Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    good morning to you all, and thank you for your support regarding my Pet scan this afternoon. Last night I didn't sleep well, I had forgotten to take the melatonin, and around 4am when I remembered, it was too late...luckily I don't have to be anywhere till 2.30 pm...I got time to chill before the test. I'm surprisingly in a zen zone. Kind of in the middle of the road, emotional state. Of course, news of progression would be devastating, but not exactly unexpected...

    I had time, as I tossed and turned, to think about the possible results and decided that if there's progression, I will simply double the FZ and take it 5 days a week, and see if it makes any difference....I will also add the CBD oil...I also decided that If God's grants me a healing, I will move back home, close to my family, and I will spend the rest of my days saving the lives of cancer patients by making them aware of this protocol. God bless that man for sharing his story and helping saving lives.

    Goldie, sorry to read about the Fup that's preventing your trip, I hope it gets resolved quickly and successfully, and that taking the FZ brings you renewed healing.

    Snooky ma you remain focused and get all your questions answered at today's appointment.

    I find it always illuminating to reread Joe's blog, I realize there's so much I missed in my prior readings....

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I'm in the waiting room at MSK, rereading Joe's blog and I picked up on something that recurs throughout his story, but that I been neglecting for some reason.

    Joe is a big believer in positive thinking, and till I was diagnosed with cancer so was I. My whole long career is a testament and the result of that philosophy, and yet, I've been unable to truly apply it to my healing.

    It's so easy for me to have a positive intuition about your results, but for some reason I continue to be in a neutral zone about mine...fear of being disappointed perhaps?

    Hummm...this will require some self analysis....

    Okay I think I got it....maybe, my core belief is still being affected by all the statistics I study in relation to survival for stage four...I will go on a restricted diet of that type of news and see if my outlook changes...

    Santa is right...I need REFRAMING.....I can do it!

    Thank you for your kind thoughts dear Husband ...

    sitting in the big chair now waiting for the bottle of flavored ice tea to arrive...nurse is kind and generous...all is well...

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Maybe you can reframe it... because I see positivity... you are being proactive, you are fighting to live, you are fighting to cure your cancer: how hopeful is that?? Very positive thinking and ACTION too.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    You are in my thoughts and prayers Frisky.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Frisky: positivism ... it's so stressful sometimes 😁 The important thing is that you are doing what you have to do! You are in my thoughts today!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thank you Sonia...it's funny...all these lovely messages arriving while I'm right here make me feel as if you're in the room with me...I'm so lucky to have so many good friends! Thank you for this joyous moment...


    A success story related to MBC and the need to increase the dose when the results are mixed: We also have a breast cancer lady who has been getting progressively worse for 3 years. Tried to get her on Panacur a year ago. After her last chemo, she was told the cancer had spread to her liver, lymph nodes, and bones. So now she was ready to try Panacur(why do people wait until NOTHING else works). Anyway, after first 10 week treatment, the cancer in her bones was gone but the liver cancer had grown. She was disappointed(I was elated). It took some encouragement but we got her to go on a daily treatment instead of 3 days on and 4 days off. 6 weeks later the liver cancer is 80% shrunk. We are getting there.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    That is a great story about a breast cancer patient. Very encouraging to hear something positive about a disease that seems to have such specific treatments for its various forms.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Yes, I read that ... it's an incredible testimony. I love your idea of helping other people when you're healed, I also want to do it. It is a human duty

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Frisky, I have been dealing with this for 11 years now. I used to get upset and cry for days when my TM's would go up. I have decided that no matter how I react, it's not going to change things, except for the depression not being good for us. SOOOOOO, I choose to live and be positive. It's hard not to go down that rabbit hole, I know, as we all do. Another thing that keeps me going, are children that have to deal with cancer, the young women here with small children. They may not get to live to be my age, so I feel as though I have to be thankful for what I have had, and what I will continue to have. It's all in God's will.

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    yes Goldie. When I feel for myself I think of children with cancer or other terrible diseases and think how lucky I have been.

    Frisky , being positive does not mean thinking that your results will be good now. Being positive mean feeling that you will be fine no matter what.

    Sending you good vibes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Well I think most of you all know of the issues my poor DD has been going through. Well, the last time she was in MI. at her dads, she told me she had went into the bedroom for something and woke up on the floor. Told her she needed to let the doctors know that. Well today, she went out to take care of some business, in her dads "newer" truck, was close to home, maybe 5 miles and he lives out in the country. Well, she passed out again and hit a tree. Thank God she wasn't in busy traffic, in the city and maybe something fatal! She has an appt. tomorrow with her primary in MI, but I'm sure it will involve a referral to a neurologist. She is scheduled to have surgery Thursday, removing the tumor from her kidney, which they do think is cancer and then have the fibroids removed from her uterus.

