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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Bone biopsy went well today. The procedure wasn't nearly as painful as I expected it to be but now that some of the numbing has worn off it's pretty sore. I should hear something in about a week I was told.

    Count me in for pocket duty with taquitos for Mae!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    emac~glad that’s over with. Hope the results are good. Sorry it’s sore

    Mara~ How is your back? Did the code work?

    Goldens ~ hope all is well

    Rosie ~ I’m sorry honey those days suck out loud. When keeping it together is all we can do.

    Hope broken legs are healing an we are all getting by the very best way we can. Haven’t decided on the dog thing. Honestly I keep going back and forth. I slept till almost 900 today. Don’t know if I’d be doing that with a doggie. Hmmmmmmm? love to all.

    Waving to Tanya and BooBoo.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Emac, I'm glad your procedure wasn't as painful as you expected. I hope you can get some good rest tonight and that your results come in quickly.

    Sweet dreams to all.


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Rosie24, it boggles the mind how insurance can deny something that’s needed. That’s just ridiculous. I’m so sorry.

    Emac, glad the biopsy went well. In your pocket for results.

    Mel, a nice thing to do could be to foster a dog. If you find it’s not what you want, they can adopt it out and you will know whether you’re ready or not. If you’re ready, it could be a foster fail. They pay all the bills and you help a pup out by being with it instead of in a shelter. I totally get it if that’s not what you want, but it’s an option.

    Hi to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mel, the back feels better and the new code works. Will update amazon and grocery delivery to leave by the mailbox. I can then go down the hall to pick them up.

    Emac, I am glad the biopsy did not cause too much pain.

    Pocket duty for Mae.

    Not doing much here. Going to have a more active day, walking both inside and outside the house. I did nothing yesterday and just felt like a slot. Laundry, bit of housework. My DB will likely text during the week for a grocery shop, maybe even tonight, we will see. Taking the day off surveys since they promote way to much sitting. I also felt silly because my mop head on my vileda pro mist mop came off and I could not put it back on. Sat down turned it over and tried to put it on that way. Did not occur to me to put the mop head piece on the floor and click the handle into place. Glad it is fixed, almost bought a new one. Sheesh.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    I made it. Barely. I had a stomach bug the day before we were supposed to leave, so that didn't go well. Delayed us a day. God bless my sister from Texas (who first flew to FL) who dragged my butt up I-95 all the way to PA. When we finally arrived, I was completely worn out. I have been in recovery mode ever since. Can't seem to get enough sleep.

    I am seeing my new oncologist today so I can get set up to continue my Xgeva shots. Not sure if she might have something new to present, but I am determined to resist chemo treatments that make me sick and in bed.

    I am just so grateful that I am with my dear sister in PA who welcome me yet again with open arms. I truly don't know what I would do without her.

    Emac, so glad your biopsy is over and that it wasn’t too bad.

    To everyone else, I am WAY behind, but hoping you are all hanging in there.

    Waving back, Mel. Tanya, I made it

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Just popping in to report that the Herons (nesting in our front yard) are back! Yay! I’m hoping to see some new chicks soon.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Booboo- so happy to hear you are home with your family. I bet you would be exhausted from the trip. Glad you have a new MO. That was quick. Rest up and welcome back!

    Mae- beautiful picture of the heron. Also the beautiful blue sky.

    Rosie- I hope you can get this insurance crap sorted out.

    Mara- I have a swiffer mop to wash the floors which is so much easier for me . Sometimes the simplest things can confuse people until the aha moment kicks in and the brain light comes on.

    Moth- hoping you are able to receive your scheduled treatment on Wednesday

    Trying to get a quote to lay new patio stones on a small patio down from our porch. As soon as I get a sunny day I have a list of spring jobs that need done. My husband just shakes his head. If I waited for him it would never get done. I tell him if you don't work on things there is many people to hire that will get them done. That will tend to get him moving a bit.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Booboo, That’s great to hear that you’re back in PA with your sister again. I hope you like the new MO.

    Mae, herons, how cool to have them in your front yard.

    Living—My DH is kind of the opposite of yours. He’s always tinkering with something around the house and looking for things to do. Although when big projects come up he’s willing to hire out, just sometimes it’s hard to get people to do them.

    So my radiation delay is over, it seems “the chief” gave his approval so I’m here waiting to see the RO and get my treatment. Thanks for the support here

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    That's good news, Rosie24.

