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Chemo starting April 2018



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    GAW--you are amazing. I hope that two-year timeline holds fast. Hubs and I are thinking 3-4 years. I'm just so stale in my job, but everyone knows it, I keep plugging away (and getting the paycheck!). Good on ya for volunteering!!

    Re: hair (again--ugh)--you and I seem to be on similar growth/curl timelines. I started a little PT for a hip issue last night and the woman told me about a friend who started perming her hair after about two years because she really liked her chemo curls. I've read in a couple of places that we might be looking at about another year before the curls relax. At this point I'm waiting waiting waiting until it's long enough to kind of fall over, but oddly enough, people keep complimenting me on it. I'll post pics on Friday when I <finally!> <fingers crossed!!> get a little something done with the color.

    Re: loss--it has been a weird time in my family. I do always see the silver linings, though. One of my CA kids and his wife are coming home in September for a wedding, and when the bride (my DIL's best friend) heard about my son getting dumped, she invited him to the wedding, so he's coming home too. :-D And there will be no service for my MIL's husband but my whole family (including the son who's been a little distant for a while) are all meeting in Chicago in early October to celebrate him. We're also all meeting in Boise in early November to celebrate my FIL's 90th. And <checking app. . . > 19 days until I go to Disney World for a few days!! I'll go out to CA for Thanksgiving and most of my family will meet for a ski trip over Christmas. It's been a long, hot, dreary summer but I have a LOT to look forward to this fall/winter. (Oh yeah--also a work trip to Toronto in late October.)

    Re: Latisse--I too have been scared off by the possible permanent impact on eye color. I think I've told y'all that pre-tx I was using a lash serum that must have worked because my sister actually commented on my lashes. I've tried about three different brands and my lashes are still not as long as they used to be. I'll continue putting something on them most nights--it can't hurt, and maybe one of these days they'll get longer.

    Great news on Bryce, and enjoy your trip! I am really looking forward to Labor Day weekend--I love my Monday holidays and in my head it's kicking off my Fall-o-Fun. :-)

    P.S. Meant to comment on diet/exercise. I think I'm starting to come to grips with the fact that I'll never be a thin person--I just wasn't born that way. I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm probably in better shape than I've been most of my adult life (I really hate going to the gym but am afraid to cut back), and my diet is better than it's been in years--nowhere near perfect, but the gradual changes I've made have pretty much become permanent, which is the goal, right? I still cut myself lots of slack when I'm on vacation or out for the evening, but lately I've been thinking if I never do any better than this, it's probably okay.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    They say to keep your stress levels down. Then goober one and gober two manage to get fleas. Stress level is high, high, high!!!

    If anyone has ever experience this I would love to hear from ya!


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Ugh Life--our dogs are on flea/tick medicine year round so <fingers crossed> we've never had to deal with them. Sending tons of sympathy, though. A couple of weeks ago I got it in my head we had bedbugs. *Totally* freaked me out. I started throwing things away, triple-washing bedding in hot water, sleeping in the basement. I was almost afraid to go in my room. I'm still spraying alcohol around my bedposts, which are sitting in these things that are supposed to prevent them from crawling up, every night. I probably will for. . . months. What an entirely gross concept. (P.S. I got all my anti-critter advice from Google, with a focus on exterminators' websites. There must be some help for you there, or call your vet.)

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    As promised. I know it’s not a huge change (although it took like 2.25 hours!), but my hair was still a little wet in the after picture. I’ve already made two more appointments to do the same thing (in late Oct and late Dec), and she said it’ll lighten up a little more each time. And no short-term plans to cut it—even a trim. I guess we’ll see how it’s looking at the end of the year. Still keeping my fingers crossed it starts to straighten by next summer??


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    I really like it! You be looking good girl friend!!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    It went back to pretty curly by the end of the evening--she had used a blow dryer a little on it. Thanks, Life!!

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Looking great, Ingerp!

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    undrago- I like your hair. After how many weeks post chemo you colored it and what colouring did you use

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    Hi all

    lookin good ingerp!

    GAW, congrats on volunteering. That will be very rewarding I'm sure. Enjoy your long weekend coming up. Glad Bryce is feeling OK.

    Hanging home today. Broke my stupid toe. OUCH Lounging with the cats and watching TV on a dreary day.

    Hoping everyone has a great week!

  • Batata
    Batata Member Posts: 22

    Everyone looks so beautiful! I've missed you guys! DebAl, you're hair looks fantastic!! Can't wait till mine is that long, right now it's just a tight curly mess lol. I haven't been posting for a while, back to 2 jobs again (unfortunately) so feel pretty wiped out by the end of the day.

