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Chemo starting April 2018



  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    and happy belated birthday frog!!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    WTF!!! My lump was discovered by a PA nurse doing a yearly exam!! Not to mention I get mammograms every year before I even dealt with cancer. Sorry about the language ladies! WOW! That pissed me off! These decisions are being made by people that have their heads right up their ass! 🤬

    Frog Happy Birthday! You look great! Hair looks thick and healthy! Enjoy your time with your parents.

    Undrago Good to here that you did good on your first day! I did a couple extra reps for you the other day in the gym. Man am I sore! You owe me. Hee Hee 😉

    Well I decided to tackle defrosting my freezer and cleaning my oven this weekend. So I better get with it.

    Have a good one everyone!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Happy belated birthday Frog.Your so beautiful. Is your hair, curly?. Did you tell ur MO about the numbness, are they reducing ur meds? Ivee got breast pains as well and a spot on my shoulder blade. Grrrr.


    Life, its too cold here to defrost thanks for doing a couple more just me. Im randomly going to gym, going tomorrow morning after my meds.

    Gawarrior, so glad that u went to support You're so amazing, hugs..on the other hand that makes me mad.. i was misdiagnosed and now how are they going to achieve early detection?

    Stay warm...

    Sending positive vibes, Cyber Hugs to all.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Frog you look wonderful! Your hair looks great and I’m a little jealous. I only cut mine a couple of weeks ago but it’s already starting to curl again. Hubs is reluctant to buzz it for me but I really don’t see the point in paying someone to do it.

    It’s supposed to be super cold in the mid-Atlantic tonight but everyone try to get out to see the super moon!!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    urgrago lol I cant wait for my birthday in August You dont have him shoveling snow like that do you?

    I feel restless this weekend. It's just weird. I'm usually not big on remembering dates. But this is my one year diagnosis weekend. I recall already being told I most likely had BC from fridays biopsy. In shock, sad, scared. Got the actual call on Monday which would be tomorrow. I was laying on the couch, phone rang. Cat was on my chest facing me which had never happened. She always faces away. Picked up the phone and got the confirmation. Hung up. She just kept staring at me purring with her big eyes almost to try to comfort me. Oh well, sorry for going down memory lane. I've come along way and despite BC I'm thankful for so much. Especially ALL of you. Hope everyone stays warm today! Hugs deb

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Yeah, I was pretty floored by what the doc said. And, duh, I was there with my friend because her regular doc found a lump during an exam - so why would "they" say not to do one? You're right Duffy, plenty of my patients tell me they or their doc found their lump - after clear mammograms. It's insane.

    Belated happy birthday, Frog! (And thanks for having a birthday so we could see what Urdrago came up with to celebrate, lol). You're gorgeous - I am super-jealous of your thick, wavy hair. I'm only 3 weeks behind you from chemo and there's no way mine will look like that by then. Have fun with your family!

    Urdrago, I'm glad the Xeloda isn't too bad as of now. I was sure Frog had said it was pretty easy, except for her skin bothering her in the heat. At least heat won't be a problem for you right now. Also, FYI I still have random aches in my (non-existent) breasts and figure they are nerves growing back., The BS said that can take 2 or more years.

    Life, good for you getting to the gym. I have barely made it downstairs to the treadmill in the basement lately, much less the gym. By the way, I got a massage last night which found a lot of tender areas everywhere in my body (chemo?). I wondered if a lymphatic massage would help you and the other ladies who are having problems with lymphedema? Just a thought.

    Ingerp, embrace those curls! I've had curly hair all my life - I am hoping for just having wavy hair after chemo, but we'll see. I bet your curls will relax a little if you let them grow out (but it's a struggle to get through that poodle stage, for sure).

    DebAL, it's hard not to think about this time last year. I'm so sorry you (and all of us) have gone through this, but I'm also grateful to have met you all. I was actually thinking along those same lines because my exchange surgery is scheduled for 3/1 and I went for my diagnostic mammo/ultrasound and was told I most likely had cancer last year on 3/9. Can't believe we've gotten through a whole year - especially since everything seemed to drag so much last year between biopsies, chemo, and surgery, We all rock for being so strong!

    Stay warm, y'all (look at Frog's birthday pic again if you need a little heat Loopy).

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi everybody,

    Just checking in. All is well.

    Thanks for posting the hair pictures. Janice's is of similar length in the back and sides, but the top hasn't come back as much. She looks great in her wig, and she wears that along with head wraps and turbans a lot. She's certainly not happy about the hair coming back so gray :) It looks like mine :)

    I think we have a followup and annual mammogram next month. She also has a routine colonoscopy set for early Feb, just because we haven't had enough fun yet! :)

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Count me among those of you happy Frog had her birthday SillyHeart

    Super cold here in Ontario today but at least the sun is shining. I'll head to Michigan tomorrow for my Herceptin followed by yet another MUGA. Fingers crossed this will be my last one. I can't fathom having to have another one in April when I should be finishing up infusions by then. I did get my breast MRI scheduled for the day after my last infusion. I've never had one before and am hoping insurance is on board for it.

