Plant-Based & Vegan - support & recipes
Lots of great links here on this thread! Love that! Brenda Davis wrote "Becoming Vegan". She is a RD registered dietician. We are watching this video and thought some of you might be interested in this. She really explains paleo vs plant based diets. Really super interesting. Thought I would pass this on:
Also I am wondering if any of you might have good recipes that have NO OIL, NO REFINED SUGAR picnic recipes. We are going on a picnic next week and I have made a couple salads which I didn't really think turned out the best. So am trying to find some great ones and thought you all might have some ideas. Thank you in advance for any links you might share.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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Jons_girl - maybe check out the Forks Over Knives recipes. They don't do oil & most picnic foods would not have sugar, refined or otherwise. They have lots of no cook salads with beans & legumes.
Or how about these wraps:, falafels are good cold & you could just bring pita pockets, hummus, a quick tomato+ cuke+pepper+onion drizzled with simple lime juice & herbs to serve with them.
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Yum Moth!! Thank you so much for this link! Yummy!! Great ideas! Thank you!
BTW, you and I turned 50 in 2017! So we were dx around the same time. You were dx after me...I was in June/July. But same year. I hope all goes well for you and treatment. Appreciate all your help with this thread. I was vegan for quite a while prior to dx. I have cut alot of junk I was eating out of my diet though. A person can be vegan and not be eating healthy.....or that was my experience.
Lots of processed fake meats are not healthy I am finding. So I really am more plant based vs vegan now. Feeling good eating this way!
Thanks again! I will try to submit recipes in the future.
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I will post this recipe, it is my fav refried bean recipe. Super easy. I make in instant pot. After pressure is naturally released I use my hand blender and instant refried beans! YUM!
What I DO ADD to the recipe is: 1-3 T Chili Powder, 1/1-1 T Smoked Paprika, 1 t. Cumin, two pieces of Kumbu (helps take gas out of beans)
Love these beans! Enjoy!
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Stocking up the freezer for fall - here's a yummy and simple lentil soup recipe. It is fast to make so can be made even on a weeknight but I find it's better the next day...
I usually quadruple this recipe & am way more liberal with garlic than the recipe calls for.
Simple & delicious lentil soup- 1 tablespoon oil (can skip and sautee in water instead)
- 1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- 1 carrot chopped
- 3/4 cup French green lentils, or regular brown lentils
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 whole canned tomatoes, drained, seeded, and coarsely chopped
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 5 cups water
Sautee onion, garlic and carrots until softened. Meanwhile pick over & rinse your lentils. Add rest of ingredients to pot, bring to boil, them simmer for about 40 min.
If you don't have canned tomatoes, use fresh seeded tomatoes, or a bit of tomato paste or a bit of pasta sauce from a jar. In a pinch, I've even used ketchup - just splash a bit of something tomato in there until the broth takes on a reddish hue. I tend to pour a bit of the broth from the canned tomatoes in there. If you like tomatoes, add lots of tomato/sauce
Ready when lentils are soft. If you like lots of broth, add more water while cooking. If you like a stewy soup, let it boil off more. Remove bay leaves before serving or storing/freezing.
Serve plain or with toasted bread cubes on top. Can also stir in chopped spinach or escarole just before serving. Lasts well in fridge for 2-3 days & freezes wonderfully.
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Does anyone have a foolproof bean and veggie burger. Mine often crumble. I am curenrly using this link with lentils and black beans but I could use some tips. My plan is to have some on hand.
I also want to premake some yummy vegan burritos and freeze them for after work heat and eat meals anyone have any tips?
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exercise guru:
We love these bean burgers!!
This website looks to have some great plant based recipes.
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I haven’t tried this one yet but it looks great too!!!
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Moth, thanks for the lentil recipe. Looks yummy.
I'm on my fifth day of becoming 95% vegan. I would say it's relatively easy where I live as foods are labeled vegan in groceries and restaurants. I still like my coffee with milk, but have been diluting with soy milk. I had jackfruit curry the other day and it was so good. Last night I made mushroom, tofu, quinoa, and bean spouts in teriyaki sauce for company. Trying to spread the word.
Dessert was whipped soft tofu with papaya and passion fruit. I'll keep veganing until DH gets home on Friday. Then I will do a vegan week every month plus 3 vegan days a week the rest of the time, which will make me close to half vegan.
