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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • Kjelftr
    Kjelftr Member Posts: 11

    Thank you! Yes, I’m done with #6 woot!!! I’m thankful for all of your support. Going to go hibernate through the side effects now.

    Much love to all of your fighterwarriors!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Evening warriors!

    I had my lymphatic mapping today. It wasn't as bad as I imagined. It only hurt a few seconds. It took less than an hour from start to finish.

    I have my surgery time for tomorrow. I have surgery at 2 pm. I hope all of you that have been in the chair/going into the chair this week have little/no se. Keep moving forward!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Notgivingup, good luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you as you take the next step to move past this. Let us know how it all goes when you feel up to it!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Hope everyone is doing well and having not having side effects. I had Taxol #1 today. Is anyone else getting heceptin and perjeta with the taxol?

    My Echo and x-ray came back clear and my pulse oxygen level was back up to 97. I am anemic and that is making breathing hard. I have to use my inhaler twice a day. But I am better and praying for the side effects to be easy.

    I will see my PGP on Thursday to discuss a new blood pressure medicine since mine has been recalled due to having cancer causing substances in them. We will also decide if I need medicine for diabetes. Since I will be taking steroids for the next 12 weeks, which sends your blood sugar into orbit, I bet I get a new med.

    One step forward, two back.

    Thinking about all you tonight (since I probably won't be sleeping) and hoping you have a good night.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Just a quick message, will write more tomorrow after Taxol #6. Just wanting to write to Notgivingup and to Casey today. I know you both are in surgery probably as of this writing, I wanted you to know I am thinking of you both and wishing you both a quick and as painless as possible recovery. Write and let us know how your doing when your feeling up to it. Hoping for good pathology reports for you both as well. You are both brave, strong women, love to both of you. Heal up and take care of yourselves and keep being the beautiful badasses you both are! :)

  • SisterStrong
    SisterStrong Member Posts: 43

    It has been a few weeks since I have posted. I was struggling a little for awhile. I finished my last Taxol on dec. 28th and was so excited to be done and so looking forward to starting to feel better but instead of getting better I was feeling terrible. In a few weeks I had a high fever I called the cancer center and they put me on Tamaflu. My fever got better in a few days but then I started vomiting and having diarrhea. I called the cancer center again and they thought it may be the medicine. They wanted me to continue the medicine and then over the weekend I was in agony I went to see my PS. My left tissue expander was infected and it had to be removed. I had surgery the next day I wasn't prepared how I would look. It was much more emotional than having my bilateral mastectomy. My left side is now caved in. I'm starting to feel like im in a better place I saw my ps today and she felt I was healing well and i got my surgical drain removed. She really didn't have an answer why it got infected she said it was a little less common 5 months later. My bilateral was on August 30th my plan now is to hopefully get my implant put in in a few weeks after I heal i was originally scheduled for March 18th so I didn’t have to take more days off work because it is my spring break but she doesn’t want to wait that long because she doesn’t want to lose what the expander stretched but she did tell me that there is a chance the implant may not fit and they will need to put the expander back in. Im in a better place I have a plan but most important im starting to feel better and hopefully it was just the infection that was making me feel so bad. Im happy to say I can continue with the Herceptin as scheduled I even was able to do treatment 2 days after surgery.

  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    SisterStrong, my fellow triple positive, I am so sorry you went through all of that pain and illness at a time when you thought you would be healing. I am so glad that you now have a plan in place that feels right and you can move forward. This journey never fails to surprise does it. Just when you think you can map out the road ahead, there's a detour. I'm sending you good energy for your continued healing and your surgery in March! I finished my Taxol 4 weeks ago so you and I are on a similar schedule. :)

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Think of those who had surgery - Casey and Rabbit. I pray everything went well.

    Sisterstron - Hopefully you are healing and getting stronger.

    You all are the strongest women I know. Praying for all of you.


  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Morning Warriors!

    Just a quick update on my surgery from yesterday. My surgeon said it went really well. She only had to remove one lymph node (she was pleased about that). I was able to come home after surgery and I was happy about that. I'm going to go back to sleep in a little bit.

