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Chemo starting April 2018



  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Ingerp, sending good wishes and gentle hugs your way.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Inna I really appreciate that but for some reason I'm not concerned. I haven't had brain space for any of my lady parts for several years. I'll just wait to hear results and think about it then. #callmescarlett

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Well that was disappointing. My hair is still too short to do anything with the color. I’ve been so excited about this. She said to come back in two months. Stupid cancer.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ingerp, ugh on both counts. I don't see why she couldn't color it one color - I've been doing that myself since it was about an inch long. Yours must be that long if you last buzzed it in March. Even if it isn't, grab some darker color from the drug store and do it yourself. It's easy, but lighter colors (like blonde) haven't taken well on my hair, so I went with light brown that has lightened up considerably since I applied it about 5 weeks ago. I'm using semi-permanent color.

    As for the LEEP procedure, I don't think it's too painful. I almost had it done, but the lesion cleared up before hand. A friend had it done and said she had some cramping but that was all. They numb you up and I think that's probably the worst part. Sending hugs!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    GAW—I have to give the hair gal credit. I was all set to write a big fat check but she said if I’m trying to go lighter I wouldn’t be happy with the results. I knew when I made the appt that it wouldn’t be long enough for foil but the receptionist did say I could get one all-over color. The stylist said that whatever she did would pull red out of my hair. It’s just that I made the appt *so* long ago, have several social/business things coming up that I was hoping I’d look a little brighter for, I’d downloaded an app and was all set to watch the US women play on my phone during the appt, had plans to meet hubs for dinner and a movie afterwards with my pretty new hair, had taken a “before” selfie, but alas there is no “after”. I am being a big whiny baby.

    I had a dream last night that the doctor told me I needed a hysterectomy, but she also said my sister should get one. I guess the genetic testing/colposcopy stuff *has* been on my mind a little.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ingerp, I agree, I seem to have red in my hair, but that's always been the case for me - coloring it pulls the red. I don't know, I thought the darker color was fine for me (I'm usually blonde) and it beat having gray hair, lol. Some red might look good on you! Look at how pretty urdrago's hair is... anyhow, it's your decision, I know you are disappointed. :(

    Sorry about your dream - it does sound like you're worrying about the LEEP procedure. Ugh, no fun - hoping you sleep well tonight!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Hi Everyone! Just caught myself up. InnaB I real enjoyed your watching the play of your book. That was pretty cool! Congrades!!

    Ingerp Sorry to hear about your hair appointment. That would be a huge bummer! Hang in there. It will come! Not yelling it or anything but I WANT TO SEE A PICTURE OF YOUR NEW FUR BABY!! just saying.....;)

    Undrago I was so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend you found through all of this. You sound like you have made some solid life decisions and seem to be at peace with them. :)

    Gawarrier I never had better skin then I did during chemo. It was smooth and clear. I can't help but wonder if it was because of the way I was eating when I was on chemo versus now back to my normal whatever I want to eat mode. I am completely with you on, wouldn't that have been a nice side effect to have kept!

    So I have been MIA lately. I got back from Vegas, and within two days of being back I had two people quit the cleaning job. The third one's last day is July 28th. Needless to say I have been busier than a bumblebee trying to get people hired and trained and keeping the place afloat. On top of that I went to Estes Park for a few days for a wedding last week. It was a beautiful wedding!

    June 28th was my one year PFC. I'm doing okay. I am starting to experience more and more joint pain through my feet and knees. Probably the cleaning job. Also when I was in Vegas I decided to be the badass volleyball player and do a jump serve in the pool. Well I strained my arm, lymphedema arm of course, and when I came back down I twisted my right foot and tweaked my left knee. That's what I get! LOL. I am getting kind of frustrated though because I feel that I would have bounced back quicker from something like this before last year. I can't help but wonder if it's not the anastrozole causing the joint pain to be worse then normal.

