Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Frisky, is the same trick as garlic, make everybody in your house take dmso so nobody can feel the oddor! LOL

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Frisky, is the same trick as garlic, make everybody in your house take dmso so nobody can smell it!!! LOL

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I'm already pushing my luck with the burdock root dishes, the hizijki salads, and fava beans pates...now the DMSO....they're going to send me into the bathroom and lock the door.....SillyHeart

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Can others smell the dmso? I remember reading that it would produce a garlic taste in one's mouth. I didn't read that others would be able to smell it on you. But, they were trying to promote dmso, so maybe they omitted that fact. It is or was difficult to obtain in a pharmaceutical grade. For that, you needed a prescription. You don't want industrial grade, as that isn't cleared for consumption. Perhaps a laboratory supply company could supply a laboratory grade.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    frisky,     Sorry that I did not warm you of the carefulness needed when using DMSO. Thank you Husband for having Frishy's back.

    Frisky,  Yes, the garlic order is definitely from your mouth.  It doesn't come in scented or unscented.  Please, so you understand, google it.  Once you read about it's qualities you won't mind a little garlicky breath.  I don't know about industrial grade versus others.   Dmso has the ability to go thru the skin. The good news is it takes everything on the area right thru with it.  Their are some substances that won't work. Aloe is suppose to be anti cancer  so that's why I used it.

    There's an article out in cyberland somewhere, that describes the how DMSO was discovered, the good uses for it,, and how the info was squashed.  

    Promise, no gas.  Your friends will still love you, just don't breath on them!!!..hehe

    I'd love to do the research for you but chemo brain is bad today.   Spent the morning walking in circles.  I would go to get something for

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I'm glad you saw my post on the other thread Snooky....we are experiencing the same SE....when I got back from the hospital today...went straight to bed and didn’t wake up till three hours later....

    Great way to lose weight...forgot to eat....too tired to even figure out what I wanted....

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441


    I will have to find where I stashed my Foundation One report. I do remember being surprised my my lack of PIK3CA mutation.

    I developed the liver lesions while on Letrozole/Ibrance. In year one of treatment for stage 4, my TMs skyrocketed while on Tamoxifen. I have learned that these drugs are contraindicated with Benadryl, and I was taking 50 ml nightly as a sleeping aid. Benadryl destroys a pathway in the liver for processing some of the anti-hormonals.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,932


    You may have skipped over it, but my note above had a link to the trial where they are testing Abemaciclib for triple-negative cancer. I don't know the specifics of your wife's cancer, but if she has the subtype that has high androgen receptor expression and RB-positive those cancers are responding very well in trial. From the paper:

    AR-expressing TNBC has been shown to be quite sensitive to CDK4/6 inhibition in xenograft models, indicating potential benefit from abemaciclib or the other CDK4/6 inhibitors. NCT03130439 is an ongoing phase II study evaluating the activity of abemaciclib in patients with Rb+ TNBC.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,932

    So, BJ, I was just discussing with Luce about the i3c nutrition supplement that made the news recently. Would this be a good idea for you too? Here is a snippet of our discussion to remind you about the biology:

    The new paper in Science (May, 2019-link below) looks at a tumor suppressor called PTEN, which is often found at much lower levels in breast cancer than normal cells. They show in the new paper that i3c basically acts as a TARGETED DRUG and specifically binds to and blocks the enzyme that is keeping the PTEN levels low. When the cell gets i3C, PTEN protein levels go up and it can do its thing, fighting off the cancer.

    The second important thing to understand is HOW the PTEN fights cancer. It turns out that PTEN normally keeps the PI3K kinase pathway in check. As you know, MBC cancers often turn on the PI3K pathway when they become resistant to anti-estrogen therapies, and stop responding to Ibrance-Femara etc. They can do this by mutating PI3KCA itself, which makes the pathway super-active, or they can do it by turning down the PTEN, which is another way to turn on the pathway. That means that taking i3c should help sensitize the cancer to anti-estrogens again. I'd like to add it to try to prolong the response to Ibrance-Femara, by preventing any cells that have turned on the PI3K pathway from growing and help the drugs work for a bit longer.