    Casey, I hope you are doing well after surgery!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Well ladies, its official, I let the nurses poison me a 6th time. Officially halfway done with taxol! I am so sick of chemo, and going through chemo and a polar vortex isn't fun, lemme tell you... especially when your dog hates snow and takes his time to do his business while your trying to keep yourself as warm as possible and get back inside! Just laying low and trying to keep myself toasty. Been trying to up my normal routine day by day. Am starting to dance exercise to help relieve some stress and perhaps help with sleeping. Am finding the side effects are starting to compound a bit now. Inside of my nose looks like burnt lasagna (sorry for the visual) from the taxol. Nail beds are darkening a bit and I have these white lines all over them. My eyebrows and eyelashes that had come back are now taking a second retreat....sigh...and my hair that was growing back alittle although I was beginning to resemble a monk with all the hair on the sides and back but little of much on the top now is kinda patchy. I truly resemble that baby starling I raised from a baby when it was rejected and kick out of the nest by his mom. That bird had the weirdest hair pattern while his poor little feathers tried to grow in. I resemble that little guy on my head right now. Feb 13th I have my restaging MRI, Feb 21st I see the BS and set a surgery date. Things are moving along but still not fast enough for me. I want SPRING dang it!!

    Patrice - my blonde bombshell badass, I hope your doing well, your guinea pig is hoping you check in soon :) you have to be getting close to being done with taxol, do you have a surgery date slated yet?

    Notgivingup and Casey- hoping your both doing well with recovery, you just know we ladies waiting for surgery are just chomping at the bit to pick your brain about how it went, what it was like, how you feel etc lol. Take it easy and then give us the skinny! Notgivingup so happy your surgery went well and that only one lymph node needed taken, that's great! :) Take a few naps for me!

    Annie - hang in there, even if we feel like we're taking steps backwards sometimes, we are still moving forward, just maybe alittle slower than we would like.

    SisterStrong- having a plan in place really helps, its the unknown that always messes with us. So glad you are feeling better! How awesome are you for keeping up with treatment even a couple days after after surgery, I'm in awe!

    Joules - I pray to have that side effect from the Tamoxifen! lol. It would be better than some of the other side effects other ladies have shared. I am nervous about starting that kind of hormone therapy so please keep us updated how your doing as you keep taking it!

    Take care ladies! Keep updating when you can :) These boards are such a comfort to me, really help me through some rough days :)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    I had my post-chemo MRI today, and my MO called me with the results. My lymph nodes look clear, and there are just "wisps" left where the tumor was. He says 1-2%. We'll wait for pathology to tell us more. Of course he couldn't leave it at that. Something is now showing in my left breast that they want to check out before surgery. So I have to go back and have more imaging done, and a biopsy. Even though I'm having a BMX, they want to rule out cancer on the left side so they know whether or not to take any lymph nodes on that side. (The left lymph nodes look clear on the MRI) UGH!!!! I thought the surprises were through!! I'm so sick of all these curveballs being thrown at me. My MO told me he isn't overly concerned and that bilateral BC is VERY rare, but still. WTF!?

    Ladies that are recovering from surgery, I hope you're healing well and getting lots of rest.

    Those of you still going through chemo, keep on going! You're almost there!!

  • SisterStrong
    SisterStrong Member Posts: 43

    thanks for the words of encouragement. I’m in awe of all of us. We are all strong but Inwish we didn’t keep having to showing how strong we are. I hope everyone has a great weekend

  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    Fritz, I too had something show up in my other breast on the MRI and was told that it was rare to have bilateral breast cancer. I had to have a biopsy and it turned out to be a little piece of fatty breast tissue that had folded over on itself so it looked weird. Those curveballs drive me crazy too and slow down the treatment time, but in the end I was glad to learn that all was clear. I'm sure your biopsy results will be similar. Thinking of you!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Notgivingup - so glad your doing well!

    Fritz- Please let us know what you find out.

    Been an interesting week. I fainted twice in my PCP's office. My blood pressure bottomed out at 85/55. At least the nausea is better.

    I am taking a med for blood sugar but my dr says it's the chemo and steroids and not permanent. Yea!!

    Have any of you experienced sever joint pain - especially in the knees - on THP?

    Don't give up.


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I have a different cancer in each breast which oncologist stated was unusual. So far chemo went pretty easy, Taxol is doing ok, but my legs & joints are starting to ache in the evening. This coming Tuesday is questionable as I may or may not get Taxol that day. It depends on my counts, could even have a transfusion. At the least it will be an injection of nuelestra type meds.

