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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • TrishaFL
    TrishaFL Member Posts: 19

    Haven't posted much but have read everyone's posts every few days. Everyone's experience is so different but it helps to read what is happening to others. I have no problem running around without hair on my head but as soon as my eyebrows started thinning I've been penciling them in.   

    Finished up Taxol on Tuesday. Everyone said that T had less side effects but for me I actually had more added to the few that I had with AC. The added ones were still very manageable - tingling at the base of my fingernails and mild neuropathy in my finger tips for a couple of days. Plus bone pain. The combination of T and seven shots filgrastim after infusion beat out the Claritin and I had/have bone pain in my legs. Hopefully it will go away soon.

    Met with my surgeon on Friday and now have a plan. BMX without reconstruction scheduled for March 20th. Then on to radiation. Throwing everything at this so I can keep on bugging kids :)


    Last dance with the chemo.


    Got to ring the bell.  Now on to surgery and radiation.

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Yay for finishing chemo Trisha!!! You look great!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hello all! Completed #7. Have MRI on the 13th of Feb at 9:30am to take a look at how things are going. Then follow up with BS and MO both on February 21st at which time imaging will be gone over, surgery options will be discussed and a date set for surgery! Looking forward to getting my date. Then I really feel like the end is coming closer and I can get back to life and be done with thinking about cancer 24/7. I have been monitoring my tumor myself since diagnosis and chemo because its palpable. It stared out big and hard as a rock, now its small and "mushy" for lack of another word. Its pretty much completely soft at Taxol #7 can't feel any hard parts at all....could i have a pathological complete response when all is said and done?! Crossing fingers, toes and heart for that! Not lookin forward to the MRI, that thing is very noisy, even with ear plugs and headphones, not to mention uncomfortable being crammed into a tube you can't move in for 45 mins. Ugh. My eyebrows and eyelashes went bye bye again. Hair on top of my head is starting to fill in a bit on the very top, back and sides are filling in pretty good tho there are some bald patches here and there. Couldn't just all grow uniform could it *sigh*


    Fritz- That is all such good news all around! I was praying all would work out so I am happy to hear your report! Surgery is only 11 days away, congrats on getting a date! I should be getting mine within the next two weeks.

    Pommom - I'm glad you got to enjoy your visit! I hear ya on being shocked by all this, at the time of diagnosis I felt fine, great even, I was so convinced the lump I had was a lipoma or a cyst or something else benign, but when your OBGYN calls you personally at the crack of dawn monday morning, you know the news isn't good.

    Trisha - congrats on finishing chemo!! WOO HOO!! You just completed one of the toughest protocols out there. Ring that Bell proud, you did it!! Totally rockin your beautiful bald head, you look awesome!

    Notgivingup and Casey hope your recoveries are going well, check in when you can! Keep marching like the fabulous warriors you all are, I see a tunnel and there is light at the end of it!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Evening Warriors!

    I am 10 days post surgery and I am doing great. Hubby and I went to dinner tonight. My BS says my incisions are healing great. I have been taking it easy so that I heal properly.

    I do have a partial pathology report. I have clean margins, my lymph node tested negative, and the small amount of skin the BS removed because of dimpling tested negative.

    I am still waiting on the rest of the pathology report. I had felt my tumor grow before surgery and sure enough, it did. It was about a centimeter. So the results we are waiting on are on the tumor.

    I don't know if I have to get more chemo yet. This is the downside of having surgery delayed. I hate being triple negative. If I have to get back in the chair, I will. I won't like it, but I will do it. At least I have a new pink coach pocketbook (thanks to mom) and a pink baseball cap. If I do need chemo, I am going to order pink face masks I found on Amazon and find pink heels and sneakers. Go big or go home, right?

    I hope you all are doing great! Keep moving forward!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit, that would be amazing to get a PCR!!! I'll be praying that's the case for you! So awesome that your tumor feels like it's resolved. I've not lost my eyebrows or lashes, but still no signs of hair growth on my head yet. Anxious to see how it grows in!

    Notgivingup, I'm so glad you're feeling good! I hope the rest of your pathology report comes back as good as what you've already received. Let's hope you never have to buy all that pink stuff for more chemo, but for a celebration of being cancer free!

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Kjelftr - How is life pFC?

