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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Good Afternoon All

    I still have covid and was ordered the Paxlovid on Saturday. Had to stop taking Ibrance for the rest of this cycle whether I was on Paxlovid or not. Not feeling real good nor real bad. Somewhere in the middle or limbo like I usually am!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    oh living. At least it’s not worse sweet woman!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Thanks ladies - MO said no need for paxlovid, but to hold Lynparza for a week. Thankfully new people in scheduling screwed up and gave me an appt for next Monday when I already had this Monday booked so I guess that worked out!

    Candy - It was this source which was the cleanest I had seen although it is the guidance from the Spanish authorities (you want page 3, anti cancer drugs, and page 5, for the codes on olaparib which suggest paxlovid does something to a protein... or something):

    A slightly clearer version of all the major/minor interactions from the UK govt:

    Headache seems to finally be passing thankfully - the sinus pressure was intense! We may have to order in some spicy soup or something for dinner to get this draining faster.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Candy—- FYI: Paxlovid doesn’t play well with Eliquis and Simvastin. Expect to hold or reduce doses of these meds, if you were to get CoVid and be prescribed Paxlovid.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    dodgersgirl: I do Eliquis. So I hope that I can avoid the need for Paxlovid. Hoping my masking up out of the house and my two boosters will keep me safe.

    sondraf: I find wasabi to be great sinus cleanser. The Japanese restaurant just up a block or so from the house has just about the hottest wasabi than any other Japanese restaurants I have been to.

    livingIVlife: I hope you recover soon.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sondra and dodgers-- thanks for the info. I see that Paxlovid can increase the concentrations of Lynparza, hence stopping or reducing the dose. And, with my Eliquis use after my PE blood clot I would hate to have to stop/pause that med even for a few days. So I don't know if my doc would even suggest Paxlovid use with me. As elderberry said, I hope my 2 vaccines and 2 boosters keep me safe, along with my masking and minimal human contact. So the "antivirals" that they preach that are available may not work in different people. Not so wonderful that "we have treatments now for Covid and so it is not such a scary thing for people anymore". Not good if you cannot use the Covid treatments they have developed. I wonder about those monoclonal antibodies that they pushed for a while. Don't hear of that anymore.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Sondra, echoing everyone else, hoping you feel better soon for sure.

    Mel, still here for you in your pocket and now adding sisters pocket as well. You are in my thoughts.

    I am making a brunch sort of thing. Defrosted and chopped up hash brown patty, put in 1/4 cups black beans, 1/4 cup mexican veg medley and 1/4 cup vegan crumble. Cooking in pre heated 450 degree breville so everything gets crispy. Going to put queso and sour cream combined along with wheat bran.

    Lunch will likely involve rice, beans and romaine lettuce with caesar dressing. Not too sure about dinner. Dessert will be chocolate milk. I wound up eating the doritos that would have gone with it. I will also include some ground up cornflakes that don't impart too much flavor but add some iron.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Kittykat – that was a really cool picture and explanation of the Pinnacles. It sounds like you had a great trip.

    Rosie - I'm sorry your last MO appt was such a hard one. It's really too bad that the trial drug wasn't touching the spine mets. Is that because you have some tumors that are TN and others that are hormone positive? It's a bummer about having to cancel your vacation. I hope the Halaven works for you and your vacation will just be postponed, instead of canceled.

    LivingIVLife - I hope you are feeling better by now. Being sick when you have company visiting just sucks.

    Mel – I'm so sorry you're in so much pain with the gastro issues. I hope the docs can get to the bottom of it, but, more importantly, that you get some relief soon. I'm so sorry about your sister's cancer, too - it's not really the kind of bonding experience you want. :-/

    KBL – love the beach picture. I have water and someone's little waves, but nothing like the surf.

    Tanya – what an exciting trip! And such a nice pic.

    Sondra I hope you feel better soon. You're not really playing hookey - you are sick, after all. No need to feel guilty; just get better.

    Booboo – I hope they can find a way to manage your pain.

