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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Candy, I went to the same site I originally got the four tests from, and you can order eight more.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Candy— the government is again offering free at-home tests

    CoVid tests

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    Candy--go here...

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, In addition to ordering the tests online, you can get tests at the pharmacy. Medicare B will cover the cost ofCOVID tests from your pharmacy - up to eight per month. That information is posted on

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Cookie54 - Some days this page moves at lightning speed, right? It's true that there is great sadness when we lose one of ours, and the last few weeks have been especially rough. But there is also great joy when we celebrate our successes, large and small. I feel like a win for one is a win for us all. Where else can you come whine a little, vent a little, laugh a little, or cry a little and be completely understood and accepted. That's the gift Mel has given us by creating this living room. Don't be afraid to jump in.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Wow. Thanks ladies. I have not gotten Covid,,, yet. But, I know my luck will run out sometime and I will catch it. If I have symptoms I want to test, and then report to my PCP and MO. I cannot do $80 a test out of pocket like the church lady told me. I need the "free" tests if I can get them. I have the original tests the Government offered us, but they expire in Jan and I know a person should not use an expired test. I will wait till Oct or so and go online and order some more free tests. That should get me thru the winter months.

    Thanks for the links. You guys are the best.

  • ibis
    ibis Member Posts: 56

    The FDA has extended expiration dates. You can look up your test to see th new expiration date

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Cookie54: Plump up a cushion and take a seat on the many couches in Mel's living room. I lurked and then I jumped in. Much of the time it is no longer lurking, just reading but if I miss a day or so ---- wow, do things move fast. There are specific threads for bone, liver, brain mets; for TNBC, for HER2+ but in this place all are welcome. June wasn't that long ago and I am sure you are still reeling from the news. I sometimes think de novo is better; I never had a time where I thought I had beaten this shit disease. Seeq is correct. It has been a rough couple of months. But much of the time we are sharing laughs about ourselves, venting about all the crap we have to endure, cheering good news. Candy keeps track of all our scans.

    Got a question? Ask, Scared about something? Tell us, we'll hold your hand. Pissed off? We'll nod and say "Right on, Sister"

    No membership fee for this club.


  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Thanks elderberry and seeq ! Yes this page is fast but I absolutely love it! I picture all of you sitting around chatting and I love that it’s not always about crappy cancer. Let’s face it sometimes we’re all just tired of living it and talking about it.. right?? It’s wonderful that you celebrate the highs and are here to support the lows.

    Yes I guess I can see your point with De Novo but wow talk about being blindsided, can’t even imagine! Almost made it to my five year mark but nope the beast returned during covid of course. Then during treatment right before I started rads I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer too. What a joke, I actually laughed because I knew the thyroid wouldn’t kill me but tnbc will! Was actually just annoying to have another surgery. So now I have lung mets, watched “nodules” for six months slowly grow ,knew it was coming. I was a CT technologist for 30 years and had what i called my regulars like us I scanned every 3 months for the same crap.Do you know how hard it was for me to wait and not just jump on the table so I could see what was going on, sooo tempting! I actually just resigned I loved my job but never getting a break from the cancer world at work became just way too much!

    Boy does candy have a big job keeping track of everyone, kudos to her! Oh btw love the “pocket duty”.

    Thanks for the warm welcome ❤️I’ll will try my best to follow along

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    cookie54: Talk about drawing the short straw. Thyroid cancer as well!! What a great big pile of steaming...................

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Welcome cookie, yes two forms of cancer is so much more to deal with for sure. I do love in the pocket as we all are for each other as well. We all support you and each other. I bring you all in my pocket when I am so depressed from time to time as well, makes me feel better.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Cookie54–. Welcome and sorry you find yourself here.

    Find a comfy chair and grab a beverage of choice.

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055

    Moth. You have helped so many people and I have treasured the times we've corresponded. BCO will lose a top person in you. Peace and love. Rod

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    I wrote to Moth privately on Instagram. Her daughter wrote back.

    Thank you for thinking of moth. This is her daughter typing. Moth is home, chemo stopped working and there isn't much time left. Getting support from home heath so that she can stay at home like she wants. I will try and keep her online friends updated but please feel free to share this with anyone who would like to know.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    welcome to all the newbies! I love that you’ve made this living room for us, Mel. It is the only place I have where everyone just gets it. I have lost touch with many many friends. Everyone is so busy, have small kids, and live in other towns. My two good friends from work have grown distant the last couple of months, since I am no longer working, I guess. Still it’s sad. I am glad I can come here and feel free to share.