    Round #5 TCHP has been hard for me in different ways from the others. I found myself actually tossing my cookies this time and it was not fun. I am just starting to feel better and find myself back in the mental struggle of prepping for Round #6. It is wonderful to know it is the last one... it is disheartening to think about going through it all over again!

    Rabbit - I love the comics! They gave my husband and I a good little laugh.

    My eyelashes have been thinning quite a bit. I think this has been harder on me than when my hair went. I have no talent with drawing on brows and after having bushy brows my whole life looking bald there is startling.

    I hope all of you are doing well. I appreciate all the support I find here.


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I had my 6th Taxol today with 6 more to go. They were very surprised that my numbers took a rise this week, thought I must have some great bone marrow. My husband, being a pessimist thinks the Taxol must defective & will not kill the cancer. Nurses assured him that was not the case.

    My eyelashes are pretty much gone, hate this more than being bald. There are about three per eye, I had ready thick lashes, my best feature. Eyebrows are getting sparser & sparser. I'm starting to draw them in which looks funny to me, but when I use the wig I really need eyebrows.

    The worst I’m having is sore mouth & extreme salty taste buds. Every thing I eat is bleeh tasting & very salty. Every time I think about some tasty food I get it, then can eat only a quarter of it. The only good news of this whole thing is the 10 pounds I’ve lost, which I’ve been trying to lose for several years.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hello all! Welp, I got through my mri, now its the waiting game till next week to hear how things look in there, hopefully the only change has been shrinkage and nothing new pops up, I know I will be on pins and needles until next thursday when I see MO to go over everything. Mri was easier to get through this time although laying like superwoman with my boobs dangling and my face inches from machine with a tiny breathing hole wasn't exactly comfortable. The improvement was I didn't jump alittle everytime the noises changed this time. Man that sucker is loud, even with earplugs and headphones on. Thankfully I had America's "Horse with no name" and Gary Wright's "Dreamweaver" playing through the earphones they gave me so I had something to hum to myself in the silent moments before a new sound came forth from my tubular cell. The ladies were very nice and let me wear my head scarf in the machine, I explained I have no hair really and I haven't been bald in front of anyone besides family yet and it would make me feel better to not feel even more vulnerable with it off in the machine. They said no problem at all. I was so thankful for their accommodation. Had bloodwork right afterwards and got the results back that I am good to go for Taxol #8 tomorrow so I will be getting my butt in the big chair at 2:30 that afternoon. Emotionally I feel alittle better have been able to sleep and nap alittle on my own which is good, just feel the fatigue really beginning to set in. Next week so many things will be set in motion, but trying not to overwhelm myself by thinking about it too much.


    Not giving up- let us know how your pathology comes back - crossing everything that can be crossed that all will come back okay! So glad your healing well from your surgery. I dunno If I'm brave enough to say "Go big or go Home" yet, what strength you have to be able to say that, you go girl!

    To all you other ladies, Fritz, Sadlynew, Pommom, Trisha, Frmthahart, Joules, Patrice, Antigone, Casey, Annie, hope your all doing well!! Keep checking in when you can, I am thankful we can all lean on each and that we have for almost 5 months now....we've come a long way! Hugs to all of you! :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Had another sleepless night, was surprised because I was so tired after the Taxol. It seems for the last three Tuesdays I can’t sleep at night. Last night I finally got to sleep at 4:30 in the morning, woke up at 7:15. I’m wondering if it’s the steroid in the infusion that is keeping me awake since the insomnia is occurring on those days.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Pommom- have you given liquid benedryl at night a try to help you sleep? Zzzquil is basically liquid benedryl, it might help relax you. Melatonin might help too. Take a hot bath and then give yourself a gentle rub down with some lotion, something that smells good, I do that often to help me relax. If all else fails you can ask your MO for something for sleep. I take trazadone as needed for sleep and it works well. I know how it feels to have trouble sleeping, a good nights sleep makes all the difference in the world. Fairy dust to you to tonight, hope you get some zzzzz's.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hello everyone! Wow, we have all come so far! I went back and read some of our earlier posts. It’s just amazing how far we’ve come. I have Taxol #11 coming up Tuesday. Side effects haven’t been too bad other than the emotional sadness. Things seems to be looking up again. Taxol can really get you sad. I was in a black hole and couldn’t find the ladder. Usually the sadness passes in a day but this one didn’t. It took 3 days but things aren’t looking up again. Had a good appt with my MO. Since I can’t do an MRI to check out my back (which she thinks is soft tissue... hope she’s right), she suggested a PET/CT because apparently I’ll need something like that anyway when I finish chemo and before I begin radiation? So have a PET planned for when chemo is done. In less than 2 weeks, I will be DONE with chemo. As I type that, I still can’t believe it. I feel like it’s been my life.
    Trish, you look amazing. You can see the utter happiness in your face. What an accomplishment!
    Rabbit - how lucky were you to get earplugs with music?? I never had that! Hoping for great results. You are almost 3/4 done Taxol. Woohoo!
    Not giving up - hoping for a good path report. Hopefully, no more chemo and you can keep pushing on with that fancy new coach :-)
    To everyone else, check in when you can. Sending well wishes to everyone.
  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    So I am home from my appointment with my MO. I will be getting back in the chair. I only have to do 4 cycles of carboplatin(?). It is every 21 days. It's not the worst thing in the world.