    DebAL - I totally understand the last year at this time feelings. I'm coming up on the anniversary of when I found my lump. It was two days before hubby and I were scheduled to leave on a cruise. I kept the the news to myself until the last night of the cruise (he was wondering why I hadn't seemed to be enjoying trip as much he was used to).

    LIFE - I'm right there with you back to working out. I actually signed up for WeightWatchers and I'm trying to get rid of the last 10lbs gained during this journey. I was surprised by how weak I've become but it feels good to be back at it.

    Urdrago - I'm glad to hear new drug is going well. You deserve it. I hope you are keeping warm cuddling grand baby.

    Engine - Glad to hear all is well. My hair is pretty even because I kept buzzing it until all the hair started growing.

    Have a great week All!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Engine, I'm glad things are going well. I can relate to Janice's gray hair - I've got it, too. I'm telling myself it's because the follicles aren't producing enough melanin yet, but I'm secretly sure it's because salt and pepper is really my color now. Sigh. Good luck with the colonoscopy. Is she still getting some leaking from her incision?

    Duffy, I hope your infusion went well. Fingers crossed for a clear MUGA scan. That's for your heart, right? I had an echocardiogram prior to getting Adriamycin but haven't had one since. I'll have to ask if it's standard to get a followup scan. Re your diagnosis anniversary - I can't imagine how you kept that to yourself during the cruise. That would be so hard. I was pretty sure I had BC when I went in for my biopsy. After I had it done, I got right on a plane to go see my son since I had planned the trip months before and figured it would keep my mind busy while waiting for results. I didn't say a word to anyone except the friend I was staying with, who is a survivor. That was a tough weekend, I don't know how you managed for the length of a cruise!

    InnaB, thinking about you - hoping everything is fine for your check on that lump tomorrow.

    Sending you all warm thoughts!

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi Duffyzmom and GAWarrior,

    Janice has been using something that a woman at her nail place sells that is supposed to grow hair. It's not Rogain.. I suspect it is snake oil, but I'm not going to say that to Janice :)

    Yeah, judging from all of my gray hair, I suspect that is her real color.

    No, the incision hasn't leaked for going on a week now! Praise God! I think it has finally resolved.

    Keeping all of you in prayer. Hoping for the best with your MUGA scan, Duffy.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    It’s edema, no malignancy! Whew!

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Yeah, InnaB! So glad to hear that.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Excellent news, Inna!! Have an awesome (celebratory?) weekend!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    InnaB. That is awsome! 🙃

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    InnaB that's the best news!!image

  • krissy37
    krissy37 Member Posts: 119

    Hello Ladies ( and Engine)

    I followed this chemo thread throughout IV chemo and chimed in a few times. I still read it often.

    Today marks my "cancerversary" -One year ago today I had my double mastectomy surgery with immediate reconstruction. It's been an emotional and physical roller coaster ride that I feel like I won't ever get off of. I said to myself often," things will be better and easier at this time next year." Hmmm.... not sure about that. I have 5 more cycles of Xeloda to go. I had an oopherectomy 12/14 that I'm recovering from too ( I'm BRCA 2). Instant menopause from chemopause at 48 years old! Hot flashes?! Omg. Awful. I'm sooooo exhausted 😩 Mentally and physically. I find myself obsessing over reoccurrence and the "what ifs". I just want to feel human again :(

    Needed to vent....I feel better now. Thanks for listening.

    I'm happy to read that we are all hanging in there, it's not easy.


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Krissy37, Vent away we got ur back. This road sure has ups and downs. Positive thinking, there a end of this tunnel soon. Cyber hugs and chime in keep us posted.

    I've got some reading to catch up on what's happening with everyone..

    I started Xeloda last Friday and its on hold. Not sure why but by Monday my chest felt like I had bronchitis. Of coarse the only way to be sure is to the hospital I go. I cried and Im sure I hit the panic button internally. They ran test and test and almost everything came out ok. My blood test the one for heart enzymes Troponin was a bit high. And my white count down to 2.6 from only three days. So I got a night in cardiac unit, lots of sick ppl every where. Everyone around me mask and gloves. Troponin egan to drop, my Eco came back fine plus other test where all fine. Got out Tuesday night. Rested Wednesday doc called me to discuss plan to return back to Chemo reduce my dosage by 25 percent , first I needed blood work and then we wld discuss date to start. She wants to ensure my white count came back up. Did blood work before i returned to work Thursday. I take my time in the morning usually drink coffee, but for some reason I didnt feel like drinking coffee. Got work tried tea, but for some reason tea didnt sound good. Got a vitamin water from vending machine. By noon I was vomiting in bathroom, trying to hide it bcuz I didnt feel like I had the flu. No coughing. Sinus thing, or fever.Cleaned myself up return to my desk made it another 2 hours and started vomiting again. Called doc, they said take nauses pill keep fluids in ya. Easier said than done at this point. Ugh, so home I went to puke again and then it stopped. So I laid down to rest. Of coarse ur thinking it all stopped and that was the end. Oh no. I begin to run fever and yes hit the 100.4 mark. So called the doc again. This time i negotiate if I hit 101 I will to go to hospital. Remember I just been there, beds suck!! So tylenol I down and Gatorade diluted all night, plus cool showers. I hit 101.7 and by morning Im back to myself just a bit exhausted. All I can think is," what the heck happened to my body"?

