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Chemo starting April 2018



  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    It's funny--it just happens that hubs will have his colonoscopy a week after mine. I picked up his prep yesterday--in a plastic gallon jug. (LOL) I'm not sure exactly why I have the Suprep this time around, although when my PCP told me it was time to get another one, I told her how really quickly my system tends to run, that I didn't sleep *at all* the night before last time, that I was still going after I got to the facility. I know Suprep tends to cost more out-of-pocket (although I hit my OOP maximum in January this year--hooray?), and I had to quit reading online--I'd say generally "not too bad" reviews but one guy who had issues for two weeks. I appreciate the tips for the prep. I think last time I holed up in the basement, with a TV nearby, but maybe I'll figure out something I can take in the bathroom with me. For those who have been through it--did you actually camp in the bathroom for a while? Or go back and forth to a nearby room? UGH UGH UGH.

  • Ingerp, I holed up in the bedroom, which has a bathroom in it. A short run when the urge hits (but, you're running by then anyhow, lol). Thinking of you - good luck both tonight and tomorrow!

    Duffy, ugh, 10 inches of snow... Hoping you made it to all the appointments. I'm glad you'll be looking into the Road to Recovery program. Atlanta traffic woes aside, it's an easy but fulfilling way for me to give back.

    I'm putting up the Christmas decorations today - geez, I feel like I just took them down... The year has really flown by. I was thinking that many of us are soon coming up on 2 YEARS since diagnosis. When I first found out, two years seemed like it was decades away. This Thanksgiving, I'm definitely thankful for continued good health for all of us!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Thanks GAW. I have a couple of seasonal wreaths but nothing for Thanksgiving so I <finally> took down the Halloween one a few days ago and put up Christmas. We do a ski trip over the holidays so I don’t do much in the way of decorations. Pretty easy-peasy.
    This is definitely the downhill roller coaster to the end of the year. Did a little shopping yesterday at a market with a bunch of vendors that’s sponsored by the hospital where I get my tx. 15% of the proceeds go to BC research. It’s a nice annual tradition.

    Only 24 hours til I’m supposed to start the procedure. I cannot *wait* for this to be over.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Hooray!! Check and done. One polyp removed and found out I have a “redundant” colon. (???). Did not know that. Just means it’s longer and has a few more twists. Associated with constipation, which I definitely do not have. She said come back in 5-10 years, and that if I want to make it more like 7.5 that’d be fine.

  • Yay, Ingerp! I'm glad they got the polyp and that you made it through the prep (hoping that wasn't too bad...)

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Honestly not as bad as last time. Used something called Suprep. Basically sat on the john for 3-4 hours each time, but I got a decent night of sleep last night. I had a late afternoon appt—much preferred that.

  • Ingerp - Congrats on having that behind you. 😉 Sorry I couldn't resist. I haven't heard anything about my two polyps so I'm taking that as a sign that biopsy turned out okay. As for the skin biopsy - Dr and I were correct it's basal. So I'll be having MOHS in December. She asked do you want the Dr or PA and I said honestly it doesn't matter. The spot is right above my scars for both Ports so it's not like another scar will matter.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    I had a boss who used to say, "Did everything come out okay?" Har de har. I'd like to think you'll hear either way about the polyps, duffy? I hate just sitting and waiting. Not sure how long these things take, but if it goes more than 2-3 weeks you might give the office a call. People I know who've had MOHS have said it wasn't a big deal (right, GAW?). And maybe good that's it's winter so you won't be getting any sun on the area anyway?

  • Ingerp - what's funny is this office did a MOHS on my forehead up by the hairline maybe 10 years ago. So I asked the scheduler, "When do you want me to stop my blood thinners? I take baby aspirin and fish oil." She's like oh we don't worry about those. I literally LOLed. "Well I remember the Dr. snipping at me last time "Are you sure you stopped all your blood thinners? because he couldn't control the bleeding?" I think he was just being a grouch that day and I'm sure it was because of the location so close to my scalp.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Well--I figure it can't hurt to stop things that were ever suggested to cut out. I'm sure different doctors vary in their pre-surgery recommendations but I'd rather be safe than sorry (just on the off chance there really is a bleeding issue).

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    WOOT WOOT!! I wore a teeny tiny ponytail to the gym for the first time today. (Or first time in like a year and a half I guess.)

  • life1963
    life1963 Posts: 368

    Interg. SWEET!!

  • Yay, for ponytails, Ingerp!