    My MO did ask me to do a clinical trial for immunotherapy. She said I'm a perfect candidate for it. I have decided that I will do it. I won't start that until I finish with chemo.

    I hope you all are doing well. I just ordered my pink masks!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit I did have a decent nights sleep last night. Slept midnight until 7am. Wore myself out today so sleep will be good tonight!

    Had to see the cardiologist today as I have an anomaly. Doctor called it an aneurysm, but it’s not a regular one. It seems the wall on one section of the heart wobbles too fast. I will need to take a baby aspirin every day until I die as I’m now more susceptible to having a stroke. He said I can be as active as I want. This is not the kind of aneurysm that pops, thank God!

    Good news on Valentine Day!


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Doris, the worst things about chemo for me was the bland taste of food, and the steroids. It's been so nice to not have to deal with those SEs anymore. You'll be through with those soon! A baby aspirin a day seems very doable, and I'm glad that's all it'll take to keep you from having a stroke!

    Frmthahart, the mental struggle of having to go through round after round was hard. The more cycles I went through, the more anxiety I had to deal with. By the end I was popping a xanax before getting in the chair just to relax. My body definitely was having a reaction knowing I was purposely poisoning myself and having to be physically unwell for 5+ days every 3 weeks. But you're on your last one!! Yay!

    Rabbit, as always you make me laugh! Breast MRIs are the weirdest things. And then looking at the images of your dangling boobs? LOL!!

    Sadlynew, 2 weeks!!! You're so close! I hope the PET goes well.

    Notgivingup, I'm sorry to hear you'll be heading back to the chair, but hopefully it'll knock out whatever nasty cells are still hanging out in your body. I know you'll rock those pink masks and heels!

    I'm anxiously waiting for my surgery on Wednesday. The days can't go quickly enough. I want to get this show on the road! In the meantime I'm deep cleaning the house and doing all the things I won't be able to do while recovering. One annoying SE leftover from chemo is the extremely dry skin I have. Between chemo, winter weather, and constantly washing my hands to avoid germs pre-surgery, my skin is like a desert. In fact my iPhone no longer recognizes my fingerprint to unlock it on the touch ID!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Hello everybody! Sounds like everyone is getting through this the best way we can. I still get sick everyday and the acid reflux is horrible. I was hoping taxol would be easier but I'll just have to deal with it. My hair is growing back - white!! Seriously!! I know it will fall out again on the taxol but white? Really?!

    I skipped treatment last Tuesday. I was just too run down and sick. I'll start back this coming Tuesday.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Fritzmylove I’m having a terrrible time with food. It all tastes salty & blech! Many of the things I love to eat are off the table so to speak. I also have a sore tongue & mouth. It’s so awful, even bread tastes horrible. Steroids haven’t been bad, I get a red face the day after, but it is gone by the end of the day. I don’t have to take any steroids except for what is in the infusion.

    I’m glad you mentioned the fingerprint ID on the phone. My iPhone won’t recognize my print either. I even reset it, but no go. I thought maybe it was because of the chemo, nice to know it probably is.


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Annie60 my hair is growing back, but very sparsely. There are these longish strands of white har scattered over my head. I’m thinking of shaving it off so that the hair comes in at the same overall length.

