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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Trip was amazing. The drive (7hours) was ok on the way there but coming home was uncomfortable. I spent first day with granddaughter. I’ll attach the 3d sonogram at the end. Looks like a Martian 👽 but oh well we’re all in love.

    I socialized with some old friends from a school I taught at 25 years ago. One of them has brain cancer and the other MBC. We went to an all white brunch. Food and company were wonderful. imageimage

    Left to right DD teacher, yours truly, MBC teacher, BC teacher.

    Take care all Tany

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Ok ladies last update and probably a page turner. My youngest daughter broke her ankle last night at work so I spent this morning in the ER-not for me!!! It still sucked but not as much as if I was the patient.

    ok now back to puppies and cupcakes

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    lmao Mae you're not a goof.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    oh no Tanya. I’m sorry about your daughters leg. Good grief. Beauty of a baby already and lovely pics of old friends. Hugs to you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Tanya, I am so sorry your daughter broke her ankle but so glad you were able to visit grand daughter and other friends and the baby looks great as well!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Well, done a few things so far today, I've been clearing my front closet. I keep coats and everything on over the door hooks at the front so inside mostly holds knapsacks and grocery bags for shopping. I was also clearing out and flattening cardboard and I came upon another seat cover. It never fit the chair so I got rid of the old one but it happens to fit over my large ottoman nicely. My ottoman is totallyk worn out and I don't feel like a staple gun etc. Folded up a blanket to cushion the side my feet go on and now have this chair cover instead. Might get other covers as well. Did some laundry as well.

    Breakfast was good, found a bag of rotini pasta in the closet so boiled maybe 1/3 cup, put some black beans, less than a 1/4 cup beans, beefless ground and sprinkle of shredded cheese. Used everything bagel and some garlic put through the spice grinder first and added to the pasta and water. Put precooked pasta on plate plus the beans, beefless ground and shredded cheese, wheat bran and heated for 60 seconds in the microwave. Added taco seasoning and salt, a spoonful of mayo and a spoonful of queso to bind. With the subtle garlic and everything bagel combined with taco seasoning and queso and mayo mixed up, it was delicious and filling, really enjoyable.

    Will be going out with the friend whose mom is sick and will give her the Shady Pines keychain since she is a huge Golden Girls fan.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    Hello lovely friends, I haven't posted in a bit, have been feeling down and sad and angry for "no" reason...oh right, MBC. My husband is also doing worse with his lung cancer and so we're most always home now, spending mostly quiet days together. I went into my work office for a few hours last week, and ordered a deluxe hamburger from a local place to be delivered to my office - it was like a holiday, and so delicious with fresh pickles and ripe tomato slices. And a chocolate milkshake, because I might as well go for it on these cheating days! :)

    Getting home projects done, such as redoing all the computer, modem, phone, etc cords so they are no longer in a nest of dust bunnies, and are now very neatly arranged and wrapped.

    Also trying some new non-alcoholic drinks that taste like botanical gin and other apertifs, very interesting. If I ever get back to London, I will allow myself a martini at Duke's Bar, but in the meantime am enjoying these new concoctions.

    Love the dog photos, even the grouchy pup wearing his hoodie! Also, your photo is fantastic Illimae, excellent t-shirt. I wore my "#MBC, #notdeadyet" t-shirt to work and we had a nice acknowledgement about MBC on the 13th.

    Sending everyone love and good wishes for peaceful days ❤️

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    sfcakes, I am sorry to hear about your husband getting worse. It is so hard for two people in the same house to deal with cancer. I am glad to hear you enjoyed your treats as they sound yummy. Healing thoughts coming your way. Great job on the cords. I should do the same behind the TV.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Well it has now been over 3 weeks with daily fevers. I am to restart the Lynparza this Wednesday, so I will message MO Monday. I messaged PCP last week and he wants to see me, so I go this Thursday to him. I hope he has some suggestions for more testing to find out what is going on. We need to get some answers. And I need to get back on the cancer treatment.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Candy, I can’t believe the fever isn’t resolved by now, I really hope they figure this out.

    SFcakes, it’s a lot for you and yours DH to be dealing with, I’m sorry.

    Just touching up a little paint in the bar today and transplanting Brussels sprouts to a larger bucket, taking it easy mostly.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040


    Did they ever put you on an anti-biotic? When I had my mysterious low-grade fevers a few years ago, they gave me an antibiotic-I can't remember now if it was IV or pills and it cleared the fever up. Never knew what caused it. Hope yours dissipates soon.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Candy, I am sorry and cannot believe no cause of the fevers has been found. Hoping they find something soon, in your pocket shouting at the fevers to go away and sending healing thoughts.

    Mae, your bar looks great, can't wait for more pictures.

    I am getting garbage and recycling ready for pickup tomorrow, putting out at 5 instead of 6 as my friend had to cancel yesterday but wants to go out today. If I don't put it out when she arrives, I won't get it out which won't work as it has been almost two weeks since garbage pickup. I got cardboard out of the front closet that had been sitting there a long time. Debating getting a small blue box for the closet for things like cans etc, we will see. Currently collect those in a huge blue bag but would not mind getting it out on garbage day. Laundry is midway done, sewed up a towel that was starting to unravel at the edge but looks better now and still dries well. Cleaned toilet with spray soap I made for an old window cleaner bottle. I am trying to reuse as much plastic as possible and those things are fine for holding my soap mixes. I certainly go through them. My Tostitos glass jars can be used for food if I want, we'll see.