    Now a few of you ladies have been talking about how you've changed your eating habits that are doing really well. Well let me tell you I have been eating everything in sight and gaining my weight right back to where I was before I found out I had BC. Sooo I join Weight Watchers right before I went to Estes Park. Perhaps because I have to be accountable during my weekly meetings that might keep me on track better. The first couple weeks I did absolutely horrible! You're only allowed so many points a week and then you get an additional amount to eat up. I managed to eat up all my points on a daily basis and all of my extra points before Wednesday. LOL Yeah I'm going to need to work on that! 🤣

    Well I guess I better get off and get some stuff done. Was gone for a week. Took a half a day to clean the medical facility when I got back because it was my turn. Hoping my new two girls I just hired workout. Actually considering not replacing the third one and just working all the time and just getting my bills paid off quicker. If I do that I may be able to quit by the end of this year. But wow will it suck working 5 days a week every single week. I just don't know if I could actually bring myself emotionally or mentally to do it.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Will check in again sometime this week.

    A big OLA to those I did not mention as well!!! 🤗

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    So I’m not sure what I posted about the new pupper but I finally decided it was a rash decision and after a few weeks I took him back to the breeder. I was just stressed *all* the time—when I was at home, when I wasn’t at home, when I thought about upcoming travel. I was absolutely exhausted and it was going to be like that for months (years?). He was a *great* little guy but I realized that I just don’t want any more puppies in my life. It was a six-hour round trip (right after my colposcopy!) but driving back home I didn’t even feel bad. He came from two co-breeders. The one I returned him to has his sister, but she said the other breeder, where he had been living, missed him so much she was probably going to keep him. I mean here he had my husband and me (61) and our 10-year-old lab but he’s going to grow up with a bunch of great, active corgis. We’ll stick with our one, super easy guy for now and, as you suggested, GAW, if we ever do get another dog it’ll be an adult—possibly even a senior. The good thing is I am giving *so* much love to our old guy. I feel like we’d been taking him for granted.

    Life I hope everything works out for you diet- and employee wise. Could you really retire at the end of this year?? I’m targeting 3.5-4 years. It’s fun to think about but still feels like a long way

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Interg. I think it's fantastic that you gave that puppy a great home! Sounds like all worked out just like it should! I haven't had a puppy in a very long time. When I adopted my shitzu she was already 4. Puppies are a lot of work!

    I was talking about my part time job. I will not be retiring from my full-time job for at least another 12 years. Yuck!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Ahh--I'm at the age where it's increasingly becoming part of the conversation. Even if it's a ways off, it sure is fun to think about!!

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Congrats Inna B on the bone scans... yeyyy. Inna B, congrats on the play.

    Robin, yeyy on the hair part. Vitapos is still working. I was using Vitapos and some artificial tears and they were doing a good job. However, I missed taking a new bottle of the tear drops while travelling and the cold weather and using the contacts for extended hours made the eyes drier. I did buy some from a pharmacy in Europe but it wasn't as good. Anyways, so I am now back to a strict regimen of drops and vitapos and fish oil capsules. I got it okayed from my MO yesterday.

    Ingerp, you can look into the fish oil capsules as well. Also, radiation can cause a cough weeks and months after completion.

    I had to do some blood work as my liver enzyme levels were quite high since Jan and steadily increasing. Well, I am happy to report that at 10 weeks post Xeloda they have dropped considerably. Still not at normal range though, but its getting there.

    Life, dont over do things. I mean when you say that you are not bouncing back like earlier days or getting hurt/injured more often, then its a sign you need to slow down.

    Urdrago, lovely hair colour. I have never coloured my hair. Now, I have numerous gray strands and for some reason they stand out in pictures. I am letting my hair grow. I am hoping at one point it will get too heavy to be curly ( it has not worked yet).I am doing good energy wise. I think of all the frenemies ( chemo, surgery, radiation, more chemo) the one that keeps poking its ugly head is the radiation. Sore breast. On and off though. Nothing very interesting, like a nagging reminder. My issue right now is I cannot sleep. I lay wide awake and I dont even try to sleep I feel. I also have some acid reflux issues.