    I’m new here just started chemo the 16 of October. This really threw me for a loop

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Evening ladies! Survived the polar vortex and am on the upswing again from my symptom days. Cannot believe I am almost done, 6 weeks and I am done. This has been a really long road, I hope these last few weeks go quickly! I am already planning in my head how I want to celebrate being finished with chemo and how I want to celebrate getting through surgery. Hubby suggested to me to start thinking of these things to occupy my mind so I won't spend too much time in "what if" land. My chemo nurses want to hire my husband lol. Because they said he cracks them up how attentive he is with me. Helps me set up my chair in a comfortable position so I can see the TV well, moves my chemo pole to the left side since my port is on the left side, sets up the nurses table on the left side so that the nurse can hook me up, makes sure I have a pillow and blanket, brings me snacks or beverages or will go get me something to eat and bring it back. My husband really has been the best. I remember when I was first diagnosed he told me he prayed to get it too so we could go through it together and he'd know how I felt and I wouldn't go through it alone. He told me Stage 1 or Stage 4 I'm with you for the long haul....I've got me one heck of a man :)

    Fritz, your MO is right, bilateral is VERY rare. Id put more stock in that its nothing rather than being something based on how you pathologically responded with only tiny wisps remaining of your tumor- that is one heck of a response, no wonder he was looking forward to seeing imaging. With a response like that I'd be shocked if anything new had the chance to even try to grow. Hang in there, minor bump, It'll be okay!

    Annie - my goodness that must of been scary. I had to adjust my activities on the weekends following my infusions on thursdays because on Sundays when I tried to go out and do something small with the hubby like go shopping I almost everytime would come close to fainting and would need to hurry up and find somewhere to sit until I felt better . Rearranging my schedule to do any shopping on my strong day which is the day of my infusion made that go away. Good news about the blood sugar thing being a temporary side effect! I experience joint pain on Taxol. Especially in the knees and my feet and ankles. It usually only lasts a short time and then it goes away. It has been improving slightly as I go further along down the Taxol Train.

    Sadlynew and Newfromny hope your doing well, check in when you can! Casey and Notgivingup hope your healing up well from surgery, thinking of you both! #7 is on thursday! Take care ladies and keep kicking cancer ass! :)

  • santi2018
    santi2018 Member Posts: 3

    Good morning warriors!!

    I am having cmf treatment #6 today. Only two more to go!!!

    Does anyone have a port? I’m a little confused as to how long it stays in, I thought that it would stay in until chemo is done, I only need to have 8 rounds. Finding out now that it’s a year, why if I only need 8 treatments. I’m confused.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi everyone!

    Checking in to see how everyone is doing. I am scheduled for Taxol #9 tomorrow. I had to delay Taxol #8 for a few days to get my numbers back up. They had to lower my dose a little. Last Taxol, I was borderline to receive another treatment. I'm hoping my numbers are ok for this one. Fingers crossed.

    My upper back has been hurting a good bit lately. So, of course, my mind goes to the worst. I understand Taxol, especially when it accumulates, can be hard in your bones. I'm hoping that's what it is. I voiced my concerns to my MO who authorized an MRI of my thoracic spine. It takes place tomorrow before my treatment. Needing prayers for good results. So very scary.

    I've decided on radiation after chemo. I was in the gray area and just didn't like that area very much. Lol. I met with my RO and really really liked him. I'll start radiation the beginning of April assuming all goes as planned with the remaining Taxols. 12 weeks sounded so much shorter than it really is!

    Casey, how are you? How was surgery? Rad, your hubby sounds like a great support for you. I'm so hard on mine sometimes - I feel like it take this out on him. He's done great “tolerating" my short fits. He understands and that's I can hope for now. Annie, fainting? Ugh, I'm so sorry. Hoping things get back to normal soon. Fritz- talk about a curveball! I did hear that it's very rare re both. Please keep us posted on what more you learn.

    For those having chemo this week like me, let's do this! For those getting ready for surgery or recovering, drop in when you can and let us know how you're doing.

    Thinking of everyone.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Santi - you should have the option to remove as soon as your done with treatment, its your body, if you want it out you should be able to get it taken out. MO's can advise you but ultimately your at the helm, if it bothers you having it any longer than you need to, just say you want it out. I am having my port taken out when I have my surgery following chemo.

    Sadlynew - hope your counts behave for the next round! I always am crossing my fingers too. Ever since they lowered my dose slightly after my counts delayed treatment for #4 I haven't had trouble with counts so far and if all's well I'll be having #7 on thursday. Hoping too for a clean MRI for you. If this eases your mind any as the Taxol goes on I noticed my upper back/shoulders hurt alittle bit, enough for me to ask for a back rub. Hubby has been a great support but he also has to endure my short fits too or my crying episodes, I swear sometimes I feel like my hubby feels like he needs to cross himself or sprinkle holy water before he walks in the door because he doesn't know which personality of wife he's gonna have that day, lol.