    Just got back from three days at the Texas coast. I spent the first 2 days worrying about being constipated! Imagined myself in the hospital, wherever that was, getting impacted poop out. All is better now though, so worried for nothing although I didn’t go #2 for 4 whole days. The third day I said forget it I’m going to the beach, it will come eventually! Had a generally good time as my mom rented her own place and took all her grandchildren, who are grown now, and their childre. Seeing them all was nice. Beach was super windy. DH’s birthday today. Low key but we went out to eat. Hope everyone is doing ok. Still sad about Moth.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    kbl: thank you for letting us know about moth. I hope she knows how much of an impact she had on all of us and that we are grieving. I wish her comfort and peace.

    kikomoon: good to hear happy news and fun stuff. I gather it did , in fact, pass. I seem to have the opposite problem - a lot. Imodium is my friend.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    thank you to Moth's daughter to keep us informed. She is definitely on my mind. I am sending thoughts of peace and love. With everything your family is going through, to take the time to talk to us. Thank you so much. Strong daughter. Hugs to you both. (Thanks KBL).

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    elderberry, You said it right a huge pile lol .Seriously though there is a correlation between women who get breast cancer at higher risk to get thyroid and vice versa… who knew??? But only 5% of thyroid nodules are cancerous, interesting

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sorry I am late to the game, but WELCOME to cookie54.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mel, checking in on you, how are you doing, how is sister doing and in both of your pockets offering love and support to both of you in your pockets, you are so kind.

    Welcome newbies, we would love anyone to post here, do NOT have to be Stage IV either. We love day to day stuff and of course cancer questions and concerns about side effects, mental or physical struggles and we like everyone in our pockets supporting those having scans. Please feel free to contribute.

    I am one of those who quite often just posts about my life, good and bad. I do post my food adventures as well since I am one of those that does not like many things. I eat a lot of beans, vegan beefless ground, lots of iron in both, spinach rice and pasta. I do eat a lot of canned veggies as well since my freezer is small. I also LOVE laundry and creating different cleaners out of the oxiclean or as part of a liquid detergent.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    KBL- thank you for the message from Moths daughter ❤️ Love peace and a comfort knowing how special she is to everyone is sent to her and the family

    Emac- I am sorry for your dark days. I am with you in your pocket right along with you.

    Cookie54- Welcome to Mel's living room! We can say what we want to say or sometimes just listen and say nothing at all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I almost dread checking in some days. It's so damn hard to think about moth. Thank you, dear daughter, for keeping us updated.

    Wishing all a peaceful day. I finally slept last night but have had a headache for the past two days. I'm sorry I can remember the newest visitors (not the best word because it sounds so temporary), but WELCOME. This is really the best place to hang out.


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Argh, I accidentally hit the 'back' button and lost my whole post...hate that!!!

    KBL, thank you for sharing the message from Moth's daughter. Hoping her family can be with her all the time now.

    Mel, are you feeling better? Are you still on just clear liquid diet? I seriously hope not, want you to be able to eat!

    Emac, sending you support and love, this (*waves all around*) is just so hard sometimes.

    Mae, gorgeous color on the walls of your place!

    Mara, I kind of love doing laundry, too.