    Breakfast will be half a hashbrown, 1/8 cup rice and 1/2 cup baked beans with one egg. I really love the hashbrowns but for what I am craving, need to cut the hashbrown, can microwave for a later meal. Snack will be chocolate milk and some peanut powder, nice and thick shake. I am going to buy peanut butter and make an english muffin or something else a snack. Might walk to the grocery store, using a cane and a knapsack, will pick up the peanut butter and debating honey. We will see, have a good day all.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Chicagoan- No, no antibiotics yet. Literally they have not done much. 3 weeks ago when I first reported it they did basic testing-- Covid test, Influenza A and B, chest x- ray, urine test. Then MO did a CT to see if the cancer was spreading. Then I was told to keep monitoring, and that is it. I have not gotten any calls from MO or PCP to check on me. I have sent them messages-- the PCP message last week where I said we need to figure this out. Both docs seem very unconcerned.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Candy, seems to me the docs are not as interested as they are not living through it as you are, after this length of time and testing, it is unacceptable they are not trying to get this solved quicker. If I have a fever, I am supposed to head straight to the hospital. I hope a cause and solution are given soon. This may not be fatal for you but it does not offer you any QOL having a fever all the time. I am very sorry and still in your pocket, have not left either.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Candy - are you still on a PPI? I realised last week that mine was the cause of intense fatigue, D, and lack of appetite. I also have noticed I will run warm after taking tylenol/acetominophen. Is there anything you are taking other than the lynparza where the brand has changed or youve added something new even if its over the counter? This sounds so frustrating, I do hope the PCP can at least attempt an antibiotic (I mean, whats the harm!)

    Did a bunch of cooking today for the week to set me up a bit better - my eating last week was atrocious and Ive been craving high fat dairy, which I never normally do. I made a curried chickpea filling to go in a wrap/on salads for lunches, butternut squash and mushroom risotto for tonight, and some sort of hot and sour beef and cabbage soup for later in the week. If its tasty, easy, and already made/washed/sliced Im more likely to eat it! Also cleaned out the fridge so its easier to see whats in there.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mara- Yes, it is a QOL issue. I had a volunteer committee meeting this week that I cancelled because I felt too icky to go. My "texting buddy" I have mentioned on here said "So you just don't feel like going?" Duh. A daily fever of up to 101.5, with chills and fatigue, doesn't make you feel like going out and doing things.

    Sondra- I am on a daily Pepcid, but I don't think that is a PPI. And I really need it for the GERD/heartburn I have. If I miss a dose, I have horrid heartburn later that evening. No new meds or changes lately. I am thinking my PCP thought it was something viral, thus did not prescribe an antibiotic yet. And what would we prescribe? We have not identified a bacteria, so I guess a broad spectrum, cover anything, antibiotic?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Sondra, that certainly sounds really good. I am going to look into Chef's Plate, meal ingredients delivered but I will buy the foods myself, hopefully for less money.

    Got a nice surprise when I got a government payment, was able to pay off duties charged from something in US and use some toward paying off my phone so mobile and internet will be less money which is nice as well.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, I’m sorry to hear you’re at over 3 weeks with the fever. And I too am surprised you’re not hearing from your docs. It’s good that you have a face to face appt coming with your PCP, but even that seems overdue. I had ongoing fevers after my first Zometa infusion, running in the 103 range. My MO said it wasn’t unusual for the first dose to cause fevers and it did go away with about 2 weeks of OTC meds. I know this isn’t your situation but I wanted to say I still felt lousy even with the meds bringing down the fever. I think we hear it so much to call our MO if we have a fever, we think they’re going to get right on it. In your pocket for your appointment and while you’re waiting for a solution. (I’ve heard of 2 relatives recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. Another thing to get ruled out?)

    Mara, The hashbrown, rice, egg, etc breakfast sounds good to me. I tend to like carb type foods, which aren’t something I need more of. You have a good amount of protein by including beans in your dishes. A question for you, or anyone. Is flaxseed a good smoothie ingredient? One recipe in my packet used flaxseed and I’ve never tried it. Thoughts?

    SF, Sending good thoughts to and your DH. 💕

    Tanya, Healing thoughts for your granddaughter (or daughter?).

    Mae, Love the pics—all of them!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi. I will get back to everyone soon. So many issues to respond to. Since Mel and Mae are into painting and decorating I thought I would send a pic of my project.

    Our front porch had become a dumping ground, more midden than porch. We finally got it organized and tidied up. Hats are on pegs on the wall on either side of the inside door. There are bigger hooks on the walls for coats. We have a large Rubbermaid trash can that we put a plastic bag in and then pitch all our recyclable cans and bottles. After the tidying the garbage, the Rubbermaid was even uglier than before. I looked at Pinterest for ideas. I mean, where else should one go? There were a few where I thought, yeah I can freehand that. A day or so later when I was at the local Dollar Store for ziplock baggies I saw stencils. Each pack had two sides, with big flowers, little flowers, leaves...........Hell yeah!!!! So armed with a can of Rustoleum for plastics and my pile of stencils I went to work. The picture of the bin itself is truer to the real colour than the pic of the lid.






