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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Congrats for all who are stable - Candy and Mel

    Glad you are getting out some Candy.

    Mae, sorry things are not going to plan on the mountain. Hope things come together soon.

    These load times are not any better for me, I forget what I'm doing while posts load! This black on white, no differentiation between posts (besides a little thin line) is still driving me nuts. Not good at all. Still cannot tell which threads have new posts in them. ARGGGG. Half my screen is white space. When are they going to fix this? are they? I would post in the proper thread but am not saying anything new. The mods have heard it all, it's unanimous. I'm just ranting right now.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara~ketchup and peanut butter together wow! Never heard of that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    this Ukraine thing is heartbreaking.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mae, I hope things come together soon for you.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Well Friday again. Weeks seem to go by quickly anymore. I had a busier week. Long MO visit on Monday. And they put the new roof on my house on Thursday. So it feels I got some things accomplished this week. Quiet weekend planned. Then next week I am doing the Ladies Church Group on Wednesday. So something to break up the week. Small things, but something.

    Mel- How did your MO appt go on Thursday? Did he/she give you any advice on how you can feel some better and get to do some things?

    I see no change from this site. Wish it worked better. I miss the activity on here and other Threads. I miss our group.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    he said stay the course. He said try walking more. I thought he was talking to Mara! Lol he said he doesn’t want to risk injury to my spine. He was very thrilled and said nap I’d I have to nap. I have adderall. We’ll see how that goes. I see a slight improvement in the site. Slighy

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mel, and Candy, progress seems to be going along which I am so glad to be hearing.

    The site is loading quicker, still prefer using firefox over chrome but even chrome is not taking a year and a half to load this thread. Assuming it takes longer due to the fact we are one of the most active threads.

    Mel, told myself to walk more. Determined to burn some fat around my middle so am going to try to be consistent with a 1/2 hour walk on the treadmill after meals, make up for the sitting I do when doing surveys and such.

    My meal combo today was a can of black beans, can of pinto beans and added a can of chicken with rice soup. Did not save the bean juice this time as the soup provides enough liquid. For breakfast, took 1/2 cup of the soup/bean mixture. Used up my hashbrown/sausage mix and nuked in microwave for 65 seconds. I added italian and steak/onion seasoning as well as 2 teaspoons mayo and 1 teaspoon of ketchup, mixed them together and added to give a little zip. Light on the calories as well since I used a teaspoon instead of a table spoon size. I figure the half hour after walking and more nutritious meals will help my mood. Letting myself use the treadmill lets me feel safer while walking faster as I can hold on. Other than a couple times a week to the park with the walking poles when the snow is gone, indoors is still my preferred method since I can hang onto the treadmill, my balance is really bad and this is good for me. Heart still travels into the proper burning zone for me.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, Your plan with the ladies church group sounds really good. I hope you enjoy being with them again.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Had an appointment with a new rheumatologist on Wednesday. After long consultation, and since I don’t have RA, only med he could justify giving me for severe osteoarthritis given all my medical issues would be a low dose of steroid (i.e. 10mg) for a number of weeks. He wants to talk with my internist and MO to discuss if they felt this is acceptable. We know that a long use steroid is not good for the bones so I need to get through the MRI on 3/23 for my hip lesion and then follow up with radiation oncologist and surgical oncologist. Using the steroids becomes a QOL issue but not if I’m going to get broken bones. Will see a new pain management doc next week. Have any of you taken a low dose steroid for a length of time? If so, what were side effects?

    Mae - we were in a wine store this am and saw a very big young man (not overweight but at least 6.4 and very muscular)wearing full on kilt get up. Maybe he was buying some Irish whiskey for a St. Paddy’s celebration☘️☘️☘️. Thought about your neighbor.

    Have a good weekend friends!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    hi goldens, I had to do 30+ days of pred twice last year for pneumonitis. Moon face, appetite up, energy up a bit. I find the hardest part is adjusting when we taper them off to zero but it's been tolerable. my reel about moon face is here :)

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi to all: I cannot log in. When I try I get a flash and then a white screen and nada. I can check posts and reply without logging in. But I still get "Site Down" messages.

    mara: I like sharp cheddar cheese and peanut butter on toast.

    The news from Ukraine is heart breaking. It also fills me with rage, despair, feeling helpless.

    I see the occasional guy in a kilt and not on Robbie Burns or St. Patrick's days. No clan plaids or anything, just brown or some other solid colour.

    Nothing new on my front other than the renos in the basement. It has been totally gutted. After $$$$, it should be nice to go down and work on my arts/crafts and have a nice bathroom and bedroom for guests.

