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January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!



  • Nifer
    Nifer Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2018

    RockCity, I am not far from you. I'm from Clarkston. My surgery is at Beaumont Troy and all of my treatments were across the street. Yes it has been sooo cold but at least it makes me feel better about staying inside and watching movies while I recover.

    Philaflash, I don't have a shower chair either. My surgeon said I could shower 36 hrs after surgery. He said to have something for the drains but didn't mention a chair. I'm going to see how I do with out. I had chemo first so at least I don't have to worry about washing my!

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    I also had neoadjuvant chemo first. Probably the only positive thing while on chemo is not having to shave and how soft my skin a baby's butt. That said, sooo glad that part is over. I'll take shaving for growing a head of hair. How are all you post ops feeling today? Thinking of you.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited January 2018

    I'm in Carlsbad, CA which is justnorth of San Diego. I am having surgery at Scripps Memorial in La Jolla. I had neoadjuvant chemo too, so I'm eager to get this cancer out! I found out yesterday I may need tissue expanders (was planning direct to implant). I'm nervous as Ive heard so many negative things about them.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    I have been paying co-pays today for my Monday surgery :(

    I am having DIEP reconstruction, so I won't even go home until a few days after surgery. The PS recommended the shower chair because apparently it's hard to stand upright for a while afterwards. It was only $25 on Amazon and I'm sure someone in my neighborhood will appreciate it once I'm done using it.

  • Kyates
    Kyates Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2018

    Im scheduled for surgery Jan.11th. Im having partial mastectomy with reconstruction , as well as reduction on the other breast.

    My diagnosis:IBC 1/2cm grade 2 HR+ ER+ Also microcalcifications. Im being treated in Memphis Tn. Im 52 years old. Mom, wife, Grandma.

    Im really worried about surgery/ recovery. Which is strange since my daughter has had 19 surgeries due to a birth defect and I was with through everyone of them. My coping strategy is to pray, think positive, and try not to freak out.

    Thankful for the support that I have found here!

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    Welcome kyates, sorry you had to be here but glad you found us.

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Hi Kyates, welcome to our group, I will add you to the list....

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2018

    nifer - Beaumont Troy hospital is about 20 minutes from where I live. I’ve been to Clarkston a bunch of times for my kid’s softball and volleyball events. Nice area. And seriously ,why must it be sooooooo cold? My youngest is hoping for school to be cancelled tomorrow due to cold temperature.

    I wish an easy surgery for all tomorrow. Monithor- my breast surgeon made it seem like a lumpectomy and SNB Is a quick recovery. I’m counting on her. Let us know how you feel when you can

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018
    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing ok and stress levels are not too bad. It is reassuring to know we are not alone and share similar emotions and are able to empathize with each other during this difficult and tense time. I keep telling myself it can’t be more painful than childbirth and hopefully there will be a wave of relief when we are on the other side.
    I am a bit technically challenged lol, and suddenly realized after looking yet again for the list of our surgeries that it would be a brilliant idea (duh!) if I moved the list to the ‘intro’....hope this is helpful.
    Hopfull,brenbren and MoniThor....we will be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck and love.
    Hope everyone during the previous few days who we haven’t heard from is recovering...We would love to know how you are doing. The weather here ...highs mid 40’s, lows mid 30’s so balmy compared to some of you although it has been what’s’s Oregon, we don’t tan, we rust! Jude x
  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    PS I deleted the other lists scattered around our thread!

  • Talley76
    Talley76 Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    My update, Doc called my surgery had no cancer, but there were other abnormal cells that they found and when I see her next Friday she will discuss my treatment plan. For now no more surgery. She mentioned more test and the medicine. I could tell she didn't want to go over it on the phone so I didn't push. my husband called back and asked the doc about the other abnormalities and she didn't want to discuss until she saw us. She didnt sound overly happy. She was happy about no cancer but not so about the rest. Now im more nervous.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    Hi,from Nj. I am so nervous I posted on the 2017 January board! I’am a single mom of 2 boys,11 and 13.A working hairdresser only Child and scared to death. I’am scheduled for bilateral masctomey nipple/skin sparing with tissue expanders and sentinel node biopsy January 24th. I LOVE my team of doctors (MD Anderson Cooper,Camden Nj.) but I am becoming so freaked out I am getting stomach issues. Maybe IBS? I HAVE to get back to work ASAP! I have a “buddy” who had the same doctor and is having her exchange surgery next week. She did wonderful. Her TE’s LOOKED beautiful but felt like rocks. She said they will feel more normal after the exchange. I have a wonderful boyfriend who will be there but am very scared. I am happy to have found your group. Please add me. Positive thoughts to all of you ladies❤️🙏🏻👍💇🏻♀️

  • Kyates
    Kyates Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2018

    Thank you. This is helping me cope and keeping me calm. Y'all are warriors!