    Question for those who had rads: my friend was just diagnosed on Friday (stage 1) and will be having rads. I know Frog used Mepitel to cover the radiation site, but wasn't there are cream or lotion that you were also supposed to use to help with the burns? If so, what's the name, please, and is it something she buys OTC or is it a prescription? (P.S. I referred her to, too). Thanks!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    GAW--lots of products are touted, but I can tell you it doesn't matter so much *what* you put on as that you do slather something on a few times a day. I'd read (on BCO) about Miaderm so bought some the first time around, but then looked it up and saw it's mostly calendula cream, which by itself is much cheaper. I kept calendula cream, Aquaphor, Desitin, . . . ? around my house and grabbed whatever was closest 3-4 times a day. She shouldn't need any prescription medication unless her skin reacts particularly badly (she'll likely get looked at by her RO once a week). I also only had like 2-3 instances of fatigue each time. Give her the heads up I've told several people--fatigue is not the same as being tired. You can't muscle through it. For me it was an overwhelming urge to lie down. Not even necessarily to sleep--just to get off my feet. After a few hours it will pass. For most people rads is not a big deal--just the PITA of having to go five days a week.

  • Much appreciated, Inger, I passed it on to her. And you are right about listening to your body re: fatigue. I have struggled with trying to push through and am finally learning to STOP. Any other suggestions, ladies (and gent)?

  • I 2nd what Ingerp said - I don't think what you use for Rad is as important as being vigilant with it. I used thinner lotions during the day and at night lathered on the Aquafor thick gel stuff. It stained clothes so sleeping in an old t-shirt works.

    As for the the fatigue - I still don't feel like I have the energy I had before this treatment but with the sun setting so early I've convinced hubby that 8 pm is totally acceptable bed time.

    Happy Thanksgiving All

  • Thanks, Duffy, I appreciate it.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • I used Miaderm during the day and prescription steroid Mometazone at night. My skin looks great. What’s underneath it is another story :)

  • life1963
    life1963 Posts: 368

    I was given this lotion by the radiologist. (MEDLINE REMEDY) with olivamine. I would put it on right after treatment, again at lunch time, again at night before I went to work and lastly right before I went to bed. It helped my skin tremendously! I did put quite a bit on the entire area, just as my radiologist instructed.

    Also, I agree about the fatigue. I've never in my life experienced such an exhausting feeling as I did when I was going through radiation and at least three months after that as well.

    I can honestly say I definitely do not have the energy I used to have. Nor the clear mind and ability to multitask as well as I used to. Not to mention I have a lot of aches and pains that I never had before. SO says I'm just getting old. 🤷

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm experiencing sharp electric feelings in my hand, on the same side that I have the surgery. As well as both my feet. It can be a little painful at times.

    I remember reading where a gal was 5 years out. I remember her saying that she felt the worst of the repercussions of the surgery and treatment 2 years after the fact. She also said that as years go on the treatment starts getting less and less invasive to your body. The one thing I remember the most that she said was don't forget to laugh and smile. don't let that be taken from you ever. Good words. I think!

    Well I got today off for a snow day as we got hit pretty hard with alot if snow and ice. So as you all remember I absolutely hate shoveling. Lucky my neighbor came over with their snowblower and took care of business! So I stayed inside and made soup and relax. Now I have to go to work for a day and then have a day off and then back to work again. Not complaining though. LOL

    Sorry if I'm missing people and not catching up correctly. Full disclosure, I don't want to get everybody all typed up and lose it again. But I am looking at getting a laptop at the end of the year. Then I'll be checking in a lot more!

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Life--I have no idea if this is true or not, but I think a lot of us get random pains here and there and someone on BCO said it's nerves waking back up. It kind of makes sense--if there was damage from chemo, and nerves taking so long to heal, maybe it has something to do with that? I know a month or two ago I was having weird small pains in my arms but I haven't noticed them lately.

    Enjoy your pretty snow. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my CA kids (and trying hard not to think about the fact that it'll be December when I get back! AIYIYI!!).

    Happy happy Thanksgiving to everyone. One of my kids texted that they had a circle at work where everyone said what they were thankful for, and he said me. Can I have a collective "AWWWWWW. . . "?

  • life1963
    life1963 Posts: 368

    Ingerp. Awwwww That is so cool! Have a great time in warm, wonderful CA!

    Gawarrier Seems to me, I just remembered, your going in for surgery this week? Best of luck to you that it everything turns out the way you want it too!

