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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Candy, glad to hear you got out, not surprised that it felt weird but that is not such a bad thing. You can continue to poke your head out a bit at a time and each time it will feel much less weird. I am proud of you for doing that as I know your fear level is high but that is great. Even if you choose not to eat or drink, you can always snack before and keep mask up. Good for you!

    Since I seem to like sharing my meals, I will share today's. Breakfast was 1/2 cup black/pinto/chicken soup mix, steak seasoning, salt and italian. I topped with 2 teaspoons mayo, put some ketchup on and mixed together. Was very good. Lunch included 1/4 cup of the black/pinto/soup mix, 2 eggs. Fried them up in my pan, seasoned with salt, steak seasoning, maple bacon and barbecue. Mixed with 1 tablespoon queso and 2 teaspoon mayo and 1 tablespoon of ketchup. Again, the mixture looks sloppy but is absolutely delicious. All ingredients put together cost very little per meal. My shopping goal is to stay around 25 dollars every week or two. We will see if that is realistic at all. My renters insurance is coming up so will need to stretch everything a little further.

    I am also due to fill out taxes though I am lucky it is fairly easy for me to do. I also need to stop procrastinating and fill the Rent Geared to Income forms out. That is the ultimate goal for me. I am getting older so around 55 more opens up for me. We will see what happens.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I'm going home alone with a cast but have become pretty proficient at walking with the walker. I can even go up and down stairs on my butt! But I'll only do that if someone else is around. My brother and SIL are going to help me get everything set up-I should be fine on one level. I'm renting a hospital bed for a bit. Best news is that the surgeon does not think the breaks were related to my cancer-he thought my bones looked pretty good. I've go to get working on my taxes too and paying bills. But grateful things are not as bad as I feared.

    Glad to hear EMac's news, BooBoo's safe arrival to PA, Candy's outing, etc. Thanks for all the support and good wishes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    imageOMG, shit on a stick, one of the workers working on the apartment above mine partially fell through the ceiling of my living room. Luckily I was not hurt nor was anything really damaged, but holy shit it scared the life out of me. I have a temporary cover but it still looks awful. Going to have to report this to the city somehow, took pictures but what's next, someone move in and a couch land on my head? Terrible.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Chicagoan, so happy you're getting home. There is no place like home. I read your update on the Ibrance thread and am so happy you have such great family and friends.

    Mara, wow, I can't even imagine how scary that must have been. I hope it's fixed quickly. So sorry that happened to you.

    Candy, I'm glad you were able to get out I like Moth's thoughts. She makes good points.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    KBL, yeah so glad I was not hurt, scared the hell out of me, cried a bit, guess a delayed reaction but how much more has to happen. I did email my city's building inspection place with picture telling them I am genuinely frightened the roof will come down on me and that I want an inspection. If I could afford to move, I most certainly would at this point but I cannot afford it now. Showed my neighbours the hole too.

    Chicagoan, I am glad you are headed home and will probably sleep more restfully at home. Healing wishes your way.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    oh mara, holy cow. They need to get a builidng inspector out there asap because clearly whatever is happening upstairs is unsafe!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Agreed Moth, sent an email to the city, I expect to hear something and if I don't, I will keep hounding them. I am honestly not sure why they feel the need to lift up the plywood although the dude who fell through said they are insulating for less noise from unit to unit. I still want someone to come as I no longer feel safe. I will feel better when someone checks it out and also when they patch my ceiling. The worker whose leg came through and I were both pretty shocked. I did not get angry but did express my fright.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- OMG . I think I would have run for my life. It is true that insulation has to be put in between floors for noise purposes but it looks like the old floor boards and ceiling will have to be replaced. Hopefully the inspector can get there asap and see what's going on. It doesn't look safe to stay there. As for your meals while they are loaded with great nutrients how you can get by on $25.00 a week I don't know. You are a master at inventive concoctions but what about fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Chicagoan- great to hear you can go home and get around on your own. Take care.

    Candy- so glad you took that step to meet with the group at church. Although it may seem uncomfortable at first, it has been such a long time since you have gone so it is only natural.