    The Taxol has been very easy so far. I haven’t had to skip any yet, but it was on the table last Tuesday. My counts went up some & didn’t go down as far as they thought. This coming Tuesday will probably bottom out since things have been going pretty smoothly so far.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    well ladies, its time for me to bitch and moan ....This emotional journey we are all so unfortunate to have to travel is both annoying and disheartening. After Taxol #8 I cried on the way home, I cried when we picked up some dinner, I cried walking through walmart to go get my prescription refilled, I cried on the way to pickup groceries. Once we got home I felt better getting into my own bed at home and snuggling down. After watching some episodes of The Wonder Years on Hulu I popped my sleeping medication and got some sleep. I woke up feeling that deep emotional sadness feeling, I think its surfaced again because of the MRI and being scared about what the results of it will be after almost 5 months of chemo, I want to know the bullshit I went through amounted to something. I was emotionally doing well until the MRI and then shortly there after I was a wreck. Whats great about when I was doing well was I kinda got a taste of what life would be on the other side of all this. I felt good, was sleeping good, and was looking forward to things and the future. Right now I feel I am right back at square one. I've been trying to distract myself by planning planting beds and hanging baskets for the spring and doing some organizing around the house. Isn't working yet but i am giving it a whirl.

    Sadlynew- I'm with you and the emotional sadness thing. But I am sooooooo very happy for you that you only got 2 more to go. 2 more girl and your done! Hang in there! I'm right behind you, 4 more left. Then we can both kiss these Taxol blues goodbye!

    Notgivingup- so sorry you have to be back in the chair, but chemo every 3 weeks 4 times doesn't sound too bad, lady in red, rock the pink like nobody's business, then you get to put it all behind you!

    Doris- happy you were able to get some sleep. A good nights sleep really makes all the difference in the world. Also very happy that a baby aspirin is all you need to avoid anymore future problems with the heart wobble, very positive! :)

    Fritz, I know you will do wonderfully, the waiting game must be awful but I just know when the day comes you'll be just fine. You've been superwoman throughout, I have no doubts you will be superwoman when it comes to surgery. As long as you and I don't have "Ralph" as our anesthesiologist we'll be good! :)


    Annie- My goodness! White?! I have read other women having their hair come in white at first and then it fell out and grow back their original color or that it changed to their original color as it grew out. I'm surprised my hair didn't come in white! So sorry you've felt horrible this past week, I am feeling the effects more after each round even with a slightly reduced dose. Best of luck to you as you brave the chair again this week. Hang in there!

    Patrice, you have got to be done now, or have 1 more to go. I think of you often and miss your humor. I hope your doing well, your guinea pig sends lots of love :)

    Take care ladies, fate may whisper to us that we cannot handle the storm, but we answer back every week in the chair that we ARE the storm :) I'm really really hoping we can all stay in touch even after we are all done with chemo and have moved on to other stages. I will admit I've become attached to you all and I think I need you all moving forward. Lets try to stay together :)

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    So the crying is from the Taxol? Good to know. Today was the first day I have not gotten sick in months. I hate to get back in the chair. I felt normal today - A little glimpse of what life is suppose to be.

    I'm sure the Taxol will make the hair growing in fall out again. I was a redhead with just a few white hairs - after all, I am 60. I guess I'll be thankful that's it's coming back. My head feels like a fuzzy worm.

    My DH bought me a mini greenhouse. I am looking forward to starting seeds. I taught myself to knit today. Normalcy.

    I'll repeat after Rabbit - I am the Storm!!


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Good Morning my friends, hope all are doing well. I am so amazed at how quickly we are all finally getting to the end of our various treatments, seems like we just started, but also like we started years ago...

    Rabbit, i really hate the MRI and PET scan time, I think part of it is the hour plus of time to think without distraction. I've done some of my best crying in those tubes - it's private and no one can hear me sniffle. And of course, the Taxol is doing bad things to our emotional well-being so there's that. It makes quite the fertile ground for losing your shit on the regular. God, I am tired of that, aren't you? I used to cry once a year, at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life." Now, I literally can't get thru one single day without blubbering like a teenage girl. I feel so badly for my husband, I am simply no fun to be around anymore. I know it's temporary, but it's the reality of now, and it sucks. We will all get our groove back soon enough and the boo-hoo's will be but a memory.

    Pommom, I found that rinsing my mouth with baking soda and warm water just before I ate something helped a bit with taste buds cooperating. Also, Biotene mouthwash gave some relief from the sore tongue, as did drinking so so so much water. Nurses said a lot of the soreness in our mouths comes from the dryness.

