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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    absolutely reporting for pocket duty. !

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    reporting for pocket duty as well.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Me too, I'll be there hoping for great results.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thanks, everyone. For the second time since my mets dx, I'm afraid. My (L) foot has been hurting, and now my right hip (not the one with the mets) has been hurting. I feel like it's going to collapse on me when I'm walking. I'm just afraid... I can't wait to get these scans done. I check in at 7:30 tomorrow morning for the nuc med injection. The CT scan is scheduled for 9 AM and then the bone scan at 10 AM.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    I am reporting for pocket duty as well for Mocogram and Sunshine as well and anyone else who needs it.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Hey ladies

    Pocket duty for sunshine and Mocogram.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Signing up for pocket duty for Mocogram and Sunshine.

    KittyKat and KBL - it's so great that you get to spend time with your grandkids regularly.

    When this site first went down, I was tryng to check in after a few days with family visiting, including grandson. We had great visit - kids and dogs are so much fun at the lake - and we're looking forward to more this summer. Stepdaughter is a teacher, so they'll be off for the summer and able to visit longer.

    Within a few hours of when they all left, we had a brush fire come within about a 1/2 mile of the house. The next day we had a tornado within a few miles of the house. It was nothing as destructive as those that hit further south, but it still got our attention.

    On the productive side, we had the inside of the house painted nice light and airy colors this week; my dishwasher will be delivered tomorrow; and, we have a date set for cabinets, counter tops, and the other appliances. My new kitchen should be coming together nicely in the next few weeks. I can't wait!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hey there: pocket duty for everyone and asking one for me for tomorrow. Feeling the usual scanxiety. I wish the results didn't take so long.

    seeq: Our kitchen is undergoing a "refit" -- new counter, new cabinet doors (custom made since we kept the boxes which are non standard for today's kitchens) installing a dishwasher...paint....a wallpapered ceiling and crown molding. It has elevated our dumpy late 1920's kitchen (last renovated maybe in the late 1940"s) into something that looks terrific. Yes, I repainted frequently but it was really lipstick on a pig. Now it looks -- well - TERRIFIC. I am sure you will be so happy. Who knew wallpaper on a ceiling could be so utterly cool? We have 10 foot ceilings so It could take crown molding and wallpaper. I am glad I let our contractor talk me into it. Our basement still needs TLC. We need to bring it up to code ( plumbing, electrical) so $$ $....Right now it is gutted and a sad sight, Ye, we are crazy at our age but we have no children and our "dirt" is worth a ridiculous sum of money. We can pay pay off the Line of Credit and with pensions and the sale still have enough to see us out in comfort. When it is done it will be space I can enjoy for however long I have left.

    Cyber hugs to my beloved sisters on this Forum

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    In your pocket elderberry for the scans.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Reporting for pocket duty for Elderberry, MoCoGram, and Sunshine. Congrats on the house Mae!
    Not much going on here. DH went to replace a water hose Bibb in the middle of the back yard. That’s where they put them back in the day. He turned off the water main. Tried to remove the spigot and it wouldn’t budge. Turned the main back on so we could shower and such. I turned on the bathroom sink faucet and debris or something clogged up the faucet. I reached up in it and the aerator disintegrated and nastiness fell out. He went to replace the apparently very very very nasty faucet (with rust and all kind of crud up in it) and handles with new ones. It is day 3 and I have a pedestal sink in two parts on the floor of our bathroom. It’s been one thing after another with this damn sink, and it started with an outside hose Bibb that is not fixed!

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Oh my it's good to be back! I don't often post, but I realised how much relied on this site when I could no longer access it. It's great to hear everyones good news; travel , family visits, new homes etc., but I am also interested if things don't go to plan.

    Being a Brit ,I am not sure I fully understand the meaning of 'in your pocket', but if it means I am routing for you in the background , I am there.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    So glad we are back together. Felt lost without having daily contact. Missed you all so much. I’m here for pocket duty. Had my right hip MRI on Wednesday and dodged a bullet. Thankfully it was not a metastatic lesion that was found on scans at end of February! Instead I have vascular necrosis in the femoral head (top of ball joint) which is essentially bone death due to inadequate blood supply. I will see an orthopedic specialist 4/12 and my guess will be a total hip replacement as treatment.

