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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746

    Illimae- Happy to hear your MRI results were so good!!! Hang in there with your move and build out! House projects go on forever…it gave us something to talk (intensely) about instead of Covid, politics, or cancer. Now it’s done and I just do not care anymore…probably says more about my “attitude” than anything else.

    Moth- glad you could move out that date!

    Mara- what a nightmare…as if life isn’t hard enough. Hope a good solution she was up for you soon!

    Mel, Tanya, Candy, Chicagoan and others…I’ve been reading, but not commenting since the “upgrade” as the rollout has been really tough. Like others, it’s harder to use and the font is hard for me to read. I hope Shetland has been able to sign in again. (I hope she is regaining her strength.)

    All is good here. Recent scans showed mild uptake in some bones, but still good enough to count as stable so treatment stays the same. I’m heading back to Illinois for a few weeks and plan to be there most of the summer to do some gardening and maintain residency. I’m unwilling to leave Colorado permanently. DD2 and grandkids make me so happy, along with the hiking and mountains, that I plan to keep the CO apartment. I do look forward to a Midwest Tomato this summer.

    Thinking of you all!

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Hi all! We've been crazy busy here getting ready for visitors, who are here now. They all crashed out early and I am not far behind them. We had a full day of museums and tours, and were all worn out. Tomorrow should be a relaxing day at the lake.

    Mara - it seems your adventures in renting are getting more exciting by the day, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. I'm glad no one was hurt in the ceiling incident.

    Chicagoan- I'm glad you're home and hope you're mending quickly. Did I understand you're walking around with a cast? I also broke my tibia and fibula in 2013, had the surgery with pins, plate and screws, and was non weight bearing for 4 weeks. It was my right ankle, so I couldn't drive for a little over 3 months.

    Mae - yay for clear scans.

    Candy - so glad you got out for a bit. It will get easier and feel less weird each time.

    Mel - did you decide about fostering a dog? I think it's a great idea as a trial run.

    Things seem to be getting better with the site. I've been using Firefox, as Mara suggested, and I think that may be helping. I hope it continues to improve and we don't lose too many people.

    I know there are many more I should respond to, but for now, I'll have to settle for a big panoramic wave around Mel's Living Room!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mae - so happy scan brought good news!

    iwrite - there’s nothing better than a real garden tomato. My favorites are the super sweet cherry tomatoes that have been warmed by the sun and are hanging there ready to be eaten from the vine. The suns warmth just enhances their flavor🍅🍅

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mae, so happy to hear your good news. Let’s keep that stable status for as long as possible.

    Waving hi to all. I have been slowly moving into my new apartment, but discovered that the carpet in the bedroom is disgusting. I asked the owners if they would mind if I got it cleaned, and they said to do whatever I want. (I know I am very lucky to have such incredible landlords!) So a rug cleaning service is coming on Monday, and as soon as the rug is dry, I will finish moving in. In the meantime, I am enjoying some fun time with my dear sister.

    I saw a new onc here on Tuesday, and she ordered a PET scan so she can access where I stand. Should be interesting findings since I have not been in treatment for the last nine months Scan is not until March 30th, so I have another week before I have to face the music.

    Emac, I don’t think you should feel bad about going back to what is familiar. I am in awe of anyone who has this disease and can work. Between my memory loss and my mobility issues, I don’t honestly know how you do it. Pat yourself on the back for getting out of bed every day and going to work!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051
    Work??? No way not a chance for me. My
    Back would be too painful. I noticed the dont isn’t as small If you Don’t use text editor. Way larger. No wonder. No one can post. Goodness gracious
  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Work??? No way not a chance for me. My

    Back would be too painful. I noticed the font isn't as small If you Don't use text editor. Way larger. No wonder. No one can post. Goodness gracious!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Emac, there is no way I can move unless Rent Geared to Income housing has a spot for me. The rental prices are above what I get on disability and yes there is some extra money in savings and a trust account, it would take me but a couple of years to go through it. I will have to stick it out as long as I can. I would work but given how I react to my stress, I would not be able to hold a part time job. I will stay. Building services in London emailed me back after my own email with pictures before and after my ceiling was damaged. No work has been done for a couple of days. Snuck a peek at the apartment upstairs, they left the door open. It was painted very dark which makes the place look even smaller, no plywood on the floors yet.

    I am no longer going to buy extra food to add to beans. I had a very bad day eating yesterday. The pasta salad was gross and the thought of eating such sloppy chili is gross to me. Just going back to basic beans, spinach, seasonings and probably beefless ground. I did like the taste of the sloppy joe dry seasoning so it can stay in my repertoire. I am not enjoying my sausage patties either, I think overall meat just does not appeal to me and I can get sufficient iron from what I eat. I also do not mind canned chicken every once in a while, probably cook it in the oven or heat it up in my pan and season it with the many seasonings I have.