    Now that Im off chemo, waiting to restart and see of its the Xeloda or was I just having a bad week!

    Hopefully everyone is less Eventful..

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Yes Krissy I am with Undrago. We are here for you to vent, share, cry and laugh with.

    WOW! Undrago!! Man alive that is one wicked side effect! If it is a side effec. You almost want to hope that it isn't the side effect that way you can still continue your chemo treatment and not feel like total s***. Hope you continue to feel well and that your next chemo treatment does not do that to you. Keep us tabbed.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I am so sorry urdrago. That sounds like it totally sucked but I hope you’re feeling better.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    WOO HOO, InnaB!!! Congrats!

    Yay, Engine - no more drainage for Janice!!

    Krissy, feel free to vent. You've had a rough year! For me, I go through periods when I worry about recurrence a LOT, then it goes away for awhile. The last few weeks have been hard (maybe the winter blues are mixing in?). I think it's normal to worry, plus you're recovering from yet another surgery, which is tough, Your poor body has been through a lot - hang in there (((hugs))).

    Urdrago, I sure hope you feel better soon! I'm not saying your vomiting on Thursday wasn't from the Xeloda, but I know we've seen a LOT of stomach bugs in our city in the past few weeks. I had a teacher tell me last week that 20% of his class was out sick. Hoping it was "just" that. There's also a cold going around that is just in the chest - no fever, sneezing, etc - you just sound hoarse and feel yucky. Hoping that none of it was Xeloda-related and was just coincidental timing. Big hugs to you!

    Linda, how was your Phoenix trip? Are you still doing well on the trial meds?

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Urdrago, so sorry! I agree with GAWarrior, could it be a virus?

    Engine, yay for Janice and no more drainage!

    Life, exercise is the way to go! I do something every day.

    My doctor thinks I should remove my ovaries, so I can stick with Anastrozole without Lupron. I am 46, so unless I do it, I can be on Lupron for 10 years. Can anyone who had thissurgery chime in?

    My husband was sick for a week with 101.8 fever. No symptoms other than that. It was horrible! He refused to go to the doctor and eventually got better on his own. I was so scared for him. The last time he was sick in 2013! I told him to stop diverting attention from me and my plight 🤣🤣🤣.

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    InnaB - Congrats on the good results. Sure sounds like your husband had the flu - How Rude! Doesn't he know it is all about you from here on out. WinkingAre you also Braca+? Hopefully Krissy can give you some advice on ovary removal.

    Krissy - I feel for you. I had chemo induced menopause at 42. My oncologist was such a treat he said "Really how many eggs do you have left at this point?" What a peach. Thankfully hot flashes only lasted 18 months or so for me.

    Udrago - I sure am hoping you only had a virus. Any chance your fever etc is due to the neutropenia ?

    GAWarrior - the cruise had booze that helped with keeping my news to myself. And yes MUGA is for heart. Like you when I had Adriamycin last time I only had the Scan before treatment. I never had a final scan. I think had I been having shortness of breath or symptoms they would have but I didn't. The Herceptin can cause heart issues as well but thankfully those are reversible. I seem to be losing between 2-3% with each scan (they scan every 3 mos). but I'm still above the 50% mark where they delay treatment so I think I'll be able to finish treatment. Last night I pulled up my scan from 2010. I was at 75.8% then I'm now down to 58.1%. ( I was at 65% at the beginning of chemo this time). My MO said the difference between 2010 and 2018 could be attributed partly to aging.

    Stay warm all. We're in Michigan this weekend and it is COLD.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500


    Stay warm, on west side we are getting snow storm Monday 8 inches, and lake effect Sat night til wednesday.

    They arent sure what it was from I wondered if it was neutropenia as well. I dont know if theres a test for it? I do known on tuesday I was tested for respiratory infections and that came back negative.

    Hugs stay warm..