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Heidi - congratulations & I wish you well with your plans! Meal my meal, every mouthful makes a difference!
wrenn - there is a vegan egg product but I'm really ambivalent about recommending it because it's kind of weird.... Pomme/Whole Foods/Choices and Vegan Supply carry it in the Lower Mainland. It makes a scramble. Texture is just right though it takes a long time to cook. It's been many years since I tasted egg but I think the taste is not right - though I've gotten used to it. & usually have it once a week or so. The thing that bugs me is the smell. It has a weird smell since they reformulated and I don't think it's the kala namak because it was in their previous version & I liked that one more. But if you're wanting a scramble, with salt and pepper & chives on top it really feels like a scrambled egg & hits that spot. Takes way longer to cook than eggs though. the USA the same product is available under the Follow Your Heart brand. Same company, different names in US and Cda)
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Today it's vegan curry take-out but this is on the menu for tomorrow - Vegan Cauli-power Fettucine "Alfredo"
Love this dish. The sauce freezes well too.
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Hi all!
I just found this thread, as I was just rx'd Premarin cream for my tamoxifen side effects. I am looking for an alternative cream that works and doesn't contain animal products. Does one exist? I can't seem to find any alternative that is proven. I'm desperate and in pain, and have to find something that isn't a systemic treatment. Have you found an RX or other localized treatment?
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JWoo - have you looked at the alternatives on the page run by Horse Fund?
Also, not sure what tamoxifen se's you're looking at alleviating, but if it's vaginal dryness, this thread has tons of tips and recommendations
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I am on Tamoxifen as well. My MO Obgyn recomended olive oil but I use coconut oil on that region for dryness and i also prefer it as a lubricant. My regular Obgyn told meto throw away premarin and prescribed some estace cream. It is compunded at a pharmacy. I will looke at it when i can and pm you ingredients. It works and i am very happy with it. Also try to find very breathable undergarments.
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Thanks for the info. It's not just dryness. I have atrophy, so need something that will actually contain or produce estrogen locally. No amount of lube will help this. That's how I ended up with the premarin. No lifestyle changes can do anything about it. And since we don't want systemic estrogen, the cream was brought up.
Looking forward to hearing what your OBGYN gave you. My main concern is it not being a product that is made with animal ingredients. I know that the FDA here in the US requires animal testing. Unfortunately we still have a long fight as far as that goes. But I can't continue like this and need something to alleviate he 24/7 pain.
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JWoo- I really admire the fact that you’re going through the challenge of finding a vegan product to use. Kudos to you for making that a priority as you’re dealing with difficult side effect.
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Moth and everyone
What brand of vitamins and supplements you currently take? I m new to supplements,so kind of clueless on what to buy, and taking general store bought at the moment ( Jamieson)
What are good sites to check on products as such. I have been using EWG for food and cosmetics.
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NVDobie- If I’m searching for vegan multi-vitamins, I check the amounts of D and B. Also, being able to take them on an empty stomach is important to me. So, I usually end up buying the brand Garden of life. Sometimes I just take D and a b complex instead of a multi.
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I am currently reading How Not to Die and the companion cookbook. Trying to go more plant based. It hasn't been an easy change. I had a couple meat free meals. Sometimes the prep for some vegetarian meals takes so long. I got a Vitamix blender which has helped!
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Here's a product recommendation: We really wanted tacos tonight but I didn't want meat or chicken or fish tacos, so...we'd read an article about jackfruit and how great the meat-like part of the fruit is in savory recipes. Evidently jackfruit is a pain in the butt to deal with, so when I saw Tex-Mex Jackfruit by The Jackfruit Company at a local store, all ready to heat and eat, I grabbed it.
Verdict from non-vegan/non-vegetarian husband? Thumbs UP! Garnished our tacos with shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes and a little salsa. He had shredded cheese. I sprinkled on some nutritional yeast. It was delicious!
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odat4me - glad you're reading How Not To Die. I loved the book, but don't use the cookbook much. I prefer the blogs I follow (chief among them, Minimalist Baker) and the Forks Over Knives cookbook as well as Dustin Harder's Simply Vegan cookbook. (Cancer-focused cookbooks The Cancer Fighting Kitchen and Cooking Through Cancer are also great but not meat-free.)
