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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Candy - It sounds like progress on the hip and soiree issues. I how you have better luck with the spine doc this time. I would want to know very specifically why surgery is not an option and consider a second opinion with a different spine specialist (maybe in the city). Unless, you are not willing to have the surgery done. Are you certain you would need to suspend your cancer treatment? I know you were also concerned about another blood clot and I wonder if there are ways to mitigate any associated risks.

    Mae - puppies? As in multiple? How fun!!

    Rosie - I hope your lands are good and you can get started on chemo.

    Mara - you are an adventurous eater, but as long as you are happy with it that's all that matters. :)

    Mel - I'm happy to be noticing a more positive tone in your posts. I hope it means you're starting to feel better. 🙂

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Thanks SeeQ.

    I do not want major spine surgery, I know that. It would be a lumbar fusion. Major surgery. I will keep you all informed of what ortho says about the spine. I am doing a MRI of the lumbar spine this morning (last one done 2 years ago). I still need an appointment for the spine ortho doc--will get that this morning too. They called yesterday that my hip steroid shot is scheduled for May 2-- they are that far behind, so I will wait.

    Mel- How is the therapist going? Do you feel you are making progress with the depression and lack of energy?

    I do wish I could find something fun to do. Not medical stuff. Seems with the cancer, and the ortho stuff, all I do/talk about is medical stuff. No wonder I don't have many friends. But what do I do? I love to read, and I read a lot. But my friends don't want to hear about the latest book I am reading. I have my cat. But my friends don't care about how he is doing. I don't know. Not being out in the workforce, or not traveling (never have), I don't have anything to talk about.....Just medical stuff.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    candy, as a single person myself, I am in the same boat. I don't have much to say to my friends or family. My friend who calls daily and I mostly talk about her but that is fine.We talk food, she thinks I eat weird but is curious too. My DB and SIL are the same. I usually listen and react.

    This site is where I let go and talk. I don't have much cancer news or daily activity just food, laundry, walking and surveys which help me with my budget.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Candy-Good luck today with your MRI. Hope it goes smoothly. Have you every considered starting or joining a book club? That seems like a natural way for you to discuss a good book with like minded people. The book club I'm in now is called "book" club because no one but me ever wants to actually read a book. We did pretty well for a few years but now we just get together to socialize. Tonight we are doing Zoom with my broken leg and another woman's need to quarantine. We catch up and share our lives.

    I know I've mentioned this book before-Cancer As a Turning Point by Lawrence LeShan. It's an excellent book for those of us whose lives have been upended by cancer. There are thoughtful exercises to work on alone or with a therapist to figure out just what is it I like to do and how can I live a fulfilling life even after this catastrophic diagnosis. I highly recommend for those who are looking to live a happier and more fulfilled life with cancer.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, You are going through so much right now. It must feel overwhelming at times. I can understand why you want to add some fun to your life. Covid has made things so restrictive for those who try to be careful. I would love to go to a concert or a play. There are so many good choices in Boston, and although it is a trek to go there, I would have gone there for dinner and a show pre-Covid, but now I avoid those situations. Are there any online book clubs you could join since you like to read? Years ago Fitztwins started a book club on these discussion boards. Unfortunately, we seemed to fall apart after the first book, A Man Called Ove. No one ever chose a second book. I suspect that everyone was waiting for someone one else to choose. At any rate, you could try to form a book club here. Maybe it would be successful this time. Although the original group communicated only through posts, you could probably meet via zoom these days, and it would be more fun. Do you like gardening? Spring is coming, if that interests you. My gardens need a lot of work this year, but I am not sure I have the energy to do it. I might just supervise my dh. My good friend and her dh are both master gardeners. We had lunch on their deck last summer, and I had a bad case of garden envy. Although I don’t keep in touch with many of my friends, there are two that I do communicate with regularly. The messages are usually short and sweet, but enough. Once the good weather arrives, we will probably meet outside for occasional lunches. It’s not much, but it helps. By the way, we would love to hear any cat stories you have. Many of us here love animals even if they are not our own. Enough of that. It is important for you to concentrate on your health right now and get all those tests and appointments behind you so that you can get a plan in place. We are here to listen and support you.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    I’d like to introduce Pig (left) and Monkey (right). They are 7 week old brothers rescued from a hoarding situation. There’s a sister (Mouse) but she’s on hold for someone, if that falls through, we’ll take her too. Pig is super tiny, so he needs a little work but they sure are fun. (Unknown terrier/chihuahua mix)