    I am feeling so smugly pleased with myself.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Sf cakes- thoughts for you and your DH dealing with this cancer crap. I'm glad you were able to get out.

    Candy- I am hoping the PCP will at least try an antibiotic to see if the fever will go away.

    Mara- good fortunes for the extra money coming in. I know you will find ways to make the monies go further with your food and cleaning concoctions!

    Kittykat- I hope you feel better soon. My thoughts are always with you.

    I was supposed to have special son out today but the last few days and nights have been sleepless with pain. I've put Salon pas patches on but what I really need is a Salon pas saran wrap to cover the whole body.!!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- I just saw your bins! How utterly unique ! Good for you 👍

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746

    Hi everyone!

    I'll never catch up with this thread after a few weeks away. The losses have gotten to me recently. Micmel - I'm so sorry to hear your sister isn't well. Tanya - Loved the picture of you all and the much loved alien! Mae - the backdrop sets a perfect tropical mood...turn up that space heater and put on some shorts and flip flops! SF Cakes - hope you and DH have some wonderful days mixed in with the others.

    Enjoying this last winter in Colorado before I return home to Illinois in the Spring. My daughter and her family may be moving so there won't be a good reason to stay. Except these gorgeous mountains:



    Last week I did a book tour to SW Colorado and gave the Ute Mountain Ute Chairman the first copy of my new novel, Brothers After All. He read the manuscript about a year ago and helped me make it better. (The characters are Ute. They used to live all over Colorado and Utah.) As a non-native, there's no way I could have written it without help from those who are Native Americanand Ute. It's out on Amazon and I plan to have in some libraries soon so folks can check it out rather than buying it. (There will be a sale as we get closer to Christmas.) Here's what it looks like:


    I thought I was done, but the Chairman suggested a new story. If writing goes like the last one I'll need to have good cancer treatments for another three years to get it done. 7 year MBC anniversary in two weeks, followed by a PET scan to chase down random stuff. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sending hugs to you all! Hope you have a pain free (and fever free) week.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Rosie, you can defintely use flaxseeds in your smoothie, best with a good blender. If you have a coffee or spice grinder, run them through that and add to your smoothie. Definitely would thicken it up, could add them to salad and other meals as well. Let me know what you do.

    Nice night with my friend Tara. Went for a long drive through St. Thomas and Port Stanley, sunset was beautiful with the water but the hordes of wee bugs were quite terrible, we went back to the car quick. Before we left Port Stanley, we saw an older lady's car stuck in the sand. We pushed her car out of the sand and she was able to drive away. I just need to be careful as I almost fell due to the lack of traction. Felt good to help someone. Went back to St Thomas to the suspension park and got a nice photo of the leaves changing. Nice walk along the suspension park as well, plus while walking, no balance issues and walked up a pretty steep hill and did not breathe hard after to my surprise.


  • myshadow
    myshadow Member Posts: 40

    Wow - just wow! I’m so impressed with the creative and talented people on this forum. Artists, writers, domestic divas, you name it! We just keep pushing forward, doing what brings joy,even when things get rough.

    Candy, did any of your doctors do a blood culture to check for bacterial or viral infection? Back in March, I experienced nightly fevers in the 101-102 range (38-39C). Also woke up with night sweats. I was between treatments as Verzenio had failed. They couldn’t determine a cause, but after I started my new treatment in April the fevers stopped. My MO called them Tumor Fevers. Did you have the fevers before you paused treatment or did they start after? Maybe something to discuss with your MO?

    Wishing you all the best as we endure the struggles and enjoy the triumphs.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Candy ~thinking of you

    Elderberry~ love your creation. It’s beautiful! Don’t you love it when a plan comes together ?

    Hope everyone is doing well this weekend. Seemed to go quickly. Hugs to all

    Hello Sfcakes. Good to see you too

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Elderberry "I am feeling so smugly pleased with myself." And so you should! Thats an incredible transformation-from mundane to art.

    Mara - speaking of art, your photo of fall colors is beautiful!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Seeq, thank you for the complement. The leaves were really pretty.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    myshadow- They did do blood cultures- negative. And the fevers started first, and that prompted the pause in treatment.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Candy - I sure hope you get some answers. I agree that a dose of antibiotics seems an easy treatment choice but I don’t have an MD after my name. Please keep us updated.

    My scans came back stable except for my left shoulder which has shown dramatic uptake on bone scan. Of course metastasis is suggested but in my heart I know it’s just advanced osteoarthritis. I’m totally falling apart. Off to last PT before knee replacement tomorrow.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Goldens, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope the surgery goes smoothly, your recovery goes quickly, further PT is effective, and you return to comfort and increased movement without all the horrible pain you have endured for too long.

    I am here for pocket duty for anyone on need. I made some blueberry muffins and banana bread, so we won’t go hungry.