    Moth- sorry to hear you had to wait another week for treatment but like you said it gives you extra time to goof around!! 🤪

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara! WOW! I'm glad you're physically OK but am so sorry for the emotional toll on you.

    chicagoan, I'm glad you're getting to go home.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Mara, omg, that’s awful!! It sure makes ya wonder about the soundness of the construction. I hope you can get someone from the city to come take a look.

    Moth, too bad about the extra week off, although maybe it’s not a bad thing?

    Candy, like others have said, I’m glad you went to the church group too. It’s not easy to reconnect after time has gone by, and you took the first step. Maybe you might now consider other social opportunities?

    Chicagoan, I hope you get along well at home. It feels so good to be in our own surroundings, especially compared to the hourly blood pressure in the hospital. Not sure if everyone has that.

    Tanya, I hope you have a great trip

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    uh what the living heck Mara! No way those asshats better move it to assure you’re safe. It’s just one thing after another with these people. I hope it’s not part of their tactics. Idiots. I’m sending my vibes of good.

    Chicagoan~ glad you’re going home.

    Moth~ rest up this week.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Thanks everyone re the ceiling. We will see what happens. My cat Ava was shaking for hours. Just starting to relax. I just got

    Living, I don't like fresh veggies. Prefer them in soups or frozen then heated up.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Oh my Mara. I so wish you could move to a better place. Glad you and your cat were not physically hurt.

    Chicagoan- So glad to hear you are coming home. And doing pretty well with the walker. Sounds like you planned things out-- hospital bed and your brother's help.

    Thanks all for the well wishes about me getting out for the Church meeting. It was good I went. As Rosie asked, I don't know if I am ready to get out socially yet. Our hospitalizations are down in my area, but I am still cautious. I will be masking, but others are not. And, I think even more than Covid/germs-in-general concerns, I just do not feel well enough physically to do much. TMI coming--- lately my bowels have been unpredictable too. I don't know if it is the Lynparza, as the mild nausea/lack of food interest is from the med. But, when I need to go #2 there better be a bathroom close. And the urge comes on at anytime and urgently. I worry that I will be out with friends, road trip, etc and need the bathroom. So another reason I like my own home and want to stay close by. Also, I feel so tired too. I mentioned in my post yesterday that I feel like I am running on a low battery. Like I am walking thru mud. We will just have to see how I feel and what opportunities come up for social events.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Lack of food plus the meds definitely can affect your bowels. I know when I could not eat after whole brain radiation my bowels were unpredictable too. Unfortunately, I only found relief once I was eating again. I hope the fatigue lifts sometime and if the bowel issues continue, the MO can offer something that will treat the bowel issues.

    Well, they are reinforcing the living room hole that was there and the guy is putting a piece of drywall that is the colour of drywall. Will not be as ugly but still noticeable to me. Cats are terrified though managed to feed them, on the plus side, the workers are supposedly leaving early which I hope is true. Tired of my poor Ava and Tigger shaking in their boots.

    I am planning to walk once they finish the ceiling as it is so beautiful. Desperately need to take the trash out, the rubbermaid container I keep it in is quite full. It is also quite warm today so I should take the cleats off and just walk.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    So below picture was what it looked like with the temporary fix. Above picture shows what it looks like now. The fellow is coming back tomorrow for some reason but that is fine, have an amazon delivery coming anyway. Ordered some cute little egg molds so I can fry eggs without them spreading out. They could work as well if I decide to get some pancake mix which I have been thinking of. Was going to buy an egg mcmuffin maker but if the egg molds do their thing, I will not need to spend 50.00 instead of 9 dollars. Told the amazon in delivery instructions code to get in and where to leave package in the building and to call if have questions.

    I will say, I am tired out from being emotional about the whole thing and the cleanup. They took the biggest pieces out but I will be removing smaller pieces from behind my shelves for a long while. Moved my extra laptops and tablets as well, was fortunate they were not damaged. I had to sweep and mop the floor which looks good now and I did vacuum my floor, the dust they tracked in is horrendous. I am afraid I do not have the energy to vacuum much more than that.

    My cats are recovering as workers were finished earlier this morning. I don't love the ceiling but I can live with that more than the previous picture.