    So I hardly ever turn on the TV. I happened to turn it on, and it was on the channel with The Talk. I definitely don't watch talk shows. It just so happened they were at the end of a talk about a documentary airing on Facebook tomorrow, and guess what it's titled. “The Quest for Sleep." I, for one, will be watching and hoping it can teach me how to get more sleep. I know a lot of us have that issue. Here is the main website.

    I hope it helps some of us.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Good evening ladies,

    The new site still has bugs and was down yesterday and sometimes when I change the page it just turns white. It completely doesn't work on my google.

    chicagoan I was shocked to read about your bone breaks. It really does seem like that has something to do with our treatment. I hope you are healing well. When my sister broke her femur she did go up and down stairs on her behind and very slowly. Take care take rest and be careful.

    Rosie I hate to hear about these major complications in our treatment which always seem to involve insurance companies. I'm reduced to tears almost always when I have to call about some coverage or approval. it's almost as bad as the scanxiety or maybe worse. Hopefully you'll get a quick appt now.

    Emac I'm glad the biopsy wasn't too bad. Now just the waiting for results.

    Mara I sometimes can't fix simple things and then my grandkid or someone shows me how easy it is. I don't know why I get frustrated but that happens too.

    Mae the heron looks happy in the new nest. I hope your cabin is comfortable and cozy. The view alone is enough for the heron, javelin, and burros.

    Moth will you get your treatment next week? I remember I used to have to eat spinach, liver, vitamin, kale sandwiches to get my blood numbers up before treatment. One other guy used to eat spinach 3'x s a day several days before bloodwork.

    Mel the weather is changing so maybe fostering at this time of year would be a good idea since it's nice outside and then if it's too hard or not a good fit he could go to his forever home in the fall or winter.

    Living IV life I do a lot of outside stuff with the gardening and pool. I will not hesitate to call THE GUY when my husband procrastinates about a project bc after over 40 years it's either that or a showdown and the OK corral.

    KBL I did receive my payment from the study but they told me the recommendation money would come later. Thank you again. I recently had a cold and took sinus nightime musinex and it put me to sleep better than my prescription medicine. I think I've read everything about sleep hygiene. I just completed a group therapy for sleep and cancer; the problem for me is trying to break bad habits. My DH can fall asleep anywhere lights on or off, sitting or laying, TV, noisy kids, noisy parties, fireworks, nothing disturbs him. I have really fragile sleep and also a mind that is hard to turn off at night. Good luck. Let me know if there's anything different.

    50's girl it was really nice to see you post lately.

    Candy I hope you enjoy your outing and there are many more to come.

    Booboo you made it. Thank you Boo boo's sister. Sigh of relief here. I knew you were going to tough it out whatever stood between FL and PA was not going to stop you. I hope your new oncologist has some new treatments up her sleeve. It seems that TX keep changing so who knows. So happy to here from you. Excited for your new life in PA!!!!!!!!

    I'll be visiting an old friend and some other tourist places in Mecca and Medina. Leaving this Thursday and will check in when I am able. Since the site is so sporadic now I don't know if I'll be able to get in at all while traveling. I return the end of March. DH and I both have our 4th vaccine and I've packed the kitchen sink of medication.

    Take care all.


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Tanya, I’m so glad you received your payment. I don’t even think of whether I will be paid for referral. It’s okay if I don’t get a penny. I just really liked the group and wanted to help. Thank you so much for participating.

    I take Zquill. That stuff is the bomb when it comes to getting me back to sleep when I wake up. I don’t take it every night, but I really sleep like crap when I don’t. If I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, my head doesn’t even hit the pillow before I’m out again. I’m going to watch the documentary I mentioned above tomorrow night.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    BooBoo~so good to see you ! So glad safe travels and hugs from PA! Welcome back.

    Tanya~ you be safe on your travels . Amazing you can travel.