    Frog, congrats on the new house! Hope everything goes well (and easy) in the move. May it be filled with wonderful and happy memories :)

    Urdrago, congratulations on getting the port out!! Strangely enough, this was even scarier for me than the BC surgery. Probably because I had it in Egypt, and people made sure to let me know every little horror story they'd heard about the procedure before I went in. Thank God it ended up being easier than getting the darned thing put in. I love the clips idea. Right now I make do with either squashing my hair halo down with a baseball cap, or plastic hairbands.

    InnaB Alaska looks so amazing! The natural beauty is breathtaking :)

    Ingerp, I'm so sorry about your MIL's husband, my condolences to you and your family. At least it gives you the chance to pull together and reconnect with loved ones, even though the circumstances are so hard. Your hair looks great. I tried blowing out my hair a couple of weeks ago and it lasted about 20 minutes before pouffing up again, lol.

    I feel like this whole past year has aged me 20 years. My feet hurt all the time, my back is killing me, I gained 20 pounds during chemo and they won't budge and every time I look in the mirror I don't recognize the person looking back. As far as cancerversaries go I can't help feeling ambivalent about it. Not really in a celebratory mood. PTSD is strong. I thought I didn't have any history of BC in the family, but my maternal aunt just got diagnosed at 73 years old. Supporting her through the diagnosis and surgery and recovery has been a lot more triggering than I expected. It's also one more thing I have to update my dr about, because it has implications for how they've been treating my chance of recurrence.

    I know I'm in a black funk, but it does help knowing I'm not alone and that you are all out there. Sending love and good vibes!

    This is my hair (full of product & with plastic band)


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Batata--I think you look great (and I'm pretty sure we're all in a bit of a funk--I know I am). FWIW--I've posted on a couple of threads that I hear a lot of women see the curls start to relax about two years PFC. I'm keeping my fingers crossed we all look a little closer to our prior selves by next summer. In the meantime, I hope you have some things to look forward to this fall. I'm off to Disney world in 12 days!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi All, catching up --

    Batata, so nice to see you, you look great! Your hair is longer than mine, at least it seems to stay put in a headband at your length. Mine is everywhere, but this time last year I didn't have any, so I try to remember that and be grateful for what I do have. I also hardly recognize myself in the mirror... Do you find yourself hunching over all the time? I catch myself doing it and force myself to stand up straight! I wonder if I am subconsciously protecting my chest or if I've just "aged" 20 years. Ugh. Yes, PTSD and cancerversaries - you will be feeling them doubly due to your aunt. I am sorry to hear of her diagnosis, but glad you can help her through it.

    DebAL, so sorry to hear about your toe. Feel better!

    IngerP, you look great! Too bad the straightening didn't hold, but we're halfway through the 2 year period you mentioned, so straighter hair is coming. I had a patient the other day who was new to my office in January when I quit wearing my wig. She was startled by how much my hair has grown since then (doesn't know of my diagnosis) and said she loved the curls. I guess our hair is longer (and cuter) than we think! 12 days until Disney World.. :)
  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Lots of people have told me my hair is cute. Maybe it is, but it’s not the hair I want. I know you guys get that.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Hi all, Im trying to do some catching up instead of sleeping. Been traveling for working and heading to Ludington for labor day weekend. Does anyone else have plans this weekend?

    Also has anyone heard from Engine and Janice?

    Ingerp, thats looks awesome and uve got a style.. I beleive as it grows it will be come more manageable..we've all came a long way!!

    Frog congrats on the house, i bet u cant wait to make your home..

    Margun, I colored at 10 weeks. At Salleys beauty supplies i buy Ion color #6N. Thx u for the compliment.

    Gawarrior, thank you for all u give to others!

    Batata, If it makes u feel any better I feel aged as well but kept the body moving helps ease the pain. Love ur locks! Ur hair is really getting long. I wish I cld keep the head band on my head. The cotton ones pop off and the plastic give me a head ache.

    Wow can u beleive that last year this time we had completed chemo, gone or going to surgey.

    Send you all good vibes..cyber hugs

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Urdrago--good to hear from you. After our fun Costa Rica trip in May, it's been a long, HOT, uneventful summer. I'm really looking forward to this weekend--I always breathe a sigh of relief come Labor Day. Leaves are thinking about changing, college football starts (not that I'm a big fan--I just know that when it starts we're finished with summer), days (and nights!) are getting a little cooler. I really need a cool breeze in the mornings. We don't have any big plans--actually kind of happy about that. Between prior plans and power outages (when we've been running to the movies lately), we were out three nights in a row last weekend. And *after* this weekend, I have a fall full of fun planned. Disney World, then all of my California kids are coming to a local wedding, then my family is meeting in Chicago to celebrate my step-FIL, then we're all meeting in Boise to celebrate my FIL's 90th, then Thanksgiving in California, then Christmas with most of my fam in Squaw Valley (plus my one big annual business trip is to Toronto this year--looking forward to it!). I just told one of my kids yesterday that while 2019 so far has had its ups and downs, I think the rest of the year is going to be great. (BTW--my middle just asked for and got a pretty substantial promotion. I'm so proud of this shy kid for laying out why he thought he deserved it and making it happen.)