    Grey, overcast morning here in San Francisco, yesterday was sunny and breezy, so got out in my yard for a couple of hours to weed and trim everything. I sometimes start out in the yard grumbling and grouchy, but then I'm slowly able to let go of whatever I'm grumbling about, and just focus on what's in front of me. Two little birds made it clear that they have a nest in my small magnolia tree, and anytime I got close to it, they were right there, keeping an eye on me. Tried to reassure them, "I'm just going to water a bit" but they looked like they were ready to attack me if needed. Protective parents!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Carol, it is hard to be upbeat when we know what Moth, her family friends, including here are going through and the unfairness of it all. I debate about posting normal stuff too because none of it means I am forgetting her but I also need to feel normal as well. I need stuff like Mae's posts and looking forward to her bar being done with pictures. More pup pictures as well. Pictures of people on trips and just talking about what kind of day they are having balanced with people who just need to post about struggles or requests for pocket duty. We need it all, good bad, just beginning BC or near the end, SE etc. Kind of like watching the news on TV and there is sad terrible news and sometimes, we just need more of a lighter, positive story to balance it.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    I have part of a burger meal that I could not finish due to getting full but would not throw away either due to price. I have a burger, onion rings and bun left over. Might bake up the bread til crispy, take some rice, pre cook and then fry up in a fry pan together. We'll see. Post if it all works out.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    So I’m having a down day - I was supposed to be somewhere special today but because of low blood count earlier and damn covid, it was wise for me to not go. Before we moved to Wisconson in fall of 2019, I had been extremely involved in the prison ministry program at the local State prison. I started participating through our church choir in 2011 and before I knew it I became choir director for the Catholic community. It was the most gratifying volunteer work I have ever done, and I’ve done a lot! The prison choir worked on music for Mass and other gatherings but the best part was getting prepared for our annual Christmas concert. I selected music that we would start working on in late July. As the seasons went along, I started choosing more difficult music to challenge the choir. It was amazing to see the men work so hard. We also had a prison ministry team from church and most of them participated in the choir as well, coming to all practices. One of our team members was a violinist who was at every practice too. In addition, we would attend Mass on Saturday evenings as often as possible and I went in every Monday evening to facilitate Rosary and Prayer. I could talk forever about my experiences. The prisoners would also put on retreats, leading groups of 80-90 people in various Christian themes. These were done a twice a year but ended during covid. Well, today happened to be the first retreat in almost 3 years. And I desperately wanted to go. My heart said go but my brain (and MO) said otherwise. The theme for todays retreat is We Are All Children of God. Ironically, I had lead a retreat there on the same topic 7 years ago and had already gone through my old materials to share again. But it was not meant to be so my heart is heavy today. I know some of you will be dismissive and wonder how I could go into a prison. But I will tell you that those men in the Catholic community truly became my brothers in Christ. The men always talked about how much we gave them spiritually but in reality it was the other way around. With covid and health problems, I have not been able to even look for a similar opportunity. I am just getting back to a church choir when rehearsals start again next month. I’ll probably be the only one singing with a mask

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    The best volunteer opportunities are like that. I have been an advocate for foster youth; I got at least as much out of it as my youth did!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    goldensrbest: I admire you and your work in prisons. Convicts are first and foremost human beings and deserve to be treated as such. Singing together, whether hymns or folk songs, is a wonderful way to bring our humanity together. I saw a brilliant production of "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" at a correctional facility here in BC. Only Nurse Cratchett was a non-prisoner .I can still remember the sound of the various barred door slamming shut behind us as we were led in. It was chilling. Please post a pic of your dogs. They always make me smile.

    mara: My DH does most of the laundry. Neither of us love doing it but we don't hate it either. I just like the smell of clean laundry when it is all finished.

    My family of crows, including Jake, (we called him the Tapper, then Jake Tapper, now just Jake) who taps on the kitchen window have brought a fledgling over. It still has pink inside of its beak and is clumsy. It still goes "maw maw" not 'caw caw' but the parents ignore it and it ends up feeding itself. It has fallen off a table, crashed into a railing. Hard to believe at this point it will turn into such an incredibly intelligent bird. I think a chickadee may have set up a nest in a bird house I made a few years ago. I painted it more for a deck decoration than a home and didn't expect an occupant since it is so close to the house.

    We finally had a really good downpour a few days ago. I loved the smell of rain on the hot pavement and just lay on the bed listening to it pound away. It has been pleasant here but the weather will get warmer again soon.

    I will have to pop over to the "I Say Yes, You Say No..." thread to see how folks are reacting to the current session in the Senate.

    Wishing you all a good day

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Oh goldens, I am sorry you had to miss out on your trip that sounds very rewarding both for you and the prisoners. I am amazed that you can sing through a mask, strong pipes you must have. I hope everything works out for the next trip. I would also be disappointed in people thinking prisoners would not deserve things. They are paying for their crimes in jail already and nothing wrong with reaching them spiritually.

    On the note of the meal I had. I took 1/2 cup beans and baked on 450 for 12 mins, crunchy without being burned. The weird part is I cooked up part of the leftover burger, bun and onion ring on the burner and left in at med low for a few minutes, came up crispy but also not burned. Went to the fridge and found a dried out english muffin I did not dispose of. Had the superweird idea to grind corn flakes (extra iron), break apart some of the english muffin, dried garlic and a bit of everything bagel. Once the beans came out of the breville, added muffin pieces, garlic, bagel seasoning, corn flakes and added the tiny amount of precooked beef, onion ring and other stuff into the spice grinder. Wound up with a lot of dry stuff so combined everything with plain mayo, less than a teaspoon. I have to say, this was the weirdest meal ever and would not have won any awards for presentation but the combination of tastes together was nothing short of delicious and makes me think about buying flavored buns or bread and letting it go stale in an open container in the fridge and bust it out for different things, can ground up stuff to a tablespoon or two of melted peanut butter, so many possibilities.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    no more clear diet. But more of a soft fluffy diet now. No spices. It’s tricky I am getting better slowly. My sister is in the biopsy stage…. Waiting on results. She’s doing the best she can.