    There are many versions of i3c floating around in supplement and nutrition stores- there is a modified version called DIM that is a derivative of i3C. Luce suspects that the DIM form will not work, and that we should look for the pure i3C. If you don't see it locally, there are many on Amazon. Look for one that does not have other add-ins, like resveratrol or flax, etc, just the plain i3c. We do not know how much to take, and have no idea how much is even soluble, but at least it doesn't have toxicity and might help. If anyone else knows about this stuff or a good source for it, please chime in!

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280

    Curi-ous, you hit the jackpot. It's a new hot drug, FDA approved in 2017, that: "Abemaciclib has been shown preclinically to cross the blood-brain barrier."

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Wanted to post my TM results, no idea if this has to do with FenBen protocol, But I can Hope.

    7/2017 cancer found, just a tumor in breast.

    10/2018 1st TM --CA 15-3 19.8 (Nurse said she didn't think markers would work for me.

    1/2019 CA 15-3 50. Cancer now in bones and small lung nodules

    2/2019 CA 15-3 75.8 Onc said this would be baseline.

    (started IV taxol on 2/14/ 2019

    3/2019 CA 15-3 66.5

    (still on taxol and started the FenBen on 5/9/2019

    6/3/ 2019 CA 15-3 22.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow quite a drop

    Like I mentioned, I do not know if tumor markers are accurate for me.

    Also, on June 6, for the first time, I had a CA 125 which was 8

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky congratulations! Those are amazing results! It doesn't matter how you got there...just stay on the protocol till like Joe, you're cancer free!

    I was feeling so lost this morning...you're giving me hope! Thank you

    For those interested in starving cancer cells by reducing our intake of sugar and glutamine, here's some useful information.

    While you'll never be able to eliminate glutamine from your diet, you can, however, eat foods that keep cancer cells from using glutamine. Here's the what, why and how:

    • green tea: contains EGCG, which inhibits an enzyme, glutamate dehydrogenase, that helps cancer cells use glutamine
    • ashwaghanda: contains the enzyme L-asparaginase, which keeps you from digesting glutamine. Make a relaxing tea from it.
    • seeds of fresh peppers: All peppers from the capsicum annum family, including the large sweet bells and many smaller pungent peppers, contain L-asparaginase, especially in their seeds. (If you don't have cancer, however, avoid a steady diet of pepper seeds due to your body's need for glutamine.)

    I'm convinced, based on my shopping choices today, that my Italian cancer cells of course LOVE carbs!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I was listening to a tedtalk lecture today on how to stop angiogenesis and I thought you can all benefit from looking at this chart in view of the use of Vitamin E on the Fenben protocol. As you can see vitamin E and the Curcumin are right up there at the top. Their role is to stop angiogenesis.....and now we know that parsley and berries are as powerful as doxycycline!

    Apparently, I’ve been reading this chart incorrectly and the opposite is true. In that case does anyone know what role the vitamin E and Curcumin play in Joe’s protocol?


    And this is a list of other foods that are known to block angiogenesis. Please note, that there's no mention of cookies, cakes, pies and biscotti! Or pizzas, fried chicken and hamburgers....


    Antiangiogenic potency of vitamin E.

    Miyazawa T1, Tsuzuki T, Nakagawa K, Igarashi M.


    We investigated the antiangiogenic property and mechanism of vitamin E compounds, with particular emphasis on tocotrienol (T3), a natural analogue of tocopherol (Toc). T3 inhibited both the proliferation and tube formation of bovine aortic endothelial cells, with delta-T3 appearing to have the highest activity. delta-T3 also reduced the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-stimulated tube formation by human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Moreover, delta-T3 inhibited the new blood vessel formation on the growing chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (assay for in vivo angiogenesis). Orally administered T3 suppressed the tumor cell-induced angiogenesis in the mouse dorsal air sac assay. In contrast with T3, Toc showed very weak inhibition. Based on DNA microarray analysis, antiangiogenic effect of T3 was attributable in part to regulation of intracellular VEGF signaling (phospholipase C-gamma and protein kinase C). Our findings suggest that T3 has potential as a therapeutic dietary supplement for preventing angiogenic disorders.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Soy beans?? Probably for people without ER+ BC ...right? How much Vitamin E do we need per day to get the benefits against cancer?