    Mae - congrats on things falling together with the house! As we seem to be heading back to opening up, do you think your hubs will go back on the road with groups

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Goldens, I'm sorry about your hip. Are you in pain?

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Denny- Post anytime!!!! "Pocket duty" or "in your pocket" means we are routing for you. Picture a sweater or pants with LOTS of pockets, so we are riding along with you to your scans or appointments. When I am scanning, I think of all on here that are with me in spirit while I am in the MRI machine.

    I am seeing a local ortho doc tomorrow. Usually at my local ortho clinic you see one doc for a shoulder issue, another doc for a hip issue, that one for the back, etc. I called 1 doc in particular and asked if she could see me for ALL my joint issues. I want to talk to her about the whole me. Then, I am seeing a rheumatologist the end of May to discuss with them. Is all this immune issues or mechanical issues? I have been told before I need back fusion and a hip replacement, but they will not do it with the MBC. ??? Goldens and others on here that have had surgery??? I guess if I had a broken bone or something emergent then that is different. But just worn out areas they think surgery is too iffy.

    Good to read about you all.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Denny ~ welcome back. Pocket duty means it's like we are all walking with you and going through the scan with. You in support. It's our way of understanding the anxiety that goes alon with it

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    I’m here for pocket duty too, I’ll bring dark chocolate.

    Congratulations and sympathies to those of you doing renovations, rewarding but troublesome too.

    Goldens, DH is keeping his driving requirements up to date for professional driving but has little interest in going back and does not want to leave me alone on the mountain. It’s so different from being in a city, wonderful but potentially dangerous if i accidentally injured myself somehow. We know first hand from our friends situation last year that help could take days, if at all.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    sunshine - hip is painful w/weakness. I just assumed it was arthritis that was worsening! Candy - I suspect I will require a hip replacement even though I have MBC. With bone death, I am at high risk for fracture. Mae - makes sense to have hubby nearby

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Goldens- My best wishes to you, and hope that if you need the hip replacement all goes well. Actually, if they said they would do lumbar fusion on my lower back, or a hip replacement on my right hip due to the arthritis degeneration, I would not want major surgery. Off my blood thinners for the surgery and the risk of a clot (I had a clot to the lung last summer). And being off cancer treatment to raise my counts in preparation of surgery. So even if they agreed to surgery, I would say No for now. But with your bone death, that sounds like a needed surgery and not an option. I am just saying that when I go to my ortho docs they say "If you did not have cancer, you would be a surgical candidate". But with the cancer they are not going to do surgery on me. That is what I am told.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Happy Monday everyone! Pocket duty for all - sending lots of good wishes for fast & clean scans.

    I'm recovering from Thursday's chemo. Could be worse - just needed to dig into the opioid stash once & had a big long nap yesterday. The white blood cell shots are causing me pain but if they work then it's worth it! Labwork tomorrow so fingers crossed.

    Not sure if I'll make it to the zoom today, still trying to sort out my day & what is happening here today lol

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    Last spring I had a complete hip replacement to my R side and a rod inserted in my L. Surgeon told me that deterioration on both sides was a combo effect of arthritis and MBC. No talk about not doing it because I had MBC.

    Took away the pain. PT made me functional again. Good luck to you.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    kikomoon: feeling your plumbing pain. We had the basement toilet back up last summer. Stuff even gurgled up through the basement shower drain REVOLTING. Then we had the hot water tank go and flood a corner of the basement, About two months after that, we had really really cold weather for here and a pipe burst. Guess what? Another corner of the basement flooded. Our plumbing is being upgraded and hopefully back-ups and bursting with be a thing of the past. And we'' have a few years not worrying about the water tank.

    candy: they won't give you a new hip because you have MBC? Look at those who have been MBC for years. Are you supposed to hobble around forever? Wow.