    I hope I can pop back in soon without too much hassle. I don't see a lot of improvements on that end.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I miss you all. This is difficult!!!! Slow choppy. Ugh!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    To everyone having browser troubles, try firefox for windows or for ipad. Loads very well if chrome is not working for you.

    For anyone using chrome on a computer can add this extension which allows you to fake your browser. I switched it to Android and it loads much faster. Just an extra option to make the site faster.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    I'm killing some time waiting on a prescription at the pharmacy. It seems that this forum loaded much faster on my phone. Chrome was working better for me last night but I think I will see if I have Firefox on my computer and try that also. The color scheme is still atrocious though.

    I have a bone biopsy Monday morning. I am not expecting any surprise news. It's just to determine whether this spot in my left shin is avascular necrosis or a met. If it's a met I will probably have to do radiation to that spot. Not sure what we're going to do if it's just necrosis. I guess just keep an eye on it.

    The trees are all In bloom here and I'm tempted to go to the nursery and plant some bulbs. I pulled some weeds the other day and my legs are still sore. After taking the winter off I need to wake up my yard work muscles.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Elderberry, I was getting the same thing, very frustrating. Hitting the previous page icon on the bottom left of my phone seems to help.

    On the road now but will catch up this weekend.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    So I think I’ve figured out how to log on. If you made it through the log in once, it usually stays logged in. What I do is I go to community,, click log in. It does what Elderberry says and goes to a blank page. I go back where it says Active Threads and click on it. Then when it goes there, I see my initial K on the right. When I click to see the threads, my Favorites show up. I know that seems like a lot, but it’s pretty quick.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    KBL- That's how I get in on my android phone. You just have to remember when you get the blank page after log in to go back and hit active topics.

    Candy- I am so glad you are making plans for the church group meeting.

    Emac- trees in bloom and planting bulbs? Oh how I wish.

    Elderberry- finally getting that reno completed must feel so good. We have a full unfinished basement where it's used as a "throw it in the basement ".

    Mara- now you have started a peanut butter and ? sandwich. Lots of ideas and opinions on what goes best.

    Suddenly these men are popping up in their kilts. It can't be St. Patrick's day as that is Irish. Kilts originated in Scotland. I think I still want to see the dogs in the kilt. LOL

    Saying hello to Mel, Mae Moth, Goldens and everyone else I have missed.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    LivingIVLife: Our basement had been a suite when we bought the house. It was a crappy reno and we did nothing to fix it. We did use it use it for guests and for practicing music, doing laundry but the basement gradually became a toss-it-in kind of place. Now we are dealing with those consequences of sorting, ditching, donating.....

    The upheaval is draining and I just have to remember to look forward to a really, really nice basement when it is done.

    Emac: trees are in bloom here too. Some cold nights but Spring is coming.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- I forgot to mention to you that last night I watched "The Fifth Estate " on TV. It was on the subject of exactly what you are going through with your landlord and trying to get people to move. It showed a family from Brantford, a pensioner from Hamilton and Halifax. Really interesting. I hope you have a chance to see it. Also saw an article on CBC news regarding renters problems .

    When do we turn the clocks ahead? Is it this weekend?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Yes clocks go ahead this weekend.

    Living, I think I saw the story as well. Very sad. Nobody has approached me again since Novembet. I don't plan to leave until I absolutely have to. I know a few people have left, mostly of their own accord. Myself, an older fellow, lady and daughter and someone on the top floor remain.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello lovelies~ we are supposed to be getting some icky weather tomorrow including some snow. The last hurrah! I’m having insomnia tonight and a case of the hiccups grrrrr they won’t stop. I’m tired all day and then at night I struggle. I struggle during the day with counting down till nap time. It’s a real pain in the arse. Wish I could make it all day without a nap. I hate 1:00 till like 4:00. Roughest hours for me. Wish there was answers for all we go through. Everyday is a challenge! But I’m enjoying my painting. That’s a plus. Hope this site keeps improving!! goodnight (hopefully ).

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Goldens-- Interesting about your rheumatologist consult. I have a consult for a new rheumatologist in May. I do have RA. Was being treated with meds prior to the cancer. Then, when got the cancer diagnosis and started treatment for that, my then rheumy stopped my meds. He said we cannot use them with the cancer meds, as the RA meds make you immunocompromised too. So I have been off RA meds for 4 years. I hurt. A lot. So I am seeing a new rheumy for a consult. See what she says. I wonder if she will have much to say as far as what treatment I can do. My old rheumy mentioned a short course of steroids too. But, why do a "short course" when the issue is chronic? So I said no. Will be interesting to hear the new consults recommendations.