    Annie, as for the reflux, I was prescribed Prilosec, and that helped, as did making sure I ate yogurt each day. The oncology nurse said the chemo is hard on the GI system, and yogurt helps it recover a bit. But the reflux is horrible, I feel your pain. I think my blossoming hair may be white also, there is some disagreement as to white vs. blonde, at this point it is too early to tell. I was blonde before bald, so my hope is that is what comes back. But, at this point, I'll take any color. The good news is that you can start knitting yourself a spring hat that you will wear when you are outside planting those greenhouse plants. Soon.

    Fritz, surgery on Wednesday! So exicted for you to continue to move forward, I know you will do great, just as you have thus far. I have been using Cerave moisturizer and I like it very much. It was not at all expensive and I feel like it does a great job on my face and hands. I also got some Neutrogena Rain Bath oil to use in the tub and shower, and I love that stuff too, such a nice smell. My phone does not recognize my fingerprints anymore either... I feel like now would be the opportune time to commit some type of crime, as we apparently have no fingerprints, and we have no hair, so we'd leave no evidence behind. Is this a crime-show just begging to be written? Bunch of bald, nauseous chicks jacked up on steroids leaving the infusion room and headed off to rob a bank? ah, well, I digress... I'll be thinking of you on Weds, go kick some ass, lady!

    NotGIvingUp, it just plain sucks that you've got more chemo, I don't know how else to say it. I do know that you will get thru it, just like you've soldiered thru every other crap speed bump you've faced thus far. Dust those heels off, polish your tiara, get it done. I wish you minimal se's and a quick chemo trip.

    Sadlynew, 2 more Taxol's and you are done! Almost time to kiss the Taxol blues goodbye and start feeling semi-normal again, can you believe it? Then the PET CT and then you get to move on to the next step. And that's what it's all about at this point, moving on, moving forward and getting it done. And so you are, congrats!

    Trisha, congrats on being done, so amazing and you look great! I agree with you re: Taxol sucking more than AC, it has been way worse for me in every wayt. But that's behind you now! And you also are moving on and moving forward, that's the biggest thing. Getting to move forward to the next step is the best feeling !

    Final Taxol for me Friday. Yay! I will say that I was not as mindful about staying super hydrated during the "T" and I did not set aside enough time to move physically during the Taxol, and that was to my detriment. I am sorry my "stay vigilant" enthusiasm waned as the weeks went by, I believe I would feel better had I tried harder. AH well, lesson learned. So I'm off to drink more and then hit the gym again after work. I really don't want to, much easier to go home, get in my pj's and cuddle with a big warm dog. But, that only makes me feel better temporarily, and worse in the morning. So I'll pout and swear my way thru a workout today. Booo.

    Take good care of yourselves my fellow fighters, we are so far down this road that the end of this long shit show is growing near. I am proud of all of you, you inspire me and make me laugh, and I think you are all amazing. (and I was totally serious about that gang thing, you are all gangsta. Can you imagine how intimidating a pack of bald, irritated, cry or scream at the drop of a hat, fearless and literal battle-scar-bearing broads would be? We could get matching bandanas and take over the world. What or who could stop us at this point?) XOXO


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    Patrice, I just want to say that you made me laugh so hard with your last post. And laughs don’t come easy nowadays. Thank you. For being you. Who is simply amazing. Your posts are so motivating and positive. You have such a great heart. How wonderful that your last Taxol is Friday! 4 more days!!! Then flush it out of your system and you are done! I didn’t hydrate nearly enough either with Taxol. Ugh. And, when you said that about fingerprints, I looked down and literally said “what the hell?” Mine are gone! Ha! I had to laugh because, what else could I do? And hey, I agree. Who could stop us now?!?!? Lol
  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Afternoon Warriors!

    I have been busy this weekend getting the house cleaned top to bottom. The whole family worked very hard helping out. Went to the store to fill in what I used up last time with chemo.

    My first chemo is this Thursday. I have my pink sneakers, pocketbook, and baseball cap ready to go. I will put my bag(backpack) together on Wednesday. I can't believe I am doing this again. At times it feels unreal that I am going back in the chair. Oh well, let's throw the kitchen sink at this cancer!