    Okay, so everyone who is planning to have a getaway at NZ, you guys are most welcome to come and stay with me. I would love to meet up with any and all of you

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Great pics, Frog!! I’ve lost track—would the fish oil be for dry eyes? I’m so anxious for my hair to grow/straighten too. I guess many of us just need to try to stay patient a little while longer. :-(

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Life, it's good to hear from you - sorry you are so busy, though. Good for you for doing Weight Watchers - it works (if you can resist the desserts, which I have a hard time doing.). Estes Park is beautiful, isn't it? I'm glad you got to enjoy it for the wedding. Hmm, not sure about you working all the time, though - you need a break! You need stress reduction, not more stress. I hope you feel better soon (arm/knee/foot).

    Ingerp, I'm sorry you gave the puppy back, but it sure sounds like the right decision. I'm telling you, stress is not good for us (do you hear that, Life? :) ). My daughter adopted a 2nd dog this past weekend - an Australian Shepherd, I kept my mouth shut about how much attention that breed needs (my sister has one). They realized very quickly that the dog needed more than they could provide and they already have taken it back. It's got to be a good adoption for you and the dog both. Also, I'm with you on the retirement thoughts. I'm right behind you (just turned 60, good gravy!). It'll be a max of 4 years for me, but it'll probably be closer to 3-3.5. It's so, so weird to think of retirement in terms of myself, not my parents. But, after last year, I'm grateful to have the chance to get old enough to retire!. <shudder>

    Hi, Frog, great to see you on here again! Looking good! Anytime you want to share that snow with us here in HOTlanta, feel free, lol. Your hair looks beautiful, the curls are very pretty (not tight and frizzy like mine, although I am just grateful to have hair this summer, so I am not really complaining). I wonder if your sleeplessness has to do with your hormones still being affected? When you hit menopause, insomnia is a big thing and maybe your body is going through some of those type of SEs because your hormones aren't balanced yet. In any case, I hope it gets better soon - along with your eyes, I know that's irritating and painful when they are so dry. I went through that when I was in Colorado with my son last December. I'm glad your liver enzymes are coming down. And, I fully intend to visit NZ and look you up in a few years when I am free to travel that far!

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Hi, everyone! The craziness of the summer finally quieted down, and I was able to start writing again. I was so scared I'm out of ideas and inspiration, but it turned out I just needed some catharsis from all the drama of last year. So I started a new autobiographical story about the first week after my diagnosis. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to the unfinished one once all the anguish is out on the paper.

    Getting ready for the Alaska trip. Bought waterproof walking shoes on Sunday. I wonder if I ever use them again after the trip.

    Frog, you look great! Life, don't overdo it with work, it's not worth it. Ingerp, I was so close to getting a puppy, but then my cousin got one and it fell sick. Now she's all broken up because of it. She spent two nights with him at the vet hospital, and is crying her eyes out every day since then. The doctors are not sure whether the puppy has a distemper or a brain tumor. They are currently in a wait and see mode. After that there's no more pet talks at my house.

    GAWarrior, love your new picture!

  • krissy37
    krissy37 Member Posts: 119

    Hi everyone,

    I finished Xeloda May 5th. I'm TNBC, BRCA 2. I had my regular scheduled CT that my MO wanted to " make sure nothing has changed" from last scan. The CT had some concerning findings: one is a nodule on my thyroid that was not there last time. Had ultrasound of thyroid last week.

    There's a new finding in my liver - that cannot be ruled out as a cyst. I do have multiple cysts in my liver - always have. Had an MRI last week as well. I see my MO this Friday. I assume liver biopsy will be the next awful testing.

    I AM SCARED... scared I have liver mets...maybe thyroid too. I feel like I just started to get back into life...exercising, eating healthy, not thinking of cancer 24/7...actually feeling good....then this.

    I briefly skimmed through the recent posts as I often do. Looks like you are all doing well.