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    So adorable, Mae!! They look a lot alike. Are they hard to tell apart?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Rosie, it’s not too tough to tell them apart, pig is smaller and monkey has brown feet. image

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Hello Lovelies ~just saying hello and checking for Any pocket duty! Congrats Mae on your baby pups !!! Adorable I’m jealous !

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Oh Mae they are just so sweet and good for you to rescue them from their situation. Seven weeks is very young so do you have to bottle feed them.

    Candy- thinking of you as you get your MRI today. The suggestion of joining or starting a book club is an excellent idea. I find a bit of gardening is good for the soul. Just potting a few flowers could work.

    Communication with my friends are on the phone or texts. Oddly enough they are in Ontario where we use to live. I am heading to Ontario in May so we are planning our get togethers now. I will be staying with one friend for a few days which I love because she has horses on her farm.

    Mara- last night we had Sloppy Joe's because I heard you mention it. Your meal selections are what you like so keep going with it !

    For anyone needing pocket duty I am right there with you 😉 😊

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456

    Mae adorable puppies. Glad they could be rescued.

    Pocket duty for Candy's MRI.

    Living, I was thinking of taking some beefless ground and adding some of the sloppy joe mix. I think I would add a bit of water to coat the beefless ground a bit. Beans of course and then top with a frozen little chopped up piece of cauliflower and spinach with possibly fries supreme dry mix and steak and onion with a bit of mayo on it. You just helped make breakfast. Edited to add I chopped up an onion clove in the chopper with the spinach and cauliflower. Not a big amount of anything, planning to pull apart the clove of garlic later and freeze individual cloves as could thaw in fridge to use as I choose. We will see how it all tastes. My friend did ask me why I chop everything and I just answer that it allows me to add nutritious veggies I would not necessarily have whole or stuff I do not really like. I am planning to heat the garlic, cauliflower and spinach in the microwave and then cook beans and beefless ground in the little Breville. Cook at 350 for around 10 mins and the do the toast setting to make everything more crunchy. Mixing together the sloppy joe and the fries supreme with a hint of water to make more of a liquid. Topped with bran, salt and possibly another seasoning as well. We will see.

    Interesting visit. The neverending story of my building. Today the London Fire Department was by checking fire alarms and asking if there were any other concerns in the building. I did mention the hallway lights which should always be lit but they put motion sensors that shut off after maybe 20 seconds. The fellow from the Fire Department said that was a fire hazard and will try to get it addressed. At this stage, quite a few people have moved out. I kind of think the new owners would be smarter to finish renos on places and increase prices on the renovated places as I think there are only 3 or 4 of us out of 12 places and two of us may be more time limited, me for cancer and the older fellow with health issues. I am happy official people are finally looking around the building as well.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    oh my goodness Mae! They are so adorable! You will have so many laughs and have so much fun with those two

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Living, yes, they are so young, fortunately they were weaned at the shelter and have been on kibble at least since their mom was adopted last week.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mae- Cute pups !!! And so small. They need some loving and TLC. I know you will give them all they need.

    50'sgirl- No gardening for me. I have never liked digging in the dirt and being out in the heat. LOL. I cannot seem to find anyone to have outdoor lunches with. I mentioned to my "texting buddy" who LIVES at restaurants that we could get take out and go to a park. He seemed less than thrilled. I Facebook messaged another friend to see if we could get the old work gang together for an outdoor gathering. That went over like a lead balloon. I will keep trying, but seems not many are interested in it. And I do not want to go to an indoor restaurant yet. I have a lot of cat stories. I will post some here sometime.

    Chicagoan- I have not done a book club. I need to see if our local library offers that.