    I hate to be fixating on hair and yes--we are all doing better than we were a year ago!! I can see me tolerating my curls a little more when they get long enough to fall over a bit, but I look ahead and it's going to take a lot of patience. Like in my head I think about the Boise get-together, when I'm sure many pictures will be taken, and my hair will only be like an inch longer (and an inch doesn't seem to translate to much when it's so curly). And only two inches longer by the end of the year. GAW--best I can tell you and I are about at the same place. Maybe by spring we'll have sexy long curls???

    And apologies if I've reported some/most of this before. I'm really excited about my fall-o-fun and forget who I've shared it with!!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Hey Everybody.

    Deb. Sorry to hear about your toe! How on earth did that happen?

    Batata I hear ya on the 2 job thing. I have been trying to get a couple more ppl hired so I dont have to clean every night. Your hair looks good and it is nice to see your beautiful face. Right there with ya on the funk thing too. We work to much! I do remind myself though, when I get to bad, that I have come along way from where I was last year. I think part of the energy level struggle that I'm having is the anastrozole I'm taking. I also feel older. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Hope she is doing good. I wouldn't beat yourself up too bad for having those feelings. It's only been a year since you were there. Take care of you!

    GA Warrior! you got yourself in a lot of stuff. However, I think it's good to stay busy. Volunteering is the best way and most rewarding.

    Interg I am sorry to hear of you family's loss. Sounds like you have some fun filled events heading your way! I also a college football watcher. Of course I watch and go to UW games! I just recently kicked out Spectrum because I got sick of paying the high prices. Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to watch my football. 🤔

    Well I couldn't go camping this weekend because I didn't have enough people to take care of the medical facility that I clean. So I had to stay home. Still fighting this crazy flea thing. I'm telling you what, I busted my butt all day yesterday cleaning and vaccuming and I just saw one in the bathroom this morning! I'm so frustrated right now! Goober one and Goober two our very depressed because I don't seem to be as cuddly as I usually am. I really just need this situation to go away!!

    Everyone have a safe, relaxing weekend. My plans are to continue to search out and slay fleas!! 😡


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    This is me slaying fleas!


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    This is what I actually look like.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515


  • Batata
    Batata Member Posts: 22

    Oh Life, fleas are the worst (after ticks!) but I'm glad you're finding some humour in the situation, lol. I try using an essential oil cocktail on our pug. It's 20 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil in 1/3 cup of any carrier oil (almond oil, olive oil); and I apply a drop on the neck and base of tail before every walk. Not sure it really helps, but at least she smells lovely :) I do end up using Frontline around 3 times a year, but it's mainly during infestation seasons. Don't forget to treat their bedding too (and any furniture they're allowed on). Good Luck!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Greetings from WDW!!


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Woohoo, Ingerp, looking good! Have a great time!

    Life, I hope the fleas have fled by now.

    DebAL, hoping your toe is getting better.

    I just crossed 1 year PFC - it was a very emotional week between that and my boss' MIL being diagnosed with BC, stage 1. She's a sweet lady whom I have taken care of for years in our dental office, so it sort of blindsided me. But, she has a great attitude, which helps. She'll have a lumpectomy and radiation (it sounds like only 2.5 weeks worth). No chemo at this point, although she'll find out the final treatment plan after her MRI results. She's in her mid-70s so I think treatment is less aggressive at that age.

    Frog, how is the new house?

    Okay, calling Duffy and Engine...what have you been up to this summer?
  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Ingerp, you’re one hot lady! Great hair, by the way! Stop complaining 🥰.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Ingerp I really like your hair. I am really LOVIN that smile!!

    GaWarrier I am so sorry to hear about your boss having to go through that. Thank goodness it was only stage 1, but none the less, cancer is just flat scary! She's got herself a wonderful support companion through you as well as lots of wisdom!

    Still dealing with the flea situation. Been trying to go natural as best I can because of the fur babies. But I ended up calling Orkin last week because I just can't take it anymore. I want them gone! Today I tackled my yard and cleaned it up really good. This week I have to pull everything out from the walls so that they can get to the base boards. I have been vacuuming every single night all the furniture all the floors everything. I even vacuumed my two fur babies as well as myself. 😂 My hair is super dry from taking scalding hot showers because I'm fully convinced those things were climbing on my hair. Can you say I'm just a tad bit on the freaked out side? My boyfriend has checked my head several times and said I have not seen one single thing in your hair. 🤷. Now I have super itchy scalp because it's so dry. LOL

    I too have been wondering about Duffy, Engine and another one we haven't heard from for a very long time is DJ. Let's just look at it as no news is good news.