    Pommom - Welcome aboard, sorry you have to be here but glad to hear chemo is going okay for you. Being at the mercy of our blood counts is what I hate most about Chemo because I think we all just want to get it over with as fast as possible and be done with it, possible slow downs or hiccups really are bothersome because it halts the train and sometimes it halts the moral in moving forward. How far along are you on Taxol? Did you have AC before taxol? I experience the joint pain/muscle pain with Taxol, my MO said its a side effect, I especially feel it in my knees and legs. So cannot wait to be done with this. Thankfully Chemo doesn't last forever and there is a stop point, its just a pain getting there!

    Oh Casey, Oh Patrice, Where art tho! :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    sadlynew I get number five tomorrow, but it may not happen as my numbers are expected to be down more. Oncologist has told me of several options that may happen.

    My legs have been pretty achy in the evenings as have my ankles & knees.

    Let me introduce myself, I’m Doris from Ohio. I’m 70, but didn’t feel my age a couple of months ago. Husband has been very attentive during this time, he does all the housework & the dishes. He won’t let me out of the house if my numbers are down, which I think is overprotective

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    RadagastRabbit I’ve finished the AC, now doing the Taxol. My bilateral mastectomy surgery comes after the 12 Taxol treatments. I’m hoping my Taxol goes ahead tomorrow because as you say I want this to be over & done with

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    so... woke up at 5:30am to head to my MRI appt to check out my back. Got there, went through several rounds of check ins, about to have an MRI and they asked whether I had anything implanted. I told them tissue expanders. They said you can’t have MRI with tissue expanders because they are magnetic. And, the MRI can cause them to move. To prevent them from coming out my ears (insert laugh), I left for my 8am treatment. They were so nice about it. My MO is going to order another scan. Not sure what. (Sigh)

    Sitting waiting for my #9 Taxol. Very nervous about blood counts. Not feeling like it’s be ok today. Hoping hoping.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. And just maybe it will be more productive than my morning! Lol.
  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hey sadlynew, well that must of been disconcerting! "April, you can't have an MRI because your boobs might pop off, but have a nice day!". Hope your bloodcounts are okay today to proceed. I have bloodwork late this afternoon to see if I'm good to go for thursday #7. Isn't it odd we pray to poison ourselves? "Oh please please, poison me nurse, i desperately want you to poison me!"

    Going to get some protein in me to see if that helps me get good counts today and gonna watch something funny to keep me out of "what if" land. Laughter i have found helps me so much with coping, it helps also counteract all the bullshit this diagnosis comes with. We're almost to the finishline April, woooo! :)

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502


    I saw this and cracked up

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    My Tuesday was great! My counts have improved since last week, so I could have Taxol number 5! Also this means we can visit our best friends tomorrow. Will be exchanging our Christmas gifts. They live in Indiana a little more than a 100 miles away. Yay!

    I hope others got better news today concerning their treatments. Namaste

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - Thanks for the laugh!! We can use more of those!

    Pommom - Sorry your here but welcome. This is a great group and will offer you so much help and support.

    Taxol #2 done! I ran a fever for two days - hitting 101.3. But my counts were good so we went ahead with it. Praying for poison. Life is so weird.

    Sadlynew - I hope you get your scan soon so you can get some peace of mind. That's hard to come by.

    Patrice - I miss hearing from you, I hope you are OK.


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Hello my friends! Hope all is well with you ladies. NotGivingUp and Casey, congrats on surgery, I'm sure you both are taking it easy and healing well, think of you both often. SisterStrong, sorry to hear about all the trouble you've had, it just doesn't seem fair that we have to go thru so much only to have to deal with the unexpected crap too. Speaking of unexpected crap, Fritz, Sadlynew and Annie, you've all had your share these past weeks, haven't you? More tests, more scans, moving magnetic expanders, oh my! This is just a road full of detours and pot holes, isn't it? Thank goodness you are all such strong chicks, we're all expecting the unexpected at this point. Rabbit, congrats on beating your demons and stepping up for more poison. You ladies all kick ass, and I'm proud to know you.

    Me? I've got 3 taxols left. Then PET and MRI, then surgery. No date has been set but MO says surgery is typically 3 weeks PFC. Saw the holistic NP and she prescribed CBD oil for fatigue, hot flashes and pain. So far (knock on wood) it has helped a lot. Don't worry, there is no THC in it so I don't get high. (boo) Also recommended glutamine and vitamin B for neuropathy. I've got 9 total eyelashes left, so much easier to put on mascara when you can attend to each individual lash. Sparse eyebrows, but those can be drawn on if i so desire (so far I haven't). And my chicken fluff hair continues to flourish. Joined a gym to shake these winter blues, I really think that's a big part of why I have felt so shitty - can't walk the dog during a polar vortex, so I've been lacking exercise. I'll be going daily for a pre-work workout. Haven't told the dog that he's been replaced, don't wanna break his big gorgeous heart.