    MRI is done--- easy peasy. Crazy when I am getting used to doing MRI's. That shows too much medical stuff for me anymore. Appointment next Tuesday to discuss results of MRI.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: Oh my!! They are sooo cute. Will you change their names? I am sorry if it sounds rude but Pig isn't a very dignified name, even for a tiny dog. I believe animals need a name that has some dignity to it. Leila's full name was Laylat Hob (Night of Love) but was always just Leila...we also called her nicknames like Pork Butt and Bat Ears but NEVER EVER in front of non family members. :-) I am sure you will get so much love and joy from the little darlings. Can you keep them safe from predators on the mountain?. Even in Vancouver cats get taken by coyotes and if you live up higher up, black bears are a problem.

    Happy puppy parenting.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Our last Airedale's (the one in my avatar) registered, pedigreed name was Archie Pooh Mohawk King. We changed his name to Jeeves. Our second Airedale was Chuck III - we changed his name to Oliver. Our first was Bart - we changed it to Theo.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mae the puppies look fantastic. How big will they grow? They'll be such a hoot playing together and running. Looks like action packed adventures to come.

    Candy I'm in your pocket for the MRI results. I was supposed to go for consultation and hip steroid shots but I canceled the appointment. I'm a candidate for the rod and screws surgery but I'm not rushing into that I heard the recuperation time and healing is lengthy.

    Mara I love that the fire department came and is inspecting things. Maybe the apartment owners will be forced to fix things nicely and you guys won't have to leave. They can make enough money off of the new tenants.

    Waving hello to everyone.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mae - the puppies are adorable!

    Candy - good luck with the book club! It's a great idea.

    Mara - I hope the FD gets something moving on the problems you're having in your bldg.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, I love them. Can't wait to see them in our Zoom.

    Candy, I'm in your pocket for results.

    My daughter, her husband, and my grandson may be moving in with us while they get their house built. Lord, please let me be not so talkative to the point they want to move out. I'm kind of excited. Lol.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, in your pocket for mri results too! Hope your pockets are roomy.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Well, just got back from our vet of the last 20 years. They check out healthy although she too has some concern over Pig being so small and he does not weigh 1lb, as listed by the shelter, he’s only 400 grams! Eating, drinking and playing well though.

    Here we come for pocket duty!


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I think I am truly in love. Those little guys are about as cute as they can be. Enjoy your time with them. So much love to spread around!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    I’m so glad they’re healthy. You will get that little one healthy and the correct weight in no time. They are with the right humans.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae - pocket duty is right! It will definitely keep them warm. Instead of Pig you can call him Piglet.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Living, the nicknames are already “piglet” and “spunky monkey”, it been hilarious to see the bounce around like the have ants in their pants.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mae - such cute puppers! They are so tiny, I would be scared to death that I would accidentally step on one.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mae- So precious. They will grow with the love you are giving them.

    Thanks all for the well wishes about the MRI. It will be what it will be. I have had back issues for years. I know it will not be good news, per se. I will see what they have to say they can offer-- excluding surgery, as I would be hesitant for major back surgery even if I didn't have cancer.

    I did ask the ortho clinic medical records department for a copy of the office notes from the doc, since they do not have a portal that records flow into. I got the office notes from the visit last week. Concerning the plain x-rays taken in the visit, in part, it reads " x-rays obtained here today... show her to have glenohumeral joint arthritis bilaterally with humeral head osteophytes and joint space narrowing" --- shoulders. "...lumbar spine shows her to have severe L5-S1 degenerative disc disease with exuberant osteophytes". Right hip---- "... severe superior joint space narrowing, lateral osteophytes and evidence of severe osteoarthritis".

    I Googled osteophytes and they are bone spurs, bony projections. I wonder, could sclerotic cancer areas look like these osteophytes??? Sclerotic cancer areas are thickened areas where the cancer cells grow into clumps, right? Probably I am way off base, but with the bone mets, just wondering if what she is seeing is related to the cancer. But, I read that osteophytes are seen in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis ( I have RA).

    Anyhow, she said my joints did not look like a normal 51 year olds.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,456


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    KBL ~ that’s awesome! Family times!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Pup update: still super cute!
