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Chemo starting April 2018



  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Ingerp, congrats! Doing a happy dance for you. Enjoy your weekend! :)

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    My view for the weekend:


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Ingerp. CONGRATS!!!


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Gawarrior, love the new profile pic..

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Found on Facebook and had to share! 🤣image

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Love the happy dancer, Urdrago! Thanks re my profile pic. :)

    Beautiful place to relax and recharge, Ingerp.

    Life - Walmart be darned, we'll be watching for your Vegas photos soon! 😂

  • InnaB2018
    InnaB2018 Member Posts: 766

    Ingerp, congratulations!🎊🍾🎉

    GAWarrior, great hair!


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Thanks, Inna. Feels pretty good.

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    congrats ingerp! Hope to catch up next week. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    must I leave?


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    DebAL, don't leave if you can help it! :)

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Ingerp - Congratulations. Such a great feeling with the Herceptin is finished.

    Trying to ease back into real life following a wonderful vacation and catch up on all of you.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Welcome home Duffy. Hope you had a wonderful vacation.

    Deb I agree with GaWarrier. Stay as long as you can!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Oh Deb! Love it!!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Deb, Love the beach pic..

    I got my hair cut and styled for the first time. Goodbye mullet!


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Urdrago. Dang Girl! That is one sexy picture!! Love that hair style and color!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Urdrago that is a wonderful cut!! I hope you don't take this the wrong way but did your hair look that good pre-chemo? Honestly--it's lovely.

    I had a nice, relaxing weekend away after my last Herceptin but it's been a bit of a scramble since. Work has been busy, I've had several social engagements in the evenings, and I've tried to squeeze in some packing/laundry/shopping for our Costa Rica trip. We leave tomorrow!! I'm feeling a little out of my comfort zone--haven't traveled out of the country hardly at all the past decade or two, plus we *never* take beach vacations. I had to ask a friend for packing suggestions--how lame! Ennyhoo--I'll try to post a pic or two. Might not be gorgeous, sunny beach weather--I believe the pattern down there is afternoon thunderstorms most days, but that's when I plan to nap. ;-) Kinda looking forward to getting the travel part behind me--we fly to San Jose tomorrow, spend the night there, and then do a five-hour drive down to the coast. Be thinking of me late Sunday afternoon, when <hopefully> we've arrived and settled in.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Ingerp How exciting! Have a great relaxing, fun time!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Im sure my hair looks better now since its all new hair growth. .. showing off a bob(cut short in back and my sides are a bit longer) try to blend all the different layers and embrace the curls.

    Ingerp, ur vacation sounds like fun and long deserved..

    Happy Memorial Day weekend all

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Undrago Embrace that photo! It is a really good photo that shows your beauty.

  • InnaB2018
    InnaB2018 Member Posts: 766

    urdrago, you look great!

    In other news, I had my exchange/oophorectomy surgery on Wednesday and am still not myself. Was in a lot of pain, lymphedema flared up, and today one of my boobs is bright red and hurts a little. Not to mention that one of my drains keeps inflating and I have to constantly keep an eye on it. Called the doctor re my right boob, waiting for the answer. On the bright side, removal of the ovaries was a piece of cake. If it wasn’t for the three tiny incisions, I would’ve forgotten that something was removed down there.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    InnaB. Sorry to hear all that. Hopefully you get to feeling better very soon. Wonder why your breast is so red?

    I am constantly fighting that lymphedema. If I forget to wear a sleeve when I workout or clean at my part time job my arm will start to swell. If I don't use my machine faithfully at least 3 or 4 times a week, my arm swells. I'm just beginning to accept the fact that this is just going to be the way it is.


  • InnaB2018
    InnaB2018 Member Posts: 766

    Update: the boob redness is not an infection, but a kind of delayed bruising reaction from my radiated skin. Sent pics to the doctor, discussed coming in, but ultimately decided against it. It’s a little better this morning, and traveling to the NYC on the weekends is just a plains suicide. If anything changes, will decide at that point. I feel a little better. Can move longer, take fewer pain meds, and the drain fluid is clear. I hate the drains!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    InnaB. Thst is great news! Your right. Drains are the worst!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Urdrago, your hair is gorgeous - l love it!

    Ingerp, I hope you are settled and enjoying Costa Rica. Have a great time!

    InnaB, so sorry that you aren't feeling so great, but I'm glad there is no infection. That was my first thought. Yeah, drains are a pain. This, too, shall pass - hang in there and feel better.

    I had a wonderful birthday weekend on our cruise (except my daughter (also her birthday this weekend) caught a cold). The weather was perfect. We enjoyed a beach day on the cruise line's private island and a day in Nassau (been there, done that, stayed on board). Our ship was the one on the right, behind my hubby. Daughter was bummed because parasailing was cancelled (too windy). Mom was relieved not to have to go with her, lol. Short trip and then reality set back in when the alarm went off this morning...

    Have a great week, ladies and gent!


  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Loving all the pictures. Urdrago your hair is spectacular! I especially love the color.

    GAWarrior - Private island day is always my favorite on any cruise. Glad your trip was mostly successful.

    InnaB - Continued good luck healing from your exchange surgery.

    Ingerp - Can 't wait to hear all about your trip. Costa Rica has been on my bucket list. I agree with you. I don't mind tropical afternoon rains. I'm not a big sun person so afternoon rain is always a good excuse for a nap in the shade.

    I finally got out for my first post exchange run and other than feeling really out of shape it went well. I hope to get back to running 3 or 4 times a week. Fingers crossed weather cooperates.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Happy Birthday Gawarrior!!


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Happy Birthday GaWarrier! Hope you have a great one!

  • InnaB2018
    InnaB2018 Member Posts: 766

    Happy Birthday, GAWarrior!