    Denny: welcome back to Mel's living room.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry and others-- I know. Crazy. Yeah some with MBC live YEARS. I don't know if it is me (something I am not understanding) or my local ortho docs (not just 1 doc saying this). Seems my local doctors do not want to take the risks with someone with active cancer/on active treatment/ and cancer in bones. I even had another doc (local) that said they would offer an epidural steroid shot for the lumbar back issue for pain control, but when she saw my labs on the computer (WBC then 1.0 with Ibrance use) she said a big fat NO. Said it was too much of an infection risk to do the epidural (she would be the one doing the actual injection) and said for me to use oral pain meds instead.

    Maybe if I sought out a surgeon in less of a rural area, maybe they would be willing to go ahead with surgical intervention. But, like I said, I am not keen on signing up for major surgery if I can go another route. Pausing blood thinner. Pausing cancer treatment. Living alone and recovering. No support system. Etc. Etc.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    So interesting. My MO is going to order an MRI of my hip and my ankle. I'll see her on Wednesday to talk about the scans and stuff. Her nurse called and said they looked stable.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Sunshine, stable is good. I’m still in your pocket for your appointment.

    SeeQ, grandkids are the best. I had no idea I needed him so much. He came two months after I was diagnosed and is the best. I hope you get more visits. I’m way behind and now caught up. If memory serves, you had a few close calls with weather and fire. Yikes. Stay safe.

    Elderberry, in your pocket.

    I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone. I am a day behind.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Reading all the posts I feel like I missed a whole week instead of a couple of days.

    I'll just wave hello to everyone and in the pockets of all who have scans and doctors visits coming up.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello lovelies ~I hope everyone is hanging in there. Stable is a good word! I just wish we could all get off of the cancer bus. It's a never ending ride we don't enjoy and would rather not stay on. I'm thinking of you all tonight. It's going to take us some time to get caught up fully. I changed my mind about a dog. I just donot want the extra work l, I never know how much energy I have. It's not fair to a doggy I do want one. But can't guarantee I can do it alone. DH doesn't want one either. Can't say I blame him really. Food costs money, vet bills , then another heart break and more vet bills. It's just better this way. I dot think I'll get over losing my tag and Deeohgee. That's just the way it is.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Mel: I understand the dog thoughts. One thing about a cat is you don't have to go out in all kinds of weather for walkies and pick up poop. But there is food, vets and the broken heart at the end. I still mourn the loss of Leila 12 years later, no matter how much we love our Aelfric now.

    Had my PET today. If one was fond of bondage it would have been a blast. Ha ha. My ankles were taped together, then taped to the bed. My arms were pinned down by my side then wrapped up and taped down. I usually have gone in head first, arms over my head - this time feet first. It is a new machine from the one I had last October. They wanted a better look at my upper forearm (of the anomaly story) so maybe that's why I didn't have them over my head. Now the dreaded wait.

    sunshine: Stable is good. Let us know more on Wednesday.

    It is good to see BCO behaving better.

  • Pots
    Pots Member Posts: 189

    Hey gang, checking in, it’s been a while. I’m glad the BCO site is back, warts and all. I have a CT scan on Friday, first one since starting weekly IV chemo in January. I’m on a low dose doxrubicin…10 weeks done so far. I’m not liking being tethered to the cancer agency for weekly treatments…it is what it is. Be well, An

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Elderberry - your basement, yikes! Reminds me of the time in our last house, somehow a rag got in the drain line and backed up the dishwasher drain into the shower. Stinky enchilada water in the shower!!

    Sunshine, stable is good!

    Mel, I understand about having no energy for things you wish you had it for, like a doggie. My two cats don't take too much out of me, but DH does the litter, feedings, and most of the playing.

    Well we finally got the sink reinstalled. DH was asking alot from me as he held the sink bowl up. My job was to guide the drain line into the p trap and tighten, and then put the pedestal in place. I failed miserably the first time, then could NOT get up off the ground, then had to go look for a tool and dropped a toolbox of stuff all over the floor. What a mess. The two stooges. At least it is done.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    so, remember like a million years ago when I mentioned being interviewed for a WebMD article/drug advertisement? Well, it’s here 😀