  • Sfrankie
    Sfrankie Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    Talked to my surgeon today. She has me on her calendar for a lumpectomy on January 17 pending my genetic testing. As long as I have no mutation, I'm good. If I have a mutation, all bets are off. I did tell her I discovered I am of Ashkenazie Jewish descent. I guess I just have one more week of anticipation.

  • Talley76
    Talley76 Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    Syates, Sfrankie and Marlena hang in there. Positive thoughts for you guys. 😉

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2018

    hi Sfranke- like you I am having a lumpectomy and am awaiting genetic test results. I’m also of Ashkenazi Jewish descent with some distant relatives BRCA positive. We are planning to move forward with the lumpectomy next week. Because I’m HER2+ I know I will need chemo. If the genetic tests come back positive, the current plan is to do a BMX after I recover from chemo, along with removing those ovaries. I hate to go into surgery thinking there is a decent chance I’ll need another surgery, but it is an option so I can get started with treatment for this somewhat aggressive initial diagnosis I received.

    Maybe I’m rushing to treatment but it’s tough to wait for genetic test results. Those results are scary. I have two daughters. I can’t imagine giving them the BRCA mutation.

    I hope your tests come back negative and you get started on the road to recovery soon. I’m here if you need someone to chat with

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Hi rdeesides, we used to live in Fallbrook, the Avocado capital and also San Clemente. Went to Palomar for art classes....

    Miss the beaches down there! Jude

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Anyone from Pacific Northwest??

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018
    Hi Marlene17, Welcome to the January 2018 Sisters.....I think I can say for all of us that we are nervous too. However, as the days go by and we each see the date of our surgery approach, we know our sisters are thinking of us and our common experience makes us stronger as we share our experience and provide a place to vent. I am glad I don’t feel so alone in this unfamiliar time and place.
  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2018

    I think I’m in the right place now! I’m having surgery January 10th but I keep forgetting it’s now 2018 and I posted to the 2017 thread. Glad to have found you. I’m ready to get this done but very nervous

  • Sfrankie
    Sfrankie Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    Rockcity, when do you expect to get your genetic results back? Mine aren't due back until the 17th but my surgeon is hoping to push them through so we can either be on schedule for the 17th or have a new plan if the surgery changes. I am so nervous. I don't know how to mentally prepare myself for two such opposite possible outcomes.

  • MoniThor
    MoniThor Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2018

    Home from the hospital. Lumpectomy. SNB. It was a long day. Guide wires. Dye. Several hours in recovery room to get handle on pain. But it’s done. Ready for bed at 9:30pm and only felt the need to take 600 mg Motrin and think I’m comfortable enough to sleep.

    Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. I felt the love today. I hope my other January 5th surgery ladies are feeling well also.

    Next up- Houmom and nifer. You got this!


  • Sfrankie
    Sfrankie Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    That's great MoniThor. Sounds like you're handling this great!

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2018

    sfrankie - my BRCA test is due back any time possibly before next Wednesday’s surgery. The rest of the test a week or two later. If we change the surgery type, it would probably be a few more weeks to get BMX. I haven’t met a plastic surgeon so that can also slow the process. So maybe I am just eager to remove the cancerous portion of the breast and treat the known cancer. The mastectomies can come after chemo if needed. That could give me some time to figure out what I want to do about reconstruction type.

    It seems like when you get a diagnosis of cancer, there is so much to learn and decide on quickly, all while you are in a state of shock. It really is tough to think things through. Or to even think about anything else. I’ve just recently learned how isolating a diagnosis of cancer is. I think this forum can help us all to feel less alone through this tough time we never saw coming.

    Talk to me whenever. I’m here

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Hi LoveCanada..Welcome to the January 2018 Sisters!

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2018

    Monithor - yea! So glad you are feeling good and done with that lumpectomy. It is OUT

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Hi MoniThor, so happy for you that you’re through this .Hugs, Jud

  • spazcat
    spazcat Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2018

    Jan 30 for me ! Mastectomy and reconstruction. Nervous but feel way better after having it scheduled.

  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2018

    Judeshome- thanks :)

    spazcat- I feel the same!!

    Marlena17- I posted on the January 2017 thread too! Feel like my mind isn’t all there these days.

    Sfrankie- I realize it may not be the same for you, but I got my genetics results back about a week before they said I would, so hopefully yours won’t take too long. That was one of the hardest days for me - I was more shocked than I expected to be positive for BRCA2 and have to think about ovary removal too- but its given me some time to process it all. Good luck to you!

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2018

    My date was now confirmed as Feb 1st. :( They we’re trying to fit it in Jan 22 but that likely won’t fly.No longer in the Jan group.