    I am so thankful for all of you. I will keep posting updates throughout each of my treatments. I really enjoy reading what everyone posts. I realized that I am halfway through this process for me. Yeah me! I need to get this chemo done so I can move on to radiation.

    Keep moving forward with the strength I know you all have and finish chemo strong!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I’m so ready for the gang thing! It’d be fun to swagger down the street making people get out of our way!

    I haven’t been drinking as much as water as I was, nor exercising as I was. It’s just too hard going out in the cold weather.

    Doing number 7 Taxol tomorrow, hope it doesn’t make me as tired as last time.

    All the best to everyone

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Okay, Okay, that fingerprint detail got me to look at my own fingers and Holy Shit! I have no fingerprints! Just smooth patches of skin, what the heck!?

    Fritz, will be thinking of you tomorrow, you'll do great, i just know it :) Heal up and then get your butt back here and let us pick your brain what to expect after surgery! :)

    Patrice, your guinea pig says its about f'in time you show up :) What do you think, skull and crossbones for the bandanas? Or maybe perhaps a Warning sign "If you think PMS is bad..." You've slayed the AC+T beast, one final kick in the posterior...or nards and its about to be thrown over the cliff where it belongs!

    Notgivingup- you rocked the red and triumphed, you'll rock the pink and triumph again :) I am thankful they are being aggressive with you, I'm thinking and hoping with a lighter cocktail the side effects will be minimal. You can do it! :)

    Pommom - Best of luck to you in the chair today! :)

    I have bloodwork today to see if I am good to go for #9 on Thursday. Thursday I get my MRI results and set a date for surgery too. My first MRI that I had before I started chemo showed 1 singular tumor 4cm in size, nothing in the lymph nodes, they didn't see any micromets, and they saw absolutely nothing in the left breast. I am hoping they don't see anything new, just a shrunken tumor on the right side. Scared. Right about now i feel like the picture below.


  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Taxol #3 done. I had a reaction to it and had to stop. Flushing, pain in my back and legs and chest pain. The nursing staff, NP, and MO were wonderful. I got more Benadryl, steroids, and Adivan. Then they started it back more slowly. I made it through but will be up all night from two rounds of steroids. If it can happen, I think it's going to happen to us!! I am having to keep myself from thinking about next week. Did this happen to any of you?

    Rabbit - I feel your fear. It is our main emotion along with anger and sadness. Praying for you.

    Fritz - I have thought about you all day. I pray you are OK.

    Patrice - You can do this. If you are half as strong as I think you are, you are Wonder Woman!!

    Notgivingup - Rock that pink!! You are an inspiration.

    I am in on the heist! Be sure to plan it on a steroid high day!!

    I found this on Pinterest and it made me think of us:

    She is holding on, but barely.

    Gripping whatever she can to keep it together for another day.

    She doesn't think about next month, just today.

    That's what she tells herself.

    That's how she's gone this long.

    Just keep it together today. Jm Storm


  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    Hey ladies! Sorry I dropped off for awhile. Been doing the healing thing. 3 weeks out tomorrow. Um, ya, not a fan of surgery! Let's see...shocked as you all may be...I was FREAKING out b4 heading back. Anesthesia doc was super nice and talking to me and explaining procedure. Meanwhile my surgeon walks up and says "ya know, you've been back here for 30 minutes. Maybe I should move on to someone else or you can just leave if you'd like". WTF???? I knew I had to get it done so just sucked it up, tears and all, and said let's go! I saw her for about 5 minutes the next a.m. and have not heard from her since! She told me she would call me asap with pathology. After TEN days, I emailed my MO and he called me right back with results. Again...WTF??? Pathology came back good. Basically 1/13 nodes positive (micro stuff left) but almost complete response in tumors. Clear margins. Yaaaa. Had a date with MO on valentines day. He said he HAD to suggest taxol again...I laughed at him. I laughed harder when he said something about 1-3% blah blah. He did say that he thought since I had such a great response to chemo, if there was something out there that scans hadnt originally picked up, he thought chemo got it. We discussed radiation, I have appt on 2/28. Gonna do that...even though I just wanna be DONE! He said 3-5 I said "ok, that means 3 to me and 5 to you?" Honestly, compared to all te he other crap, easy peasy...I hope? Then he asked about surgery. I said, as I looked at my husband and then him, "Shes a BITCH! Dont EVER refer anyone to her!" He kinda laughed. I said if he does, perhaps he should suggest a refresher course on bedside manner! Then i asked if he wanted to check out her work. He hands me the gown and says he'll step out while i change. I put the kabosh on that. Said "do you know how hard it is to change clothes right now? You've seen my boobs a million times and my hubby's right here!" Then I just unbuttoned my shirt. Lmao! He handled it well. He said all looks good :)

    So, doing PT (which I LOVE!, pretty much a massage) and assume I'll start radiation beginning of next month. Then, onto pills for 7 years! Woo hoo! I will say, I was elated when I asked him "do I have cancer anymore?" And he said "No!" Such a great thing to hear!