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Nicole, You will need to take two GammaE vitamin capsules from life extension a day....not the stuff you find at Costco or GNC, unfortunately, that's useless

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Thanks Frisky...so it's good to take even if I am not on Fenben yet right? so 800 mg a day right?

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Goldie.... Just wanted to let you know that my Pancur arrived from the UK. today. No issues.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    That's what I'm taking Nicole....

    Snookie...why are you importing the fenben?

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Frisky,    Back in May you posted that the price of Fenben had gone up on Amazon.  So I found this site that sells it.  www.bestvetcare.com      It was recommended by the folks on Joe's page.   A real good price.    The  4.5g /3 pack was just 12.2o.   It turns out they are in the UK.   

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Snooky, your results are amazing! Go for it girl!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky that’s a really great deal! I’ll shop from that site when I run out of my stash!

    Keep up the good work...I sense you will be the first one among us to have a successful outcome on Joe’s protocol!

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Anyone in Canada manage to import this successfully? Here in Canada it is a controlled veterinary drug it would seem. At least it was when I got some for my rabbit from the vet last fall.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Bless You Frisky for boosting my confidence.  I sincerely hope that we all respond at about the same time

    Spent the A.M.  at Radiologists getting set up for radiation to start next week on my T10. Doesn't sound like it's going to be too bad.  Just 10 sessions. 

    Today is still a steroid wash out day, so I'm just laying around now.

  • skitzblitz
    skitzblitz Member Posts: 153

    snooky- quick questions? You said you ordered 4.5 grams but the protocol says take one gram. Are you taking the full 4.5 grams?

    The protocol also says take three days and off four days. Are you doing that?

    Do you take anything else besides that, of course minus drugs for the onc.

    I’m working myself up to do this! I’m sure if I have a crappy scan this coming tues. I know just what I’ll do start the protocol. What do I have to loose at this point, eh!

    Thanks for helping!


  • skitzblitz
    skitzblitz Member Posts: 153

    oh me again, sorry guess with this many questions now, it isn’t quick :)

    Do you take Fenben on days you have chemo?


  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hi Sara,   No, I take just 1gram (with coconut oil) three straight days, then no fenben for 4 days.  It' just a lot less expensive to buy the larger packets.  I take the Vit E everyday.   I do not take the theracurmin nor the CBC oil. 

    Best of luck just remember to take the Fenben with some sort of fat.


  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Sara,   No not on chemo days.  But I didn't plan it that way.   I have chemo on Mondays and all the supplies for Joe's protocol arrived on a Thurs so I just started on a Thurs!

    In fact, I'm starting my 5th week tonight.

  • skitzblitz
    skitzblitz Member Posts: 153

    thanks snooky! Keep going and I’m praying for awesome results for you! Sounds good so far!


  • jmouse
    jmouse Member Posts: 51

    Hi all. Thank you for blazing trails and sharing your insights.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Hi all, I have some excellent news...

    for those of you interested in trying the Jane Mc Kelland protocol, in the event the FNBZ doesn't work, there's a group of doctors willing to prescribe the off label drugs necessary to fight cancer.

    Their web site is: https://careoncology.com/

    Needless to say, this risolve the stress of finding and convincing doctors that know nothing about the use of repurposing drugs to fight cancer.

    Instead, these doctors are aware and know all about the Jane's protocol and breast cancer in particular. No need to educate them. Yeahhhhh!!.

    Joe also recommends this video https://youtu.be/jjj0xVM4x1I Which is an amazing look at the mechanism of healing! Bruce Lipton is a genius!