    Well I'm going to go take another shower, LOL Everybody have a great week!


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Ingerp loving ur hair , hope you've had amazing time at Disney. That schedule look very full, with lots of fun.

    Life, hope ur birthday week is wonderful and without fleas. Sorry u werent able to go camping but theres plenty of time to go!

    Well I attended my first campers Halloween last weekend. It was nice considering at these apartments we dont do anything for Halloween. Ive noticed Im getting allot of hard muscle cramps since ive finished treatments. Even my thumbs are starting to become achy and Im not sure why. Maybe its bcuz Im more active? My magnesium levels are fine per blood work. Has anyone else noticed cramps?

    Sending colorful fall vibes!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    urdrago— I’ve gone from not taking a single pill to adding several supplements since starting the AI, including magnesium. I’m prone to muscle cramps (legs/feet at night) and was on a really good roll until last night—was up a billion times with leg cramps that I’m sure were due to walking 1,000 miles in Florida heat. I’m off to google how to maybe avoid them but that might not be possible while I’m here. Maybe you need even more magnesium?

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ingerp, I am having leg/foot cramps, too (Saturday night was a bear...), mostly when I am going to bed or they'll wake me up from a deep sleep). I have noticed that I get them most often when I am on the more dehydrated side - after I have been in the heat, but haven't been drinking as much as I should have. I am sure the heat depletes our electrolytes, too, so maybe having a little extra salt will help you? Remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate while at Disney!

    Urdrago, glad you can enjoy a camping Halloween. It sounds like it was fun!

    Life, is it your birthday this week? (thanks, Urdrago, for mentioning it - I am bad about keeping up with them for this group).

    Ingerp - back to the eternal hair discussion, lol - did you get a haircut? Your hair looks like it's got a nice shape to it and mine looks like I am copying Einstein's 'do. How about everyone else? Have you had a haircut or no haircut? I haven't because I want to grow it out, but I might have to get mine shaped up this weekend. It's long (and not so curly) on the sides and my bangs are halfway down my nose (when wet). Thanks.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    GAW—no leg cramps last night. Hooray! Somebody mentioned potassium—I didn’t feel like eating a banana but someone also mentioned salt and this is gonna sound super weird but I ate a small bag of potato chips late last night. I have been sweating like *crazy*—I’m hearing from locals that this is the hottest it’s been in weeks. Happy to have an excuse to eat more junk food tonight!!

    Hair. Ugh. Hair hair hair. GAW—I have not had one single piece cut since I buzzed it myself last March. I asked my new hair lady who did the color and she said if I’m trying to grow it out she wouldn’t touch it. I might have told you I already made more color appts—one in late Oct and one in late Dec. i figure I’ll have another inch each time but it won’t look an inch longer cuz of the curls.I don’t know if it’ll be me or the hair lady who will decide it’s time for a trim. In my head my first cut will be back and sides when the top has some more length? I think I told you one baby step of progress is I recently started wearing a headband at the gym. I am curious how the front does as it gets longer—one of my least favorite things about my pre-BC hair is it kind of grew forward—it tended to hang down in my face. Wondering what that’s gonna look like with curls. Who else gets annoyed when someone compliments your hair? I really do not like it but mostly IT’S NOT THE HAIR I WANT AND THERE’S NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT THAT.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ingerp, yay for no cramps! I guess I need to up my salt intake, too. The other night, my foot seized up while I was in the act of laying down to sleep. So, I got up and walked. And stretched. And walked some more. Laid down again - it came right back. Ugh. However, no problems last night and we had nachos (salt) for dinner... must be the salt. Maybe we need potassium supplements? At least you know that salt possibly helps.

    Thanks for the advice re the haircut. I really don't want to cut it. I really want to grow it out and THEN start trimming it. I just need to hang in there through the in-between stages. And maybe start wearing a headband. I tried Urdrago's clips, but it's too short, still (the hair just sticks up), and I can't wear a headband at work because I wear a face shield (fits on my head like a visor). And, yes, I HATE it when people compliment my hair, because they assume it's a perm. They say, "Oh, your hair is so cute - is that a perm or are you just that lucky?" Wellll, let's seeeee.., ummm...NEITHER! I don't know why I am so sensitive about it. Lately, I've just been saying, "thanks, I'm trying out my poodle look for the summer." SickTired

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    GAW—we are so on the same page and timeline. All I’m doing for now is sticking it behind my ears after I wash it. I have a few hair pins but have never been good with them. I’ve thought about either pinning back the sides or pinning back one side of the top front but pretty sure I’ll give up on that. I hear ya on the headband—I have also thought about trying that when I go out just to tame it a bit but haven’t so far. Not sure if a soft band would work with your face shield or look to gym-y. What a weird and funky fall/winter we’re going to have. <sigh>