    Cant believe we've come so far ladies!!! I really feel like I'm done! Decided to go to vegas in October to renew me and hubbies vows (10 year anniversary). Its so nice to start planning things!

    Oh, one more thing. My AWESOME aunt came out for a couple weeks to help me out for my surgery. While she was here, she took me to Nordstroms and got me some post surgical cammies that were GREAT! Would love to pass these onto one of you ladies that might have a use for them. They are for size c/d? I'm about a med-large shirt gal. Just let me know! Patrice, I know you haven't had surgery yet.. could you use them?

    I'm also gonna attach a pic of my Saturday outing with "the boys". My hubby, my chemo cheerleader and my 17 year old son!

    Hugs to all!!😘😘😘


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Casey! So good to hear from you, you look great, I can't believe how much your hair has grown!! I can't imagine hearing that you don't have cancer anymore, that's a HUGE deal!! Congrats on getting thru chemo and surgery with the added challenge of your anxiety, you are amazing! (and screw that surgeon, btw, what a horrible way to deal with a patient, she sounds like a bully and as you said, a bitch.) Love the pic of you and your boys, all sporting the same hair cut, but of the 4 of you, you've got the most hair. I will continue to be blown away thinking of the answer to your cancer question - you don't have it anymore!!!!!! You better start planning some sort of celebration, you deserve it lady!

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Just when I thought I was winning in this fight and getting to an end to celebrate, I get knocked back. Yesterday was to be my last chemo; however, my platelets were just to low this time and it was a hard NO from my MO. So, I had premeds minus nausea stuff and my H&P. Final chemo moved to next Tuesday - as long as my platelets look good. I was so torn and anxious going into yesterday - arguing with myself about sitting there to get sick again and now, I am so disappointed that I almost can't stand it. I have to admit, I am glad to be getting a break, I feel pretty good today. However, I can't help but wonder if there will be a shoe that drops with just the HP on board.....

    I too am on board for the gang heist. I think we should all create some gangsta names to make us all the more official!

    Rabbit keep those comics coming!

    Fritz, I hope you are doing well!

    Notgivingup, You got this! :)

    Pommom, How did it go?

    You are all in my thoughts! There are so many twists and turns on this BC road. Although I wish no one was here, I am so glad to have found the support you all offer and to know that I am not alone! That is PRICELESS!


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Annie60, I had a reaction on my first Taxol. They noticed right away that my BP was rising higher pretty fast. So they backed down the delivery feed & took my blood pressure every 15 minutes. That helped greatly.

    All the Taxol after that went fine & didn’t need to be slowed down.

    I finished Taxol #7 yesterday, I kept falling asleep once the benedryl hit my system. I felt ok today, but the chicken & rice I made for dinner got to me for some reason. I felt sick after a few bites, so I took a nausea pill . This was a big help, I had this happen the time before last, also. I hope it doesn’t happen again.


    5 more go

  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    So, woke up yesterday with swollen feet and ankles. Went to work and they progressively got worse as the morning went on. Called the oncology nurse and she wanted me to come in ASAP. Saw MO, he said it was most likely a reaction to the Taxol, he ordered a Doppler test to make sure there were not blood clots in feet or legs. Had test, all clear.

    Still very swollen today, I had to wear husband's shoes to work because my big fat feet won't fit into any of my shoes. I feel like I am walking around with swim flippers on, the shoes are so big and so are my feet. I will elevate as soon as I get off of work, that seemed to do the trick yesterday.

    Only one more treatment left, will go for #12 tomorrow. Thank goodness, I am getting tired of dealing with all of these "surprises" that Taxol has provided. Til then, I'll just be shuffling thru my day.... This really is the strangest trip I've ever been on.