    Innab Did you ever have your surgery for lymphedema?

    Well I better get with it as I've got to get to work.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Safe travels to all who are venturing out for Thanksgiving.


  • Ingerp, Aaaawwwww! So cool!

    Life, I didn’t have my surgery yet. Still undergoing tests. Since I am losing my job in January, I am not sure when I’ll have it. I have to find a new job and be pretty sure they won’t lay me off while I’m recuperating.

  • I'll join in with the Aaaaawwww! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    I too was feeling fatigued (and depressed, I think). I had a session with my therapist where we addressed grief - cancer grief and grief over my father's death (he had dementia, died about a month and a half after my diagnosis, he had had lung cancer in the 90's and it would have been so great to talk to him about cancer, but I never had the chance - he died without knowing.) After that session, I have had a renewed sense of life - I am more motivated to cook and even took up a knitting project.

    InnaB - I've looked into the surgery for lymphedema. My lymphedema is constant, sometimes a slight puffiness in my hand, sometimes it involves my whole arm. Lately, it seems to be stable - just the hand. That is, until I got another (my 3rd!) bought of axillary webbing. I use my lymphedema pump every other day. FWIW, my physical therapist believes that they are making great strides in the lymphedema surgery options, so she felt it didn't hurt to wait for surgery as long as my lymphedema doesn't get worse.

    I've finally given in to the fact that my hair is not what it was prechemo. It is so dry and a completely different texture. Not curly but coarse. So I'm just keeping it short and using ultra moisturizing shampoo.

    Radiation - my doctor recommended Jason's aloe vera lotion - available at the grocery store. Seemed to do the trick for me. Speaking of radiation, it'll be a year on Saturday since the end of radiation and the end of treatment - woohoo!

    I am doing ok emotionally - I go through spurts where I reread my pathology report, do some google searching on my type of cancer, look into recurrence - where it is more likely to happen, what the symptoms are, etc. - and then I cycle out of it. I think this is my new normal. Never quite gone, but sometimes out of my mind.

    Lately, I've had several friends mention friends of theirs who are newly diagnosed. It's so hard - happening so often! Something has got to give with this whole breast cancer thing, don't you think?

    Other life things: I changed the focus of my job to something less stressful - it has been so good for me. I really think the stress of my job contributed to the bc. Also, we took a trip to Europe in October. All three of my adult kids came with my husband and I. It was great. We went to Ireland and France. Here's the chemo brain part: I've been studying french for the past 3 years or so, and I had such hopes that I'd be able to converse. But it was impossible - the words frequently wouldn't come or came late. I hate giving in to the chemo brain idea, but it is also harder for me to learn my piano pieces, so I think there is something to it. Sadly.

    Sorry this is long - you all are so special to me even though I don't write much. Hope we all can relax tomorrow and just be with our loved ones.

    Take care, Linda

  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Wow. Im catching up.

    Ingerp. Awww, sweet son of yours. Impressed pony tail already. Ive almost got one. But I'll probably trim up the back before it gets long enuff.

    Gawarrior, praying everything is going well after surgery. Gently hugs .. I was given lotions from the RO team. But had to use silvadine at the end. Make sure you tell her do a bigger area than what they say. I didnt lotion up at my collarbone and backside..all those spots blistered.ive got small scars.

    Linda, I can relate. I go back reread my dx. Especially after Ive read someone else that doing a different treatment plan or I forget someone from the original dx timing. Webbing is a pain in the arm. Ive not had any more problems since PT. But worry that or lymphedmea will surface. They have been doing lymphnodes transplants. But I think my concern wld be if they move them from another place to a place with lymphedmea than both placed could potentially get lymphedmea?!? I started using a round body brush in shower every morning to help stimulate the movement of lymphatic system.

    Life, snow day.. seems like we were just enjoying the summer. Time flies..We had one good snow and its been in the high 40's to 50..but cooling back off next week. I want snow, it much prettier than rain!

  • Hello All,

    I hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic! We went to my daughter's in warm, sunny Tampa and had both Turkey Day and Christmas on Friday since we won't see her (or Bryce) for the actual holiday. Now I have to get back onto a proper diet - I ate too much of the good stuff!

    Thanks to everyone for your advice for my friend - she is amazed and thankful at how much wisdom you all have passed on to her.

    Yes, I did have surgery on 11/22/19. They swapped out my implants and did fat grafting. Wow - the bruising! Anyhow, I am doing great, the bruises are fading and stitches come out tomorrow. I LOVE the new implants - I finally have boobs instead of pancakes!