    OK, that's the update for today, I think of you all often, you are such an inspiration to me. Never known such a group of fantastic women, it is humbling to be a part of this group. Actually, I think of us as a gang. Like, totally gangsta.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502


    hello ladies!! Patrice, my blonde bombshell!! So good to hear from you! I think your on to something about the weather making one feel like petrified poo. I have found the grey clouds, bare trees and polar vortex's immensely depressing, add in chemo and its a recipe for wanting to throw in the towel, because mentally its draining when you cannot get outside much or do outdoor activities to keep your mind busy. I'm still thinking of spring, have my new shiny push mower waiting for me that hubby got me so I can be busy in the yard once the grass grows since he knows I like it so much, oh how I pray for the day I can break it in! I miss when you don't post Patrice, your guinea pig kinda misses you :)

    Annie - my goodness about the fever but glad everything normalized and your counts were good so you can get back to beatboxing on the tumor!

    Pommom- Nice to meet you Doris! I am in awe, you got through AC at 70! And here I was complaining at 36 getting through it! Hope you enjoyed your visit with family the other day! Congrats on your counts being good for #5 taxol, one more down!

    I got the call this morning that my counts are good for Taxol #7, So I'll be in the chair tomorrow at 2:30pm. Woo hoo...only 5 more left!

    Casey, Antigone, check in soon! :)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Joules, thank you for the kind words. Glad your biopsy turned out to be normal!

    Annie, how scary that you fainted!! Good thing you were at your doctor's office when it happened. Glad to hear your blood sugar issues aren't permanent. 2 down!!

    Pom, welcome!! Great to hear that your counts are allowing you to continue knocking out those Taxols!

    Rabbit, your kind words helped me a lot! Your hubby is the best! The comics are hilarious! Laughter really is great medicine.

    Santi, I have a port, and was told that once my MO gives the go-ahead, my BS will remove it. I figure once I get the pathology results from surgery and my MO knows whether or not I need more chemo, he'll make that decision. I plan on getting mine out ASAP. It's annoying when I sleep.

    Sadlynew, how crazy about the MRI!! I would never even think about the possibility of TEs being a no no. I hope any other scan you have comes out normal!!

    Patrice! So good to hear from you! You're so close! I can't wait for you to share the results of your PET and MRI to tell us all that everything looks clear! Your MO is right, you will be cured! This winter really does suck. I'm ready to be able to get out of the house and move more!

    As for me, I met with my BS on Monday, and we went over everything for my BMX. She showed me my MRI images, and it's amazing the difference between this one and the one I had in September. My breast was almost completely white and lit up, and now there's no enhancement. She advised me not to have an additional biopsy because she will be taking the sentinel node on the left side regardless. Yay, one less procedure!! Yesterday I met with my very handsome silver fox of a PS. Why are the PSs always the good looking ones? Part of the license requirement? lol. Anyway, we decided on pre-pectoral TEs for me. He tried to convince me to save my nipple on the left side, but I don't see any point since it won't have any sensation to it, and it won't match my right side. So I said to forget it. Then today I finally found out my surgery date: February 20th! Sooner than I thought I'd be able to get in! I'm so relieved as I wasn't sure when my 2 surgeons would be able to coordinate everything. Glad to know that they have my best interests in mind. In fact I'm pretty sure Wednesdays are usually my BS's days off, and she made an exception to get me in.

    Hope everyone has good counts and keeps knocking out their chemo rounds, and that everyone that's had surgery is healing well.

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    we had a great time yesterday visiting with our friends. I felt pretty good, not too tired. Today I did a few things as I felt great, however my mouth is all sore. This makes for poor eating with sore mouth & overwhelming salty taste!

    Sometimes I wonder if the chemo is working since I have so little reaction to it. I guess I’m just lucky. I was supposed to have a MRI a month or so ago, but they wouldn’t do it because I have a BB in the back of my leg. They were afraid the magnets would pull it through my leg & break an artery. I’ve had this in my leg at least 60 years! Also have had at least 5 MRIs in my life. Haven’t heard back from the surgeon what he wants to do.

    I haven’t been asking many questions as I was taken totally by surprise by this whole thing. I felt healthy as a horse when I was told I have cancer. I need to wake up & get more info, I don’t even know just how serious it really is. I asked OD if I will be able to make reservations for our 6 weeks in Florida next February, she told me yes I would be able to go then. I hope she’s right.

    I’m enjoying getting to know everyone & it’s helpful to learn from everyone.