    I just need some prayers and (( hugs ))from our chemo group! I'll come back and post after Friday.

    Scary... I'm right in the middle of the "black hole" no one wants to fall into. Surgery was 1/2018. Diagnosed 10/2017. Finished IV chemo 9/2018, Xeloda 5/2019....PLEASE BE BENIGN!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi Krissy37,

    I'm sending big cyber {{{{HUGS}}}} to you!

    If you have had prior liver cysts and this can't be ruled out as one, then it makes sense that it is most likely a cyst. That said, I am TNBC, too, so I totally understand how everything that is out of the ordinary is worrisome. FYI, if you need a liver biposy - I just had a close friend go through tests because of high RBC counts and "something" on his liver - they actually did an endoscopy and took tissue to test (doesn't sound like the right procedure to test the liver, but that's what happened!). I've had an endoscopy before - if you have to have one, it was not bad. I just felt "bruised" deep inside for about 4 days (my friend concurs - his felt similar). Also, my hubby had a liver biopsy back in the day (they put you out for this as well as the endoscopy). Again, he felt bruised, but it was tolerable.

    I do know that thyroid nodules are common, too.

    It sucks big time that you are having to go through this. I've already said a prayer and will continue to keep you in mine this week. Try to keep occupied and distracted until you hear back on Friday (I know, that's going to be tough). Please keep us posted.

    Sending positive vibes your way, stay strong!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Krissy37, lung nodules are common I had one prior and now three nodules. Radiation causes scaring and yepper nodules. So Im having another CT in Nov. I can relate to worrying.. I just finished Xeloda last weekend so my treatment plan is now complete. Ive not had any experience with cyst so I cant give any advise. We all know that the wait is the suggestion try to stay busy easier typed than doing..sending good vibes and we are all here for you !! Hugs from Michigan...

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Krissy37 Yes that would be scary. GaWarrier and Undrago are right. Stay busy, focus on something else if you can. Go do something. fun and relaxing. My SO will always tell me that I might as well go do what we can when we can cuz as we age there comes a time when we wont be able to. He does have to remind me that a time or two. ;) Please keep in touch and let us know how these tests all turn out. Huggs and Prayers your way!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    So quick question for anybody out there dealing with arms at lymph nodes were taken out of. My arm seems to be sore and tired all the time. The last two months I have felt a huge hard lump in my arm muscles. My chiropractor said he believes it's just a muscle swollen and irritated. But let me tell you it scared me. It just seems tired and achy all the time and when I drive my car, I can turn right but when I go to turn left it actually hurts. The SO wants to go 2 Sturgis the first weekend and he wants to go four-wheeling for a week in August. I'm just worried that I might not be able to sit and hold on to him as long on the bike as what I'm used to because of my achy hands, which I think is caused from anastrozole, and I know I would not be able to manhandle that four-wheeler. It has no power steering. Anywho. I was just curious on any if any of you ladies out there are dealing with after effects of lymph nodes being removed from your arm?

    Huggs Everyone!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Life I'm not dealing with any of that but you had a *lot* of lymph nodes removed. I'm not sure I'd lock myself in to doing things that are going to be rough on you--it might make what should be a fun vacation kind of awful. Why don't you book yourself another trip to Las Vegas? ;-)

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    I have lung nodules too. They are not changing, thank God, but I am always scared when I have to do tests. So sorry you have to deal with this, Krissy! Gentle hugs!

    Life, can it be a lymphedema flare up?

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    hello ladies,

    Any one knows about Goldilocks mastectomy. First, I was proposed doing lumpectomy because my surgeon said she see no difference in the outcome in regards to mastectomy. Then ps proposed doing Goldilocks mastectomy given that my breast are ddd where this procedure can replace mastectomy and reconstruction in one shot. It sounds good but I did not hear before about this and I am wondering if any of you had that. Thank

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Life, i would suggest u go to ur Mo or surgical treatment team as they are the experts and if further test need to be ordered or different treatment its alot easier for them to guide you. I know I would 100 % for a peace of mind.I wldnt think a chiropractor would be up on all side effects of lymphnodes removal. Be safe! My experience has been sharp pains off and on about two weeks ago. Thats it..let me know what u decide plz?!