    Mara – your apartment complex is just one continuing saga. Never a dull moment.

    Moth – good to hear from you. Wishing for good bloodwork and effective chemo for you.

    Waving around the room to everyone else. :)

    My daughter was here for the weekend. She was just a sweetheart, spending all afternoon with me trying to find a new pair of gym shoes. It shouldn't be such a big deal, but we had to go an hour away to find any that fit me (and didn't cost $150!!!) On top of that, she bought me lunch! I told her it should have been the other way around.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Elderberry - AMAZING suggestion - I cant believe I didn't think of that! I even have a tube of wasabi paste in the fridge now, maybe Ill make some rice for lunch and toss that on with some chicken and soy sauce. I was thinking of making my favorite spicy mexican tomato and noodles soup, but its way too clammy and warm here for soup, much less sit and make it (even if it is quick to make). Ill do wasabi!

    Candy and Dodgers - I had the exact same thought, especially when seeing all those lists of severe interactions. How many people likely clinically at risk ARENT on at least one of those? I suppose it comes down to balance - whats the likely expected disease severity vs the patients system vs benefit vs potential risk (and vs cost, natch). And you really don't hear about monoclonal antibodies anymore either, certainly not here, but I figured they must still be used if people take a bad turn?

    Feeling better today after getting a good 5 hours of solid sleep. Headache is lessening and nose faucet is slowing, although Low Fever reappeared last night for a bit. I found some cough syrup in the back of a cupboard and that helped at 3 am this morning when I was somewhat desperate. Its just such a tickly, dry throat cough more than a deep chesty one which makes it annoying.

    Mara's recipes and a craving for protein have inspired me to get my ass off the couch and go make a breakfast burrito.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mel, hoping the gastric issues are taking it easy on you and still in your pocket sending support for you and your family and sister.

    Sondra, hoping you get better soon as well. May the spicy wasabi be helpful for you.

    Elderberry, great idea about the spicy stuff. I have used it to clear sinus blockage faster post Herceptin. Buckley's expectorant helps too during the day but not sure that is available where Sondra lives.

    Not too much going on today, catching up on laundry and waiting for Amazon to call with my delivery. Contains more cat food and some tub plugs. I will wash blankets in the tub going forward and spin in the panda in the tub as well. Too bad I cannot pay for the washer/dryer hookup from the property manager. I believe they drilled through the bedroom closet but that washer looks big enough to take care of everything. Of course, they will not because they would want more rent so will make do with what I've got to use. The wee laundry room is still in the little shed out back but the door no longer locks, don't think I would feel safe in there.

    I am also tired of the intercom not working, I don't get much mail so will go check maybe once a week. I cannot believe it takes so long to put in an intercom or to order one, no point in perpetually asking they do not care and I cannot live elsewhere til housing comes available.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    On the way home from chemo yesterday, I was thinking about when I was first diagnosed in 2016 and how making it to 45 seemed like a long shot. Now, it’s only 2.5 years until I turn 50 and I’m thinking of ways to celebrate. Europe seems like a bit of a hassle as I’m unvaccinated and uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings, so I’m looking into renting a beach house (preferably with access to a boat) in Florida. Maybe just low key, DH and I or possibly a bigger place with 4-6 closer friends. I mention this because I’m surprised that I’m even considering looking that far in advance but so grateful for the outlook that can come from medical advances and experience.

    I’m other news, I’ll finish the interior beach bar painting tomorrow and it’s looks beautiful so far, I’ll post a pic soon 🙂

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mae, any way you celebrate will be great for you, enjoy. I will enjoy seeing your paint job.

    Well, as I was picking up my Amazon delivery at the door, noticed a couple of people in to look at apartments for rent. Felt like saying, how long will it take to get mail delivery but bit my tongue hard. No need to cause trouble.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071


    A trip to Florida sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate. You are an inspiration - all your treatments including SEs and setbacks from them, and you have faced it all head-on. You keep living your life, y traveling, having fun, exercising, building and creating things like a cabin in the mountains complete with a beach bar/ she shed. When obstacles are put in your way, your climb over them or toss them aside.