    Mel- How long do you nap, during the day? I may lay down for an hour at the most. Not under the covers, but on top. I feel if I nap over 1 hour it affects my nighttime sleep. Or, even, during the day, just laying down for that hour, even if I don't fall asleep, helps. And then go to bed the same time each night and up the same time each morning. Sounds like you need to readjust your sleep patterns. On the news the other day, they were talking about sleep habits. No caffeine so many hours before bedtime, no screentime before bed, etc. Have you tried those things?

    emac- Pocket duty for Monday. I will put you on the list.

    I am trying to stay more upbeat. I say trying. I came off a high on Monday with my scans being stable. And getting the roof done made me feel I was accomplishing things. Now, I am trying to stay positive. Quiet weekend. See others doing things I cannot do anymore. So I will read and do housework and try to stay positive. I think planning on going to the Church group meeting this upcoming week (Wednesday) should help too. Just hard sometimes to not let things get me down.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    Hi everyone. I'm kind of bummed out today. I broke my tibia playing pickleball yesterday. I could feel it snap as I ran for a ball. I'm in the hospital now awaiting surgery in a few hours. Freaking out a little wondering if the cancer spread my lower leg without showing up on the bone scan. Trying not to catastrophize and take things as they come. Plus I'm starving-can't eat or drink of course.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hey, the font is larger !!!!!!!!!! Noticed it when I posted my long post. I can see the type!!!!!!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Chicagoan---- Oh my !!!! Maybe it is not the cancer worsening, but just brittle bones from the treatments you are on. Are you on Xgeva or Zometa? Those can make fractures happen more easily. Post when you can. My prayers to you.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    Candy-I'm on Xgeva. Thanks for your prayers.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Chicagoan, definitely in your pocket for both the surgery and hoping for another benign reason the tibia broke vs cancer. I will send all my vibes to you and think of you. I can believe the brittle bones suggestion Candy made, would make sense vs cancer to me as well. Deal with one thing at a time, surgery and your recovery. Try very hard to just focus on that one thing then focus on healing and recovery after surgery until you may be scanned to look for cancer. It is hard to do but the best way to cope with the unknown plus any pain that you may have going on now.

    Well, the stuff keeps piling up here. My buzz code to allow deliveries in no longer works, checked my phone, it is fine. I emailed the corporation and asked for it to be fixed as well as asking for a phone number to contact them vs. email. If the building has an emergency, there is no one to contact by phone at this point. I also pointed out that if I need support people to be let in, there might be a point I cannot get to the door. We will see. I will give them into next week to help. Otherwise, I will suspend amazon orders.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Chicagoan, I’m in your pocket as well. I’m sorry you broke your tibia.

    Only in Florida where we were 80s yesterday and will be 20s in the morning tomorrow. Air on and then off to now heat. We don’t usually swing that much in two days.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Chicagoan- in your pocket with hugs and prayers. I do think and hope the break was due to brittle bones.i have not played but hear pickle ball has become quite popular .

    Mara- hang in there, don't back down to these bullies

    Candy- chin up girl, you are starting small things slowly but spring is on its way

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Chicagoan, oh no! Sorry to hear about the tibia. I hope the repair and your recovery go well. I agree it’s hard not to overthink what’s going on. I do a lot of that.

    Mara, That was a very calming and logical suggestion to focus on just one thing at a time. It makes so much sense and yet many of us tend to jump ahead in our minds. I hope your building owners get your buzz code fixed. Framing the problem with serious needs will hopefully make them realize how important it is.

    Candy, I’m glad you had some up days when you got your stable report and also your new roof. You deserve to be happy about both of those things!

    Mel, I’m happy you’re enjoying the painting. Enjoy being stable too!!

    Well my spine surgery is about a month behind me, and I start 5 radiation sessions on Monday. I’ve been having some tingling and nerve pain in my upper legs recently that can get pretty bad. I have meds to use and have gotten more free about using them. They make me feel wobbly and sometimes I just lay down on my bed and sleep for a few hours. The spine doc says radiation should help my pain and go ahead and take the meds when I need them because I’m still early in my recovery. Of course, my mind goes to the lesion is growing again. So I’ll back up and just say, I’m ready to start the rads and hope they help the nerve pain! I got a much needed haircut yesterday. Yay for small things, although I almost cancelled cuz of feeling tired and yucky. Glad I went.