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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, I've missed you all. I'm still only on Fulvestrant, I have to wait another couple of weeks til I have this stent removed before I can start Verzenio, I've been so tired the last couple of weeks, I could barely keep my eyes open. I'm still trying to catch up on the thread, so in pockets for anyone who needs it. I've had to stay away from Finn this week as 2 kiddies in his class had covid, hopefully I can see him this weekend. Take care everyone and be safe 💜

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I am sorry about Finn having covid, I do hope you get to see him on the weekend as you wish to do.

    I am in everyone's pocket as well.

    Looking forward to today as I am feeling quite productive with surveys and apps I do for extra cash. Need to get more money coming in as costs have risen so much. Probably a good thing beans are a main staple though I will cost out carrots and ranch dressing to have on the side of a meal. I did manage to shop quite cheaply at Walmart for the basics though my snacks were a different case altogether. I no longer do the skipthedishes due to the overall costs. Too expensive and have enough bills to pay down.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mara, Finny didn't have covid, thank goodness, 2 littles in his class did so he had to isolate at school and home for 7 days. He's also immunised so hopefully he won't get it. My son over east did get it though,he only had a mild case luckily, he's been isolating at home away from the rest of the family.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kittykat- hello! I do hope you will see Finn this weekend. He lifts your spirits even though you feel so tired.

    Mara- this past week I have been off on eating anything of real substance. I was on toast, cereal, crackers and cheese or soup. Last evening I finally ate a meal. Husband went grocery shopping yesterday and he must have been hungry. He came home with apple pie, lemon tarts and Tim's donuts! What the heck!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    glad you’re up and running also!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Maybe I am being judgmental but now that masks restrictions are being relaxed most everyone are still masked up and shopkeepers/cashiers are still masked. So when I see the sole unmasked person in a store I think "Bet you were against masks and vaccines all along and know you don't have to be masked" So I see that person as a jerk. Am I being unfair? Yeah. Probably.

    Thanks for the pocket duty, Ladies!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Hi friends! So excited to see you all, welcome back.

    Micmel and candy, I hope you were ok while the boards were down, I was concerned about you not having this outlet.

    We’ve accepted an offer on the house from Opendoor, closing is scheduled for April 29th, then it’s off to my new life! 😁

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    How exciting, illimae! Congratulations. We are happy to see many of you here again. We know this is not where we want or need to be, technologically. Thanks for coming back though.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Illimae— Congrats on selling the house to move on.

    It is really good to have posts to read again.

    It was so lonely to have this site off line for such a long time.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    hey everyone,

    kittykat, bummer you still have to wait for Verzenio & that covid is screwing up your family plans - it just seems like it never ends, right?

    illimae - yay on the sale & the next steps!

    I had my Trodelvy yesterday & all went well. In spite of the 20mg dexamethasone IV I got as part of my treatment I managed to sleep really well last night. I had my provincial mets support group zoom this morning & it was soooo good. Just loving my group.

    Also super glad BCO is back. I missed you! I sure hope it will still be here Monday when I come back from my weekend off cancer stuff...

    Oh & not sure if everyone knows that LFF has not been doing well. Not sure if she posts here much but many of you will know her from other threads. In another thread someone posted her caringbridge where there are updates. pm me if you want it - not sure I should post it publicly without permission.

    hugs everyone,

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Had a hard time again getting to this forum. I kept pressing this and that but finally found it

    Mae- so glad you sold the house. Especially with a great closing date. Onto your next phase!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, I'm so glad you sold quickly. Congratulations.

    I’m so sorry for LFF. I did find the post with her CaringBridge. Thank you.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Mae, I'm so happy for you selling your house so quickly, I hope you and your DH enjoy this next phase in your lives.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mae - yay on the home sale and quick closing!

    Moth - it's great that you have a local support group that you like. Glad your last treatment went better.

    Sorry to hear about LFF.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mae, I am also glad to hear the exciting news about the sale of your house. Good for you.

    Kitty, hoping you get to see Finn soon. Kids have a way of allowing us to forget our worries, even for a little while.

    I have been slowly moving into my new place, and last night I finally slept here. I had my bed moved up here from FL, and it was SO good to finally sleep in it again. I am so blessed to live here. The house owners are friends of my sister, and they couldn’t be nicer. I am still not on any treatment, so I don’t expect this feeling of contentment to last. My PET scan that was scheduled for next Wed. was denied by my insurance company, so I’m not sure what next steps are. My new oncologist wanted the PET so we could assess where I am. I’m secretly glad it was denied. I didn’t want it anyway. I’m going to deny treatment anyway, so to me the PET isn’t necessary.

    Anyway, I am also so glad that the system is back up and running. I missed hearing from everyone.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Booboo, I'm glad you've finally settled into your new home, there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed. Finn has the all clear so he's coming over for a few hrs on Sunday, I can't wait to see him.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Reading along. So glad the site is back up and running.

    I have still been working on my Will. Started this in November. With the Holidays, my attorney was busy till the end of January. Then we have been emailing back and forth with my many questions. I guess I am making it complicated. Not just "here is my stuff and so and so gets it". I am single with no husband or kids. I hope I can finalize it soon.