    My heart is breaking!

    She is ok, but very shaken/scared and doesn't know why this is happening to her.

    I know this is off topic, and I apologize for that. Just needed to talk, I guess......or type!




  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Oh Goldie...I'm so sorry to read about your daughter's accident and uncertain predicament. I will be thinking about you and her when I pray tonight. May you find the clarity you seek as you look deeper into her condition and may you both experience a profound healing.

    This might not be the right time, but have you considered asking your daughter to take the FZ....that might be exactly what she needs while you wait for answers. Don't forget, FZ works well with conventional therapies and all sorts of cancers. Dramatic results have been documented.

    I'm back to my home base now..glad that today is almost over...I'm exhausted. The heat didn't help. It's in the 90s right now. M next appointment is on the 9th. I truly hope they don't make me wait that long for the results

    Found a very important update on Joe's blog

    Thursday, June 27-

    Dosage and the Liver

    I think it is time to discuss and deal with the growing concern that 222mg of Fenbendazole could seriously damage the liver. This concern seems to take on a life of its own as non-scientists try to decipher anything and everything they seem to find on the internet. Once again, I am not a doctor and I am not a scientist. BUT, I have done about as much research as any non-scientist could possibly perform and this is what I believe to be the truth:

    1. First of all, the original research that concluded Fenbendazole could possibly cause liver problems was, in my opinion, a bogus study and conclusion. Why? Because the dosages in mice and birds used to come to that conclusion were approximately 100x in equivalency.

    It is funny to me, in the internet rumor mill, how one tiny piece of information can be blown into full-on panic and concern.

    2. There is subsequent research on Fenbendazole (see below) and the Johns Hopkins human clinical trials ongoing on the sister drug Mebendazole. In both cases, MUCH HIGHER doses than I am recommending were shown to be safe taken long term. I will be interested to see the different trial results, but in one trial, they are dosing 500mg, 3x a day for a total of 1,500mg per day. In my non-scientist mind, they wouldn't even attempt 1,500mg per day if they didn't believe that might be at the edge of the margin of safety. Nevertheless, compared to 222mg/day, it is "my opinion" that the safety should be clear to even a non-scientist. I have read that the scientists at JHU believe 300mg per day long term is safe.

    In addition....

    As hundreds of people have now taken this drug for extended periods of time, we have learned a lot that I can now pass on.

    A. "Many people, to my surprise and without my knowledge, have chosen to self dose at much higher levels than I originally recommended, not only in mg/day but also in number of consecutive days. I love it that people can be so brave and bold as to experiment with their own bodies, but it shows you that when people are given "no hope" by traditional methods, their risk tolerance somehow takes a huge leap of faith. And these people that self dosed at much higher levels have shown amazing results, while not reporting any additional or unusual side effects"

    B. Most people are now jumpstarting the process with 7 days a week for the first 2-4 weeks, while a few people have jumpstarted with 7 days a week long term. None of those people have reported any new or unusual or added side-effects.

    C. Many people are self administering at higher than 222mg per day, and to my knowledge, none of those people have reported any new or unusual or added side effects.

    D. There have been a few people report elevated liver enzymes, so everyone needs to decide for themselves their dosage increases over the original recommendation, and everyone needs to decide for themselves the level of increased blood work for peace of mind.

    With my usual disclaimer of "I am not a scientist or doctor", I believe it is time for me to state the following:

    Many people have successfully jumpstarted for 3 weeks at 7 days a week, and many people have successfully increased the daily intake from 222mg to 2x, 3x and 4d that level. While I am not recommending any specific "higher dosage", I think the evidence from many people indicates each individual should make their own decision on higher dosages and consider what is best for them. At the end of the day, I believe it is what each individual can tolerate, but I believe most people can probably tolerate more than 222mg 3 days a week.

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    Goldie , I wish you and her to find an answer to it and it being something that could be sorted relatively easy , hugs

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Oh Goldie, thank God she is fine! I hope doctors can find the cause of those fainting soon. I am very sorry that you and your DD are going through all this! I will pray for her on Thursday! HUGS

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Thank you ladies!

    WTF, just took my first FZ in 2 months, been feeling good, temp is 100??

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    that's freakin weird Goldie...could it be a contaminated product? You know how, sometimes, you read about bad contaminated medications that are manufactured in India and China?

    Try to buy it from Amazon, a different packaging maybe?

    ..it would be too sad if it turns outyou're allergic to it...

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Some mentioned the fever in the Facebook group. Others mentioned diarrhea, or runny nose, also stomach upset and headaches ...

    I guess it will be related to the immune system and die off?