  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: Holy shit! And it is particle board, not plywood which means the floor above was crap to start with. Poor kitties!

    chicagoan: glad you are going home. I refer to myself as "an old wolf that prefers the smell of her own lair"

    Hello and best wishes for everyone else


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    That was a temporary fix yesterday to keep dust and stuff falling down overnight. They apparently are doing proper flooring and the fellow who fell through yesterday said he would park his car in there. I did bring up the nervousness I have about things falling in on me. They apparently are removing the floors to put insulation between units to make it less noisy when people or animals walk around. That particle board was not the subfloor. The reason the guy fell through was they had removed that section and he stepped in the wrong place he said. Beiieve it or not, I was asking how he was. Cats are more relaxed and that makes me happier.

    Man it is almost hot here. Not used to this weather yet, but that is OK, nice thing is I do not need to wear boots or cleats,at least for a while. Will be shopping with older DB and SIL tonight. It will be nice.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Elderberry~Good to see you. Happy St Paddy's Day to you also. Hope you're having a good day.

    Mara~. I'm so glad at least the ugliness is gone. I am still so thankful you're not hurt.

    Sondra < haven't seen you. Hope you're ok.

    Hello 50's~ always adore seeing you here.

    Living ~ you have become one of the family!

    Waving fo Mae! Hugs

    Candy~ helllo lovely.

    Santa~ hope things are good.

    Still noticing long load times. I don't want that messing with our little family here.

    Tanya. BooBoo…Goldens …Rosie… emac… Chicagoan…..sunshine you are all sweetheart sisters to me!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mara - so many damn gremlins with your apartment saga. I would have needed a pair of clean undies if someone fell in from the ceiling. It could be a book or a drama series on some network.

    Candy - glad you went to the church group. Baby steps….keep taking them!

    Chicagoan - getting out of the hospital is one of the best things ever! There’s no rest or comfort in a hospital bed.

    It’s Friday again! Hope your week was a good one and that the weekend will bring some enjoyment. My hubs is finishing up his last week of providing call coverage where we moved from and when he gets home Tuesday afternoon, he will be officially retired!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Goldens, I definitely was close to having to change undies. He was lucky he did fall all the way through. I don't think they are coming back but will stay home just in case. Past the time we settled on. Not sure what else they need to do. Don't need them to paint it. Still cleaning up small bits of debris that pop up here and there.

    Did go shopping last night and bought a couple of different things, got pre sliced mushrooms, froze a few baggies full so I could pull them out the night before, got a greek pasta salad and some sort of quinoa thing as well. Thinking I will use the quinoa thing in my chili/soup mix as the taste did not honestly grab me.

    Lunch I combined a can of soup that has gravy and potato with a little meat, Tim Hortons chili and a can of stagg original chili. It was pretty much the texture of soup. Added steak seasoning, little garlic, wheat bran to bulk it up and sprinkled salt and a dry manwich seasoning mix. I heated it up in a greased fry pan. It was good, if I want something that is less like soup, can just use some beans and spoon out the mixture. Could also use some of the manwich seasoning and use my beefless grounds and beans together. So many options. If my egg molds show up, will make a sort of egg mcmuffin but with garlic bread I think. Thinking I will keep up with the sliced mushrooms as they taste good and may slowly branch out into fresher produce, even if I just bought one pepper to chop up and add some dimension. I still am in no way a cook and no one would take pictures of my food but fun to play and try different things and tastes that are within my cost range.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hello everyone, still seems hit & miss whether a topic will load or a post will appear. I miss all the posts & faster interactions... :(

    I'm doing fine on my bonus week. Just lounging around, getting some knitting and reading done. I needed to do some phoning around to move a CT scan - it was supposed to be for after Cycle 3 of my new treatment & the date they gave me was too early because of the two delays I've had for low neutrophils. I didn't want the CT too early in case it wouldn't give us a good picture of the anyway, a few phone calls & back & forths and the CT has been successfully moved to early April.

    waving hello everyone!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Hi all, my brain MRI looks good, yay! Neuro onc says treated spots are stable and she found nothing new on the images. Final report isn’t ready yet but if anything new is found, it would be too tiny to treat yet, so I’m comfortable with that.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Hey Mel (all) - thanks for the shoutout! Im doing ok - day 3 of Lynparza and no barfs yet, which Im pretty happy about. Pharmacy sent me home with a party pack of 3(!!) boxes of anti-nausea meds so I am prepared, but hoping I dont have to use them unless necessary.