Thinking about prep work, consider doing what I do: on one or two days a week, cook up a batch of black lentils and chill them (you're set for days and days); cook up a batch of kamut or quinoa or farro (set for days); roast some butternut squash (if you can get it already diced from the store, all the better - lots of produce departments will peel, cut/trim the squash for you so you don't have to cut it); roast some cauliflower & broccoli. Then you have the makings of a lot of meals. Oh, and sweet potatoes - bake a few, then cut them in half, wrap well and freeze. Pull a potato half out whenever you want it.
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NVDobie - for things like B12 or iron I usually take Sisu or Jamieson. My essential fatty acid is from Vegetology (order online from the UK). Vegetology also make a vegan vitamin D on its own but it's included in the efa formula.
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the estace cream has three ingredients I think it is estradiol. It did give me relief from the pain and dryness. I don't have it with me so I will update this post Tuesday. I would definitely try that first BEFORE PREMARIN the horse hormone thing freaks me a bit.
I would also try flax seed because it has shown up in a lot of breast cancer research and while it is somewhat physotestogenic the studies were positive. If you consume soy before BC then try a couple servings daily. They caution against it if you didn't consume it prior to diagnosis.
What about the Estring? I have read it is safer foe BC survivors because of the focused dose. I don't think I could uses it as I don't have a cervix anymore having had a total hysterectomy.I had read there Is something similar that is small tablets you insert. If anyone finds a quality sage product please post .
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PatsyKB...Thank you for the ideas. I’m going to look for that TexMex Jackfruit! For a shortcut, I buy the precooked lentils at Trader Joe’s (despite the added salt). Dinner is usually a big bowl of power greens (kale, spinach, chard), chopped, then microwaved for 1 1/2 minutes. Then add lentils, chopped broccoli and peppers, nuts,and guacamole for a dressing.
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If you've already seen this on What's for Dinner, move along...otherwise, read on:
Here's a healthy dinner we are having tonight (leftovers from the other night): Brown Rice & Black Lentil Salad. The reason for using BLACK lentils as opposed to the usual brown is that the black really hold their shape and firmness. (Browns are nice for soups and stews because they get so soft.)
A note for anyone who has already-cooked rice and lentils on hand: Adjust the rest of the ingredients accordingly. Don't do what I did when I used 1 cup of COOKED rice and 1/2 cup of COOKED lentils (instead of uncooked)...boy, were my proportions off on that batch! Way too much dressing and seasoning. So I threw in extra rice and lentils (had plenty) and all worked out fine.
Oh, and I had a bunch of roasted butternut squash on hand so I used that instead of sweet potato.
And, a final food note: I skipped the maple syrup altogether. No need for sweetener and besides, I don't even use maple syrup or any other sweeteners (honey, agave, coconut sugar/nectar, or any of that); I use only stevia, erythritol and sugar-free products (prediabetes).
This is somewhat spicy, so go easy on all the seasons and adjust to taste closer to serving time.
Serving this over some dark leafy greens or something peppery like arugula was great especially with some fresh lime wedges on the side.
Oh, and some Beanitos for crunch (grain-free tortilla chips made from beans - they're delicious!)
Bon appétit!
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Wrenn, moth
Thanks for the tips on vitamins and supplements. :-)
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Has anyone done the reading/research on basmati rice & arsenic etc and can just give us the answers?
Can I keep on having Indian basmati or does it need to be Californian? Because the Cali ones I've tried have sucked0 -
hello. I'm new to this thread. Starting Purium to help me get the proper nutrition and to gain some weight. Does anyone know anything about spirulina? I've heard mixed reviews and it's confusing if I should take it or not. I would LoVe some input from my fellow bc sisters.
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wrenn - I did read that but he doesn't talk about basmati and that's what I mostly have (cause curry is on the menu here several times a week). I tried Lundberg basmati and kinda hated it
ABeautifulSunset - Hi & welcome! Dr Greger is not very positive about spirulina - too much risk of contamination. It's not something I have regularly, fwiw. I've never heard of Purium so can't help with that...
If you're having problems keeping weight on & especially losing muscle, I'd suggest talking to your doctors about l-glutamine supplementation. I've seen it mentioned several places in the context of alleviating or ameliorating cachexia. -
I cook my rice with a lot of water in the rice cooker then dump off half the water in the middle.of cooking. I read 1 cup of rice to 6 cups water reduces the arsenic because it goes in the water ans you dump it out. I think that was from gregger. It's tough though because if you don't watch it the rice is a soggy mess.
I also refrigerate ans eat left over rice because I read about "resistive starch" and I am trying to improve my gut.