    Ingerp - awwwwwwww! What a nice thing for your son to say!

    InnaB, good luck with the job hunt. Never fun.

    Life, I think I am finally getting my energy back (or, I was before this surgery). I am trying to sit and rest when I need to instead of pushing through and having the fatigue drag on. Chemo brain is definitely there, as well. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not getting senile (lol) because people will often tell me something and I have no memory of it until they start going through the details again. I guess that might fall under the difficulty with multi-tasking (me, too!) because I don't retain things someone told me if I listened to them while doing something else. Also, I didn't have lymph surgery like you did (just 1 node was removed) so I can't speak to hand pain, but I have had a LOT of random shooting pains and discomfort in my chest recently and the surgeon said it was nerves waking up after the BMX a year ago.

    Linda2119, congrats on a year since the end of tx! And your wonderful European trip! Also, congrats on finding a less stressful job. I am with you, I really do think the stress in my life prior to being diagnosed is what pushed the cancer over the edge and made it "become" cancer. I read "The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD and he talks about how the immune system can suppress cancer cells - to a point. I think stress can be the tipping point, especially cumulative stress. Prior to being diagnosed, I lost my mom to a glioblastoma 3 mo after her diagnosis, then took care of my elderly dad until he passed 10 months before I was diagnosed. It was a tremendously stressful 6 year period in which I was hypervigilant, had mild depression, never addressed my grief over losing Mom, had trouble sleeping, had continuing job issues,etc. Linda, you had the definite stress of your dad's condition, coupled with a demanding job. I'm also more Type A - I take on half a dozen projects along with the outside stress of work and family. I'm TRYING to slow down, but it's hard. So glad the counseling and finding less stressful work has helped you.

    Urdrago, no camping until spring, I'm sure - or is your camper winterized? I bet you miss getting out there in the woods.

  • OMG, SO TICKED!! My friend who was just diagnosed talked to another friend who went through this several years ago. The woman told her that the sentinel node injection for surgery was "the worst pain she's ever felt in her life and she thought she was going to die!" My friend has been losing sleep, sick to her stomach, and having panic attacks for weeks over this. Why, oh why do people say things like that??? What is wrong with them?? Ugh.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    What?!? Is this just that tracer dye? I seem to remember they told me it would feel like a bee sting and it did. I don’t get people who are afraid of a little short-term pain.

  • Lots of catching up to do. Its so good to see everyone doing normal things.

    Ingerp, that is so sweet of your kid.

    I had a very close friend diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a ten year old and is currently between AC and Taxol. Talking to her brought back so many memories. I have set some boundaries now and I do not get to a place where it gets overwhelming. I try to talk to her, make her feel positive. I hope I am helping in some little way. Its early stage but with positive lymph nodes. I have told her about BCO but she is not up for it, which is okay as well.

    Robin, I used Mepitel. I have never had any problems with my skin. I did not need to moisturize as the mepitel film covered the breast from getting dry. My skin was quite dry and flaky afterwards but nothing that cream couldn't fix. I didnot like the heavy sore feeling in the breast. Worst was the fatigue. Wishing your friend all the best through her treatments. Also, ask her to up her protein. MO mentioned that having lots of protein in the diet helps with cell renewal.

    In other news, I am doing good. Quite settled in the new house. Its spring here and we are getting into spending our evenings gardening. We have planted a lot of veggies. I think we got too ambitious. I plan to start working in the new year. I wanted to start now but hiring has slowed down. Attaching some pics from the garden. Take care everyone.




  • Ingerp, yep, the tracer dye injection. So stupid to tell someone something like that when they are facing it in a few weeks. (It's also crazy to be so terrified, but I know that we all tend to blow the unknown out of proportion). I told her, "you've been through the numbing injection for the biopsy. This isn't any different." She did fine with that injection so I think she feels better about the tracer dye now.

    Frog, I passed your advice on to my friend (yours, too, about the SN injection, Inger) - thanks! Love the garden pics, it's so nice to see such pretty flowers when everything is dying over here. Glad you are feeling good enough to go back to work! You are definitely helping your friend with your advice. I'm glad that you have been able to set some boundaries. It's hard to help someone without getting tangled up in all the emotions again, I'm finding.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Frog please keep sending pics. Lots of winter weather across the US these days. I like snow but could do without cold gray rain.

    December already. How the hell did that happen??