    I read comments from people on another thread who said that they think about dying and the risk of death all the time. Their comments made me think, and I realized that I seldom think of death these days. It has been more than 7 years since my stage IV diagnosis. At first that old 2-3 year survival statistic stuck in my head. I lost many close friends on these boards back then. When I made it past 3 years I was determined to make it to 5. During those years I lost more friends and it became hard to visit here, so I drastically cut back on my posts. 2 1/2 years ago I was doing poorly. I had more than 50 tumors in my liver and several others in my spleen. MO asked if I wanted to stop treatment. I would probably survive 6-12 months. I said I wanted to continue treatment as long as it didn’t negatively affect my QOL, and I have felt so much better since I took that step. I am still here, still stage IV, still have innumerable Mets, have not seen improve the but have remained stable. Death is not in the forefront of my thoughts. I am just enjoying whatever I do for as long as I can.

    I hope you live well beyond your 50th birthday and enjoy every minute.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara, thanks for asking. My gastrointestinal issues are getting better thank goodness. Everyday I seem to heal But it was something . I hope you’re ok. Good job holding your opinion. I know I’d want to also

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    I am doing OK Mel, going to bed earlier, going on treadmill in morning. Too hot to exercise tomorrow and Herceptin is not until 5pm which is strange but whatever, may UBER if too gross. I am mostly irritated about the intercom still being out but also realizing I can pick up the mail once a week, bills are online. I may go Friday this week for the mail. It will be weird to see people move in after such a long time too.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    50’s, wow, what a kind post, thank you! I don’t always see myself as doing more than just normal things but I guess I do at times. And I love your statement “When obstacles are put in your way, your climb over them or toss them aside.“

    Many more years for us all 😀

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I agree with 50’s you are pretty special!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    ok ladies, here it is! All walls painted 😃 more to do later but the Enhertu is due to make the next week or so more difficult and we’ve go to go back to Houston for my quarterly scans on Tuesday, so I’m going rest and get back to it later.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Mae: I love it. I can't wait to see it with paintings and a bar!!!~

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mae - love it!!! The color is beautiful. Reminds one of the ocean! I don’t know how you had the energy to paint. Way to go!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    love it. Chose the exact same color for our room my son just moved out of. Love it!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mae the colour is lovely, will look forward to pictures when everything is done.

    Mel hope you are getting better, I may have missed a post so want to check anyway.

    I had a good time at my Herceptin, I took an UBER due to heat and humidity but was planning to walk home since it was cloudy, the nurses did not want me walking and showed me how dark the clouds were and still are so they gave me a taxi voucher which was really appreciated. It is starting to pour in my neighbourhood. It was also nice the whole cancer clinic on my chemo suite level was empty, I was the only one waiting and only three of us patients left with several nurses who would go home but they would lose money they said if they leave early when I commented on that. Nice ladies, listened to music and had a good time believe it or not.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- good job! It will truly have that beachy vibe! Hope your week after treatment will be without major SE.

    Mara- happy to hear your day went well and you were able to get a taxi home

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Looks awesome, Mae. Love the color. Oy, another long trip for you and Enhurtu. I don’t know how you do it. Safe travels.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I just wanted to say, it is all being turned off.. I am getting some blood at the hospital and then I will go home to die. If I can I will write later here or on my Instagram or Tumblr


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Moth, I want you to know you popped into my head about a half hour ago, and I am so sorry. I am wrapping my arms around you. You are loved.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Moth, I hate this. I don’t know what else to say, I’m sad and angry at the disease but I understand when it’s time. Thank you for letting us know. F$&@!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    moth: I didn't want to read this!! I understand that you know when it is time but I am so sad and angry. You are so loved and will be so missed. I wish I could say more.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    moth - I am so, so sorry. You have helped so many people here, and you will truly be missed.