    I did try out my wee egg molds. Worked pretty well though perhaps need to wait til pan is a little warmer before putting the eggs in to avoid spreading out which was minimal. I also think I will likely stick with eggs, garlic bread or english muffins as another variety besides the beans. I will eat mushrooms as well, can frythem along with eggs. Just soaking the greasy dishes now

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051
    Work??? No way not a chance for me. My
    Back would be too painful. I noticed the dont isn’t as small If you Don’t use text editor. Way larger. No wonder. No one can post. Goodness gracious
  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    My favorites aren’t showing up. I didn’t think there were any posts, which was odd.

    Mae, that’s great news. I have my grandson Monday, so I may not be able to join Zoom.

    LivingIVLife, I’m so glad you got to visit your son and have McDonald’s.

    Sorry if I’ve missed any other news. I’m thinking of you all.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Woohoo! We're back! I've missed you all so much and hopo you're doing well. Especially thinking of Mel and Candy, as you were struggling, and Mara with your ongoing housing/ landlord issues.

    Booboo - so glad you made it to PA. That must have been awkward about the carpet. :o In your pocket for scans next week.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    For now. Please note that we are testing. Medicating

  • yellowslicker79
    yellowslicker79 Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2023

    Hi seeq and all! We have popped the boards back up in the hopes to test and fix errors. Please note we are NOT fully back yet and we may still have to go back down to make repairs. You may also still experience bugs while we work through things. Please hang in there with us!

    --The Mods

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Well, crossing all my fingers and toes for a successful relaunch! :)

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    I check the site several times a day and just found it was back online!!! Woohoo!!! Even though Mods said above that this is a test and can go back offline again.

    HI ALL !!!! Welcome back!!!! Missed you !!!!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    oh good we are back in time for me to complain about the fatigue and aches from my 4th covid shot yesterday. I really hope for winter there is a better option or new formula or something because these lay me out for two days every time. That being said, I didn't get what partner had so who knows.

    The weather is gorgeous so we are grilling a selection of meats tonight. Meat prices are unreal, so I've taken to buying highest quality we can but much smaller amounts and bulking out the rest of the weeks meals with veg sources and making damn sure we use up everything possible first before doing a store run.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Hello everyone! Surprised we're back - wouldn't have known except I got an email notification of a pm. Yay, hope the site is going to work now.

    My chemo yesterday was cancelled because the pharmacy didn't get the medicine ready? I don't understand what happened but because this isn't a funded treatment I go to a private clinic and they use their own offsite pharmacy & something went wrong. I'm rescheduled for today so fingers crossed this time they get my drugs ready. I hate treatment delays- already had a 1 week delay due to low neutrophils so now it's 8 days. Makes me antsy...

    Anyway, miss you all. I went on the zoom on Monday to find out what was happening!


  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Glad to see the site up and back. I have been wondering how you all are. I noticed our page count jumped from 800 something to 1738. LOL. I am still in hopes the black on white format will change. I agree Mel, not sure why we needed an "upgrade".

    Nothing really new for me. I start my new/old job on Tuesday. If it were feasible I would not work but I haven't figured out how to stay in my home and afford my medical care on disability. I wouldn't be opposed to an apartment but here prices for rent are as high or higher than my mortgage so that doesn't make sense except for saving the work keeping up with this place. I wasn't planning to retire in my 40s so I don't have enough savings to last more than a few years. Working part-time is manageable for me right now though certainly not easy. The plan is to just go for broke (or broken) until I absolutely can't work any more. I guess at that point I will cross that bridge.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    So happy this is back!! I have missed everyone.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Hi, all. Even though this is a test, it’s so nice to be back. I missed you all as well. Just saying hi. I know they’re working as hard as they can to fix the issues, and I appreciate that they are trying.

    Hugs to you all

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello Ladies!! Good too see some familiar names again. I missed you all! I’m sorry Sondra your Covid shot sucked and you don’t feel well. Feel better quickly !

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    It is good to see people back here. I noticed that my treatment history is messed up and missing several things. I was unable to find settings or profile sections to see if I could correct it. I sort of depended on it to quickly see when and how long I was on treatments. I guess I will have to look things up on patient portal to recreate. I haven’t had time to catch up on this thread. I was just happy to see that site is back up.

