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  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721

    Good morning Lita! I will be standing with you while you attack those tumors! We will give Mr C the finger together! I love your feistyness!

    Hugs and prayers


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,115

    Dear Lita,

    Praying for you today-May those radiant beams transform the cancer cells into healthy ones. May you feel surrounded by love and God's peace. Thanks for sharing your smile with us-I can't help but to smile back.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591

    Thanks so much for taking the time & energy to update us all. Those pins & needles were becoming a royal pain in the arse. Everything crossed for you! Keep going as best u can. You have a world of support here.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,620

    With you in your pocket Lita as you take on this new challenge.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Sending hugs and much love from the atheist's thread. Miss your humor and irreverence.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Going to file my advance directive b4 I go in for whole brain rads this afternoon. Been told that some of the mets are hemorrhagic (bleeding) and the bleeding could get worse from radiation (rads inflame and can cause more swelling), so I need to have the directive on file for my own peace of mind.

    Another busy day, so off I go after checking in.



  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255

    Thinking and praying for you today Lita!!! You are so strong! Hope those rays of sunshine bring you back to health!!!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Thinking of you Lita. Hoping all went smoothly today. So impressed with your attitude. Awesome idea for sticky notes. Def can tell you took a fall but you still look wonderful.

    After my rad I took the mask home to dss. They played Spiderman for quite a while with it.


  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959

    With you Lita. Stay strong and report back soon.


  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424

    Thinking of you Lita, praying everything went well today. Hoping you feel some comfort that we are all with you spiritually. Hugs.

  • ABeautifulSunset
    ABeautifulSunset Member Posts: 600

    Lovely Lita. Thinking of you today.


  • Fotheringay
    Fotheringay Member Posts: 50

    Lita, I echo many others who initially approached this site with some trepidation, and you were the first to embrace us.

    Your posts have touched me, educated me, shared your deep warmth and wisdom with me, and made me flat laugh out loud. You can turn a phrase in a story! I am so happy you did a 180 turn, and mustered what we down South call "piss and vinegar", picked up your gloves, and decided to hop back into the ring and serve it to Husband #2.

    Sending you invisible rays of positivity, strength, prayers, and love, joining with so many others, as we surround you with our hearts outstretched to you.

    Let someone else do the damn weeding! (I know, I know... it's so damn tempting to yank out that flagrant offender over there.)


  • lalady1
    lalady1 Member Posts: 530

    Lita! I threw away my mask in January. I hope you can do the same soon. Just feel our positive thoughts. :)

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Lita, thinking of you so much. Know that you are surrounded by the energy of so many caring women! We hold you in our hearts and know that anyone who would wear those glasses (oy, those glasses!) has everything under control. Grace, peace, healing and love be with you as you head into this next stretch of treatment. Love and hugs also to your hurting family. I look forward to your updates.

  • AnimalCrackers
    AnimalCrackers Member Posts: 542

    Lita - thinking of you.  In your pocket today!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Okay, so I had rad Tx #1 today, and I can STILL READ the street signs and post on the computer, ha ha!

    Bob, the wonderful radiation tech, said I shouldn't feel any brain deficits for a while, possibly not even until the sessions are completed. Bless, his heart, his crossed his fingers in front of me and said he hoped I'd just SAIL thru this without hardly any problems. He did say I'd have hair loss, radiation burns, and some headaches which I can handle with Tylenol. (They don't want me using aspirin, Alleve or ibuprofen as it could cause even more bleeding.)

    The REAL neurological deficit stuff can take weeks to develop as the radiation continues to burn away at the healthy brain cells well after the sessions are over.

    Sadly, my Alzheimer's medicine wasn't ready when we went to the clinic this afternoon. Apparently, they still have to special order it even tho the Dr called it in yesterday.

    They told me to take a bit more of the Decadron steroids to help with any inflammation the rads may cause, so I just cut ONE pill in half, taking 2 mgs. I NEED my sleep, ladies!

    The dr also called in a Rx for Ambien for sleep, but I've heard bad things about it, so I think I'll just stick to my CBD tincture to get some sleep. I'll have to go to the MM dispensary and get some more 'cuz I'm doubling down on that. Dr. says it's perfectly okay to take CBDs because - unlike regular marijuana THCs - they're non-psychoactive and they might actually HELP protect my brain from the traumatic injury that rads cause. But I'll see what the pharmacist says when I get the Alzheimer's stuff. I don't want any weird drug interactions.

    Many thanks for your continued prayers, and peace, love, and light to you all, my dear sisters.