    Still healing from breast and L4 rads - did first physical PT on Monday and promptly turned around and danced at a concert for a few hours on Tuesday which probably wasnt the smartest. Talk about a stiff back! But some pain meds have taken care of it so I can move - that right leg is still weaker than my left that I hope the hip strengthening exercises will help even it out.

    Partner got either a head cold or Covid at the football match last weekend - he tested negative three days in a row but he never gets sick and really never gets a cough and a guy at his job says it was the same thing he had and that guy tested positive. So far I am ok, but we sleep in different rooms due to such different sleep schedules and that must have helped, whatever it was.

    We also had the dust storm from the Sahara on Wednesday which made the sky a weird orange color all day and it rained mud - there are streaks of very fine orange sand all over the stone in our patio and the cats tracked some of it in. Its pretty amazing to think of how far that sand traveled.

    I do check in from time to time to catch up when the site allows -- it does seem like its loading a bit faster lately.

    Hello to all - sounds like some good scan results lately!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    yay illimae, great news about the brain MRI!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mae, happy to hear about the good results.

    Moth, glad your scan was moved to April.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mae, happy to hear about the good results.

    Moth, glad your scan was moved to April.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- great news on MRI results. Yay!

    It's hard to believe the weekend is here. Some weeks tend to drag on but this week seemed to fly by. Yesterday we spent with special son. Shopping, walking and special treat from McDonald's. Today had a guy out to look at the small patio we want to have redone. Also will give a quote on screening our porch in at the back. We get some pretty strong winds coming off the water so I don't know if it's worth it.

    SondraF- wow sand storm winds coming from the Sahara is unbelievable. So is dancing for a few hours. Good for you! I wouldn't be able to move for days! Hopefully your partner feels better soon. I think football over there is soccer here and can get pretty crazy.

    Waving hello to everyone.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Yay Mae! I'm glad you got good results.

    SondraF - Glad you are recovering also. I am trying to imagine sand from the Sahara all the way to London and raining mud. In Arizona occasionally we would get sand storms called Haboobs. It sounds similar. If you get caught driving in one you can't see and just have to stop and hope no one plows into you. It's like a giant wall of dirt and they hit during monsoon season typically so they are sometimes followed by rain. That's the closest thing I can imagine it too.

    Mara - oh my gosh. Your housing crisis. I am impressed by your tenacity. I do hope you have the opportunity to move sometime soon. I know you are in a very expensive housing area. It seems like prices everywhere are going crazy.

    Still trying to be regular here. I am attached to this group. I feel like I know you all even though we've never physically met and it so helps to have people who understand the struggle. Still having slow load times comparatively and I'm still not a fan of the color scheme but Im hoping it gets better. I know it's been voiced on the thread for concerns and technical problems. Not to worry Mel, I will still be here. I do wish the page would scroll to the last post written like it used to. I find I have to fish around to find my stopping spot and hope I'm not missing something.

    I had started a new job in imaging and after 6 weeks decided to go back to my old unit. I'm technically employed but not scheduled for the next week which is nice but not great for the budget. I'm a little frustrated that since chemo and being on the Verzenio/Faslodex combo I seem to have a slower learning curve than I did. The stress of trying to learn something completely new was too much and I am embarrassingly forgetful so I decided to go back to the familiar and the routines that worked well for that struggle (the devil you the saying goes). My team there knows me and I have a lot of support and that's huge trying to work and manage things right now. It wasn't an ideal job for me physically but it had a structure that worked better for me mentally and it's something I've done for a while so I know it well. I am starting back on my old unit the 27th.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    yay Mae!!!!! welcome back Sondra good too see you.
    emac. I’m with you on the new format. I’m disappointed it’s messing with our close group . I find the load time pathetic frustrating for sure. Don’t understand why they fix things that weren’t broken

    Candy,Mara, living..Goldens Rosie among others are sticking it out! I’m not giving up either. Help mods!!!

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Mae, great to hear your brain is looking good! 😊