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    You guys are making me cold. Brrrr. It is a little chilly willy around here as well. Temps are about 25 to 30 dropping into the teens at night. Windy! Windy! Mock 60 MPH gust. Actually caused my alarm on my back door to go off the other day. This time of year I have a very close relationship with my electric blanket. 😍

    I am going to try my hand on making green chili this weekend. Never made my own green chile before. I bought a bunch of green roasted chiles at the flea market last summer. The only thing is with my little chemo foggy brain going on I forgot to peel them. 🙄 I'm going to defrost them and hopefully peel them now. LOL

    Deb I tried the hidding an egg in my hair the other day. Nope! 😆

    Super busy at work with both jobs. Just when things started getting back to "normal" one of my peeps that cleans for me was diagnosed with throat cancer. After listening to all the things that he has to go through. I don't think I could do that radiation part. He had to be fitted for a face mask! I was having anxiety just laying there. They would definitely have to drug me up on a daily basis to get through that. They are putting in a feeding tube just to be on the safe side. He is a very thin small guy to begin with. He and his wife both clean for me so I will be taking on some extra nights. Its time to pay forward.

    Speaking of pay it forward. Have you guys ever heard of when you are in the line at a fast food and you go to pay your bill and somebody in front of you already paid it? It happens occasionally around here. After I experienced it for my first time I now like to do it every once in awhile to surprise the person behind me. Now, no judgment here. LOL. I was at McDonald's yesterday and I decided to pay for the person that was behind me. It ended up being a Happy Meal! A whopping $4. I'm sure that guy was like umm okay. Thanks. 🤣🤣

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    hi everyone. Wow so much to catch up on. InnaB great news! And lol yes, hubby shall not divert attention from your plight!

    Urdrago. What a bummer. I'm so glad you are feeling better. I do hope it was a bad week and my goodness. That's what panic buttons are for. Just better to be safe. Uneventful going forward.

    Welcome krissy! Hang in there. This is an awesome group!

    Engine, glad janice is doing better. Sorry if I missed it. How is she holding up with her job?

    Duffy, nurse debbie 'duh' here lol Are the percentages you speak of describing your heart function? Cold in ohio too and even colder next week. Hubby and I are escaping to south beach for 5 days in February. If I'm not frozen first.

    LIFE, sorry about your coworker. Cancer seems to be everywhere. I took care of a 32 year old for port removal so it was a good day. Colon cancer. Father of 4 including triplets. I pointed to my poodle head and told him I could relate. I'm serious, when people fight for parking spots at oncology offices there is a serious problem. He knows 3 other young men diagnosed recently. I just dont understand it. He was very upbeat and ready to get back to his life.

    I still feel like the tin man in the wizard of oz ( on arimidex) by the evening. I go so much ALL day long that once I stop to rest then try to get up again my body is like WHOA. I honestly dont think cold weather helps either. I need to start bringing my oil can to yoga class lol

    I hope everyone else is doing well too. 2 more shifts of my alarm waking me at 3:15 am. More than ready for my new job. Job stress on a 10 scale went from a 9 down to a 1. I'll take that. Take care everyone. Hugs , deb

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Hi, all,

    Well, we received some bad news, just before our trip to Phoenix. My sister-in-law died tragically on the 16th in a single car accident. It is so sobering. Here we all are, fighting this disease with everything we have, and in a flash, another life is taken. I'm heartbroken.

    We still went to Phoenix, it was a trip of golf and tears, tears and golf. It was good to be away - we wouldn't have done anything but mope around if we had stayed home - but the loss was (and is) front and center.

    The trial is going ok - I've experienced much more diarrhea lately. I'm trying to be more proactive with the imodium, so today was better. If I can't control it, the next step will be a dose reduction.

    Life - I got my lymphedma pump vest thing going yesterday. Sitting still for an hour each day seems formidable at this point. I'll try it for a week or two and go from there.

    Inna - glad to hear your good news. Urdrago - your experience sounds miserable. Hope it's a one time reaction or flu or something.

    Robin and Krissy (and all of us) - I think it is just going to take us all time to figure out how to put this experience into perspective, without the fear controlling our lives. Cancer is everywhere. Death is everywhere. But we all made the best decisions we could for the care and treatment that our bodies needed, and we need to find comfort in that.

    Take care,


  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    oh linda, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sister in law. This will be front and center for awhile as you work through your grief.

    You hit the nail on the head. Fear is normal and we all have it. It ebbs and flows like anything in life. We each work through this differently as to not let this disease control our lives.

    I'm glad you still made your trip. It was probably good for both of you. I hope the GI side effects subside a bit for you. Please take care and again I'm so sorry for your loss. Deb

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Linda, So sorry for your loss, wishing you peace as you and the family heals. Cyber hugs !

    Agreed about death, wishing there was less of it. I think as we age we understand and see more of it bcuz are arms spread further.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Lynda, my deepest condolences to you and your family. This is so unfair.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Linda So sorry for your lose. Prayers for you and your family during this very sad time.