    Today my sister and I went to the Monument Company to order our sister's gravestone (died in August). We designed the stone today and it will come in 3 months. I am now thinking of designing my gravestone. I do not want to order it yet--- they said they could do it and place it at my burial spot, but I think that is creepy. But I can just draw it out on a piece of paper and put with my Will and final paperwork stuff.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hi Ladies ~ good to see you all starting to come back again! Mae~ congrats!!🎊 hello kitty SeeQ hope all is well. Candy~ good to see you. Mara~ hello sweet friend. BooBoo ~ welcome home.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Checking in on everyone.

    Mae - congrats on the house sale. I was thinking about you hearing about all those storms going across Texas and the south.

    Candy - I'm glad you are being productive. I have an old will, just a general do-it-yourself standard format kind. I need to actually sit with a lawyer and get things settled while I'm healthy.

    This is the first day I actually feel decent. I got out and pulled some weeds and sprayed what I might have missed. I'm making incremental steps on the garden. I pick a section at a time to work on. I think I'm making my way to the better end of this cold/bronchitis. Still coughing quite a bit but not sneezing as much and my fatigue is better. It's been a long two weeks with it so I'm ready to be back to normal. I watched some videos on YouTube on how to change out light switch and plug sockets. I'm still debating taking that on myself. I have this fear that I will accidentally electrocute myself and no one will know so today I am making sure I have all the breakers labeled. I turned on the water valve to the sprinklers only to discover I had a ground squirrel that was digging near the box and buried all the pipes and valves so I had to dig out that whole mess. I wore myself out so I am taking the rest of the afternoon off to do computer stuff.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Candy- glad to hear you got out with your sister even though it was to pick out a headstone. Right now I don't have a plot or decision of what I want done with my ashes. I have a few ideas but nothing definite.

    Emac- I'm happy you are starting to feel better. Those darn squirrels! As for the light switches maybe it would be best to get an electrician.

    Had my son out today. Was a beautiful day so finally got out for a nice walk.

    It's so good to have everyone back again. Waving hello to all!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    emac, thanks for thinking of me, fortunately the storms only brought me allergies, didn’t even hurt the heron nest in our tree, which I was concerned about.

    Making a cabin/treatment run on Monday, then back on Thursday for more packing. Selling nice furniture that we won’t use at the cabin too, lots of response’s, I guess priced stuff too low but everyone deserves a deal.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    KittyKat, so glad you get to see Finn tomorrow. I’ve had my grandson all day, and he’s spending the night. As exhausting as it is, he makes me so happy. He loves me beyond measure, and I’m so grateful I’ve had these two and a half years with him. He is beyond awesome.

    LivingIVLife, I’m really glad you got to be out with your son today.

    Candy, I can’t imagine how hard it is to think about a headstone. I think you have a good idea. I’m glad you got to go with your sister.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Well, for those who know Leftfootforward or LFF for short, I am sad to read about her in ICU. She has had a long serious battle both in her liver and brain and for such a long time, 12 years, 10 of them stage IV I believe. Takes a lot of strength and she has it in spades. I will continue to follow her and see what she does. I can only send my thoughts to her and her family through this uncertain time.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I always hate hearing someone is having a hard time. Cancer is so evil. May she find peace and no pain.
    Mae~ thanks for being concerned about me. I’m doing very well with therapy . The good scan didn’t hurt either. I like if when we all get good news. It saddens me when a sister struggles. It was hard not to be able to hear from you all. You’ve all become a part of my life. I value you all. Where is runor? Some peeps haven’t seen yet. Hope everyone comes back again to our little loving living room. Goodnight lovelies!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Goodnight Mel!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Im glad the community is back (thank you mods!) - I've tried some alternate discussion areas and none are as good or as informative as BCO. One I tried (and actually do still engage in from time to time) sticks out in particular as being rather doom and gloomy, even the early stagers!, and frankly I dont think that kind of talk helps anyone. Its one thing to be temporarily in the dumps, another to compete in the doom and gloom Olympics every day with an echo chamber reinforcing it. In comparison, BCO is so much more encouraging and optimistic, and I appreciate it even more now!

    Hello to all - everything here still fine, a bit achy in the back but nothing major.

    Mel - glad to see you are getting on ok with therapy.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Sorry I have not commented in particular on each post since we have been back online. I do love you all and I am reading your posts and celebrating with you and struggling when I read of someone's bad news.

    Here is the pocket duty list for the week of March 28---

    Elderberry- PET on Monday.

    Mocogram- Scan Monday, MO for results Wednesday.

    Sunshine- Scans Monday.

    Any others??

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94
    Candy, I'd like pocket duty for tomorrow and Wednesday. First scan tomorrow since starting xeloda/tukysa. Really hoping this combo has halted progression of bone Mets. Wednesday I meet with MO to discuss scan results.
  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I have my CT and NM bone scans tomorrow. Wishing good results for everyone else needing pocket duty.


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Reporting forpocket duty for Mocogram and Sunshine! Hoping for good scans 😊😊