videos that came with the supplies are ridiculous. They used a mannequin sitting on top of a counter which I didn't find helpful. I have an extra bandage underneath all the dressing, and the video didn't address that. But my shortness of breath is much better.

    My calcium was too low to get the Xgeva shot a few weeks ago so I am doubling up on these gigantic calcium vitamins - 8 a day! When I finish these in a month or so, I am so buying calcium Gummies!

    Congrats to the ones with great news - KBL, Emac, and I think there is someone else...

    Runor - glad you don't have shingles. I hope you get over Covid very soon. The differences between person to person with Covid is stunning.

    Moth - is the Trovedly frequency once per week? I hope the fatigue gets less and less.

    BooBoo - that is great news on the sale of your house. It makes so much sense for your husband to have a condo. So glad the plans are coming together for your move.

    Best wishes to those who have results or tests or treatment.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Candy, glad you are getting out. That should make a difference in your mood for sure.

    Sunshine, you could have instacart deliver them from a store, there must be somewhere that would have them. Pain when a nearby store does not have what we want.

    I am taking a complete rest day, very tired post Herceptin which is not unusual, slept well last night but between the walking, Herceptin then more walking with older DB and SIL while grocery shopping, still tired. Did give older DB money as I enjoy being taken for a drive across the city. Will probably give 10.00 alternating weeks for this option, least I can do.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Yay for stable, congrats 🎉

    I’m here but not posting much, partly due to loading issues and partly just busy at the cabin. I wish I could say progress is being made but it’s not. My 3 easy goals for this trip didn’t happen due to DH’s lack of planning and habit of losing things. I wanted to install the new oven, DH said he had the wall outlet for it but couldn’t find it, then it turned out the required amps (assumed) was too low and now we need a higher amp breaker too. That stuff and last minute changes have me so irked. I told him he can either help or fight me on it but there’s no more “later” or “next time”. We head home tomorrow and I’ve got realtor’s scheduled to come out for the last week of this month. Fingers crossed it gets easier.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Thank you, GoKale.

    Candy, I’m so glad you’re going to your meeting. Little steps are perfect.

    Mara, you’re an inspiration. I’m sorry you’re tired from your treatment.

    Mel, I’m sending big hugs.

    Mae, I hate when things don’t go as planned. Have a safe trip back home.

    Waving to everyone else.