    I never thought of fostering a dog. What a good idea. Thanks ladies.
    Mae~ awesome pic. Clear blue skies!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    The lovely Herons are in Houston, they’re coastal and sadly I’ll have to say goodbye to them when we move but I’ll have roadrunners, ravens and many other birds to enjoy at the cabin.
    Lots of stuff went to storage today and I’ll be clearing/cleaning tomorrow. Planning lunch with a friend Thursday after the MRI (great patio weather), then DH will cook the holiday corned beef and cabbage.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    It's not malignant! I was pleasantly surprised to get the results back today. That was fast! In any case I have some bone remodeling and osteonecrosis in that tibia which is probably why it shows up on the bone scan. We don't know why it's there but at least we know it's not more cancer and I don't need more radiation.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Emac877, what great news. That’s so awesome.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Emac - awesome news!
    Booboo - so glad you are now with family. There is no better place!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Emac Wonderful News! Oh what a relief that is!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Laurie, so glad you made it to Philly and hope you are better from the stomach issues.

    Living, my Vileda will work like a swiffer, at least on the floor and has a spray bottle that can be attached as well. Thankfully snapping the handle back worked. Have not yet had to replace the mop head but that is OK.

    Going to get warmer here for a while, may be the end of significant snow, at least for a couple of weeks so that is good. May take the cleats of my runners and store them away for next winter. Not too far as it can definitely snow a lot in April here.

    Planning to walk outdoors, still taking out trash and cardboard from deliveries. Not sure if I updated but I was given a new code to let delivery people in, will have to make sure to update amazon and instacart where to leave stuff.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    yay Emac!!

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Emac, Wonderful news!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Emac-- Wonderful !!!!!Happy

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Congrats Emac 🎉 It’s so nice when it isn’t more cancer.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    emac, I'm so glad you heard quickly, and that the news was positive.

    I've been working on our taxes. We have a somewhat complicated situation, and it's been driving me nuts. I woke up this morning realizing that I should be grateful that we have an income that requires us to pay taxes. I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in (even when I can't sleep) and all the other things I take for granted.

    Waving "hi" to all,


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Emac fantastic news!!!!!


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Laurie, glad you're home with your family

    Tanya, enjoy your trip, safe travels

    Emac, yippee about your biopsy

    My chemo is being delayed by a week so I get an extra week to goof off, lol. Next week we're dropping the dose and adding the gcsf shots.

    Not much else new here.

    Hugs to everyone

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    I just got home from my Ladies Church group. It was ok. 5 other ladies plus me-- I have a small church. We had a devotion, prayer requests, and just gabbed. I sat at another table from them and had my mask on. The ladies wore their masks for me, but one would take it down to talk and then put it back up. We had cookies and coffee, but I did not partake. I guess it was good for me to go, but I just seemed,,, out of place,,, I guess. Guess it just needs practice to get back out in social situations.

    Then after the meeting I did a couple of errands-- filled gas tank and got a couple things at the Dollar Store. I feel like I am running on a half used battery. Like I have no pep. So tired of feeling tired. I may nap this afternoon.

    Hi Moth, Tanya, Sunshine, Mae, Rosie, Mel, Mara, Living, Goldens, Emac, and all I forgot to mention.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Candy, glad to hear you got out, not surprised that it felt weird but that is not such a bad thing. You can continue to poke your head out a bit at a time and each time it will feel much less weird. I am proud of you for doing that as I know your fear level is high but that is great. Even if you choose not to eat or drink, you can always snack before and keep mask up. Good for you!

    Since I seem to like sharing my meals, I will share today's. Breakfast was 1/2 cup black/pinto/chicken soup mix, steak seasoning, salt and italian. I topped with 2 teaspoons mayo, put some ketchup on and mixed together. Was very good. Lunch included 1/4 cup of the black/pinto/soup mix, 2 eggs. Fried them up in my pan, seasoned with salt, steak seasoning, maple bacon and barbecue. Mixed with 1 tablespoon queso and 2 teaspoon mayo and 1 tablespoon of ketchup. Again, the mixture looks sloppy but is absolutely delicious. All ingredients put together cost very little per meal. My shopping goal is to stay around 25 dollars every week or two. We will see if that is realistic at all. My renters insurance is coming up so will need to stretch everything a little further.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    glad you got out there candy, even if it felt awkward at first! I think it will get better.

    I was actually thinking along the same lines - was planning on seeing someone I haven't really seen for ages and thinking, "oh, is it going to be akward? yeah, it's going to be awkward...." but then I was thinking that between cancer & covid, things are weird and maybe that's ok? Maybe just invoke the "fake it till you make it" mantra & ignore the awkwardness and just pretend it's fine. I still haven't decided if I'm doing my thing yet but I'm more positive about the possibility of it lol

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    candy, I replied & the site ate it.

    argh, I'm so frustrated with bco