    I found out that I have cataracts and my eye doctor said that I will probably flunk my vision test to renew my license on Monday even with my new glasse. I have an appointment with surgeon but not until May 3, and it is just preliminary appointment. Surgery will probably be at least a month after that. My license will expire on April 29 if I fail vision test. I guess my chauffeur will have to take me everywhere for awhile. Haha.

    I hope everyone is having an easier time on the site now. I seem to be perpetually signed in now even if I try to sign out!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    wow. Seems things were down forever.

    I had really low hemoglobins and platelets numbers for my last blood test and felt soooo alone when I couldn’t search to see how “bad” or how normal my low results were.

    Hope they don’t take down the site to work on it again.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Yay! We are up and running again. For how long who knows! It seemed like so long without talking to friends. Felt lonely. A big hug and hello to everyone.

    Moth- I hope you are able to get your treatment this week

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I know it will definitely take some extra time to get everything sorted out with the new site, I understand change is hard, I certainly don't like change but I guess it is something to get used to for me.

    No one has come through my ceiling but work has stopped on the apartment above me, work still being done below. I did catch a peek inside the upstairs apartment. It is tiny and they have it painted a very dark grey colour. Thought that was pretty weird but whatever.

    My bean meals are going back to regular black/pinto beans as I really am tired of the soup, not feeling the eggs anymore either to be honest. I think I will stick with my seasonings, mayo, ketchup and queso here and there. Not really hungry for anything at the moment. I think all the weird combos turned me off everything. i like so few things, I have to keep beans and spinach and the vegan beefless grounds as the best nutrition. Just tired of food in general I think.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Hello everyone! I just read about six pages of posts to catch up. Work has been busy and then the site was down every time I tried to access it. Emac I’m right there with you on working till I drop, we could make it if I go on disability but there would be no room at all in the budget. My DH is nine years older and we had planned on me working when he retired, but cancer got in the way of that, so hoping to leave as much as I can for him.

    Yay for everyone with stable/ good scans! Mara, it’s “good” to know they had removed the actual floor before that dude fell in! I was really concerned about how your apartment was constructed for awhile. For diet, I think pretty much any raw veggie is edible if you dip in sour cream mixed with the Dill seasoning from Hidden Valley Ranch.

    I haven’t felt like myself lately. Foggy mind and like I’m swimming upstream, moving through mud. Went to work in the office today and I feel better. Also stopped taking Benadryl at night for allergies, maybe that helped. Scans in late April. Hoping for the best but dreading the worst.

    Good to see everyone and catch up on what you’ve got going on

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi Everyone: I was okay, then annoyed, then okay then really pissed off with BCO's problems. It is much improved but it is still slow for opening up a post. I was missing posts and a place to go where folks would understand.

    I have a PET on Monday. I hate the scanxiety while waiting for the results. I wonder if my bone marrow "anomaly" will still be there. My MO had a separate blood test done to check my iron. It is half of what it should be. That might be why I am dragging my sorry ass around. Starting to take low dose iron supplements and go from there. Is the anomaly part of my anemia? I think so.

    moth: it sucks that your treatment got delayed. I would have thought a private clinic would have been more on the ball.

    When I have time I will go back and check older posts I might have missed.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Elderberry, we are there for you, back in your pocket, hope they can get the low iron sorted soon.

    Kiko moon, I have thought about raw veggies and a ranch or Helluva good dip as a snack or side. I did get more pinto beans and scored italian seasoning at Walmart tonight so bought 3 packages. My favourite seasoning.

    One good thing about going to Costco and Walmart with my brother and the whole family, niece and two adult nephews included was that we walked 5000 steps in both stores and got over 2 miles of walking. That is crazy. Perhaps I need to consider reinstituting my mall walking. I am not that big on the outdoor walking so much except for going to a park with the walking poles.

    I will say our province only dropped mask mandates to most places in general. I have to admit it was weird seeing unmasked people. My SIL kept telling me to take mine off because she thought I was breathing hard. I tried taking it off but I kept putting it back on. A lot of people are still masked. Think I will mask as well. Not interested in Covid. Have enough to do in life right now.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Hi Everyone! Happy to be back here with you. I hope any interruptions still coming are short ones.

    Elderberry, in your pocket for Monday PET.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- definitely in your pocket for Mondays scan

    Mara- walking around Costco would definitely be a couple of miles for me. Fortunately or unfortunately we don't have a Costco on the island. Have to go to New Brunswick for one. I know I am going to continue to wear a mask when mandates are relaxed. At least until the numbers of covid go down.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    We're working on things. It will take time (VERY SORRY!) but we're just glad we're up again.