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Frisky , being positive does not mean thinking that your results will be good now. Being positive mean feeling that you will be fine no matter what.wrote today Anotherone.

    Thank you for this wise perspective....I totally get what you mean

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Goldie, So sorry about your daughter and my heart goes out to you both. I pray you get answers on her medical situation soon!

    The fever...so strange....

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Sonia I think you’re on to something....because that’s exactly what happens when people fight a Candida infection...the die off causes disturbing SE....the problem is that we’re taking little amounts of medication and Goldie has just started taking it again....it’s weird...

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,938

    Hey, y'all, DailyMail has a story up about re-purposing drugs:


    mostly metformin (which I'd wait to add when the cancer becomes resistant to endocrine therapy) but they mention McLelland's book etc

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hi gang, Sorry I did not join in yesterdays positive posts. I didn't want to mess with all the positive vibes that I could feel coming from you guys. Was bit down from ONC visit which I'll explain later.

    Came on to ask Goldie a question....Are you using the Fenben that we ordered from the UK? or are you using the one from Amazon, or the one's that you mentioned you brought from the Farm/Home/Trucker supply store?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Still running a fever, sometimes as high as 103, but generally 100-101. I mean from just one dose? Or is it because I quit the antibiotic and it was't the right one, so they have to find another one? Or is it a combination of the FZ and antibiotic.

    DD's primary sent her to ER, they said they want to keep her overnight to run tests and see if she can still have surgery on Thursday. They are thinking they want her to wear a heart monitor. They have already done labs, but no results on those yet.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Goldie, I hope they play it safe, and rule out what the fainting is all about before proceeding with the operation. Keep on eye on your fever...that's a really weird SE

    I'm just about returning to the world of the living after passing out since six PM last night I was soooos tiredddd...I was still faint this morning like I was about to pass out. Managed to make myself a plate of raw vegetables for breakfast and then proceeded to slowly take my various supplements, including one of those massive iron pills.

    I just doubled my intake of FZ and started my maitake 4x extract full of beta glucans. I'm starting with 2 full droppers straight in my mouth. It taste like molasses but an added benefit, it lowers blood sugar levels, which I appreciate.Now I'm finally starting to feel better, but I'm still in bed.

    Tomorrow morning I'm going back to the country, but not the Berkshires, my little cabin in the Catskills Park where I will breathe some clean air, and eat wholesome foods. I plan on working on my book and if the insects allow, will takelong walks on country roads....

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Goldie: I keep your daughter in my prayers.

    Damn persistent fever ... maybe it will go down in a couple of days if you continue with the protocol ...

    Dead cancer cells release viruses, it could be your immune system fighting them.

    The only thing I know against viruses is colloidal silver and lysine...

    I know, too many things to take... I just mention it. It's all so overwhelming ...

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Another loose thought: if you have developed resistance to antibiotics, perhaps a massive dose of iodine can kill those bacteria...

  • Okiemomof4
    Okiemomof4 Member Posts: 10

    Hi ladies,

    Just a word of encouragement for you. I had my 6 month check up with my MO today. I asked him about taking milk thistle. He was fine with it. He then said, “ You can take the dog wormer if you want.” I told him that my husband worked with Joe at one point. My MO asked if I thought Joe’s response was real. I told him that I believed it was as Joe was truly a walking skeleton and on death’s door before he started it. Then, my MO said that there is science behind it as they used to give a drug ( I can’t remember the name) for colon cancer that was a dog wormer. My MO says he has several patients taking Joe’s protocol and he is fine with them doing so

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Frisky: I think I'll start taking FZ every day. My pathology came back with not very good news, 4 of my 8 nodes still had cancer after the chemo so I guess if there was something else in my body, it's still there ...

    I wish you enjoy nature and write beautiful!

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    If you have nothing against vitamin C, take one with the maitake. It is supposed to enhance the maitake's effectiveness.

    I take 10 drops of maitake whenever I feel a cold coming on. I even have my mom into it. She keeps a bottle for when she feels like she is coming down with something. Somewhere, I read that vitamin C enhances its effectiveness, a reference to that escapes me.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    yes, husband thank you for that suggestion! Took vitamin C with my iron to make that absorbable...will continue when I take the Maitake again tonight.

    I took a bunch of supplements and I'm back from the walking dead to sitting among the living....I feel like one of those drooping plants that revives after being watered.

    Sonia, sorry to hear about those nodes. I think it's a good idea to increase the dose, as Joe explained, no matter how much we take it's nothing in comparison to the amount doctors prescribe. I will take 2g 4 times @ week....increase to 7 days in a month. I sense that the right dose will produce results. Go for it and heal what's left pronto!

    Okiemom, thank you for the encouragement....it will help people sitting on the fence that need a doctor's approval before they can get going. It will save lives