    Margun, sorry, Ive never heard of it. Have u done a search so u can look across all the different titles/postings?

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Life, I agree with urdrago - you should check with your surgeon for guidance.

    Margun, I have no experience with a Goldilocks mastectomy, but my PS does them and has written several papers on them. Here's a thread on this website ( you can do a search for more threads about it (or start your own under the surgery thread and people will answer you): Good luck!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Took the advice and have an appointment with Breast Surgent tomorrow.

    Will let you all know what they say.


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Life, prayers and Gentle hugs..

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Thank you Undrago. How are you doing?

    Dr. said not to worry. She thinks it is fatty tissue. Sending me to physical therapy for my shoulder. Says if that does not help setting me up with neck and shoulder dr.

    Thanks for the advice ladies. Guess I was in a little bit of denial. Just did not want to go back to the doctor.

    Might be heading to Sturgis this weekend. Haven't made the final decision but I think it's a go! Maybe I will get to see DJ!

    Well off to bed I go!

    Have a great week! Will check in again before weekend.


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Thats good news right?? And I bet ur relived bcuz u did get some answers. Hope your shoulder gets better with physical therapist. Did ur doc.say it would be with one that handles lymphedema only bcuz they would have more experience with us that have had lymphnodes removed. Well if you go, have fun..take a few pics to share with us..

    I notice random pain still in my armpit and every once in awhile. Im doing ok. Done with all treatments..Got a sinus thing that turned in sore throat with cough. Of coarse a week before port removal. So Im trying to do everything I can without ibuprofen or aleve, which means Im limited. Who get a cold in middle of Summer!?! August 14 will b my 6 months check up from radiation. And I dont go back to see my MO til Nov.. Ive bought a truck and travel trailer doing as much camping/kayaking as I can. I say that with my truck in shop for the last week and camper needs to go in for repairs n a couple weeks. Still watching what I eat, more plant based. Down about 23 lbs, i needed it off.

    Wishing Everyone a good week !

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Life--I know with how busy you are this might be the last thing you want to hear but I just wanted to put in a plug for yoga for overall mobility. I've been practicing fairly regularly for about six years now, and I *know* it helps with these old lady joints. I got kudos from my rads techs for my great shoulder mobility, and I know it helps move fluid through the body. A quick search brought me to this:

    urdrago--summer colds can be *awful* but the last couple of years I feel like sinus stuff/coughs can have a lot of causes. I'd been waiting for my nose to calm down post-Herceptin, started using Flonase based on a recommendation here on BCO, noticed a couple of weeks later that I was coughing pretty regularly, and then saw that coughing is a SE of Flonase. Aiyiyi!! I also learned that regular seasonal allergies can cause a long-term cough. Regardless--hope you feel better and everything calms down before your port removal. And CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS. I've decided just to not get back on the scale. I know I'm down a bit from the weight I gained through chemo last summer. I'm exercising really regularly and eating *fairly* well (I don't eat enough good things but don't eat many bad things), so trying not to let a flagging image get in my head too much.

    And speaking of getting in my head, I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with a low-level depression, although I remind myself that summer is never my favorite time of year, and I just kind of watch the calendar until it starts to cool down. I've just been in a mood lately. Not sure if it's the AI, or being out of active treatment, or contemplating retirement with someone I don't have a lot in common with, or a kind of iffy relationship with one of my kids, or. . . . Before anyone suggests talking to a therapist or getting on an anti-depressant, I'm not really there yet. I think it would help, but don't feel like doing that either. I dunno. . .

    Saturday will be one year PFC. That's something, right? Still *hating* my hair. Curious what I'll look like in 1-6-12 months. Tired of waiting to look like me again.

    Sorry. Grumble grumble grumble. That's just where I am these days.