  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424

    Lita, thanks for taking the time to check in. So thrilled that it went well for you today. I bet you will just sail through this like there's nothing to it. You are definitely a trooper and a great inspiration to all of us. I hope you get plenty of rest tonight. Lifting you up in prayer

  • AnimalCrackers
    AnimalCrackers Member Posts: 542

    Lita - you are amazing! Thanks for updating us. So glad your first tx went well. Hope you get some much needed rest tonight. We are here for you. Sending you love and support.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,967

    Lita, I've been gone just a couple days and you already started WBR?!! Fantastic!!! No going gently into that good night- we'd rather stay and fight!! Im thrilled that you have the energy and can summon up the hope to go through all of this!! And thanks, its a real service to give everyone a head's up about what it entails to do it, and what risks you are facing for memory loss and cognitive problems that may develop afterwards.

    I remember there was a nun study on Alzheimer's- inspired by the fact that its a homogenous group with generally good reporting and compliance. They found a much larger number of nuns died with clear Alzheimer's evident upon autopsy of the brain, however the women did not show overt signs of Alzherimers, or much less severe symptoms than would normally be expected for the degree of brain impairment, while they lived. They concluded that one reason was because they kept a much simpler daily routine, which involve a lot of repetitive activities, done to a schedule every day. Apparently this made things much easier for the brain to find a way to connect the dots of the schedule and keep things going. So, your ideas with the white boards and notes to yourself, keep a written schedule and to-do list in plain sight, check on it frequently throughout the day, give yourself a lot of slack for a long long time in recovery. Try to clear your schedule just as much as possible, and maybe meditate or take mindfulness breaks throughout the day. Are you a music fan? Alzheimer patients always remember their favorite songs from the old days, its only the short-term memory that goes- although WBR is a different thing altogether and may not show that way. Maybe keep a diary just to be able to show your doctor what and how you are doing.

    Wonderful, I am so happy and excited for you!! Will be joining the chorus at 7PM Sunday...

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959

    Lita - Thinking of you. You are taking such good care of yourself, doing this so intelligently under excellent care. I think you can expect good outcomes on all fronts.


  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    Dear Lita, so good to hear from you and thanks for updating us, but you get some rest, lady, you deserve it! You're off to a good start, so keep it going. Love, hugs and support. -Barbara

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Thinking of you you Lita and so glad you checked in today. Sounds like as usual you have the bull by the horns and wrangling that 2nd husband into submission. We are all standing in your personal little corner here with best wishes, prayers and anything else you might need.

    Kandy, Awesome job starting this thread!

  • Groovywilma
    Groovywilma Member Posts: 47

    Thanks for the update! I hope things go smoothly! Prayers and positive energy coming your way!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619

    Lita as always you amaze me. So glad today went well. You have sooooo many of us with you as you take your treatment. Hang in and keep tough!


  • chelleg
    chelleg Member Posts: 396

    Thinking of you and your loving family. Holding you in prayer❤️

    Love Chelle.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    wow lita! What a whirlwind of a few days!! I like cure-ious' recommendation for a simple life - I'm trying to adopt all of those things myself. I am sending all the positive vibes I can muster for no hemorrhagic conversion of husband number 2. We have had quite enough of him already - hes such an a$$hole.

    Also praying you can keep your wits and especially your eyesight through this, so you can continue to read and appreciate how many of us are surrounding you with love peace joy and good energy. We are in your pocket, in the xrt room with you, we follow you everywhere. Just sorry we were a little late in your garden to catch you from your fall. But we won't let that happen again. Rise up. Rise up. You are a mighty woman

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721

    Good morning Lita! Of course you are going to kick Mr C's butt! Of that I have no doubt!

    One thing I would like to recommend to you are games. They recommend them to Alzheimer's patients to help with cognition. There is a definite difference in the progression for those who participate in games and stay mentally active, compared to those who do not. Also, if you don't want to strain your eyes, try audio books. I have a few and if you would like I could send them to you.

    Stay strong fair lady! Gentle hugs!


  • marylark
    marylark Member Posts: 159


    I have been quietly following for months and have greatly admired you. I pray for you several times a day.


  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Glad it all went well. So good to hear from you.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Dear Lita, Wow! I've been off the boards a few weeks dealing with some family stuff and I'm just catching up. 

    I am so very sorry about your progression. Mr. Cancer is an awful husband. 

    I'm very proud of you and your incredible determination.

    Your insightful and compassionate posts were very helpful when I was helping my friend Lori go through hospice. 

    Sending continued prayers, strength, love, and light to you all.